Because Janitor-san Is Not a Hero

Chapter 44

Chapter 44
Chapter 44 – Trial

MTL: uniquegasuki
Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)

On the third morning, the day of judgment arrived.
A dim light cuts through the darkness as Akari was awoken by the sound of someone knocking on the door of her room.
Akari had borrowed the room that was used by the night-watch.
「Akari-san, are you up?」 (Oofuia)
Oofuia’s voice pa.s.sed through the door.
「……ah, yes, I’m getting up now.」 (Akari)
Akari jumped out of bed and hurries to give a reply.
「Sorry for disturbing you so early in the morning. After you have gotten changed, please go to the branch chief’s office.」 (Oofuia)
As she tried to response while rushing to put her clothes on, Akari tumbled over the bed.
The domestic affair investigator had returned Akari’s luggage back to her.
Therefore, the change of clothes she was wearing wasn’t the baggy leather clothes Kurando had bought for her.
A full 2 day has yet to elapse since she had descended from the mountain. With a pleasant expression on her face, Akari tries to cram those leather tops and bottoms she had received into her suitcase.
She couldn’t bring herself to throw them away.

「Um, good morning. It is good to see that you’re safe.」 (???)
Upon entering the branch chief’s office, a woman stood up from the leather covered wooden sofa and warmingly called out to Akari.
「Aoi-senpai.」 (Akari)
The person who holds the ability 『Scythe of Fact』 is, Gotokuji Aoi (豪徳寺葵).
She is a bespectacled girl with black frame, her hair is tied back in a bun and she has an hourgla.s.s figure. While Akari hasn’t changed much, under Aoi’s white priest attire, she was different from Akari; Aoi’s breast had sufficiently expanded. Unlike Akari, Aoi wasn’t a 2nd-year but rather she was a 3rd-year when she was summoned. Presently, Aoi is 20 years old.
「Thank you very much for coming all the way over here just for my sake.」 (Akari)
Akari silently bows her head to Aoi.
「You haven’t changed. After you left the magic academy, I hear you became a hunter and then got involved in something troublesome. What, do you think I am giving my kouhai (junior) preferential treatment? Well, I don’t think it is too unreasonable. Besides, this will be the first special trial of its kind and the church doesn’t think this is a bad thing so don’t worry about it.」 (Aoi)
Akari is invited to sit on the sofa.
Aoi tells Akari to lift her head and to stop restlessly looking around.
「Oofuidono made it so that we can have some privacy here.」 (Aoi)
Akari and Aoi seated facing one another.
「It must have been quite a burden.」 (Aoi)
「No, it wasn’t that bad.」 (Akari)
「There are many things I want to talk about, but let us leave that for later. Although it is quite early in the morning, shall we talk about the trial? Anyhow, there isn’t must time left and not to mention, there has not been a similar case. It might not go smoothly so I ask that you bare with it when the time comes.」 (Aoi)
「Yes, of course.」 (Akari)
Akari obediently nods.
And then, she noticed Aoi showing a faint smile.
「There is no need to be so tense. The rules have not really changed much. Should I give you an explanation?」 (Aoi)
One by one, Aoi explains it.
Akari earnestly listened and digested the information.

【Acticle 1・The Trial of Truth is an International Treaty that is effective in all ratified countries: without exception, no person a.s.sociated with any of the ratified countries can object to this treaty.】
【Article 2・Trial of Truth, authority・enforcement: this trial holds no authority and cannot be legally enforced. Aside from the trial’s result, all means of intervention・obligatory enforcement cannot be conducted.】 (T/N: wording is strange, basically, I think it is saying the trial is voluntary and a person cannot be forced to undergo it)
【Article 3・Trial of Truth, related party notification: the trial cannot proceed without the defendant’s consent.】
【Article 4・Trial of Truth, procedure: an inquiry with the defendant(s) must be held before the trial can take place.】
【Article 5・Trial of Truth, defense: what the defendant says will be regarded as their evidence, aside from that no other proof is necessary.】
【Article 6・Trial of Truth, normal cases & special cases: In normal cases, the defendant will be asked questions outside of the effective range of the 『Scythe of Fact』. In special cases, the defendant will be asked questions while within the effective range of the 『Scythe of Fact』 and the verdict will be reported to each ratified country.】
【Article 7・ Trial of Truth, purpose: For now, the goal is to validate the judgment of the 『Scythe of Fact』 and establish the Trial of Truth. However

if in the case that the trials are not accepted, future trial will be discontinued.】

「Well, this pretty much sums it up.」 (Aoi)
「Okay.」 (Akari)
Akari was earnestly paying attention.
「Diligent as alway, I see. Now, would you like to go over the contents of the trial, was what I was about to say; however, would you mind hearing me out for a moment?」 (Aoi)
「Sure, what is it?」 (Akari)
Aoi shows a wry smile.
「This, pertain to those who undergo the Trial of Truth. I want you to listen to me without getting angry.
For argument’s sake. Let us a.s.sume that you do lie, in that case, you would die.」 (Aoi)
And thus, Aoi continued.
「That would mean I became a person who had killed you. You see, it doesn’t actually judge a person’s crime; it merely kills those who lie.」 (Aoi)
Akari catches her breath. She never realized it despite it being so simple.
Aoi shouldn’t have to worry about Akari lying. It was inconsiderate of Akari to not notice the burden that weighs on Aoi’s mind.
「So-sorry――」 (Akari)
「――don’t apologize. You shouldn’t be. What I am trying to say is that I don’t want to kill you, that’s all. After having come to this world, I don’t wish for the first person I kill to be a fellow summoned person such as yourself Akari, that would be unpleasant. This trial wasn’t created for the hands of human beings.」 (Aoi)
「You’re right, the cause is this world. Senpai, I will believe in your decision. Therefore, I will not be killed by senpai.」 (Akari)
Akari looked straight at Aoi.
「I take back my previous statement. You…… it seems you have changed quite a bit.」 (Aoi)
「Hehehe, is that so?」 (Akari)
「……you really have changed. You were not the type to laugh so freely, right?」 (Aoi)
Saying this, Aoi broke out into a hearty laughter.
“Did she alway had that expression?”, as Aoi thought this, she caressed Akari’s face.
「I would like to hear more about the details concerning the trial.」 (Akari)

For 2 hours, they talked about the details of the trial.
At some point in time, the morning sunlight began shining through the window in the branch chief’s office.
「Well, let’s end it here.」 (Aoi)
「Yes. We have been talking for quite some time now.」 (Akari)
「You know, this is the kind of work I wanted to do.」 (Aoi)
「I see. For me, there is also something I want like to do.」 (Akari)
「Oh, there is already something you have decided on? I see. Then when we have a chance next time, let us talk about.」 (Aoi)
Akari laughs.
「Well, I will be excusing myself. See you later at the trial.」 (Aoi)
Aoi stood up and then left the room.
There was no hesitation in her footsteps.

And then, the fated time arrived.
Akari has on the same school uniform that she wore on the day she was summoned.
It is a charcoal gray blazer & white blouse with a checkered-patterned shirt; around the collar of the uniform is a red ribbon.
Akari realized how long ago it had been since the last time she wore this uniform.
Despite 2 years having pa.s.sed, she is shocked to see how little her chest has grown.
「…………」 (Akari)
「Akari・Fujishiro-san, this way if you will……?」 (receptionist)
Upon seeing Akari’s discouraged appearance, the receptionist looked at her with a concerned expression.
「Ah, ex-excuse me.」 (Akari)
She pulled opened the door of the old room and then headed to the chapel.
In this village, there is an old rundown chapel that belongs to the Church of Sandora. As there was no resident priest residing there, it would serve as a temporary haven for traveling priest(s). This small stone chapel is located in the corner of the village.
Akari arrived at the chapel. The small church (chapel) was nothing grand.
「Please, make your way inside when your name is called.」 (receptionist)
Having told her so, the person who had guided Akari here walked off.
Akari stands in front of the large wooden door.
Her heart thumps loud and rapidly.
The beating of her heart pounds against her chest.
Not too long ago, it was quite hectic and she found it hard to believe. But, as she stands in front of chapel’s large door, Akari suddenly felt the sense of reality returning to her. From behind the door, it became noisy.
Aoi was going over the Trial of Truth’s rules and was demonstrating the 『Scythe of Fact’s』 ability.
From the room, their voices still lingered in the air.
「Akari・Fujishiro, enter.」 (Aoi)
Akari pushes against the door. It gradually starts to open, creek.
She was unable to calm down.
The door slowly opens and the opposite side comes into view.
Inside the chapel,

chapel, the room is being illuminated by a dim light created from the surrounding candles.
On both sides, candlesticks are lined-up in a straight path from the door.
Near the base at the end, there is a window with the image of the sun priestess, beneath the image, there stood Aoi wearing a white robe.
While the clothes were slightly transparent, everything else was visible except for in the areas that shouldn’t be shown.
“Is she not embarra.s.sed?”, Akari thought.
The door fully slides open.
From both sides of the room, there is a row of benches; altogether the benches are lined up in the shape of a fan. The representatives (messengers) from each nation are seated on the benches. Their eyes fall onto Akari.
Upon their gaze, Akari became even more nervous, causing her legs to tremble.
However, she holds down her urge to vomit. Akari takes one step forward.
She advances ahead.
As Akari made her way, she tried to walk as naturally as possible.
She continued on the straight path, making her way to where Aoi was standing.
One by one, their gaze focused on Akari.
Among them; there was Oofuia, Makushiimu, and Hayato & company. As expected, aside for Hayato’s party member’s, Erica & Kaede, the other summoned people are not present.
However, Akari didn’t have the time to think about it.
It felt as if her heart was going to fly out of her mouth.
From the bottom of her heart, Akari was glad that this chapel was small.
It wasn’t long before Akari reached Aoi’s location.

Aoi, who understood how Akari felt, showed her a faint smile.
And thus, Akari raised her head and turned to face the surrounding gaze.
Of the people present, Akari had never seen some of them before.
There was no pause. Aoi played the role of a strict priest.
「From henceforth, let the special trial commence.」 (Aoi)
Akari found this scene to be void of emotion.
Extending from the benches that were arranged in a fan-shape, there is a one-step elevated platform. Atop that platform, there is a single wooden foundation.
Aoi is standing there.
「First of all, I would like to confirm that you do willingly accept to undergo the trial. Akari・Fujishiro, raise your hand.」 (Aoi)
The representatives of each country sees that Akari has raised her hand while standing before Aoi.
Without saying a word, Aoi then raised her hand high above her head.
There a bright light gathered.
A moment later, Aoi was grasping a large pure white sickle in her hand.
Aoi watches Akari’s expression and then she opens her mouth to speak.

「Akari・Fujishiro, without being coerced nor without being threatened, do you undertake the Trial of Truth without the intentions of lying?」 (Aoi)
Akari naturally replies as one would naturally breathe.
「――I will not lie.」 (Akari)
And thus, the scythe is swung.
Akari closes her eyes.
The place is wrapped in silence.
「I have confirmed that you are not lying.」 (Aoi)
Upon hearing this, Akari opened her eyes and looked at her arm.
There was no wound on her arm.
Akari glanced at the pure white scythe that had pa.s.sed through her arm.
Although it was faint, there was a slight tremble.
Aoi then continued the trial without letting her emotions show on her face.
「Then, onward to the questioning――」 (Aoi)

The sound of something being smashed rings out.
From behind the closed curtain of the window, they simultaneously smashed through the wooden window.
It is an attack.
Men clothed in black silently rushed towards them.
The a.s.sailants all went straight for Akari.
「To come here in broad daylight,」 (Makushiimu)
Makushiimu with his large build jumped in front of Akari, blocking their path. He then dropped his fist on a nearby a.s.sailant.
The force causes the a.s.sailant to sink into the floor and collapse.
「Foolishness.」 (Oofuia)
As Oofuia muttered this, several of the a.s.sailants fainted when earth from the ground was launched against their abdomen.
Inside the room, the figures of the scattered a.s.sailants can be seen trembling
One at a time, two at a time, the a.s.sailants collapse and goes silence.
「As long as I’m here, I won’t let you lay a finger on my company.」 (Hayato)
With amazing speed, Hayato suppresses the a.s.sailants that are inside the chapel one after another.
Whenever Hayato swung his black holy sword, the number of a.s.sailants would decrease.
The a.s.sailants were being easily repelled.

「――hey, who told you to attack us?」 (Makushiimu)
An a.s.sailant who was left groaning on the ground, Makushiimu gripped the person by their head and lifted them up.
However, the a.s.sailant stayed silent.
「I see.」 (Makushiimu)
Makushiimu throws the a.s.sailant.
The person crashes against the door.
「――hey, who told you to attack us?」 (Makushiimu)
The same is asked of a

of a different a.s.sailant.
And just like before, the a.s.sailant’s head is seized and their body is sent flying.
As they witness the fate of the others, the remaining a.s.sailants were left shivering.
「……Zauru. ZZauru・Domitooru・Buragoi.」 (a.s.sailant)
Upon hearing that name, the representatives became noisy and begun conversing among each other.
An aristocrat of their country had a.s.sociated himself with 2nd-rate
For a fellow countryman aristocrat to act in such a matter, it would not be surprising if they were killed by an angry mob but there is no such authority to do so.
Although the messenger’s (representatives) from the Kingdom of Erurodoriana and the domestic affair investigator didn’t let it show on their face, in their heart there was a raging storm.
With each country’s representative present, it was disclosed that the person who caused this uproar was from this country. The authenticity was not the issue, but rather the problem was that it was exposed here of all places.
Although he may have been cornered, this a sink or swim gamble was a rather bad move even for Zauru.
Compared to falsifying a report against the hero, scheming to kill the hero has a completely different significance.
The Buragoi family will be ousted from the parliament. While the t.i.tle of aristocrat is only in name, the family head will be forced to retire and the eldest son will take it over. The 3rd-son, Zauru, will be made to disappear. Afterward, he would be exiled and then secretly erased.
However, in the United Kingdom, such a thing was of no importance.
At a later date, this will become an international topic of concern for the United Kingdom.
The domestic affair investigator directs a bitter glare at Makushiimu.
A troublesome thing had come to light.

「Let us leave it at that. Right now we are in the middle of a trial.」 (Oofuia)
Oofuia gave a sharp glance at Makushiimu.
Oofuia had realized Makushiimu’s intention. The Buragoi family will receive punishment regardless of the authenticity of the matter.
Although the method was dirty, it wasn’t like Makushiimu didn’t understand this.
He just wanted to give their family a hard time.
They were the cause of him quitting the 『White Spear』. And for that, he resented them.
Nevertheless, Makushiimu obeys Oofuia and lowers the a.s.sailant.
「What are the military police doing!」 (Makushiimu)
Makushiimu angry roared and then, at last, the military police rushed in.
「Hurry up, we are still in the middle of the trial. Hurry it up, quickly arrest them and leave!」 (Makushiimu)
He demands them to hurry up. The military police then quickly arrested the a.s.sailants and carried them outside the chapel.
Oofuia exchanged a glance with Arii who was standing near the smashed window.
Arii nods, as she guessed Oofuia’s intention.

The trial will continue without the window being returned to its former state.
Aoi and Akari proceed with the trial.
「Then shall we begin again, Akari・Fujishiro turn this way.」 (Aoi)
Akari turns to the direction stated by Aoi.
The pure white scythe is affixed near Akari’s neck.
With a light tug, her head would drop.
The representatives, who had moments ago witness an attack, they felt a sense of giddiness inside.

They watched as a scythe, taller than the girl herself, was placed close to girl’s delicate neck.
As they observed this unbalanced scene, they couldn’t take their eyes off of the girl nor the large scythe.

「Then, I will now begin the questioning.
First off, is there no mistake that you are the hero who possesses the 『divine blessing』, 『Radar Map』?」 (Aoi)
「Yes, there is no mistake.」 (Akari)
「As a hero to receive the effect of another hero’s blessing, without exception, you must first accept this blessing. Do you accept judgment from the 『Scythe of Fact』? If you tell a lie, this large scythe will become a scythe of iron and your head will be severed. Are you alright with that?」 (Aoi)
「Yes, I have no problem with that.」 (Akari)
Akari closed her eyes and does not watch the large scythe.
She was speaking the truth.

The scythe pa.s.sed through Akari’s slender neck.
When the representatives saw this, they held their breath.
The girl’s neck was unharmed as the large white scythe merely pa.s.sed through.
Supposedly, if the girl were to tell a single lie, it would be no joke as her head would then fall to the ground.
It is a fact that the large pure white scythe would be able to slice through a person as thick as a log.

Aoi without letting her concerns show, she continued.
「You who claims to be able to distinguish friend from foe, did you out of malice instigate the Atorabashiku to attack the white phantom subjugation party led by Zauru・Domitooru・Buragoi?」 (Aoi)
「No.」 (Akari)

Once more, the large pure white scythepure white scythe pa.s.sed through Akari’s neck.
The representatives couldn’t bring themselves to look away.
As they observe the trial, they completely forgot about their skepticism.
While it did resemble a public execution, it wasn’t nearly as dark and gloomy. The trial itself gave off the impression of being an honest ceremony.

「Did you guide the white phantom subjugation party, led by Zauru・Domitooru・Buragoi, with the intention to aggravate the Atorabashiku?」 (Aoi)
「No.」 (Akari)

The large pure white scythe through Akari’s neck.
What the representatives see in front of them, is the eyeing catching image of an innocent and brave girl.
They knew of the situation.
Of course, they knew of their country’s behind the scene circ.u.mstances.
Similar cases had also happened in their own country and certainly, there are misgivings.
However, in the heat of the moment, they forget such things.

「Was it due to your error that, the white phantom subjugation party led by Zauru・Domitooru・Buragoi, had resulted in the Atorabashiku being enticed?」 (Aoi)
「No, I tried to stop them, but they didn’t listen.」 (Akari)

The large pure white scythe pa.s.sed through Akari’s neck.
Sighs of relief can be heard from the audience (people inside the chapel).
The representatives sympathized with the tragic heroine. Although she held the t.i.tle of hero, the girl was used as a political tool in the country’s affairs. Surely, she must be the heroine.

「Alright. In this Trial of Truth, Akari・Fujishiro has been proven to be not guilty in the case of having instigated the Atorabashiku against the white phantom subjugation party lead by Zauru・Domitooru・Buragoi.」 (Aoi)
Akari takes a deep breath.
At last, she has proven her innocence.
However, it felt as if something was missings.

「Akari,」 (???)
A man calls out to Akari.
Akari watched as Hayato stood up from the bench.
The audience grew noisy.
The most famous of the heroes had appeared before the tragic heroine.
In their minds, the audience were expecting something.

「Come with me! I will protect you!」 (Hayato)
Hayato acts on the audience’s irresponsible expectation.
Without losing her way, Akari looked at Hayato’s hand which he had presented to her.
The chapel had already become a stage for a grand story.
Yes, it is a magnificent story. And thus the conclusion commences.
They watch her every action.

「I’m sorry.」 (Akari)

Akari silently lowered her head.
The representatives were hit with a surprise.

「This has nothing to do with policies or politics. I want to protect you.」 (Hayato)
Upon hearing his words, Akari slowly raises her head.
And then without taking Hayato’s hand, she walked off to the side.
She turns toward the representatives and then opens her mouth to speak.

「I, Akari・Fujishiro will enter priesthood.」 (Akari)

Those in the audience (inside the chapel) fell silent.
In front of their eyes, Hayato and the representatives try to come to term with what had happened.
Makushiimu stops himself from bursting out laughing while Oofuia shows a wry smile.

「I will join 『Maruuna・Nyuumu』 and serve by the G.o.ddess’s side.」 (Akari)

Gradually, the reality of her words reached everyone here.
In Hayato’s presence, silently whispers are heard. “Religion is no good, Akari is saying she will throw her life away, Akari shouldn’t agree to this”. (T/N: might be wrong)
From behind them, Aoi asked her.
「Why, will 『Maruuna・Nyuumu』 keep you safe, is that how it is?」 (Aoi)
Akari smiles and denies it.
「That isn’t it. Aoi-senpai, it is something I have decided for myself. 『Maruuna・Nyuumu』 is where I belong. I have already received Oofuia’s permission.」 (Akari)
Aoi saw Akari’s determined expression and then understood.
It was something Akari had decided on her own, there was nothing more to say.

From the representatives perspective, the story had changed to the tragic heroine entering priesthood. “What did this courageous girl say she would do?”, they thought.
The girl who is before them, she was able to stand on her own although she was not a strong independent woman, perhaps may be so.
And with that, the representatives felt as if they had awoken from a dream.

As for the domestic affair investigator, who watched this unfold, he was greatly perplexed.
The hero was attacked although there were so many representative present; not to mention, it was true that the hero was used as a political tool. And lastly, it concluded with the hero entering priesthood. As to how much of a political disgrace it will become, it’s unknown.

During all of the commotion after Akari’s declaration of priesthood, the sound of lightning striking was heard from outside the chapel.
However, outside wasn’t gloomy as the weather was clear with no chance of thunder.

All members were on guard for another possible attack to happen.
However, nothing occurred.

At that moment, they noticed Hayato’s party running off.
When Akari saw Hayato going, she too started running.
In addition Makushiimu, Oofuia and also Aoi followed after them.