Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 39-40

Publishedat 18th of March 2018 08:24:50 PM
Chapter 39-40

Chapter 39 - Money and Family Connections

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"Wh?" Song Lingshan blushed, slightly trembling in anger . This man was disrespecting her in public, a.s.saulting her with words of vulgarity! She"d have slapped him across the face already if it wasn"t for Li Fu"s sake .

"Vice-captain Song, what Lin Yi"s saying is that he"s been hit by a bullet in the leg… He"s offering to show you proof should you doubt his words . " Li Fu explained for Lin Yi upon seeing Lingshan"s reddened face- the girl had clearly misunderstood .

Lingshan suddenly noticed the bloodstain on Lin Yi"s pants upon the explanation, embarra.s.sed by her internal outburst . "Ah, I see… I can wait until after you pay the hospital a visit…" Yet Lingshan hadn"t forgiven Lin Yi- couldn"t he had phrased it differently? Why did he have to be such an a.s.shole about it, just say that you were injured! She may have been a cop, but she was still a girl!! Where were his manners?!

"An observant mind is elementary for any competent cop- my leg"s smeared in blood! Captain? Did you get the rank with money, or family connections or something?" Lin Yi replied dully, noticing her displeased reaction .

"You……… . " Song Lingshan was inexperienced, true- it was her biggest weakness, and something that always bothered her! Yet anyone who knew her history understood that by no means did she abuse her family connections!

She was a special ops combat instructor, with a military rank of major! Transferring into the position of vice captain in a criminal police team was absolutely acceptable when taking that into account . She also had the highest combat ability in the team, stronger than everyone except Captain Yang Huaijun himself!

LIn Yi"s words. .h.i.t her hard because of the truth in it- she was a powerful fighter, but a horrible observer . It was this lack in attention to detail that led to her failures in detective work .

Her colleagues in the team also admired only that- her combat ability . She had always been studying, trying to keep up in the more mental aspects of police work, but to no avail . She"d always follow alongside Yang Huaijun quietly whenever combat wasn"t needed- she recognized how lacking she was in certain departments, and she didn"t want to pull the team down .

In contrast, Yang Huaijun, who transferred in two years ago, boasted a wealth of case-solving experience! It made Lingshan envious, and even at times a bit jealous .

Yet the captain wasn"t available this time around, and Lingshan had to take over the reins . Then came along this Lin Yi b.a.s.t.a.r.d, who had poison instead of words to spew! The frustrating part was how Lin Yi"s words rang true- there were no possible retorts from Lingshan"s side, and all she could do was grit her teeth at the humiliation .

Meanwhile, Lin Yi was checking his wound out . It was entirely something he could handle on his own, it was just a bullet, after all . There wasn"t any time for hospitals in war- you"d probably die from enemy gunfire before getting transported to one .

Lin Yi didn"t want to cross this Song Lingshan woman who had her sights on him, either . The girl was already planning on following him to the hospital to have his statement taken, and Lin Yi didn"t want any more trouble with her .  Whatever . I"m not hiding anything anyway .

Lingshan wasn"t about to request anything from Chu Pengzhan"s little princess the way she did with Lin Yi, however . She intended to have the girl"s report finished without bringing her over to the police station at all .

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"Shu, how"s your brother doing?" Lingshan and Yushu both knew each other, but they weren"t on very good terms . She still felt guilty about what happened to Yushu"s brother .

"Hmph! None of your business!" Yushu sneered, turning the other way- not planning on being nice at all .

Song Lingshan only smiled bitterly as she turned back to Mengyao . "So, Miss Chu, let"s proceed . "

Yushu made sure to b.u.t.t in constantly as Mengyao told the story, exclaiming in surprise a couple of times as she listened . "Woah! Lin Yi did that? Seriously? Didn"t I tell you Yao Yao, just let him be your s.h.i.+eld, it can"t possibly go wrong! He"ll take care of all the flies!"

"Who would want him?" Mengyao snapped, p.i.s.sed off when she remembered Lin Yi"s face as he lectured her .

Song Lingshan was intrigued, as well . As things stood, this Lin Yi guy wasn"t just all talk- he had real skills! She wasn"t pleased with what he decided to say about her position, but she wasn"t someone who"d ignore the facts . As far as she could tell from Mengyao"s narrative, the guy had both wits and courage, maintaining his calm and turning the tables even after getting shot in the leg .

She did hold Lin Yi in contempt, however, for letting the robbers go . "They"re not gonna give me a salary or anything . "? What was wrong with doing some good for society? Yet her eyes widened a little when Mengyao explained the thought process behind Lin Yi"s actions . So Lin Yi made the right move- keeping the robbers calm was indeed the best route to have their safeties guaranteed .

Yet it it was odd- carrying out an entire bank heist just to kidnap Chu Mengyao? It did seem plausible, on second thought- It"d keep the Chu family unsuspecting, for whatever purpose the mastermind had in mind . Baldy"s group was the only lead now, and they"d have to be captured before anything else .

"Miss, I honestly do think Mister Lin"s pa.s.sed . The chairman wasn"t wrong to trust him- I"ll also feel at ease with him protecting you . " Li Fu said, finally understanding Chu Pengzhan"s wishes . This Lin Yi was someone special!

Mengyao"s lips twitched as she prepared a retort, but the scene of Lin Yi sacrificing himself for her kept playing over and over in her head……

The hospital didn"t ask too many questions- Song Lingshan was present, and they didn"t risk anything when treating a patient brought in by the police .

The main surgeon was talking to an a.s.sistant as Lin Yi was pushed into the operation room . "Have the anaesthesia prepared, I"m extracting the bullet . "

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"No need for that . " LIn Yi wasn"t fond of anaesthesi once or twice was fine, but too much would cause certain side effects to take place .

The surgeon paused . The kid was brought in by some pretty rich-looking people- surely he could afford anaesthesia? The nerves were tightly packed around the thighs, and it"d be extremely painful without any, despite the straightforward nature of the procedure .

"Kid, it"ll hurt a lot without anaesthesia . " The forty year old surgeon warned .

Chapter 40 - Wound on the Leg

"It"s fine, really . " Lin Yi smiled, very relaxed . "I don"t want the side effects . "

The surgeon paused once more before nodding- the patient had made his request, there was no reason to go against it . The surgery wasn"t a life threatening one, after all .

"Hang in there then, kid!" The surgeon said as he started giving directions to the a.s.sistant .

Lin Yi could stand large amounts of pain, but it didn"t mean he couldn"t feel any . A surgery like this, however, was well within his tolerance range, especially when compared to that fall from the peak of Mount Starwest all those years ago… It was like all his organs had gotten switched around- the intensity of the pain was overwhelming .

"How"d you get the wound, kid?" Sun Weimin was a veteran surgeon- he was as good with people as he was with operations . Lin Yi had a bullet in him, but he didn"t seem like a freshly apprehended criminal judging by how the police were treating him . With that in mind, Sun Weimin decided to chat with Lin Yi a little, in hopes of distracting him from the pain .

"In the bank, got shot by a robber . " Lin Yi, naturally, understood the surgeon"s intentions- but his mind wasn"t one easily distracted: he"d been through training that fortified his awareness since he was a kid .

"I see . " Weimin said, opening up fully to Lin Yi upon learning his ident.i.ty as a victim instead of a criminal . "Quite an intense situation, I imagine?"

"It was okay . " Lin Yi smiled . "I could"ve dodged it, actually, but there was this girl behind me, and she"d get hit instead if I did . So… I decided to just take it like a man . Dumb move, huh . "

Lin Yi had seen news reports detailing similar events- it was a general trend for the good people to be labelled idiots; those seen as smart were quite the contrary . They were always the selfish ones .

Lin Yi couldn"t help but mock himself a little as he recalled the information .

"Ah?" Sun Weimin found himself respecting the young man upon hearing what had taken place . "Dumb move? Kid! You were a hero to that girl! Lemme guess, was it love at first sight for her?

"Well, who knows . They took me hostage right after . " Lin Yi smiled bitterly . "She probably didn"t even know I was s.h.i.+elding her- the guy was aiming at me, after all . "

"All the same, kid . It was a great thing you did- Just the two of us knowing is enough!" Weimin only grew more impressed at Lin Yi . He"d taken a liking to the kid . "What"s your name?"

"Lin Yi . You have it on your file . " Lin Yi smiled .

"Heh, my bad .  I"ve too many patients, don"t really pay attention to stuff like that . " Weimin said, slightly embarra.s.sed .

The surgery proceeded fluidly . Lin Yi never screamed or twitched about, and it didn"t take long for the surprised surgeon to finish the operation- the kid"s willpower was something else! It was no easy task to provide such cooperation while operated on without anaesthesia .

Song Lingshan was making her way to Lin Yi"s hospital room when she b.u.mped into Sun Weimin, who didn"t waste any time in addressing his praise for Lin Yi . "Officer Song! This kid"s really something, sacrificing himself for another- he"s a real role model! You guys really should award him a civilian medal of bravery!"

"What do you mean?" Lingshan had to admit her respect for Lin Yi"s collected a.s.sessment and execution when dealing with the robbers, but what part of it included self sacrifice? Mengyao hadn"t mentioned anything noteworthy about the events that took place in the bank, as well, only bringing up the gunshot to Lin Yi"s thigh . As such, Lingshan a.s.sumed that she must have missed something .

"Oh, you don"t know? That kid Lin Yi, he could"ve avoided the robber"s bullet, but he got hit on purpose anyway because of a girl right behind him!" Weimin praised . "It"s my first time meeting a young man with a sense of justice and compa.s.sion like him, I"ll tell you that!"

Song Lingshan frowned . Seriously? Why did the whole thing sound like something from a storybook? Dodging a bullet? Even Lingshan, a special ops combat instructor herself, couldn"t claim to guarantee a feat like that . So Lin Yi was better than her . . ? She found it too hard to believe . "Dr . Sun, where"d you hear this from?"

"The kid told me himself!" Sun Weimin answered .

"He told you himself?" Lingshan paused at the answer .  And you just believed him? The kid probably wasn"t even serious- it was just some smalltalk! I can say I kill elephants with punches, too, you know!

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Weimin didn"t miss the doubt in Lingshan"s reaction . He responded with a laugh . "The kid even refused to take anaesthesia, toughing out the entire surgery with that willpower of his! I don"t doubt his words, officer . I"ll take my chances with willpower like that . "

With that, Sun Weimin took his leave- he still had many other matters to attend to . Lingshan, on the other hand, pushed open the door to Lin Yi"s room .

Lin Yi wanted to make a dash for the door the moment Lingshan walked in, but decided that it"d be too much . He was injured in the leg, not the arm, after all . He laid back down on the bed immediately .

"Lin Yi, can I have your statement now?" She didn"t understand why, but Lin Yi"s posture on the bed p.i.s.sed her off exceptionally .

"Yeah . " Lin Yi replied from the bed, noticing the exceptional size of this lady"s b.r.e.a.s.t.s- almost as big as the ones the p*rnstar from the morning channel packed . Upon closer inspection, Lin Yi found the woman to be quite a beautiful specimen .  Mmm… roleplay…

As if sensing something wrong with Lin Yi"s gaze, Lingshan subconsciously followed his eyes back onto her own body . Her face reddened in realization .

Long-term intensive training had nourished her chest very well, to the point that it became a burden instead, bouncing about as she walked . She even had to wear a corset just to prevent that, and had even considered getting surgery to reduce the size . The shame overwhelmed the trouble the b.r.e.a.s.t.s brought her, and she threw the notion aside .

It was fine when she was in the special ops, under iron rules- no one would just stare at her chest, and Lingshan didn"t find herself bothered by it as well . Her field missions, however, involved many unlawful areas, and many undercover operations… The men were always staring at her with l.u.s.tful eyes when she wore casual clothes! Lingshan wanted to crush them under her feet- they made her so uncomfortable .

What Song Lingshan didn"t expect, however, was someone who"d stare at her with the same l.u.s.tful eyes even when she was in uniform!! It was absolutely unforgivable! She gave a cold "hmph" as she seated herself on the bedside chair, formulating a plan to make the b.a.s.t.a.r.d pay…

She then remembered the wound on his leg .

Forty chapters!! I haven"t added any translator"s notes on the chapters before this one, but I plan to add to the bottom of every second daily chapter from now on, so why not click on it to help me out, since you"re probably a fan if you made it this far, anyway? 

Marcy =D

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