Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 37-38

Publishedat 18th of March 2018 08:24:51 PM
Chapter 37-38

Chapter 37 - Who"s Killing Who?

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"Do you only pick on girls?!" Lin Yi"s lips twitched as he looked at Baldy . "I say, you guys aren"t after the bank at all, are you? It was just to cover you kidnapping Chu Mengyao!"

"Hmph, so what if you found out? You"re tied up in my car, you can"t do s.h.i.+t!" Baldy didn"t see the need to hide anything at this point- to him, Lin Yi was just a guy under his mercy, he could very well do whatever he wanted to him! It didn"t matter in the least that his objective was exposed .

"You guys won"t get far . The cops are gonna tail you, and you"ll all get screwed . " Lin Yi explained to Baldy, a slight pity in his tone .

"Yeah right, I have backup plans prepared already!" Baldy retorted gleefully . "The cops are probably spinning around their heels right about now, tracking down the wrong cars, heh . "

"Is that so?" Lin Yi was a little impressed . The guy had some brains, apparently- he wasn"t a complete idiot . His biggest mistake, however, was his decision to pull Lin Yi along with them . Their operation now had no chance of success at all .

Song Lingshan, on the other hand, busied herself with maintaining contact with the other squads .

"Song Team, this is Liu w.a.n.gli of Team C1! The SUV has been spotted, licence plate A74110! Awaiting orders!"

"Trail them, and make sure not to let them see you!"


Song Lingshan let out a breath of relief .  Hmph, think you"re so smart . Didn"t expect us to have officers stationed at all the junctions now did you? Let"s see how you get away now .  Lingshan was quite pleased with herself when a new report came in .

"Song Team, this is Zhang Xiaohang of Team C2! The SUV has been spotted, licence plate A74110! Awaiting orders!"

"What?" Song Lingshan froze . "Where did you see the SUV?"

"Center Ring Road! Awaiting orders!" Zhang Xiaohang replied .

"Center Ring . . ? That"s not right, Team One"s Liu w.a.n.gli reported it to be on the People"s Road!!" Lingshan was starting to get confused- what were these robbers doing, driving around in circles? Despite that, she issued the same order she did Team One . "Follow them, and make sure not to get spotted!"


"Team S, this is Sun Jiaxia of Team C3! The SUV has been spotted, licence plate A74110! Awaiting orders!"

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"Again??" It was clear to Lingshan by that point- she"d probably been had . Chances were, the enemy had multiple A74110 licence plates and SUVs prepared . Song Lingshan was not pleased .

How humiliating was it for her to have fallen for a trick like this? If only Captain Yang were here- he"d have seen through the trap right from the start, while she walked straight into it!

At that moment, Team C4 called in for a report as well, only to be interrupted by Lingshan before he even got a word in . "Did you guys spot the A74110 SUV too?"

"Indeed! We"ve spotted the SUV, what are your orders, Team S?"

"Tail it . " Song Lingshan fell into despair- the other SUVs had served their purpose, and the real one was most likely far, far away .

"Why are you kidnapping her?" Lin Yi narrowed his eyes, curious . Money didn"t seem to be the issue here, since these guys probably got themselves at least a million kuai from the heist just now . Were they unsatisfied, hoping for a larger fortune from Chu Pengzhan? It"d put them back in a risky position once more, should that be the plan .

"Why? Good question!" Baldy smiled as he pointed at the bags of cash near him . "It"s simple… For money!!"

"Money?" Lin Yi frowned . "Kidnapping Mengyao, and using her to ransom the chairman for money?"

"That"s not your problem, is it?" Baldy didn"t like how Lin Yi was spitting questions at him .

"It"s the same, isn"t it? Can"t I at least die knowing what"s going on?" Lin Yi"s curiosity was backed by an innocent face- a face no one could refuse .

Baldy looked at Lin Yi . Perhaps he could let the kid in on what they were up to, he"s a dead man anyway . "We"ve been paid to kidnap this Missy here!"

"What are you going to do with her?" .

"Dunno, waiting for the phone call . "

"Who was the guy that paid you?"

"Dunno, Cihua Bro introduced him to us . "

"Who"s Cihua Bro?"

"f.u.c.k! Shut the f.u.c.k up! Jesus, I"ll kill you if you ask again!!" Baldy had had enough of Lin Yi"s barrage .

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"Oh, okay . Then I"ll kill you if you move again . " Lin Yi said as he pressed a gun to Baldy"s temple .

"Wh-?! Y-you…… . " Baldy"s eyes were wide open- what the f.u.c.king h.e.l.l was this? Wasn"t the kid tied? And where the f.u.c.k did that gun come from?

The other robbers in the SUV were stunned as well- why was the kid pointing a gun at their boss?

"H-how did you… free yourself?" Baldy didn"t understand . Yes, he didn"t understand! Weren"t both of Lin Yi"s hands tied up?

"Oh, you see, I was a bit of a dumb kid, and I"d always tangle myself in rope when trying rope knots . I started to learn how to get myself out of those ropes after a long time of tying myself up accidentally . " Lin Yi explained .

" . . . . . . " Baldy"s jaw dropped . What the f.u.c.k? Trying out rope knots? "Then… Why do you have a gun . . ?"

"It"s from that Ma Liu guy . " Lin Yi pointed at Ma Liu, who was the closest to him .

Ma Liu patted his pocket- his gun really was gone, and it was in Lin Yi"s hands .

Baldy went completely silent at that point- what the f.u.c.k was even happening? This kid was ridiculous! He then proceeded to curse Ma Liu and his ancestors .

"Okay, okay, n.o.body move . I wouldn"t wanna ruin your boss" s.h.i.+ny head . " Lin Yi said casually as Baldy sweated .

Chapter 38 - Need Me To Take My Pants Off?

Lin Yi tapped the gun against the Baldy"s head . "Don"t move around now you guys, else I"ll kill the hostage! Tell them, Baldy . "

"Guys . . . . don"t move around… . . " Baldy felt helpless- the kid was saying the same things he said to the police! Karma"s a b.i.t.c.h!

"Hm, not bad . " Lin Yi nodded, pleased . "You can talk now, right? Who"s this Cihua Bro?"

"It"s my boss… . I don"t know much else, I"m just following orders, okay? Bro, don"t shoot…" Baldy didn"t bother with his pride- now was not the time to be acting tough . His life was on the line, after all!

He accepted the job for a life of comfort in the first place- it wasn"t worth it if his life was at stake .

Lin Yi frowned at Baldy"s answer . The guy was just a grunt; he wouldn"t know anything significant .

"Fine . Just stop the car . " LIn Yi ordered .

"Stop the car? For what?" Baldy asked, looking blankly at Lin Yi .

"For us to get off, what else? Are you saying you still wanna kidnap her?" Lin Yi challenged as he gave his hostage aglare .

"No, I mean… You"re not sending us to the police . . ?" Baldy was confused, not expecting Lin Yi to let him go .

"Why would I do that?" Lin Yi asked, rolling his eyes . "I"m not a cop- they"re not gonna give me a salary or anything . "

Baldy"s heart lit up upon hearing Lin Yi"s words . So the guy hadn"t planned on turning them in at all! The a.s.signment wasn"t completed, but that was fine- he"d still get away alive and rich from all the money he took . With that, Baldy excitedly ordered for the car to stop .

Lin Yi then pulled out a gun from Baldy"s pocket, tossing it to Mengyao . "Take this . Aim at their tires later . "

" . . . Okay……" Mengyao didn"t know what Lin Yi was up to, but she took the gun regardless, holding it tightly in her soft hands .

Lin Yi let Mengyao get off before he did, making sure to issue a warning to the group before exiting . "You guys can choose to shoot us, but make sure you actually kill us- else I"ll blow your oil tank up . Understand, Baldy?"

"N-no, we won"t do anything like that…" Baldy said, a chill running down his spine . This Lin Yi wasn"t someone he wanted to be messing with .

Lin Yi checked his jade as he got off the car- it wasn"t reacting at all, and Lin Yi breathed out in relief . The robbers made a wise decision .

Any change in the jade at all, and Lin Yi would"ve spun back and pulled the boss down the car with him .

The SUV vanished in a line of smoke the moment Lin Yi slammed the door shut- they had decided to leave him and Mengyao alone .

"What are you looking at me for? Maybe call Uncle Fu to come get us?" Lin Yi didn"t know if he should be p.i.s.sed or amused at Mengyao- the girl was staring at her with a blank face on .

"Okay… . " Mengyao couldn"t believe it . They survived? She took a look at the now faraway SUV- they survived! But what was this, why was Lin Yi talking to her with a condescending and even commanding tone?!

"Hey, why didn"t you take all their guns and have them sent to the police station?" Mengyao hadn"t let go of what Lin Yi said back in the car . Salary . . ? Couldn"t he just do something good for once?

"The car was full of cowards . Cowards, people who value their lives . They wouldn"t try anything when their boss had a gun pointed at him, but taking their guns away? They"d never let me do that . They"d just shoot me instead to save their!" Lin Yi explained .

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"But you had their boss under your gun?" Mengyao asked, not quite catching on .

"You think they"ll give a s.h.i.+t what happens to their boss at that point? They"re all about to be sent to prison! Jeez, can you not be that naive?" Lin Yi answered helplessly . "We only got away because of luck, okay? What kind of people did you p.i.s.s off anyway, those guys were after you specifically, with a plan and all!"

"Hmph, stop your farting!!" Mengyao was not pleased with Lin Yi"s att.i.tude . "You"re my follower! What kind of follower talks to his master like that?!"

" . . . . . . " Lin Yi was speechless . This girl didn"t listen to reason at all .

Yushu, on the other hand, was wiping her tears as she sat in Li Fu"s car . What would happen to Mengyao and Lin Yi, now that they were captured? They might be able to come back safe if they got lucky, if not…

Li Fu was trying to contact the chairman, to no avail, when his phone rang . His face burst into worry and joy upon seeing the contact name .

It was Mengyao"s phone, but it could be the robbers calling him with it, most likely asking for a ransom from the chairman . But news was news, after all .

"h.e.l.lo?" Li Fu picked up, his tone cautious .

"Uncle Fu, come pick me up……" Mengyao said, finding Li Fu"s voice to be sweeter than ever to her ears .

Li Fu arrived a moment later, Song Lingshan"s men behind him .

"Yao Yao!!!" Yushu was the first one to come charging out of the car . She lunged at Mengyao for a hug, holding her tightly . "I thought I"d never see you againnnn!!"

"You idiot! Never see me again?!" Mengyao had recovered from the shock already, and didn"t know if she should be crying or laughing at what Yushu said .

"Mister Lin, are you okay?" Li Fu asked, concerned over the blood on LIn Yi"s leg .

"Got hit by a bullet, no big deal . " Lin Yi said as he limped over . It did hurt quite a bit .

Li Fu was fully impressed- no big deal? There was a bullet in the kid"s thigh! What a man he was!

"Mister Lin, is it? Please come with us to the police station for a report . " Song Lingshan said officially as she walked over to Lin Yi .

Lin Yi only frowned- was this chick blind? Couldn"t she see all that blood on his leg? Lin Yi wasn"t planning on replying her nicely, that was for sure . "Need me to take my pants off for you to see first?"

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