Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 41-42

Publishedat 18th of March 2018 08:24:50 PM
Chapter 41-42

Chapter 41 - The Legendary . . .

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Song Lingshan smiled evilly as she looked at Lin Yi . "Lin Yi, where did you get shot?"

"Left leg, the inner thigh!" Lin Yi answered honestly, a.s.suming that the questioning had already begun .

"Oh, lemme see… Is it here?!" Lingshan rubbed at Lin Yi"s inner thigh, pretending to be inspecting the wound as she applied a great deal of pressure .

It felt amazing! Her face reddened excitedly- she could already imagine Lin Yi howling and crying at the pain! Family connections, huh? Looking at my chest, huh!! This is what you get!!

"Gh-" Lin Yi hissed a little .  What the h.e.l.l"s wrong with this lady, why"s she pressing on my wound . . ? Isn"t she pressing way too hard? Fortunately, Lin Yi had a high tolerance- he"d have cried out in pain elsewise .

Lingshan, on the other hand, was disappointed- where was the howling and crying? Was she holding back too much? She had a rather kind heart, after all . With that, she increased the pressure .

"Ah… Aah . . !" Lin Yi cried out . He couldn"t take it anymore, what the f.u.c.k? Lin Yi was just about to start yelling at Lingshan when a gasp came from the door .

"Um… Yao Yao… What are they doing…?" Yushu asked, blus.h.i.+ng very intensely .

"Shu, we can"t… We"ll lose our innocence if we keep looking……" Mengyao"s face was bright red, as well . "They… they"re doing something really vulgar………"

"O-oh…" Naturally, Yushu caught on- she wasn"t the dumb type . "Woah… Lingshan Sis… doing that in a hospital . . ! Could this actually be the legendary… handjob…… . ?"

Song Lingshan was, at that moment, facing away from the door while her hand moved about the inner thigh of a moaning Lin Yi…… . It was only natural for the girls to misunderstand .

Her hand was blocked from Yushu and Mengyao"s angle, after all, and it was indeed very plausible to a.s.sume that a handjob was taking place .

Lingshan was confused at the conversation at first, but Yushu mentioning "the legendary handjob" sent a shock up her spine- one look at Lin Yi"s face was all it took- of course they"d misunderstand! Her face flushed as red as the girls", and she was just about to explain when she heard someone clear his throat .

It was Li Fu, who"d walked in on them along with Mengyao and Yushu . "Um, Officer Song… Lin Yi"s still recovering, and we"re in a hospital… It"s not a very appropriate setting for something like this……"

"I… I wasn"t……" Lingshan was speechless . How on earth was she supposed to get out of this mess now?

"It"s fine, we"ll come back again later . " Li Fu shook his head as he pulled the two girls out, contemplating on how things were in the new age .  I"m getting old, it seems… Officer Song was always a traditional woman, when did she grow so open-minded? Was it love at first sight for Lin Yi? But even still……

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"Yao Yao! That Song Lingshan"s making her move already!!" Yushu said angrily as she exited the room, swinging her fist about .

"Making her what?" Mengyao blushed, her heart beating intensely as the scene flashed across her mind .

"Lin Yi"s your s.h.i.+eld, you know!! How can she just try to steal him away like that?" Yushu gritted . "Yao Yao! You"ve got to stop her!!"

"That"s none of my business, okay!!" Meng Yao replied with a hmph . Just when she was warming up to this Lin Yi!! It turned out her first impression of him was right, after all! It was unforgivable- doing something so vulgar in a hospital? Unforgivable!!

"I wasn"t expecting something like this at all! Even the cold beauty Song Lingshan would do that! Famous for being cold, mind you! Love really does change a person, huh . " Yushu was extremely displeased- she wouldn"t be so angry if it was someone else, but that Song Lingshan…!!

Chen Yushu grew up in the same compound as Song Lingshan, and the two were always the center focus due to how beautiful they were . Lingshan was, however, one year older than her, and she hit p.u.b.erty earlier- it yielded her the favor of many boys .

In comparison, Yushu was more like a cute little girl, and the boys from the compound mostly treated her like they would an adorable baby sister while they fawned over Lingshan . Yushu didn"t want them fawning over her, but the situation displeased her regardless .

And that was only the first thing . What really made Yushu hate her was the fact that the boys fawning over her included her own brother!! She"d never forget the degree of depression her brother went through after getting rejected by Lingshan .

Song Lingshan actually went and said that she"d never accept a man weaker than her! This was also what moved Chen Yuming to join the army; he wanted to become stronger, for that woman"s sake!

"Shu, what are you getting so worked up for? You"re not in love with that Lin Yi are you!" Mengyao asked, full of suspicion . She"d had her mind preoccupied with the scene before, but there was clearly something wrong with Yushu"s rage .

"Me? In love with him? No way, of course not!" Yushu wanted to laugh- it was the most ridiculous thing she"d heard all day!

"Then stop bringing him up, if you"re not!! He"s nothing but trouble!" Mengyao didn"t know what she was so troubled over, as well . Was it because of Lin Yi"s saliva? Or was it his p.e.n.i.s that he put on display? Or, was it because Lin Yi had his hands all over her?

Yet all that seemed so far away… It had lost its significance . Lin Yi pus.h.i.+ng her down back in the bank- him saving her- eclipsed all the little things he"d done to her .

Mengyao felt like there was a blockage in her heart, something she didn"t understand . It made her very uncomfortable .

Lingshan still hadn"t recovered from what just took place, her face still red from blus.h.i.+ng .  Perfect . Just perfect . And Yushu saw me, too!!! Lingshan didn"t know how she could go back to the compound with her face raised, anymore .

Yushu would probably make things worse with her side of the story- she"d be a known s.l.u.t from that point on!!

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She flicked her head back at LIn Yi, who sat there like an idiot, as if he didn"t do anything . She really wanted to blow a freaking hole in his head! Why, the h.e.l.l, were you moaning?!! She gritted her teeth . "What the h.e.l.l were you planning, Lin Yi!! How am I supposed meet my friends and family after what you did?!"

" . . . Miss, I never believed that myth about girls with big being stupid, but you……" Lin Yi said with a laugh .

"What!!! What did you say!!!" Lin Yi"s taunt hit her right in the mark, and Lingshan flamed up with rage, her bouncing up as she stood . Her finger was stabbing out, pointing at Lin Yi the way Mengyao"s finger would .

Chapter 42 - Twice A Day

"Don"t think I"ll back down just "cause you"re swinging your around! I"d rather go look at p*rn when I get back!!" Lin Yi"s mouth twitched, unwilling to succ.u.mb to Lingshan"s or finger . "Firstly, you were pressing on my wound! Would I be moaning if you hadn"t been attacking myh freaking wound!? Secondly! What"s this about being unable to face your family and friends again? What about me then? Use your brain a little! So the law treats everyone equally only when women aren"t involved, I see? Tell me, how am I supposed to meet my family and friends?"

Lingshan froze, not expecting the rhetoric from Lin Yi . After all, she was just about to say that girls and boys were different, when Lin Yi pulled the whole "law treats everyone equally" out .

She was a police officer; she"d be stepping herself on the foot if she argued against Lin Yi"s statement .

Speechless and fl.u.s.tered, it was all Lingshan could do to point her finger at Lin Yi, taking a long while before calming herself with a deep breath . What was with her today? Was she still the same calm and collected Song Lingshan?

She"d never get angry at almost anything, and always kept a clear head . How many times had she lost her cool already, on just this one day?

It was that Lin YI"s fault, always poking at her right where she didn"t want it!!

Lingshan had calmed down at this point, and she decided to look at things objectively . Lin Yi was right- she was the one who pressed on his wound seeking revenge . He wouldn"t have moaned if she hadn"t done that, and no one would misunderstand anything at all if she hadn"t moved her hand about near Lin Yi"s crotch .

It could be said that she was responsible for all her problems today, in all honesty . Lin Yi shouldn"t be blamed at all . It displeased her very much so, but she lowered her head regardless . "I apologize for my outburst . Can I have your statement now?"

"Yeah . " Lin Yi replied, not expecting the sudden change in att.i.tude .

"Your name?" Lingshan had already reverted back to the cool headed police officer; nothing like the fl.u.s.tered girl from before .

"Lin Yi . " Lin Yi answered, very cooperative . He didn"t want to make things hard for the girl- his barrage of words were mainly for avenging his pressed-on wound . It was naturally true that girls took a harder hit from misunderstandings like that, far more than a guy did . Like his little episode with Chen Yushu this morning, for example- it hadn"t affected his daily life at all, and Yushu wasn"t looking at him in disgust or anything of the sort .

"Age?" Lingshan continued .

"Eighteen . Barely a grown-up . " Lin Yi smiled .

Lingshan"s face reddened instantly- it seemed as if Lin Yi was implying something, as if it was legal for her to help him out just now, since he was no longer underage…… Wh! That"s it! I can"t take this anymore!! She wasn"t going to get anything done at this rate .

It appeared that she hadn"t manage to sort herself out yet . She made sure to consult Huaijun Bro for some advice when he got back- she"d never seen the guy lose control over his emotions and facial expressions before, always maintaining an air of solemnity . Lingshan respected that to the highest degree .

"Describe what happened!" Lingshan exhaled as she continued the questioning .

It was finished soon after, and Lingshan hurriedly left the room under the suspicious, evasive, and disdainful gazes of the three people outside . She could physically feel her face warming up as she avoided Li Fu, Mengyao, and Yushu"s eyes .

"Mister Lin, are you okay now?" Li Fu was startled and a little doubtful- it was a gunshot, after all! Shouldn"t the kid be bedridden for at least a couple of days?

"Yeah . " Lin Yi answered .

"Twice a day, hm?" Yushu whispered, grinning as she pa.s.sed by Lin Yi"s side .

"Ah?" Lin Yi paused, understanding Yushu"s meaning an instant after .  Twice a day my a.s.s, they"re both misunderstandings!!

Mengyao, on the other hand, stayed silent as she gave LIn Yi a cold look . With that, she left the room as well, pulling Yushu along with her .

"That"s just how Yao Yao is… I hope you don"t mind, Lin Yi . " Li Fu waited until the girls left before speaking . He put a hand on Lin Yi"s shoulder . "You"ve saved Yao Yao today, we are truly grateful . I"ll make sure this reaches the chairman"s ears when he returns!"

"That won"t be unnecessary . " Lin Yi smiled courteously . "I"d be undeserving of my salary if I didn"t do this much . "

"Hahaha!" Li Fu laughed joyfully . "Well, we"re grateful no matter what . "

"Also, Uncle Fu, it"s more complicated than just a simple bank robbery . According to that Baldy, there"s a Cihua Bro that planned the whole thing . The robbery was just a cover for kidnapping Chu Mengyao!" Lin Yi said . "I don"t know who the mastermind beyond this Cihua guy is, but I think you guys should still look into the matter yourselves- it won"t be enough with just the police involved . "

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"Yes, I understand . I"ll make sure to relay this information to the chairman, as well . " Li Fu said with a nod, suspicious himself . The kidnappers did choose to move right after Chu Pengzhan left- there might be some sort of connection there .

Lin Yi didn"t say anything else- it was the Chu house"s business, after all .

Lin Yi was walking to the Bentley when he saw Song Lingshan"s police car pa.s.s by in the parking lot . He smiled at her, receiving a death glare in return . The officer only sped the car up, hoping to rid herself of Lin Yi"s face as soon as possible .

Lin Yi got in the car with Li Fu only to find Yushu and Mengyao already seated at the back . The two seemed to be talking about something before Lin Yi got on, immediately quieting down as soon as he entered . The atmosphere wasn"t very light or joyful .

The two had been discussing about what to do with Lin Yi right after getting in the car . Mengyao was unyielding in having Lin Yi fired, whereas Yushu thought Lin Yi"s presence to be a nice addition to the house . They"d have breakfast every morning now, too .

The statement had angered Mengyao- was food the only thing on Yushu"s mind? There were plenty of top tier chefs serving them, what good was a farmer in comparison to that?

The two girls, as a result, went silent before Lin Yi even entered the car- his presence only intensified it .

Li Fu didn"t bother parking in front of Yushu"s villa; he a.s.sumed that the two were going to be living together for some time anyway .

Li Fu left after dropping the three off- he still had to have dinner prepared for the kids . Naturally, Lin Yi was a kid to him as well .

"Stop!" Mengyao called as Lin Yi stepped into the villa .

"What is it?" Lin Yi asked, his head turning back to Mengyao . He could tease Song Lingshan, but Mengyao was off limits- she was his employer, after all . There was a certain amount of respect he was obliged to provide, and he was tasked with the responsibility of studying with her, living with her, and, as Uncle Chu put it, making her happy . As such, Lin Yi always made sure to maintain a positive att.i.tude when dealing with Mengyao .

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