Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2392: 2392

Chapter 2392: 2392

The process of the operation is anxious . Feifei"s injury looks very serious . In fact, it"s only skin injury . Meow"s injury is really worrying . The doctor can"t guarantee that meow will survive . Even if the operation is completed, it will take a day or several days to get out of danger . He has come up with all the methods he can think of, the special medicine of the new era, China"s Secret Chinese medicine, In addition, the doctor"s extraordinary surgical operation combined to save meow from dying . Zhang Xiaoqiang was anxious and had no way .

With a bandage wrapped around her face and only one eye exposed, Zhang Xiaoqiang takes a deep breath and walks away with heavy steps . Soldiers look at Zhang Xiaoqiang with numbness and emptiness . Many of them are even the elite of the first regiment .

Zhang Xiaoqiang had been to the wounded camp before . At that time, every wounded soldier, no matter how seriously injured, would signal to Zhang Xiaoqiang with enthusiasm and full spirit . But now, these soldiers are like empty sh.e.l.ls without soul . Looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang without fluctuation, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t blame these soldiers . It"s a kind of luck to survive in a desperate battle, And they can"t see the hope of victory . The soldiers without victory are just empty sh.e.l.ls . However, compared with the local soldiers, Chinese soldiers have at least a chance to return to China by transport ship .

For some reason, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not dare to look into the eyes of these soldiers . There was a dull thunder like explosion of sh.e.l.ls . It was like a drum beating against her heart . With only one eye exposed, she held Zhang Xiaoqiang"s skirt tightly with her little hand and put her head close to his heart . She did not want to make eye contact with the soldiers and looked at little Lori in her arms, Holding little Lori"s hand covered with withered blood painfully, he just walked out of the hospital . The scene of groaning all over the ground made Zhang Xiaoqiang have to put his eyes on the sky, but he saw a high-speed flying kite Eagle airship flying to the battlefield .

Seeing this empty boat, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart sank . Yaoying"s empty boat doesn"t have much combat power . Airborne weapons are mainly used for defense . In addition to a small number of air-to-air missiles, it only has the function of carrying supernova bombs . Once Yaoying is touched, it means that the front line will encounter an irresistible giant mutant beast, This mutant animal is one of the more than 1000 level 5 mutant animals that landed .

Level 5 mutants are not easy to kill . Even if they are hit by 100 missiles, they are not necessarily safe . The only way is to use laser main guns for long-term lock-in attack, or use large supernova bombs for destructive bombing . However, these bombs are not cheap, and there is not much stock in the new era headquarters . On the contrary, there are many small and medium-sized supernova bombs, But it doesn"t have much effect on level five mutant animals .

Looking at the dark harrier hawk flying to the battlefield with a large supernova bomb, Zhang Xiaoqiang came to the edge of the camp, which is his residence and one of the highest places . He watched the huge blue light rising in the distance to make the dark sky shine, and the dreamlike blue light gradually faded, There was a noise of spiral blades in the sky . There were three helicopters in a group and seven groups in a row flying over the sky . There were various kinds of helicopters, including two groups of mi-28n armed helicopters at the beginning, followed by Australian tiger helicopters, followed by Ka 52, Zhi 10, shark hunting and mourners . These helicopters were all dressed up and went to the battlefield, After these helicopters flew by, another group of transport support helicopters flew by . These more transport helicopters were responsible for transporting materials and rescuing the wounded . Seeing these helicopters, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt desperate again . Every time these helicopters appeared, it meant heavy casualties of Chinese troops .

The 30000 Chinese troops are all the same evolutionists, equipped with the best weapons and armor . Each of them has a thunderstorm rifle, almost unlimited ammunition, and protective leather armour tanned by highly mutated animal skins . It"s hard for ordinary sea people to hurt them . Zhang Xiaoqiang once planned that in case of the loss of Australia, the survivors could ignore it first, and the expeditionary army must withdraw, They are the absolute force to guard China in the future . Judging from the scale of helicopter deployment, he doesn"t know whether the front-line casualties are 1000 or 10000 .

At this time, Huang Quan, the field commander, rushed up the hillside to find him and said, "there is a high-level fleet of Hai nationality aircrafts on the front line . At least 50 six armed snake girls are out, and the second brigade has more than half of the casualties . I have ordered the Third Brigade to go up for support, but the third brigade suffered heavy damage only three days ago . Do you want the fourth and fifth brigades of the reserve not to send them up?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang organized an expeditionary force of 30000 people into five temporary brigades, each of which has just 6000 people . These days, the main battle teams are the 123 brigades . They appear in the most dangerous areas like fire brigade, and the three brigades are the ones with the heaviest casualties . Huang Quan"s anxious voice reverberates in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ears, but Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at the sky as if he is deaf, Huang Quan was almost inflamed . The second brigade suffered more than half of the casualties, and the optimistic estimate was that only a little more than 3000 people were left . Originally, Huang Quan had been on the front line for a week . This was a week without sleep . Every time the temporary brigade commander complained to the rear, he was crying . The third brigade was not much better than the second brigade . Except the dead and injured, the total number was only 4000, The first brigade has the elite of the first regiment . Xiaoshan"s independent regiment is first-cla.s.s in China . The loss is not too big, but they have the longest fighting time . Even the iron man can"t bear it . The daily fighting is at least double-digit, sometimes even triple-digit . They are all elites of the army . Every army in China is a strong force sweeping one side . Huang Quan didn"t want to watch them fall on the barren land of Australia . After looking at the sky for a long time, Zhang Xiaoqiang said: "let Xuefeng send the last zombie troops, equip all the small supernova bombs for the zombies, and strive for time for the second brigade to rest on the spot, If they can"t withdraw, the battle will be more cruel . We can"t hold on, and the Hai people may not be able to survive . New blood flowers will be in full bloom, and the sun bamboo will grow again . Every day, thousands of thunderstorm rifles will be sent to us . This time, I"m going to let 100000 troops become progressives, and I believe we will be much better . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s orders were not respected by Huang Quan . During this period, Huang Quan was under more pressure than Zhang Xiaoqiang . In order to eliminate the mutant animals and the high-level sea people, Zhang Xiaoqiang had to go out every day . The whole front command depended on Huang Quan . Looking at the heavy casualty reports and the number of positions lost every day, Huang Quan also reached the limit .

"We can"t go on fighting like this . It"s a crime for us to let the untrained supplement soldiers go to the front line, and they can"t hold on for a day . Today, they lost more than 3000 people . They were even killed without even seeing what the sea clan leader was doing . Counting the casualties of the second brigade, the total number of casualties today will reach 7000, and maybe more tomorrow . It"s meaningless to do so, There"s no need to let the supplementary soldiers go up any more . "

Looking at the mountain like corpses on the huge square at the foot of the mountain, Huang Quan said painfully that most of these people went to the front line under his command and died in the ice spear water line all over the sky . The ice spear of the Hai nationality is very vicious . Once it hits the human body, it will crack and expand the wound like a blossom bullet . The cold air contained in the ice spear will also freeze the wound to death, As long as injured, there are few people who are not disabled .

Zhang Xiaoqiang slowly turned around and gazed at the haggard old man"s yellow spring . In the dim light, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the white hair on the temples of the yellow spring, and the red and b.l.o.o.d.y eyes . The depression in his heart made him want to scold and vent . He moved his mouth . Zhang Xiaoqiang still didn"t speak and slapped Huang Quan"s shoulder heavily, Looking at Huang Quan"s pleading eyes, Zhang Xiaoqiang said: "we don"t have many means and cards, so we can only insist . You can see the appearance of Fei Fei and the endless meow . Every one of us is fighting with all our strength . We will die and get hurt, except our flesh and blood, We have nothing else . They have no right to ask us to fight, but they hide behind and wait to be redeemed . They can only redeem themselves . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang refuses Huang Quan"s request . Huang Quan looks at Zhang Xiaoqiang with melancholy eyes, and then looks at Fei Fei who is leaning against Zhang Xiaoqiang"s arms and only shows one eye . He salutes Zhang Xiaoqiang in silence and walks down the mountain with faltering steps . Zhang Xiaoqiang looks up to the sky again and feels tired Fei sleeping in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s arms, But missed the huge object in the sky, which is a giant flying object in the shape of a paG.o.da .

Zhang Xiaoqiang can see clearly when the aircraft is still tens of kilometers away, but he is afraid of his own eyes, and has been standing in the same place looking at the sky . This may be the only good news in recent years . China"s self built air frigate finally flew into the far sky . Although 60% of the parts of this frigate are provided by the new era, Zhang Xiaoqiang believes that, Even ten new era frigates may not be domestic rivals .

The sh.e.l.l material used in the new era air frigates is quite excellent . It is an unknowable biomaterial . It has excellent extension effect in the drastic change of temperature difference . At the same time, it has the protective hardness of metal material . It has stealth ability . However, compared with the domestic one, it is far inferior . The warship sh.e.l.l catalyzed by meteorite can be said to be the best known material, Even if it is used as a rocket nozzle, there is no problem . The frigate made in the new era is equivalent to a cruiser . The domestic frigate is far more powerful than the domestic frigate in terms of laser main gun, self-protection and engine power .

The whole of China has paid a huge price for this domestic frigate, but Xiao Lang and his heterogeneous ability team have paid the most . The geometric growth of the number of evolutors has increased the probability of the emergence of heterogeneous ability . Scientific evolutors, mechanical optimization evolutors and material optimization evolutors all have no combat ability, But in one aspect, the super baby is the top R & D team .

During the full-scale operation of the team, the overall efficiency of the frigate is different from that of the prototype . Even if the score of the sh.e.l.l material is not included, it is also much higher than that of the prototype . The sh.e.l.l that can only be sawed with serrated knife is basically ineffective under the attack of known conventional thermal weapons, and most missiles are not very effective, I"m afraid the only one that can cause damage is the main laser gun .

I thought it would take at least a month for the frigate to fly into the sky . I didn"t expect that it would be built so soon, and he was surprised by the rear . Seeing the frigate, Zhang Xiaoqiang changed her posture so that her heart wouldn"t wake her up . Zhang Xiaoqiang seems to see the future, Numerous frigates rose into the sky to fight back against the sea people .

The ancient mountain town in the past has become an ancient tree in the mountains . The ancient tree with two meteorite fragments has grown to an unimaginable level . The height is not much, but the trunk is nearly 1000 meters thick and thin . The huge tree crown is more than 100 times, and the number of paG.o.da fruits is less . There are only 12 left, and each fruit is no longer the shape of the paG.o.da, Like bamboo steel whips piercing the sky, each of these bamboo steel whips is 60 meters thick and 70 meters thin, and the height is ten times the width . If it can be transformed into a s.p.a.ceship, each one will be five times as long as an active frigate, but it will be very difficult to cut it down . Even the serrated knife will not work, and the green gla.s.s sh.e.l.l may not be damaged even by the main laser gun, The only feasible way is to use water to sharpen our efforts and water cutting method to linger day and night . Maybe it will take three years for us to cut 12 pieces of this precious s.p.a.cecraft material without damage . For Zhang Xiaoqiang, one year can afford to wait . After one year, the spare parts and materials will be able to build a new air ship . Considering the huge s.p.a.ce inside the ship, the strong hull and the weight several times lighter than that of an ordinary frigate, it may be possible for him to fly out of the earth . If it can be proved that the hull materials are not damaged in outer s.p.a.ce, Maybe the human race can survive even if it is defeated .

The huge frigate slowly landed in the middle of the material transfer center specially reserved for the transport ship . Before opening the hatch, Zhang Xiaoqiang and Huang Quan stood at the airport and met the frigate with Huang Quan . They were still wondering who the captain of the frigate was? Soon the result came out . The first one who came out was the peak of high spirited military uniform . Compared with Zhang Xiaoqiang and Huang Quan, the peak of clean clothes had more military style . Huang Quan and Zhang Xiaoqiang were like two refugees, with a sigh of beard, a wrinkle of collar, and a large amount of blood stains and gunpowder oil stains on Zhang Xiaoqiang"s face .

Gao Feng"s face was excited . As soon as he came down, he was. .h.i.t by a blow from Huang Quan and yelled: "look at you, you"re a sc.u.mbag . Aren"t you a navy commander? How can we go to the sky? Isn"t Huang Tingwei jealous? "

Gao Feng gave a bitter smile . Like Huang Quan nodded, he solemnly saluted Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang returned the salute . After the salute, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw Li Zhongyue, Xi"er, Ning brothers, Chen Yu and others walking down from the frigate . They were slightly stunned . Aren"t they the escort on the transport ship? Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang"s surprise, Gao Feng said with a wry smile: "Aolong frigate needs more warship personnel than frigate and transport ships combined . It uses algal fuel to save a lot of oil s.p.a.ce and has more equipment . So half of the crew of transport ships are deployed . Now transport ships are temporarily transporting materials under the protection of frigates, Huang Tingwei is very resentful . "

After listening to Gao Feng"s words, Zhang Xiaoqiang understood what was going on . This frigate named Aolong has several times more combat power than a frigate . It also uses red algae as fuel . The efficiency of red algae is hundreds of times higher than that of ordinary fuel . Therefore, a lot of oil depot s.p.a.ce is saved during construction, resulting in increased firepower and additional ancillary equipment . Its biggest feature is its air and land delivery capability, It can carry 10 hawk boats, 10 Type 98 tanks, 20 UAVs, and a whole regiment of Marines . Its endurance can reach 45 days . If the personnel rest and equipment maintenance are not included, its endurance can be tripled to 90 days .

There is no difference between one frigate and two frigates in the current war . Aolong frigate"s combat effectiveness is three times that of ordinary frigates . Naturally, Huang Tingwei is not required to stay in the battlefield . This is Huang Tingwei"s recognition of Aolong frigate . After a large number of crew members have been deployed, The strength of frigates and transport ships will be reduced, so the safety of two ships working together will be greater .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, I finally see you . I"m still at ease with you . I can"t sleep well in Hunan one day . . . " Mo Shaoyun pushes away the evolutionists who are in the way and rushes to Zhang Xiaoqiang . He interrupts Zhang Xiaoqiang and Gao Feng"s speech . Seeing Mo Shaoyun with a lot of plump cheeks, Zhang Xiaoqiang is moved . Here are all old acquaintances from Shanghai, Xi"er, Ning brothers, Chen Yu and Mo Shaoyun . He didn"t expect to get their help in the most difficult time in Australia, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt confident again and continued to fight< br>