Because Janitor-san Is Not a Hero

Chapter 1

Chapter 1
Because, Janitor-san Is Not A Hero1-ぶんどられて願ったことは
Chapter 1 – My Prayer was Answered

TL: xsomeblackjewx (Hokage Translations)
Editor/ Proofreader: uniquegasuki

At Sakuragaoka (桜ケ丘) high school, Hasebe (支部, はせべ) Kurando (蔵人, くらんど), a high school janitor was summoned along with dozens of other students and 3 teachers while they were in the back of the school yard picking up garbage after a school festival.
In an instant the world was entirely covered in a bright light.
Immediately after the unusual bright flash everyone felt as if they were floating.
In the next moment the sensation of suspension disappeared along with the blinding light.
Feeling a sense of relief Kurando slowly raised his eyelids.
The students began talking amongst themselves as the 3 shakened teachers tried to calm them down. The number of strained voices full of confusion and tension gradually increased.
“Where are we?”
“Why are we in such a place?”
“When will we be able to go home?”

【You all are currently drifting in between the universe’s infinite s.p.a.ce.】

A voice like sound resonants in their head.
It is calm, mysterious and unquestionably maternal.
The voice quieted down all of the teachers and students.

【I’m sorry to say, but all of you are being summoned.】

Although, they could comprehend what was said, they didn’t understand what it meant.

【In another world different from this one an inexperienced genius, overflowing with talent, jokingly succeeded in summoning heroes to their world.】

In disbelief the (1st year cla.s.s) gym teacher raised his voice in objection.
And then, one after another the students begin to raise their voice.

【I cannot prevent the summoning because you all are no longer on Earth, and thus you all are no longer under my management. I do not have any control over the world you all are being summoned to either.】

【As of now, I can only intervene because you all are vaguely traveling through the universe.】

A teacher tried to further voice their concern, but was interrupted.

【From here on the world you all are going to is not entire controlled by humans, like on Earth. There will be unimaginable amounts of danger lurking everywhere.】

Those harsh words

made a lump form in everyone’s throat that prevented them from speaking up.
It felt similar to how a mother scolds her child for misbehaving.

【You all will not understand the world’s language, and nor do you all have the power to resist as none of you possess magic. You all would be hopelessly powerless in that world.】

The voice unexpectedly softens.

【I will not abandon you all into such a place unprepared. Therefore, I will grant everyone a small amount of power. First of all, everyone will be adjusted to that world’s language. And then, a body that can adapt.】

Everyone is engulfed in blue light.

【Now, I will grant you all the power to protect yourselves and your companions.】

A ma.s.s of light begins to form in front of everyone; slowly it takes the shape of a sword.
Naturally everyone was not on guard. Without incident occuring they obtained it.

【Now then, go forth my children. Remain in good health.】

“My child?” There didn’t seem to be any problems. From their body a dark light is emitting; it felt as if they were being pulled away.
And then, at that time.
From Kurando’s hand the sword is s.n.a.t.c.hed away.
Kurando saw the back of a 1st year student…… the person’s name he did not know.
He only managed to recall the person’s face. Rumor has it that person is apparently the prideful son of some company president. Anyways, he heard the rumor from teachers gossiping.
However, Kurando might not have remembered what the person exactly looked like. It is foolish to try and remember the full names of half the students in the school. Therefore, it might not be the correct face.
Not having the other party present, Kurando can only shown a dumbfounded expression.

【Foolishness. For those of you who are present, do not worry. When you are in the other world your power will solidify and then afterward it cannot be stolen from you. As for what has occurred here, it is inexcusable.】

While listening to the maternal voice, Kurando’s eyes made contact with the gym teacher that is close by; however, they only made

made an inappropriate chuckle and wryly smile before they vanished.
The remaining students and teachers had the same expression before they too disappeared.
When Kurando thought he would also be summoned as is, he became pessimistic.
From Sakuragaoka high school: 25 first-year students, 25 second-year students, 25 third-year students, 3 teachers, and 1 Janitor; 79 people in total were summoned from Earth to another world.

【…… Ah, dear child. I am truly sorry.】

Kurando had yet to be spirited away.
He alone was left in the white s.p.a.ce.

【There exist only one sword (power) per person. For that reason I cannot give you another sword (power). And, once someone reaches the other world the sword (power) will attach to the soul and the ability cannot be recovered. Your sword was able to be stolen because while you are here your existence is not complete. Normally one wouldn’t be able to steal another person’s ability (sword).】

Kurando is somewhat satisfied with the explanation. In the first place he never considered that someone would try to steal another’s sword (ability). As the student that is at fault is nowhere to be found Kurando has no one to blame.
Nevertheless, he couldn’t stop himself from feeling down.

【They will be your only connection in the unknown land that you’ll be going to; it is best to not think such dangerous thoughts.】
The motherly voice prevent Kurando from saying anything more.
“Afterwards, do not resent the world, and do not curse it.”
In truth, the foolish child that stole the sword (ability) should be nearby.
However, in the other world there is no way to keep Kurando away from them.
Once they became a residence of that world the power will be rightfully theirs.
As of now, it is already too late for they have become a resident of the other world.

Kurando had already decided.
He won’t forgive them.

【……indeed, it is problematic.】

Although he hears the concerned voice, Kurando still couldn’t stop thinking about what was stolen from him.
He couldn’t stop himself from thinking about it.
Even though, it cannot be recovered.
That being the case Kurando wanted nothing

wanted nothing to do with them.
In j.a.pan he had failed to find proper employment; anyhow, Kurando could only think about how he wasn’t able to find his place in society.
Kurando couldn’t deny that he didn’t put enough effort into it, but it would be wrong to say he didn’t try.
He thought it was society’s fault for requiring a certain amount of income. And, because of that Kurando was never able to get pa.s.s that step and get to where he wanted to be.
It is a mistake to call them Kurando’s companions. He can no longer tolerate them and clearly he rejects them. Kurando can’t complain even if he is in the right. Society was the one that drove him away.
And, that is why Kurando wants nothing to do with them.
Maybe, distancing himself for them isn’t the correct way to go about it?
Perhaps, this is the reason why Kurando never successfully fit into society. Although he belittles himself and plays the victim, Kurando is not completely innocent. That is merely a fact.
Because, Kurando couldn’t take being a security guard or a garbage collector, he chosen to be a janitor.
A part-time contract employee at that.
And, that is why Kurando is thinking things over.
After the summoning Kurando thought about putting distance between himself and them.
There is nothing to be lost since to them Kurando was simply their contact janitor. For Kurando there was no reason for him to tolerate staying with them.
His wage was low. There was no promotion options. And, there was no renewal for Kurando’s contract.
Therefore, Kurando had no duty to them. There is no need for professionalism.
Nevertheless, they can’t blame him because Kurando made sure to do his work properly.

【……then, what location should I shift your arrival to? Although I can’t prevent the summoning, I can change your arrival location to somewhere different.】
As the G.o.d in the other world is still young their management is lenient
For that reason, it doesn’t matter where Kurando arrivals after he is summoned.
It isn’t that the G.o.d therethe G.o.d there is open-mind rather they just don’t care.

Kurando’s eyes sparkle upon hearing the proposal.
The G.o.d had read his mind and gave Kurando the answer he was searching for.
If possible Kurando wanted to go somewhere there are few people; he thought about someplace like a snowy mountain or desert would be good. Kurando is originally from an area with a cold climate. He also had fantasize about living in the desert. Although if it could not be there, he thought a place like something in between a frontier and a snowy mountain/ desert would be best.
The details are trivial but that is what Kurando wants.

【……I must warn you, in the other world magical beast and monsters run rampant; are you sure?】

Kurando will need food and water. He will also have to endure the climate and weather.
Kurando’s decision seemed rushed. His pessimism is clouding his judgement.
His desire to distance himself from them is great enough that Kurando didn’t think about the outcome.

【……one-year’s-supply of food and water, a magic textbook containing the other world’s general knowledge, and a knife? I cannot give you preferential treatment; therefore when you cross over to the other world, I will not be able to intervene.】

The way it was said, it sounded like a mother scolding a foolish child.
However, the foolish child simply nods.
Kurando appears delighted.

【I understand. Now, go forth.】

Kurando does a slight bow before vanishing in a dark light.

There is no one left in the blank s.p.a.ce. The voice doesn’t make a sound.

【I curse being a useless mother. Although it is an absurd world, I do not curse it. I pray that you all will not blame the other world. My you all be blessed.】

【Oh child who steals, you are still my child. I’m a foolish mother that still wishes that child good fortune. However, I do not know as to whether that child was able to harness the power of that sword. There truly is a web of fortune and misfortune intertwining together. Ah, I am indeed a foolish mother. I wish all my children good fortune.】