As the Result of I, a Former Eighth Grader Syndrome Patient, Took Advantage of Psychology Effect, Somehow I Ended up Having to Conclude an Agreement with the School's First Beauty

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Okay, everyone. This is chapter 2. I don"t know if i can post it weekly or by scheduled time as my school project has piled up, but I will try my best to post at least 1 chap per two weeks.Enjoy

Manyfreshmen walked through in the cherry blossoms tunnel. They wore their brandnew school uniform. There were the ones who shook the flower’s petal off theirshoulders, and somehow there were many people in front of the bulletin board.

“Uwaa-  So Minase-san is in Cla.s.s 2…. What’s the funif I go to the school then!?” (Student A)

 “Yesssss! I am in the same cla.s.s withMinase-san! Mom! Thanks for giving birth to me!!”(Student B)

“Hanagasaki-sanis in the cla.s.s 1 ! it’s the best!”(Student C)

“d.a.m.n! Thisyear’s jackpots are cla.s.s 1 and cla.s.s 2 huh...”(Student D)

 “So- someone! Please sellthe authority to make me into Minase-san’s cla.s.smate!! I will also pay thefee!!” (Student E)

 “I, I will also pay the fee to make meHanagasaki san’s cla.s.smate”(Student F)

“Me also!”(StudentG)

“Wait! I’m first!”(Student E)

“What is that? Are they doing afight?” (Souta)

Whileseeing scenery where a lot of boys grasping each other chests, Souta wentneared the bulletin board

He gradually being able to see the thing that was posted.

“What. It’s just a cla.s.s placement.” (Souta)

That wordsspilled down without thinking.

Since theboy students were getting excited to that extent, I put up some weirdexpectations.

When inmiddle school period, everyone certainly hyped up about it, but why theyexaggeratingly  make this ruckus?

“I can evensee Minase-san in the middle of lesson, I don’t mind dying!”(Student AA)

“Then,concede the position of Minase-sans cla.s.smate to me !!! Dieeee !!!”(Student AB)

 “1 years from now, I willenjoy coming to school ~ Played by Hanagasaki-san- !” ( Student AC)

“Aa? Then, want to play with me !? It’s okay, it doesn’t hurt ! Let me beat youin one shotttt!” (Student AB)

Those are theshouting voice that I heard from the boy students around me.

…SoMinase-san and Hanagasaki-san is the source of this turmoil, isn’t it?

Whilethinking that, Souta searched for his name.

Oo ! It’sthere, it’s there. Kido Souta… I’m in Year 1 Cla.s.s 2.

Slippingout from the crowd in front of the bulletin board, I go up to the stairs andhead towards the 4th floor where the position of Year 1 Cla.s.s 2 iswritten on the board.

“I becomeone cla.s.s with Minase-san. Good, isn’t it?” (Girl 1)

“Ee-! Ienvy you. I also want to be one cla.s.s with Minase-san ~” (Girl 2)

“ Ireceived a lesson from Minase-san, I also get a handmade pastry ~” (Girl 1)

“Unfai~r! You alsowill give Minase-san’s handmade pastry to me, won’t you!?” (Girl 2)

“Yes,yes”(Girl 1)

“It’s a must, okay !?” (Girl 2)

From behind Souta, Thosegirls’voices could be heard.

Minase-sanagain huh. What kind of person is she?


As Iascended the stairs while engrossed in hearing “Minase-san” from a while ago, ashort scream-like voice“A-!”could be heard from my front.

I raised myhead in response, and there was someone’s back reflected on my eyes. As herback approached me in a blink of eye, I wondered if this student was fallingdown, but it’s needless to think, so I made a decision. I instantly grabbedhold of the handrail strongly with my left hand, and took a hug posture as myright leg mounted the first level of stairs.


As thefalling girl’s screaming voice was heard, I stand ready for an impact.

After ‘don’sound on my chest, the impact is transmitted to my body.

Grabbingthe girl student’s shoulder with my right hand, I talk to her after I hold herso that she doesn’t fall.

“Are you okay? Do you injuredyourself anywhere?” (Souta)

 “………...Ee-?” (Girl)                               

After short silence, Shefrighteningly opened her eyes, while look of fear in her eyes pierced me atclose range.

Ee? Evenyou say something, you told me “Ee”? What is it? Without saying, I explain thesituation.

“You fallfrom the top of the stairs and I come to help, you know? Perhaps you have hurtyourself somewhere? Don’t move too much, I will bring you to infirma-”(Souta)

 “E? Even I haven’t been told, I know. On topof that! Rather than worrying about me, are you okay? You don’t hitsomething?  Is there a hurt somewhere?Are your memories safe? Do you know who you are? Am I not heavy? (Girl)

The eyes that should have been colored by fear, before I knew it, it has turnedinto eyes with a strong intention. Cutting Souta’s word in panic, she rapidlythrowing him a bunch of questions.

Don’tanswer questions with another questions!.... Well, if I say only this, itshould be alright.

“I am alright. Since I don’t hit anything, there’s no hurt. As you say justnow, i don’t lose my memories so I know myself. And you are not heavy, ratheryou are light. See, like this. …. A, if your condition get worse, please go tothe infirmary, okay? – Then” (Souta)

If it’sreal, I should take her to the infirmary but she seems fine. Also, why mysurroundings stare at me…. Hmm, I feel a killing intent is directed towards me– mainly from the boys. From the day someone enroll, for him to stand out inbad way, this will only happen because there is a minus factor.

Souta, whothought something like that, lightly pushed the girl whom he hold with hisright hand. He stood up and ascended to the upstairs without looking back.

“A, wait!? I am alright… Kido Souta-kun. Thanks for worrying about me! I willcertainly give you my thanks!” (Girl)

The girl student look towards hisback and waved her hands to Souta who ascended to upstairs. As responding toher movements, her soft tip of hair curled gracefully and her mature coloredpink brown long hair fluffily danced somewhat embarra.s.sed.


A-re? Do Itell her my name? No, I didn’t tell her, did I? Un, but I feel like I have seenher somewhere… I don’t understand. Even so, that girl is cute~. She alsoemitted a good smell, but I was too impatient.

And, Whilethinking like that, Souta arrived in front of the Year 1 Cla.s.s 2.

Nn? Thecla.s.sroom is pretty quiet… Well, it happens because today is opening ceremony,doesn’t it?

When he cameto that conclusion, he became afraid to open that sliding door.

Firstimpression is important after all. My look should be focused but as long as Iwas calm, there will be no problem.

…But it wasgreatly out of his prediction.

Becausemostly of students don’t realize that Souta had entered the cla.s.s.

Souta alsorealizes it after he takes a step into the cla.s.sroom. There is one student withoverwhelming presence.

Thatstudent, even was looked from afar, it could be understood at a glance. Herskin is like white porcelain with very detailed 

textures, and her black longstraight hair which extended to her waist was glossy like a silk. Her head issmall, while having style like a model with slender arms and legs, thea.s.sertiveness of her feminine parts were intensely shown, and from the top ofthe camel colored blazer, her twin hills were swinging each time.

The moment he unconsciouslydirected his gaze to that student, their eyes met.

Tranquileyes like a cat’s eyes, which hold intense eyesight that overwhelmed theviewer. As the crying mole under her left eye synergies with her pupil, hergaze seemed to be more intense. Under her long dark eyelashes and her highnose, her thin l.u.s.trous lips are glowing as they are wet. Like an adult, thatstudent emitted a cool atmosphere and coupled with a dignified expression, sorather than describing her as a beautiful girl, the word ‘beautiful woman’ ismost likely.

TL’s note :For this, 「泣きボクロ」, the only thing I can find is crying mole.

Souta stoodthere dumbfounded enough to forget even to blink.

I havenever seen such a beauty person.

Well, there are many beauties like the number of stars inmagazine or television, but since I feel that our world is different, I have noreal feeling about them.

“Okay,everyone get back to your seats.” (Sensei)

Hearing that voice, I return to my sense.

I don’tknow how many seconds or minutes I have stood there dumbfounded, but before Iknew it, the teacher has stood there.

……By theway, where is my seat? Everyone sits like it’s natural…

Near the door, The teacher, who noticed that Souta was stillstanding up, asked him

“So you are Kido Souta? I am thiscla.s.s homeroom Taniguchi.” (Taniguchi)

“Yes. Ano,then Taniguchi-sensei. Where will I sit?” (Souta)

“I see,wait a bit… E-tto, because Souta is the only student from outside this school,so you can say you’re like a transfer student, please introduce yourself.”


Souta once again stood theredumbfounded.

Ee?Ha? Only me? No way !?

The whole cla.s.sroom was quiet before there were many students who askedquestion to Souta.

“Transferstudent! Are you serious !?”(Student 1)

“I neverthink I would see something like a transfer student!” (Student 2)

“That why Ihaven’t seen his face” (Student 3)

“Where doyou go at middle school?” (Student4)

“Souta-kun,do you have a girlfriend~?” (Student 5)

“If he’s astudent from outside this school, then is Souta-kun smart?” (Student 6)

“Great! What type of girl do you like?” (Student 7)

d.a.m.n! This is certainly outside myexpectation!

While he maintainshis forced smile, he is frozen to the spot.

Heyyy,Homeroom teacher!

In here, hewas like saying, “Okay, okay everyone. Souta is confused, isn’t it Hahahaha!”Do your job properly!

I see Taniguchi-senseiwith pleading eyes with hope in his heart.

Then, Taniguchi-senseijust reminds me with saying “You can do your introduction now”. Ha- There’s nochoice. Then, I’ll do that--.

The moment that Souta had decided to do that, in that midst of barrageof question dominates the cla.s.s, a sound like a rolling bell vibrated throughthe cla.s.s.

What entered his eyes was the beautiful student before was standing up.

“Everyone, Ipretty much know the feeling want to ask questions, but since Souta-kun istroubled, can you put them aside for now?”

Thatmoment, The cla.s.s was covered in silence like the ruckus before was just a lie.

“Umu. AsMinase Says. Ask the questions after Souta-kun’s introduction.”

To thesilence that the student who called Minase had made, Taniguchi just followed itup with those words.

Aa. So that’sMinase….huh. I it’s that level of beauty, then I’m convinced. Her figure, voiceand even personality is good.

While muttering those things in his heart, Souta put up aforced smile on his face and started to introduce himself.