Because Janitor-san Is Not a Hero

Chapter 45

Chapter 45
Chapter 45 – Rampage ①

MTL: uniquegasuki
Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)

Kurando proudly made an evil smile.
And then, laughter escapes from his throat.
When Kurando imagined Akari turning down Hayato, it made him want to grin.

That night, just before the kiss, Akari had whispered to Kurando that she would be immediately joining up with『Maruuna・Niyuumu』 and entering priesthood after the Trial of Truth ended.
With each country’s messenger (representative) being present, there is no way the United Kingdom of Erurodoriana can overturn the verdict.
Akari had antic.i.p.ated on this.
Although, that wasn’t her only objective.
She had also expected that Hayato would be there at the chapel. Anyhow, that guy is well-known to want to carry the burdens of all his cla.s.smate, without fail.
And thus, his idiocy would be exposed right in front of the representatives from each country.
As Kurando thought this, his facial muscles relaxed.
About what Akari had said, an old memory flashed in his mind; Kurando recalled jokingly saying to her, 「how about entering priesthood」.
For Akari to say it was her idea, as Kurando thought this, it only furthered his good mood.
「Kukuku, uwhahahaha」 (Kurando)
Yukishiro, who watched as Kurando broke out into an eerie laughter, showed an expression that seemed to imply it gave up on dealing with the current state of affairs.
On occasion, its partner’s personality would worsen.
Because the person seemed to be mentally ill, Yukishiro had no choice but to give up.
No matter how one looks at it, the current Kurando is a complete evil villain.

Presently, Kurando and Yukishiro are camping by the forest.
The evening sun was in the process of setting.
「――shall we get going?」 (Kurando)
Having finished laughing, Kurando calls out to Yukishiro.
For Kurando and Yukishiro, how dark it was at night was irrelevant. If anything, it was more convenient as they would attract less attention.

Kurando had abandoned the white phantom’s cave atop the Arerudouria mountain range to go on a journey.
When they were discussing it, surprisingly, Yukishiro did not dislike the idea.
The monsters had caused the forest life to die out. There was no longer game to hunt. If there is no prey, territory by itself is meaningless.
Not to mention, now that the Atorabashiku are gone, people are bound to venture into the mountains. The situation is quite sad if one thinks about it.
Anyhow, Yukishiro was...o...b..ard with Kurando’s suggestion.
As for Kurando’s ident.i.ty, his dog tag is proof that he is a hunter and the item that Oofuia had given him could also serve as his backup identification.
And as for Yukishiro, the illusion autonomous magic could be used to disguised it as a black panther.
Now that all the conditions have been met for their journey, next, he merely needs to secure a place to live.

As they prepared to departure from the campsite, Yukishiro suddenly puts itself on guard and then scowls at the dark spot.
Yukishiro’s growl elevates and it bares its fangs, power acc.u.mulates in its legs.

「……troublesome, magical beast.」 (???)

From the darkness, a figure appeared.
A girl with a pair of black rabbit ears, who was clothed in black, stood there.
In each hand, she held a knife.
「If I recall…… are you not one of Hayato’s party member? Why are you here…… you’re probably not here to talk, I a.s.sume?」 (Kurando)
Kurando puts down his luggage, draws the kukri katana from his side, fastens his shield and took out his notebook.
「……for Hayato’s sake, die.」 (???)
In the silent darkness; Kurando, Yukishiro, and the black rabbit beastman girl engaged in combat――


A red lightning cuts through the darkness and directly hits Kurando and Yukishiro.

「――for Hayato’s sake, die!」 (???)

Erica got down from the gap in between the trees.
The scarlet red static electricity emitting from Erica’s boots can be seen through the darkness.

      (Black Rabbit Beastwoman’s perspective)
Showing a cold expression, the black rabbit beastman girl headed towards where the lightning had fallen.
Even if that man doesn’t have his ability, the person is still a hero.
Erica is also a hero, so her power should be that person’s equal.
The black rabbit beastman girl glanced at Erica.
Erica is slightly overexcited, his face is flushed, and he is breathing heavily.
That can’t be helped.
The person has killed someone from their home world. Besides, I’m different from him, I am used to killing people. But overall, it went well and our performance was good.
Erica who never disobeyed Hayato, he never thought to rely on me and wage a battle.
I wasn’t particularly close with Erica; Hayato was the center that tied us together, that

was all.
And thus, they ended up depending on one another.
While thinking this, the black rabbit beastman girl noticed that she herself had made a faint smile.

After that day, 4 days pa.s.sed.
When that girl called Akari was found, Hayato seemed to be brooding over something.
To be accurate, after he had entered the cave with that unknown man, Hayato seemed to be distracted as if he was looking at something in the distance.
The black rabbit beastman girl motionlessly watched Hayato from the shadows.
“What can I do for Hayato”, she thought.
「Kuu (クー), do you have a moment?」 (Erica)
At that time, Erica called out to her.
The name Kuu was something she had received from Hayato.
Kuu nods and then accompanied Erica.

「By no means should you tell anyone what will be said here, and I mean absolutely none!」 (Erica)
Erica said this to Kuu with a serious expression.
Kuu was unaware that Erica was always fawning over Hayato.
While being slightly surprised by how serious Erica was acting, Kuu gave her usual calm nod.
「Well, you probably wouldn’t but, by no means should you tell Hayato, that would not be good.」 (Erica)
And thus, Erica told her about Hayato’s connection with that janitor man.

“Why did Erica tell this to me?”, Kuu thought.
Because Hayato himself had already decided to leave the matter aside, it would not have done much for Erica to consult Kaeda or Fon.
In the first place, they didn’t trust Arisu. Erica and Kuu believed that the person who had performed the summoning, Arisu, was an Arubaumu (アルバウム) spy.

「That is how it is. What do you think we should do?」 (Erica)
Although Kuu is a girl, she who knew of a person’s malice and what goes on behind the scene.
Likewise, she was raised to kill by an organization.
Erica who couldn’t think of anything had decided to consult the matter with Kuu.
「……must, kill.」 (Kuu)
Erica catches his breath.
「Th, that is a bit……」 (Erica)
There was no hesitation in Kuu’s red colored eyes.
「……he, can bring harm to Hayato……, that’s possible…… he can be used to, Hayato’s downfall…… unpleasant. Fellow hero, no exceptions, his…… existence, Hayato’s…… obstacle.」 (Kuu)
「Kuu, what do you think about Hayato having stolen the power?」 (Erica)
「……nothing at all.」 (Kuu)
「Nothing, you don’t condemn him for stealing it?」 (Erica)
「……Hayato, saved Kuu. Not……, that other man.」 (Kuu)
Erica thought about it.
「……you’re right. When I was cheated, Hayato was the one who saved me, not that guy.」 (Erica)
「……Kuu, will. Erica, not…… necessary.」 (Kuu)
Erica quietly stared at Kuu.
「……I’m also in. I will do anything for Hayato. At that time, I had already decided on that.」 (Erica)
The two nod.

If it is for Hayato’s sake, they were willing to play the role of a villain.
While being intoxicated with such feelings, in addition to nervousness, it distracted Erica from feeling guilty.

The dust cloud created from the scarlet lightning starts to clear away.

Suddenly in the darkness, something jumps out from the dust.

Erica instantly puts up his shield.
The shield comes into contact with the flying object.
“Don’t endure it, deflect it, that method is better suited from Erica’s divine blessing.”
Erica recalled what Hayato had said.
In desperation, he tries to negate the impact on his shield by kicking the ground with his boots of scarlet lightning, letting the force slide off to the side.

Yukishiro had leaped through the dust cloud; while having coated itself in earth & ice, Yukishiro flew pa.s.sed Erica who was clad in his 『divine blessing』, 『Twilight Boots (朱雷のブーツ, トワイライトブーツ, boots of scarlet lightning)』.
「You!」 (Erica)
The attack was not a failure as the impact from the shield sent a dull pain running through Erica’s shoulder.
However, the shield made from dragon bones was undamaged, displaying that it wasn’t just for show.
Erica looked over his shoulder.

Erica having his stance broken and his back exposed, Yukishiro scowls at him from behind.
For Yukishiro, lightning is regarded as an enemy.
It could not forget the day its parent was defeated.
Whenever it sees lightning or lightning being used, it would feel deep sorrow and become agitated.
However, Yukishiro didn’t hold a grudge.
Those who are weak die.
That is the sort of world that Yukishiro lives in.
If it did have resentment, it would be towards Akari and Makushiimu.
Towards Akari, such feeling did not surface because she appears weak.
But, in Makushiimu case, the feeling was different.
At the mere sight of him, Yukishiro’s fur would stand on ends.
However, even then, there was no hate.
The person’s strength might rival or might even

even exceed its birth parent’s.
When thinking of it that way, such feeling could almost not be suppressed.
And compared to then, its present self is still no match and it found that vexing, that was all.
――however, lightning is a different matter.
That sound it hears, that light it sees, Yukishiro found it to be irritating and enraging.
Kurando had noticed this and thus he didn’t make use of lightning, paying it no mind as Yukishiro could not deal with lightning.
Nevertheless, Yukishiro couldn’t stomach that the person standing before it is pointing lightning in its direction.

Yukishiro glared at Erica, who had turned around.

Come, it beckons.

Yukishiro gave a provoking howl.
In anger, Erica kicks the ground with his 『Twilight Boots』and springs toward Yukishiro at high-speed.

From the location where the first lightning struck, Kurando stood up.
「Uhh, unbelievable, that divine blessing b.a.s.t.a.r.d.」 (Kurando)
Despite the degree of the lightning strike, there wasn’t a single wound on Kurando.
As he had thought, divine blessings have no effect on other summoned people.
Clashing, Kurando turns to look in the direct of noise. There he saw Erica and Yukishiro facing off.
From what he can see, it seems alright to entrust Erica to Yukishiro as it had a strange fixation on lightning. Although affinity wise, Kurando should have dealt with it but he chooses to let Yukishiro do as it pleased.
Above all, Kurando needed to focus on his own situation.

The darkness spreads in front of him.
Before his eyes, only darkness is reflected.
Kurando tries firing off some light spirits.
For a split second, he was able to see the trees through the darkness; however, the light spirits were immediately painted over with black.
After seeing this vicious cycle repeating, he gave up on trying to use light spirit magic.
As it is night-time, there are few light spirits and capturing some proved difficult.
Next, he tried searching through the darkness.
This too had no results.
Apparently, the opposing party is a dark spirit user.
Although Kurando can’t see, the opposing party probably could.
Yukishiro never had to worry about the darkness. As for Erica, the electromagnetic waves emitting from his body probably allows him to sense his surroundings. And the who is able to melt into the darkness, naturally, she wasn’t hindered by it.
「How did this happen?」 (Kurando)
Kurando grieves at the fact that he is being targeted by an
However, he understood the reason.
In any case, he just has to have faith in his own abilities.
When Kurando was in j.a.pan, he was not skillful. But, it is not like things drastically improve for him after coming to this world, either.
His degree of power is equivalent to a soldier; however, he doesn’t have the known how of one. Kurando shows wry smile as this was basically something he wasn’t suited for.
Even so, he couldn’t afford to die here.
Then, Kurando has no choice but to do it.
Kurando opens the notebook he is holding in his hand.

Without warning, a large knife is thrust towards the back of Kurando’s neck.
「……」 (Kuu)
In an instant, from the opposite side, another knife moves to slit his throat.

Neither of it reached Kurando.
However, Kurando perceived that his physical barriers were destroyed. It felt similar to gla.s.s shattering.
Kurando swings his kukri katana upwards.
The silently avoids it before melting into the darkness and vanishing.

Kurando restored his barrier.
In that moment, he felt a single attack on his thigh and then his side, again his physical barriers are broken.
With all his strength, he swings the kukri katana in the direction the attack came from.
However, it was a complete miss.

Kurando raises his barrier once more.
And yet again, he was. .h.i.t by 2 attacks.
Kurando swings his kukri katana but no hit connects.
This scenario repeated for awhile.

Around the 10th cycle, Kuu’s face slightly appeared from the darkness.
「What…… are you?」 (Kuu)
No matter how many times the physical barriers were broken, they would instant be restored.
She did indeed destroy 2 barriers.
“……two”, she thought.
Kuu realized something.
But, it merely furthered her question.
「Who knows. If I had to say…… I’m nothing special, or something like that.」 (Kurando)
Being made a fool of, Kuu gets angry but then immediately suppressed her emotions.
Kuu rea.s.sures herself. “I only need to think about cutting the target, other thoughts are unnecessary”, she thought.
“If the number of attacks are not enough, I just have to increase it”, Kuu thought.

At Kurando’s back: from the back of his leg to his thigh, his side, and his neck; she does a 4

a 4 hit combo with the intent to definitely break through his barrier.
“When he bleeds out, I will be able to give him a fatally wound to the neck”, she thought.
Kurando was truly unable to perceive the attack.

Gradually, the number of attacks increased along with the number of wounds he received.
Although he is bleeding from his wounds, none of them were fatal.
Kurando didn’t have the time to perform medical treatment on himself.
Every time he restored his barrier, an attack would follow.
Kuu was aiming at the gaps between his armor with sharp precision.
(Kuu’s perspective)
Although questions about the enemy begin to pile up, Kuu continues to cut.
Her slashes connect but the target shows no signs of being affect by the magic poison.
The magic square (circle) on Kuu weapon gives it a coating of magic poison. It is a hidden technology used by the organization she was with. Kuu had personally confirmed its effectiveness.
Unbelievable, the target has developed a 2 layer barrier.
He is using both life spirit magic and autonomous magic.
For this to happen in the middle combat, unbelievable. Huh, the magic poison doesn’t seem to be having any effect; is there a 3rd barrier?
Kuu tries to confirm it.

The wind was gathered and compressed before it was projected at the target.

The moment he heard his barriers being smashed, Kurando noticed the invisible attack that he had received.
“Was that compressed wind”, he thought
To be accurate, the compressed wind that was thrown could perhaps be called an air hammer.
While thinking this, Kurando immediately tries to restore his barriers.

And then, another incoming air hammer approaches.
The defenseless Kurando receives the hit.
As expected, the barrier fell from taking several attacks.
Although, he managed to block 2 of the remaining blows with his shield.
Upon receiving those several hits, it felt like his head was going to be ripped off and the force of the impact nearly made him vomit. Kurando groans as he gets back up.

As if she had encountered a rare animal, Kuu stared at her target.
Her target is able to use life spirit magic, autonomous magic, and he is able to continuously put up a 4 layer-physical・magic barrier.
Not only does the target has enough supply of maryoku to constantly repair the life spirit magic barrier, but the barrier itself has zero blind spots as it covers the entire surface of his body.
And though, even if the autonomous magic barrier is an original magic, for it to be restored after being destroyed, a magic square (circle) and incantation should be required.
Kuu couldn’t comprehend it.
The 4 layer barrier could simply be described as a demonstration of pure skill. She didn’t have a clue as to how he was able to instantly restore the magic barriers.
For a moment she forcibly thought about how the autonomous magic was developed.
But, she couldn’t think about it forever. One way or another she has to do something.
That being so, Kuu has to find a way to break through it.

Then that being the case,
Kuu melts into the darkness, erasing her presence and erasing her emotions.
Kurando was staggering to his feet while surveying his surroundings. He does not seem to perceive her location.
While cloaked in darkness, Kuu moves to Kurando back.
In an instant, she unleashes 4 attacks.
She slashes at the neck, the heart, the side, and backside; while simultaneously, she threw compressed air in the exact same locations.
There was a reaction.
The 4 layer barrier was destroyed.
Kurando desperately swings, doing a sideway sweep; however, Kuu smoothly dodges and then steps in toward Kurando’s chest.
Just like that, she does a spinning rotation, using that momentum, she thrust the knife.
The location didn’t matter.
She feels the sensation of digging into flesh as she heard the number of groans begin to pile up.
And then an additional 2 attacks.
Another knife goes for his neck――
「――fufu, I finally caught you.」 (Kurando)
When Kuu tried to stab him from behind, her arm was grabbed.
At some point, Kurando had discarded his kukri katana and then captured Kuu with his free hand.
However, Kuu silently twists her body along with the arm Kurando’s was holding her with.
「Guhh!」 (Kurando)
While standing, Kurando was seized like that.
He falls to his knees in agony.
His arm & shoulder is in extreme pain.
「……farewell.」 (Kuu)
There is no barrier up.
Kuu moves to gouge Kurando with the knife.

「You know.」 (Kurando)
However, the knife was stopped a small margin from Kurando’s neck.
Although one of his arms was disabled, Kurandowas disabled, Kurando opened the notebook with the other arm.

An arm made of earth had stopped the knife.
And then, Kuu vision’s became hazy. She detects the presence of dark spirits.
However, she ignored her loss of vision.
「Something of this degree!」 (Kuu)
In the instant Kuu tried to destroyed the earth hand by using wind spirits, she felt the spirits dissipate and her consciousness fading from her.

「Fufu, it is over… ah.」 (Kurando)
With no strength left, Kuu to crumbled to the ground with her seized arm being twisted in an odd direction.
「……wh-hat, did, you do」 (Kuu)
Kurando is surprised by Kuu’s voice.
「You’re still conscious, huh?」 (Kurando)
He couldn’t have her reviving and launching a surprise attack.
Without giving her a chance to reply, just like that, Kurando beats the defenseless girl using the giant’s glove.
Kapow, kapow, kapow. It is an unbearable scene to watch as he repeatedly slams his fist into the helpless girl’s abdomen.
In addition, while she lays there on the ground, an earth stake magic is activated.
The girl’s body thrashes as a stake made of earth pierces her legs several times.
Kurando showed an uninterested expression as he carried this task out.
Sure enough, the girl’s power to fight back had been s.n.a.t.c.hed away.
And then, he began to recite a magic.

【【EЕсть форма для бесфнной власти, BВласть форвать без власти; Kwusutora】】
「【【Power heed my command, take form, power harden and take shape, maryoku thorn; Kwusutora (クゥストラ)】】」 (Kurando)

With that, the magic activated and flowed to the medium, an arrow, Kurando was holding.
Without hesitation, Kurando stabs Kuu’s lung with that arrow.
「……ahguu」 (Kuu)
「You should have a bit of maryoku left, but know that this arrow has a complex shape; any pointless actions will only hurt you. If you try to heal yourself, I will twist this arrow. So, don’t try anything and just stay silent.」 (Kurando)

At some point in time, Yukishiro had arrived nearby.
It was holding Erica in its mouth by the nape of his neck, displaying its flawless victory.
Yukishiro was showing off, similar to how a cat would show off a bug it managed to catch.

In the first place, lightning has no effective against Yukishiro. Erica didn’t have a chance of winning.
Simply put.
Because Yukishiro had a fixation towards lightning, Kurando used his knowledge to teach it spirit magic.
Being accustomed to the Atorabashiku’s skill, Yukishiro effortlessly learned the ability.
It could recall its parent’s form and on a smaller scale, Yukishiro could do the same.
As Kurando suggested, it clads itself in ice and then it simply binds everything together with small earth stones.
And thus, the lightning would be grounded by the earth coating.
As a result; Yukishiro was able to coat its fur in ice while the ice & earth would be slightly separated, creating a snake-like flow.
And then, when lightning comes into contact with the earth-snake coating, the electric current would be grounded.
It seems Yukishiro was unable to utilize earth-armor, an Atorabashiku’s greatest defensive ability.
Perhaps, this has something to do with a magical beast’s spirit affinity.

Yukishiro brings Erica over to Kurando, for the person to receive the same treatment.
A villain must not be negligent.
Kurando won’t relax his guard even in the presence of a fellow hero.
Although in Erica case, there was no for『Reisudamu』as his maryoku is nearly dry.
Erica’s leather armor is stripped off and then Kurando stabs a knife into the person’s lung.
「Ahguu」 (Erica)
Being faintly consciousness, Erica groaned.
But, Kurando paid it no mind.
He looks at his notebook and then recites a magic.
【【EEitur af mörgum PPoison óteljandi, Það er ekki ætlað að ógna lífsanda. SSjá hvað er niðuðan er, EEnd, EEftirmáli, Nneitun non-að fá hann deyja. Við verðum að, spyrja er ánauð verða eift hans. ég hafa spurt; Eishiibudigu】】
【【Numerous poisons, countless poisons, to be not life threatening. To be not, demise not, end not, to die not. I request an everlasting restraint. I call forth 1,000 poisons; Eishiibudigu (エイシィブディグ).】】

Power streams to the arrow and the knife.
Kurando pours poison into Kuu and Erica.
The two’s lips convulse and as they lay on the ground, a stain spreads from their lower body.
The two were left with a bit little of maryoku. Kurando chose to leave them with enough to recover from their wounds.
That was agreeable.
Because killing them is no good.

「Stooooooooop!」 (???)
Without trying to conceal his presence, Hayato jumps right in as he spreads out his enormous power.
Making full use of the holy sword’s function, Hayato uses his maryoku to reinforce his strength to the max.
His breathing became heavy and wild.