Arabic Authors

Chapter 17

=From The Cingalese=.

1. Yakkun Nattannawa and Kolan Nattannawa, two Cingalese poems.

=From the Coptic=.

1. The Apostolic Const.i.tutions, or Canons of the Apostles.

=From the Ethiopic=.

1. The Didascalia, or Apostolical Const.i.tutions of the Abyssinian Church.

=From the Hebrew=.

1. The Chronicles of Rabbi Joseph Ben Joshua Ben Meir.

=From the Hindustani=.

1. Les Aventures de Kamrup.

=From the Malay=.

1. Memoirs of a Malayan Family.

=From the Maghadi=.

1. The Kalpa Sutra and Nava Tatva. Two works ill.u.s.trative of the Jain Religion and Philosophy.

=From the Syriac=.

1. Spicilegium Syriac.u.m; containing remains of Bardesan, Meliton, Ambrose, and Mara Bar Serapion.


1. Miscellaneous Translations, two volumes, 1831-34.

2. Translations from the Chinese and Armenian.

3. A Description of the Burmese Empire.

4. Essay on the Architecture of the Hindus.

5. Histoire de la Litterature Hindoui et Hindustani.

6. Biographical Notices of Persian Poets.

7. The Poems of the Huzailis, edited in Arabic.