
Chapter 140

"Okay.... Ready....." She notified me, by the sound of her voice she sounded a little nervous reaching into her pouch she has attached on the back of her waist pulling out small stick. "Get ready for h.e.l.l" she warned as she stabbed it into the ground making it shoot something into the sky, like a firework a large amber flash shone bright in the darkness.

As she predicted..... A G.o.d d.a.m.n ridiculous amount of silver haired pitch black skinned Elves turned around to see the source of the light..... And then looked down towards us, the amber flare illuminating us in the darkness.

Utterly silent a wicked cruel smile crept on their lips knowing fully well we were sitting ducks. "Stay close...." She whispered to me and began getting ready for a fight making the Dark Elves smile even more wickedly with a hint of excitement. Grace wasn"t wrong... the sight of their weaponry filled my body with fear every piece of weaponry they wielded were filled with serrated blades and spikes designed to mutilate and maim bodies.

"Icio-igna!" I shouted popping off a firebolt into a Dark Elf wielding two dagger.

"Nice shot!" Yuna smiled reaching into her bag and threw something into another Dark Elf silencing him instantly.

"Are you sure this was a good idea?...." I asked noticing they were slowly surrounding us smiling like demented predators trapping their prey.

"Not gonna lie.... right now..... I kinda regret it but we"re in the thick of it now." She replied stepping into a Dark Elf that challenged us weaving though his attacks and landing a devastating two punch the second punch hit him with enough for to send him off his feet.

"Icio-igna" I blasted a firebolt into the face of another that tried to take the opportunity to impale Yuna in the back with a serrated spear.

"Behind you!!!" Yuna yelled pulling me back narrowly avoiding a slash from a serrated blade. "F--- OFF!" yelled landing a huge kick into his torso... the impact of the kick psychically distorting his body along with the sounds of his rib cage cracking. "Back to back!! Less openings." she ordered throwing her back onto mine.

"Fulgeo-Igna." I held out my wand blasting a scorch ray through at least six of them, while Yuna deflected a spear thrust pulling the Dark Elf closer to her and with a devastating hook absolutely destroyed the Dark Elfs face dropping him to the ground lifeless.

"Stupid weapons..." She cursed her hand bleeding from the serrated blades and spikes that dotted the whole shaft of the spear. "I"ll be right back." she shouted rolling forward to grab the spear and quickly thrusting it through the skull of another Dark Elf and retreating back behind me.

"Orbis-Igna!" I yelled countering the attack of three Dark Elves that tried to simultaneously jump at me, straight into an orb of fire incinerating half their bodies to ash.

"b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l... you"re good for a first year." Yuna shouted.

A searing pain shot through my forearm several punctures in a second flooding my wand arm in intense pain. "F---" I yelled in pain staring at a serrated spike whip embedded deep into my wand arm forcing me to drop my wand.

"c.r.a.p!" Yuna yelled taking a quick thrust at the lady holding the whip but her attack was parried with a sword by another neighbouring female Dark Elf.

Without mercy the whip holding Dark Elf yanked the chain forcing me out of position immobilizing my arm with unbelievable pain the blades of the whip tearing itself deeper and deeper into my forearm.

"S---" Yuna yelled launching the spear like a Javelin into the whip holding woman. Without mercy or remorse she casually pulled a Dark Elf male in front of her taking the spear through the head and tossing him aside.

Trying to free me from the whip Yuna went on the offensive throwing out attacks at the both of them but being two against one they easily parried and dodged her blows. Out of nowhere bright yellow lights began swirling around the Dark Elf woman holding the whip causing all three of them to back up in shock, suddenly a bright yellow beam shot up from the floor, the Dark Elf woman screamed in pain the sound and smell of her flesh burning slowly. Taking the opportunity of shock Yuna quickly kicked the other snapping her knee and finishing her off with a hook cracking the Dark Elf"s head and gabbing one of the swords and sundered the whip to free me.

"We need to go now!" Yunna yelled wrapping the rest of the chain over the parts already embedded in my arms.

Large echoes erupted form the city in quick succession and within seconds large humongous explosions detonated like mortar, devastating large numbers of Dark Elves sending bodies and body parts flying through the air.

"They"re making a path!!!" Yuna yelled making a run to the city running head first into the few remaining dark elves between us and the cleared path. Moments before we collided with them a large blue ball of fire and a hail of concentrated arrows exploded and rained down on the remaining Dark Elves that blocked our path. "Thank the G.o.ds...." Yuna yelled... "Emilia it"s time!!!" She turned to me and smiled.

"What???" I looked at her in shock unable to slow myself down.

"Hold on tight and prepare for an impact." She quickly ordered me grabbing me by the scruff of my robe, with a loud roar she spun her body lifting me off the floor sending me hurtling to the city.

"Nooooo..." I screamed to Yuna as I flew through the sky the cleared path already filling with more Dark Elves by the second. I closed my eyes bracing for impact as the ground neared. My body crashed with a hard thud onto something softer than normal ground cushioning my fall, but still wracked my entire body in intense pain.

"Quickly Bring her in!!!!" A manly voice yelled coupled with the feeling of my body getting dragged somewhere.

"Close the gate!!!" Another voice yelled.

"Wait we have another still out there..." Another voice yelled out.

"We can"t let them breach the gate!!!" Someone argued.

"Give me a G.o.d d.a.m.n MINUTE someone yelled.

"F---!!!!!!.... You and you!! Hold the left and right flanks! We"ll buy you as much time as we can." A man yelled.

Everything was such a blur.... literally immobilised by the pain surging all throughout my body.... "Sven you need to b.l.o.o.d.y hurry up right this second I"m losing my shot!!!" a woman yelled.

"MAKING ME PANIC IS NOT HELPING!!!!" He yelled back.

"NO F---ing joke this is the very last second!!!" The female voice yelled.

"OKAY!!! Make the shot!!!" Sven instantly yelled and a gunshot quickly followed.

"This better b.l.o.o.d.y work!!" The female voice muttered.

"I"ve got her!!!" He yelled as the sounds of strings tw.a.n.ged and the sound of a tumbling body landed nearby.

"SEAL THE GATE FALL BACK!" A manly voice yelled out above the ruckus, followed up with the sound of a large closing gate.

"DAISY!!! We need you down here!!!" Sven yelled.

"On my way!!!" The familiar voice yelled back.

"Emilia?..." Sven called out to me.

"Is that you Sven?.." I coughed struggling to breathe from all the pain.

"Everything is going to be okay...." Daisy spoke to me softly as all the pain in my body slowly faded and I could finally breathe without pain.... and my vision cleared.

"Thank Serra you made it back…. This will hurt…..." She warned but gave me little time to ready myself, ripping off the chain imbedded in my arm making me scream out in pain. "I"ve got you." She smiled with the feeling of her hand holding my forearm smoothing the pain almost instantly.

"There"s one more here Daisy....." Sven requested undoing his threads and unwrapping a mummified body revealing Yuna the side of her torso impaled with a harpoon.

"This is gonna hurt...." He said sitting her up.

"Do it." She closed her eyes bracing herself, with a firm grip Sven yanked the harpoon from her torso making Yuna scream and curl in pain.

Daisy quickly placed her hand over the wound and began glowing quickly, sealing the bleed and healing the wound as it nothing happened at all.

"Thanks." She nodded to Daisy.... "You could have at least shot me in the shoulder... Priscilla…." Yuna suggested.

"I would have if Sven took his sweet time preparing his strings...." Priscilla argued.

"Yeah… blame me….. Like what I just did wasn"t like a b.l.o.o.d.y miracle" Sven laughed.

"Nevertheless thanks for the save.... I owe you a meal." Yuna smiled.

"Thank you guard captain." Sven stood up shaking hands with an old man in dressed in ornate silver armour.

"Did Emilia make it?..." Yuna asked.

"You mean the girl your threw?... yeah she"s over there..." Priscilla smiled pointing at me.

"Ohh thank the G.o.ds....." Yuna thanked and ran towards me.... "Quickly we need to finish off your mission or all of this would be in vain." She ordered.

Being lost in the moment I totally forgot the orders Paul gave me earlier..."F--- we need to move!!" I quickly re-centered myself.