Atlantean's Quest: Exodus

Chapter Eight.

Rachel giggled.

Ares"s anger raged deep. In three thousand years there had never been a challenge set forth for a mate. Ariel had foretold Jac"s arrival. There had been no mention of a challenge for the right to mate with her. He"d already joined with her. He slammed his fist against the table, knocking a cup from its surface. He feared not of others hearing him, since his hut lay several hundred yards from the village. He"d always preferred being away from the others, giving himself s.p.a.ce, but now he felt eons from Jac.

His heart clenched at the thought of his blonde demon lying with Coridan, even though he knew she had not. She could have stepped forward expressing her acceptance of Ares"s claim, yet she chose to remain silent behind him. Had he misjudged her emotions? Nay! He knew his fierceness better than she knew herself. Jac was torturing him, tormenting him to no end. She knew not that she played with fire. And if she did, she mustn"t realize how dangerous it was or else she wouldn"t dare.

Ares rose from his chair and walked to a small hidden compartment in his wall, his lithe muscles tensing, ready to spring at any second. He pulled out a container holding a thick green liquid. The odor of melons and chocolate filled the air. He grabbed a cup beside the liquid and filled it to the top. He started to return to the table when he sensed Eros"s approach. He turned and picked up another gla.s.s, filling it also, then returned the container to its place.

Enter, my King.

A smile touched Eros"s lips as he came through the hide covered door, his eyes sparkling in the light of Ares"s fire pot. Ares handed one of the to Eros then returned to his seat. Eros raised the gla.s.s in a toast and then took a drink. He joined Ares at the table taking the seat across from him. For a few minutes they drank in silence, each giving the other time to gather their thoughts.

I take it there was trouble on the journey here. Eros didn"t try to hide his amus.e.m.e.nt.

Ares"s gaze met Eros"s, then returned to his gla.s.s. Nothing I cannot handle.

It appears as if this woman-taming is a little more difficult than you antic.i.p.ated.

Ares shrugged. I find no humor in the situation. It"s simple. Jac is mine.

Eros laughed aloud. Ares"s gaze locked to his, green clashing with blue.

Eros stifled his humor. "Forgive me, my friend, but after the little support you gave me during my trials with our Queen, I decided a moment of return was called for." He smiled wide, clapping his hand on Ares"s shoulder, and then released him.

Ares couldn"t help but answer his smile. He nodded, conceding to Eros"s point, allowing the moment to lighten his heart as he recalled the few nights Eros had to leave the Queen"s side with his nether regions in great discomfort. Now that the loincloth was on the other man, it wasn"t quite so funny. Ares took another drink, his face once again hardening into unforgiving lines.

"What am I to do about the challenge?"

The smile left Eros"s face. "Coridan was a fool to put forth such a thing. He cannot possibly win." He paused. "Ariel will state the challenge tomorrow and you both will have a week to prepare. Our rules are clear. You must accept or lose Jac."

"I will not lose what is mine." Ares"s body stiffened, coiled. "I have claimed her as was my right. I"ve performed the healing ceremony on her. She has lain beneath me, writhing, as I slid into her body, again and again."

Eros released his breath, shifting uneasily in his chair. "Does Coridan know this?"

Ares nodded. "He must, my scent was all over her, there could be no mistaking what had occurred. I made sure I left my mark upon her creamy skin."

Eros"s jaw hardened. "The only way he could claim her then is if he won the challenge and she chose to join him." He rolled his shoulders. "Do you think Jac would do that?"

Ares"s eyes sparked, anger and pain clouding his voice. "I think Jac would do anything to avoid the feelings that I stir within her." He took another drink, then slammed the gla.s.s down. "She fears emotions."

"Does she not know what that would do to your name? Your family line?" Eros set his cup on the table.

Ares ran a hand through his long black hair, shaking his head. "She knows not of our ways. She wants nothing more than to escape this place...and me," he added softly.

Eros rose, his face a mask, concealing the emotions so close to the surface. "She will have to learn our ways. Our Queen did and so shall Jac. There will be no escaping her fate." With that said, Eros walked to the door. "Be well, my friend," he tossed over his shoulder, then exited.

Ares picked up the cup and stared at the green liquid, swirling it around and around. His body ached for Jac, called out and cried for her. His c.o.c.k was so hard beneath his loincloth that he was sure it would burst before he got to thrust inside her warm walls once more. He finished the contents of the gla.s.s, then returned to the compartment where he kept the bottle, pulling it out as he returned to the table. Without Jac"s company, it would be a very long night.

Chapter Eight.

Jac slept like s.h.i.t in the little hut Rachel had shoved her in last night. Sunlight splashed through the window, illuminating all the dust mites floating in the air. Jac shoved her hair out of her face and rose off the soft bed of hides she"d been laying on. Naked, she stretched and then recalled the previous night. She"d done nothing but dream of Ares"s muscled body over her, under her, surrounding her. He hadn"t come to her during the night and in all honesty, it p.i.s.sed her off. His threat of payback rang in her ears, haunting her thoughts, scattering her mind. Who did he think he was making demands...her father?

In a flash she was twenty-two again, standing in her parent"s kitchen, her father sprawled on the floor, his hand clutching his chest. He wasn"t breathing. She"d done CPR until the paramedics had arrived, but it wasn"t enough to save the man she"d always considered invincible.

Her father"s face blurred behind the tears she"d kept buried so deep inside. Jac swiped a hand across her cheeks, wiping away all evidence of weakness. Her father had been a decorated Navy SEAL. He"d taught her how to swim, fight, and survive in harsh environments. He would have had her drop and give him fifty if he could see her crying now.

"Soldiers don"t cry" he"d said. Jac sniffed a couple of times and got dressed. At times Ares reminded her so much of her old man it was frightening. h.e.l.l, the two would probably have hit it off. But her father had been in the ground for ten years now. Heart attack wasn"t the way a SEAL was supposed to die.

When she finished dressing, Jac pushed the hide away from the door and walked straight into Ares"s ma.s.sive chest. The shock was like hitting a concrete wall. His hands closed over her waist to keep her from falling back. Warmth seeped through his fingertips into her back, tickling her spine. Her awareness of him was sharp, razor-like, and way too uncomfortable first thing in the morning. Jac shook her head a bit dazed, and pulled away.

Her chin shot up. "What are you doing here?"

He released her and crossed his arms, his lips quirking up at the corners. "I"ve come to escort you to the gathering area. Ariel is about to announce the requirements for the challenge."

She shrugged. "It doesn"t concern me."

His brow arched and he tilted his head until he held her eyes. Ares crowded her with his big frame, backing her into the hut, surrounding her, until escape from the small room became impossible. "It most certainly does concern you." He slashed his hand through the air. "It is because of you this is to occur. I will not have what is mine taken from me."

She held up her hands to stop him from getting any closer. Jac could barely think. "You sound like a spoiled child angry over not getting his way. Don"t be such a cry baby about it."

Ares"s gaze narrowed. "Warriors do not cry."

Jac sucked in a breath as if she"d been punched. The words were so familiar, yet different. She steadied the emotion, racing across her face. It was a coincidence. His words didn"t mean a thing. Her heart squeezed in her chest, then thudded heavily.

She pointed to the door. "Get on with it then."

Ares stared at her for a moment, as if to say something, then gave a quick nod instead. He moved to her side and grabbed her hand, wrapping it around his thick forearm, like homecoming night when the school announced the names of the year"s court. Ares led Jac out of the hut and down a wide branch to the basket Rachel had used last night to bring her here.

She stepped in before he could help her, trying to put as much distance between them in the confined s.p.a.ce as possible. It didn"t stop her awareness of him for a second. Jac could still feel the heat emanating off his body from across the basket, s.e.xuality, power, and strength oozing from his pores.

Jac took a deep breath and held it. Ares glanced down at the front of her"t-shirt and her nipples poked out from beneath the thin material, responding to his intent gaze. The air crackled with tension, as if the slightest spark would send them both up in flames.

She watched Ares from beneath lowered lashes. His body was a marvel to behold. Solid muscles rippled like a G.o.d as he moved. He had a c.o.c.k to die for hidden under his loincloth. Unconsciously Jac licked her lips as she recalled his thick length slipping inside her. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s ached and she felt moisture dampen her thong.

Ares tensed, his eyes following her tongue"s motion. Her thoughts were driving him insane. He wanted nothing more than to lay her on the floor of the basket and bury himself in her velvet walls. Her body wanted him as much as his needed her. Maybe by winning this challenge, Jac would realize the depth of his emotions...but he doubted it. She was not swayed by acts of strength and cunning. Those things only brought out her fiery temper, the shield she so readily wore to protect her tender heart.

He had to figure out a way around her defenses. Ares had come up with many plans, but none seemed suited for his quest. It required more thought. The basket came to a halt on the jungle floor, jarring him back from his musings.

Sunlight dappled the ground through the leaves of the trees. Coridan stood loose limbed, already positioned to the side of the seer. Ariel"s left side remained vacant, waiting for Ares. He stepped out of the basket, helping Jac before she could protest. Her eyes hardened, flashing blue ice, but she didn"t push him away. He fought the urge to chuckle. They were so much alike.

They walked to the gathering group. Rachel and Eros stood off to the side to witness the proceedings. Ariel"s attention seemed unduly occupied by Coridan, Ares noted before taking his place by the seer. Jac"s expression burned hot when Ariel placed her hand on Ares"s wrist. He swallowed, concentrating on keeping the elation from his face. It would only harden Jac"s resolve to avoid him.

His other half stood eight feet away, a scowl on her face, arms crossed over her chest, with one hip c.o.c.ked out to the side, her stubborn chin held high, daring anyone to say anything to her.

Ariel released Ares and Coridan, stepping away in the process. "The challenge is as follows. The first warrior to gather a pound of gold and traverse the river, bring down a mighty anaconda, and remain standing after an energy battle will be considered victorious." She paused. "And remember, no healing."

At the mention of the river, Coridan"s face drained of color. Jac wouldn"t have noticed, if she hadn"t have been watching so closely. The crowd"s attention riveted on the seer.

Energy battle...Jac blinked, as Ariel"s words sunk in. "What in the h.e.l.l is an energy battle?" she didn"t bother to hide the venom in her voice.

All eyes turned to Jac. She glared at the group, tired of this macho bulls.h.i.t and more than a little scared for Ares"s safety, not that she was about to admit that any time soon. She already had enough problems.

Ariel stepped forward, her lips curled at the ends. "An energy battle is when two warriors face each other and try to injure the other until one concedes."

Jac"s heart slammed in her chest. "Does it end in death?"

The seer"s smile widened. "It can, but that has not occurred for several thousand years, so "tis unlikely." Ariel turned away and faced the men.

Her words did nothing to calm Jac"s worry. If anything it made it worse. Jac fisted her hands at her side. She had to do something to stop this c.r.a.p before someone got hurt.

Someone like Ares.

"Why can"t they heal themselves?" she grit out.

Ariel"s gaze narrowed. "To do so forfeits the compet.i.tion."

"So if they"re injured..."

"Then they"ll have to deal with the pain."

The tension in Jac"s shoulders spun into overload. One more thing, and she"d snap, not that she done a good job of holding it together. "This has gone far enough," Jac commanded in her attorney voice, with as much power as she could muster. "I want this compet.i.tion stopped at once."

There was a collective gasp from the crowd. Jac didn"t give two s.h.i.ts whose toes she treaded on. Her eyes found Rachel"s, who looked as if she was about to faint. Jac swallowed hard and sh.o.r.ed up her resolve.

Ariel slowly turned to face her once more, and a spark of warning flashed in her eyes. "The challenge cannot be stopped without one of the warriors losing."

"I"m tired of this c.r.a.p." Jac ran a hand through her short hair. "Let me talk to Rachel, then I"ll get myself together, and hike my happy a.s.s right out of this jungle." She swept her arm around. "If you two idiots want to kill yourselves, be my guest." Her eyes pinned Ares and Coridan in their place.

You will not be leaving. The words were a whisper in Jac"s mind, but there was no doubt who they"d come from. The seer"s seductive voice was distinctive. At that moment Jac was grateful these people couldn"t read her thoughts, had they been able to their ears would"ve burst into flame by now.

Ariel watched her intently, waiting.

"You can"t hold me here against my will." Jac shook her head in denial, her gaze honing in on Ariel.

The seer arched a brow. I can do many things...the least of which would be to keep you here. But I will not. Your conscience will be your guide in this matter. You have brought these two brave warriors to stand against one another for the right to be with you. If anything happens to either it will be your other"s. Ariel paused, her head tilting from side to side as if considering her next words. You must see this to its completion, even if the ending is unsatisfactory.

Jac hauled air into her lungs. The b.i.t.c.h tried to guilt her and d.a.m.n it, it was working. She looked up at the sky, trying to settle her tumultuous emotions, before returning her gaze to Ariel. The seer glared back.

"Fine," with that said, Jac spun on her heels and stomped off toward the jungle.

"Until it"s completion you will make your home in Ares"s hut, as you"ve already seen fit to spread your thighs for him before," the seer called out after her, amus.e.m.e.nt tinting her voice.

Jaw clenched, Jac stumbled at Ariel"s words, but kept walking. She bit back the urge to respond verbally, instead without looking back Jac raised her middle finger high in the air for all to see. Some things were universal. She was sure Ares had a smile planted on his arrogant, blatantly s.e.xy face. Jac knew if she turned and saw it right now, she"d have to drop him like the bad habit he was becoming. She marched through the jungle for several hundred yards, anger slamming into her from all directions. She didn"t want to be responsible for anyone"s safety, much less Ares and Coridan.

f.u.c.k Ariel.

f.u.c.k her mental telepathy, X-files c.r.a.p.

f.u.c.k them all.

Ariel could shove it all up that perfect a.s.s of hers.

Jac was tired of being manipulated. She didn"t even want to think about the fact she"d been the queen of manipulation back in New York, because that was different. It was! How it was different, wasn"t exactly clear at the moment, but it had to be. She"d never met anyone like this tribe"s seer. Any other time, Jac would respect a woman with that much beauty, power, and control.

Just not now, and-not her.

The b.i.t.c.h got on her nerves, always laying her long fingers on Ares"s arm, brushing against his chest, scoping out his c.o.c.k beneath his loincloth, and undressing him with those freakish aqua eyes. Ariel was like a splinter working its way deeper and deeper under her skin. Well Jac knew what to do with splinters. If need be, she"d hack off her own d.a.m.n finger.

Jac looked around to ensure her privacy. She could no longer see the clearing, only solid walls of green from the Jura.s.sic growth. At any moment she expected to see a Tyrannosaurus Rex sticking its head through the trees. With her luck, the d.a.m.n thing would look like Ariel. Jac approached a defenseless tree trunk and let loose. She kicked and jabbed, timing each strike, using precise movements, until her lungs labored to drag in a breath. Then she dropped and started doing pushups. Jac collapsed onto the jungle floor, careful not to crush the tender ferns dotting the ground.

Jac lay there for a few moments trying to catch her breath, then she sat up and started weeding the area around the roots of the plants. Whenever she got upset or confused, which wasn"t often because she prided herself on her control, she"d tend her plants. But since they weren"t here, she"d have to make do. And Brigit d.a.m.n well better remember to water them.

By the time she"d finished, at least an hour had pa.s.sed. Jac cleared the area around her of tangled growth. She rose and dusted off her hands on her shorts and started back to the compound. She"d stay, biding her time with Ares, until this stupid contest ended and then she was out of here-with or without Rachel.

She hated the fact playing house with Ares didn"t disturb her more, but always a realist, Jac simply accepted it for what it was- great s.e.x, nothing more and she"d keep telling herself that until she believed it.

Jac wound her way back through the growth. Lianas curled across her path, twisting like giant snakes up into the trees. The air warmed, almost suffocating her in its intensity, but it never seemed to disturb the animals. Birds still sang their cheery songs. Monkeys howled and cried, leaping from branch to branch, using their hands, feet, and tails. Jac caught flashes of green, red, and orange among the leaves.

When she arrived at the compound, the smell of baking bread filled the air, causing Jac"s stomach to growl. A few half-naked women worked over a bench, rolling out dough. They glanced her way once or twice, but seemed to be trying hard not to stare.

She strolled over to them and the blonde women turned in unison to face her. Their aqua eyes were intense, curious-Stepford in Jac"s opinion.

Slightly embarra.s.sed by her wayward thoughts, Jac stammered. "Do you think I might be able to...I mean would you mind if I...can I have a piece of bread, please?"

The women giggled behind their hands. One walked to the end of the bench and ripped off part of a loaf and then held it out to Jac.

Jac stepped forward, taking the warm bread from the woman"s hand. "Thanks a lot. I appreciate it."

Jac held up the bread in salute, her mouth watered in antic.i.p.ation, then took a big bite. The soft sweet grain melted, causing an explosion of flavor, light, airy, and utterly delicious, honeyed enough to be able to skip the b.u.t.ter. Not that Jac would put any on it. She avoided fatty foods if at all possible.

She looked around the campsite, wondering where Rachel had wandered off to. The well worn area appeared large enough for the whole tribe to gather in. Flowers perfumed the air, along with ginger plants. A long banquet sized table had been shoved to the side. Maybe these people had communal meals or rocking parties, too bad she wouldn"t be sticking around long enough to see one.

Jac shrugged, swallowing the bread and took a deep breath. She should probably go find Rachel and apologize for her outburst. As far as Jac was concerned, Rachel was the only one here that deserved an apology.

Her eyes scanned the area again. Everyone seemed to be missing, with the exception of the three women cooking. Maybe in the late morning everyone here took a siesta. If that was the case, then she didn"t want to disturb her friend, especially considering her delicate condition. Jac groaned, heaven help Ares if she ended up in the same state as Rachel. A baby was the last thing she needed right now. Make that ever.

Yet somewhere inside her, Jac"s heart held onto the smallest spark of hope that she carried Ares"s baby. She"d die before she admitted it to anyone, but it was there, buried inside, next to the pain of her father"s death. Jac took another bite of bread, but this time it tasted flavorless. She broke off pieces of it and tossed them at the edge of the jungle for the birds and monkeys.

She spun around to return to the hut Rachel had put her in when Ares walked into the clearing. His eyes smoldered, even from a distance. His muscles flexed and tensed as he approached. Black hair flowed down his back, glowing blue in the muted light, like a dark angel, a conqueror of old. His jade gaze held her, drew her like a moth to a flame. The slash of his s.e.xy mouth reeked havoc on her senses. Jac imagined those firm lips teasing her nipples, searing her skin, sucking on her c.l.i.t.

Jac"s wayward thoughts brought Ares"s c.o.c.k to full attention, tightening to the point of pain beneath his loincloth. Her eyes trailed down the front of his chest like a sensuous caress, leaving him trembling with need. He licked his lips and allowed his hunger to show upon his face. She flushed. Although Ares doubted she recognized the s.e.xual response. Her body betrayed her mind.