Atlantean's Quest: Exodus

Chapter Nine.

He"d given Jac the time she"d needed to process the challenge. Now he would lead her back to his hut, where the taming would continue. Ares looked forward to having her creamy skin below him, writhing, as he buried his staff in her waiting wetness. He could smell her arousal from here. And he burned from it. Relished it. Cherished every last second.

"I"ll take you to your new home." His voice dared her to deny his words.

Jac opened her mouth, then clamped it shut. Ares smiled and clasped her hand in his, leading her down a tiny trail, not visible unless one knew where to search. He could feel the tension in her long fingertips; they throbbed beneath his touch, a delicate balance of anger and l.u.s.t. He would make sure that l.u.s.t won out this day.

As she followed along behind Ares, Jac was so mad and h.o.r.n.y she could scream. Part of her wanted to throttle him, while the woman"s side longed to f.u.c.k him senseless. She didn"t know which one would win out in the end, but she had a pretty good idea if the wetness between her thighs was any indication. Jac blew out a frustrated breath. G.o.d, she needed his raging c.o.c.k-bad. If he didn"t f.u.c.k her soon, she"d go insane. All he had to do was look at her and her body melted. What was it about this caveman that turned her on so much?

Jac shook her head. She"d probably never know the answer. Ares snaked his way through the brush, winding this way and that until they arrived at a heavily wooded area. She looked around but didn"t immediately see anything except for thick brush and trees. He released her hand and strode forward about ten feet, then the hut came into focus. It had been so well camouflaged that Jac hadn"t seen anything but brush.

Dad would be proud. Where that thought came from Jac didn"t know, but she banished it straight away, dismissing the sentimentality.

Ares stepped further, pulling the furs up, and stepped aside. He lowered his head and said nothing. Jac stared at him for a few moments. His actions seemed strange, out of character. But h.e.l.l, she didn"t understand these people anyhow, so she covered the small distance in a few strides and crossed the threshold.

He expelled a breath, his shoulders instantly relaxing. Gooseb.u.mps rose on Jac"s arms. She tried to rub them away. It was as if the simple act of coming in meant something...something important. Her eyes adjusted to the dimness of the hut after several moments.

A small wooden table, only large enough for two or three at the most, sat off to the side, with a couple of chairs arranged around it. A big bowl of fruit and bread had been placed in the center of the table overflowing with abundance, along with a tiny firepot. A bed of furs lay in the opposite corner, piled high enough to reach Jac"s thigh. Four wooden spikes had been driven into the ground framing the bed. They didn"t look to be decorative. Jac frowned and continued to scan the room. A carved out barrel of sorts tucked into a corner, brimmed with clear liquid. Water, Jac surmised.

There was a solitary window, surrounded by vines, which allowed very little sunlight to enter. The small dwelling still managed to feel cool in the late afternoon air. How? Jac wasn"t exactly sure. There seemed to be a lot of strange things in this tribe. They had powers and abilities far beyond anything she"d ever seen or imagined, talking in thought, reading minds, glowing yellow fireb.a.l.l.s shooting from their hands. Common sense told Jac she should be scared s.h.i.tless, but she wasn"t. It was not in her nature to allow fear to dictate her actions.

Ares pressed forward, reminding her of his presence. Not that she"d really forgotten him for one second.

"Is this acceptable to you?" His low voice seduced, yet held a modic.u.m of vulnerability.

Jac"s gaze found his. "It"s fine." She looked around once more, then met his eyes again. "I like it."

His jade orbs flashed in approval, causing Jac"s heart to swell. She glanced away. She didn"t want to feel these emotions. She hadn"t asked for them. They made her feel...feel...vulnerable.


Her troubled thoughts washed over Ares, drowning him in sensation. Jac may not realize it yet, but she weakened. In time she"d know that in weakness one finds their greatest strength. But he decided he had better not point out that message yet or he"d find himself back where he started. For now he"d bask in the fact she"d crossed his threshold, therefore accepting him as her mate.

His gaze shifted to her clothing. The shirt she wore clung to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s like a second skin, molding, embracing, caressing her nipples like he himself longed to do. She smelled of spice, her l.u.s.t mingling with the natural woman"s scent that was her own.

He shifted, trying to alleviate the pressure from his growing erection. He"d managed to rein in his need in the time it had taken them to reach his hut, but now it was back with a vengeance, and he wasn"t quite sure he"d be able to stop it.

Not that he truly wanted to. Jac"s lithe body called to him. He wanted to stroke her short blonde hair and feel its silk beneath his fingers. Bury his tongue in her wet channel. Nip and kiss her inner thighs until she cried out, begging him to f.u.c.k her. Ares took a deep breath, his large body trembling with the effort it took not to act upon his desires.

Ares lightly placed his hands on Jac"s shoulders and turned her until she faced him. His eyes wandered over her pale face, taking in her striking blue eyes, dark like the depths of the sea, radiant like the sun. Her lips parted slightly in antic.i.p.ation of what would occur next. He could read her thoughts, sense her need, and strum her tension until she exploded. The time had come to continue the lesson. He released her and stepped back, his eyes never leaving her delicate face.

"Take off your clothes." A growl formed in his throat.

Her eyes widened in surprise... Jac"s jaw tightened, ready to fight. Green clashed with blue in a war without sound. His next words stopped her dead.

"Or I will."

Chapter Nine.

"Excuse me?" Jac"s brow arched and her lips thinned. Surely she"d misunderstood. There was no way in h.e.l.l she would strip out of her clothes.

Ares stepped closer. "You would do well to obey me on this." He held his hand out and an energy burst, much like a streak of lightning, shot from his palm and ignited the kindling inside the firepot, illuminating the small hut in soft light.

Jac jumped, but held her ground. "I will not be bullied by you or any other man."

He brushed a wisp of hair away from her face, his fingers lingering against the pulse beating directly behind her ear. Jac"s heart leapt beneath the subtle graze that sent her senses into overdrive. She felt heat spread from her stomach and radiate out, until she could hear the steady pulse of her blood thumping like a drum in her head. She took a deep breath, inhaling the musky odor that was all Ares, all masculine-all s.e.x.

Her nipples stabbed against the material of her t-shirt, so sensitive that breathing became a ch.o.r.e. She could feel moisture gathering between her thighs as her p.u.s.s.y flooded in antic.i.p.ation of his entry. Jac took a step back, fighting for control over her hormones. Why did he have to be s.e.x incarnate? She licked her lips, trying to moisten her parched mouth. His eyes followed the movement like a predator waiting for the opportunity to pounce.

The air seemed to close in around them, pressing, cornering, trapping. Jac glanced at the bed of furs in the corner, then back to the door, attempting to judge her chances of making it to the opening. At some point Ares had pulled the fur covering back in place, blocking out all trace of light. She"d been so wrapped up in her thoughts, staring into s.p.a.ce, she hadn"t noticed. The thin flap would definitely impede her escape.

"Do not even think about it," his voice dropped an octave in warning.

Jac crossed her arms over her chest, the tiny movement torture as she rasped across her puckered areolas. "You can"t keep me here against my will."

He gave her an unholy smile. A hard glint of determination, the likes of which she hadn"t seen before, reflected in his jade eyes. Jac made a mad dash for the hut door. She"d made it three feet when a vice-like grip closed around her waist, lifting her from the ground. Jac shrieked.

"Put me down you son-of-a-b.i.t.c.h! I"m not staying here another minute." Jac"s arms flailed and she kicked out her legs in an attempt to dislodge herself from his unyielding hold.

Ares carried her back toward the furs, his muscles not even straining to keep her secured. When he reached the bed he transferred the flailing Jac to one hand and tugged at the pouch on the side of his loincloth with the other. Several silk scarves a deep shade of jade fell onto the bed.

Jac"s eyes bugged. "What are you planning to do with those?"

His smile widened.

"Don"t even think about it." But even as she said the words, Jac"s body tightened in antic.i.p.ation.

She"d played bondage games before, but had never allowed her partner to tie her to the bed. The thought of being spread eagled at Ares"s mercy and out of control caused Jac to fight like a wildcat. Before she knew what was happening Ares managed to slip one scarf around her wrist. When she tried to pull it off, he snagged her other arm. Jac pushed against his chest, suddenly Ares released her and she sailed through the air.

Jac landed flat on her back atop the fur bed. Before she could jump up, Ares scooped up the last two scarves, leapt onto the fur bed, and straddled her. He secured her wrists to a couple of the wood stakes surrounding the furs. The scarves looked flimsy, but even with Jac pulling with all her strength they didn"t budge. She tried to kick him when he grabbed for her legs. It took him ten seconds to capture and secure her ankles.

In the end, Jac lay staked to the bed. Her legs were spread in a wide vee allowing plenty of access to her drenched p.u.s.s.y. Her c.l.i.t ached and pulsed beneath the material of her shorts as residual adrenaline pumped through her body.

"Untie me you son-of-a-b.i.t.c.h."

Ares got off her and stood to the side, smiling down at her straining body. When she got loose from the ties, she"d kill him for sure. Jac tugged again before finally giving up. No use wasting her energy on the scarves-they weren"t going anywhere.

As soon as her body stilled, Ares approached. He ran his hands along each scarf, testing her bonds. His fingers lingered on her shins, gently his nails over her sensitive bare skin.

Jac shuddered. Her lungs labored from the fight, thrusting her nipples boldly through the material. His eyes lingered on the tight buds as if willing away her clothing, then suddenly he pulled his blade from its sheath. Jac froze. Her eyes locked on the knife.

"Don"t even think about it," Jac warned from her secured position.

Ares paused for a moment and then brought the metal to her stomach and began to slice through her shirt and shorts.


Within seconds she"d been laid bare, except for her socks and boots. He pulled the shredded garments from beneath her and tossed them into the fire pot.

Jac"s arms strained as she pulled against the stakes, her gaze locked on her burning clothes. When all that remained was burning embers she turned back. "d.a.m.n you, now what am I going to wear?"

"You will not need anything for the next few days." His eyes caressed her, zeroing in on the thin slice of curls between her legs. "After that, I will provide you with proper clothing."

"Proper clothing, eh?" Jac arched a brow, trying to ignore the growing wetness his gaze caused. "What the f.u.c.k does that mean? Ares, if you don"t untie me this second, I"m going to kick your a.s.s all the way back to New York City."

Ares laughed, the deep rumbling sound vibrated throughout the little hut, sending shivers of delight along Jac"s spine. "I beg your forgiveness, my fierceness, but you aren"t going anywhere until I"m finished."

"And when will that be?"

Never...whispered in Jac"s mind.

Ares looked around his hut. All was prepared and ready. He just had to visit the seer for the last items. He may not be able to formally approach Jac with a mating ceremony until after he won the challenge, but he could prepare, tame, and seduce her. He must see Ariel.

"I must leave for a moment."

Jac frowned, glancing down at her naked body. "You"re not going to leave me like this are you?"

Her blue eyes latched onto his and for the first time they held something Ares hadn"t seen before, fear. He approached the bed and knelt at her side. He leaned over, brushing her hair away from her face. His lips were but a whisper away. Jac"s mouth parted unconsciously, which was all the invitation Ares needed.

He swooped down, capturing her lips in a searing kiss. She opened for him and he swept inside, tasting, hungering, delving. Her mouth consisted of the sweetest liquid, her warmth surrounded, urging him on. Their tongues dueled, thrusting. His lips firmed and then he pulled away. He had to get to Ariel. It pained him being around Jac"s nakedness and not being able to sink inside her.

Ares stood, pressing one last kiss to Jac"s forehead. "I"ll be back as soon as possible. I must see Ariel."

Jac felt the color drain from her face. If Ares had slapped her it would have been less painful than his last words. He left her staked to the bed naked, to go to the seer. Her stomach knotted and Jac swallowed hard trying to keep bile from rising in her throat. She bit down on the inside of her mouth to keep from begging him to stay. If Ares wanted that blonde bimbo, then far be it from her to stand in his way, but he better not think she would welcome him back with open arms when he returned.

Ares made his way through the jungle to Ariel"s hut. Jac would be safe within his home, for only Eros and the seer knew of its exact location. He knew that information would not stave off Jac"s wrath when he returned, but it eased his mind. Ares reached Ariel"s dwelling within a few minutes and held up his palm requesting entrance. The flap covering her door swung back and the seer stepped forward.

"I"ve been antic.i.p.ating your visit." She moved out of the way and swept her arm, welcoming him inside.

When the fur covering the door had been put back in place, Ares dropped to his knees in traditional Atlantean greeting, kissing each of Ariel"s nipples. They beaded instantly in response. Ares rose, keeping his head bent in respect.

I"ve come for the tools.

Ah, I a.s.sumed as much. Ariel"s voice was soft and teasing. Are you prepared to finish taming this woman?

Aye. He glanced up, meeting Ariel"s gaze.

She arched a brow. You know you may lose her in the end. I had not foreseen Coridan"s interference. For a moment Ariel"s face held pain, then as if realizing, she smiled erasing the emotion from her face.

Ares flinched and his jaw tightened. I will not let her go.

But what if Coridan wins the challenge? Her voice cracked in his mind.

Ares was too angry to notice. He fisted his hands at his sides. He will not.

She shrugged, her expression growing serious. But what if?

"Then I will call on Jac to make her decision," he spoke aloud, his voice low, almost pained.

Your woman could choose to go with the warrior she finds less-threatening.

Aye...but she won"t. He shook his head. By then she will be so attuned to my touch that any other will repulse her.

Ariel smiled. You are very sure of yourself, Ares.

I have to be. She is my mate.

With those words, Ariel walked across her hut and retrieved the items needed for Jac"s preparation. Would you like me to ease your discomfort? She pointed to the raging hard on beneath Ares"s loincloth.

He shook his head no. I thank you, but my c.o.c.k needs but one woman. And she is bound and waiting for me back at my hut.

Be well, my hunter. Ariel laughed and handed Ares the marking tools. Her face held a trace of relief.

Ares bowed and left the dwelling. He rushed back through the jungle, carrying the marking utensils in his hands. He felt Jac"s fury before he entered his hut. It radiated out like a living ent.i.ty, waiting, stalking, ready to strike the second he walked through the door. Her thoughts were in turmoil, focusing on Ariel and then himself. She pictured them lying together, joining. She was jealous. A smile tugged at Ares mouth, he hid it, and then stepped inside.

Jac wouldn"t meet his gaze. Her eyes were focused on the ceiling and her body appeared relaxed in its naked splendor. Ares knew better. She bided her time, waiting for the right moment and then she would attack. He was sure of it. Tied or not, his fierce warrior woman was nothing if not predictable. She may claim to not care for him, but her mind and body told a different story. One Ares hoped to get her to recognize before the week ended.

Jac kept her eyes off Ares. She"d tried every which way to escape while he"d been off visiting that b.i.t.c.h of a seer, but the binding held fast. Her heart seized at the thought of what they"d been doing in Ariel"s hut. Well if he thought he would be able to waltz right in here and climb between her legs now, he was insane. She didn"t know how she"d stop him, but she"d come up with something.

"Jac," he murmured, "look at me."

"f.u.c.k off." She shifted her head until she faced the opposite wall.

"I told you I would return quickly and I have."

Jac tried to shrug, but it was hard with her arms staked out and slightly above her. "I want you to untie me."

"I cannot. Are you going to behave like this for the rest of the night?" he probed. "I can think of many other ways, far more pleasurable to pa.s.s the evening."

"Didn"t you hear me, I said f.u.c.k off."

"I"d rather be f.u.c.king you," his voice slid over her like melting b.u.t.ter, pure temptation to Jac.

Somehow, in the short time she"d known this man he"d attuned himself so closely with her body, mind, and soul that she had a difficulty distinguishing between the two of them. It wasn"t fair. Why him? Why now? After all the years she"d spent footloose and fancy free in New York, why did she have to find the one man she could call her equal in the middle of a suck a.s.s jungle? And of course her main compet.i.tion would just happen to turn out to be a walking, talking blow up doll.

It had to be some kind of cosmic, f.u.c.king joke. That was the only logical explanation.

She could hear Ares moving around the hut. He"d set something down on the table and then he"d walked to the water container in the corner to drink. In her mind she could almost see the long columns of his throat work as he swallowed the cool liquid. His bicep would be curled as he tipped a cup to his firm, sensuous lips. As he inhaled to catch a breath between sips his stomach would contract, sending the washboard rippling beneath tanned skin. The flat discs of his nipples would be dark and pebble- like against the wall of his chest. She wondered if his legs would be slightly spread, the muscles splitting, even in his relaxed state.

Jac wet her lips with the tip of her tongue. Did a drop of moisture slip past his mouth and trail down the side of his strong, arrogant jaw, perhaps tangle in his midnight black hair? Or would it slide all the way over his shoulder, down his strong back, slinking beneath his loincloth to curve around his tight a.s.s? Jac swallowed hard, trying to fight the visions swimming in her head. She was hot, needy, and d.a.m.n it, she wanted Ares anyway she could get him.

She turned her head to find him staring at her from across the room, gla.s.s frozen in his hand. His loincloth tented from his ma.s.sive erection and his eyes were pure fire. He put down the gla.s.s he"d been drinking from and stalked toward the furs. His gaze never wavered as he approached her side.