Because Janitor-san Is Not a Hero

Chapter 10

Chapter 10
Because, Janitor-san Is Not A Hero10-ハンター①
Chapter 10 – Hunter ①

MTL: uniquegasuki
Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)

During the subsiding of the second blizzard, Kurando had located the Hunters.

Behind the unknown hunter’s there is a girl with black hair.

Kurando had cross paths with a person who had been summoned along with him; however, the person left without them meeting one another. Because, he had been looking after the child magical beast, he never left the the cave.
He cooked it meals, he took it to the bathroom, and he bathe it. Kurando’s daily life was hectic and busy.
Half of the one year food supply was used up during the 180 day that were spent living in the cave; during Kurando’s frequent fainting spells. The other half disappeared into the child magical beast’s stomach.
The parent magical beast had left Kurando the meat of its prey. Whether it was intention or spiteful depends on the details; well, it’s better than trying to survive on wild gra.s.s. Kurando had grown tired of his rations. (T/N: don’t know don’t care)

Thinking it would be inconvenient to not know, Kurando picks up the child magical beast and holds it up. Although it is rude, he looks at its nether region to confirm whether it is male or female.
There doesn’t seem to be anything openly dangling from there. In the first place is there suppose to be something dangling from here. Is it hidden inside? Should he turn it around, or check the insides? It didn’t seem to resemble any mammal that lives on Earth.
A few times the child magical beast got angry.
In the end, whether it is male of female doesn’t matter. Its name will be 『Yukishiro』. In the beginning, Kurando had called it Shiro and then Shirokuro. And at last, Kurando’s face is slapped by Yukishiro’s tail. The thick-skin Kurando had forgot that the child has high intelligence, and he felt its retribution.

child magical beast that Kurando named Yukishiro moments ago has turned away from him.

And like that time pa.s.sed by. Gradually, the snow and the cold wind occasionally had a warm breeze within.
Yukishiro is standing on the cliff near the edge of the mountain. Its monochrome tail is swaying about from the ledge of the ciff. In the next moment it leaps down.
90 days had pa.s.sed. Yukishiro has grown to be as big as a medium size dog. Apart from the size, it’s the spitting image of the parent magical beast.
Its disposition is also similar.
Presently, Yukishiro is glazing at Kurando with a compa.s.sionate expression.
Kurando stumbles on the slope. He looks down upon the cliff that the parent magical beast had once stood on.
But, even so, there is no point in regretting it now.
Whether it was being able to distinguish edible plants from poisonous ones, hunting small animals, or running away from foreign invaders; Yukishiro was able to immediately adapt.
Yukishiro used its tail to inform Kurando when he had harvested any poisonous plants or poisonous mushrooms. Kurando could feel the sympathy from his small animal companion. When they had gotten stuck in a big spiderweb, they somehow were able to escape. Although, Yukishiro had persistently wagged its tail in protest. It goes without saying that Kurando would had been the things feed if not for Yukishiro.
It is written in the magic textbook that magical beast are natural able to perceive the spirits and the flow of maryoku. Although it was not taught by its parent, Yukishiro naturally has the ability and knowledge to sacavage・hunt・fight/flee.
On the mountain, in Kurando daily life, he was able to experience various thing. From small animals to vegetation, he saw many things.

They would search around and then return back home; they often repeated this process. Once again, the blizzard is coming.
The number of knife marks etched on the wall reads 400.

400. Kurando has now been here for over a year. He is currently, 26 years old.
Kurando estimates that it takes roughly 400 days to complete one cycle of all the seasons. The coldest period, the blizzard, happens on the 180th day. 90 days later, the snow melts and the air becomes warm. Around 40 days after, the animals are the most active, and it is warm. And then, during the following 90 days, it will gradually become colder. So, that is roughly 400 days. (T/N: 180d + 90d + 40d + 90d = 400)

From the remains of a deer, Kurando had crafted a 3 tipped brush to comb Yukishiro. As he brushes Yukishiro from top to bottom, a sweeping noise can be heard.
Yukishiro’s fur had become tattered from all of its hunting trips.
Kurando runs his fingers through the parts that weren’t fully brushed. He thought it was a shame to not fix them, but Yukishiro is satisfied with how it is; and, it pesters Kurando to stop.
When Yukishiro had returned to the cave, it jumped into the hole that Kurando had dug to be a bath. It had urged Kurando to hurry up, so, it could start its bath.
Snow was diligently carried to the bath and hot water was boiled with the fire spirits. After Yukishiro was done with its bath, as it dries, it was Kurando’s job to comb Yukishiro.
In this season, Kurando is unable to a.s.sist with hunting and gathering. The work is being entrusted to Yukishiro. It makes one wonder, is Kurando protecting Yukishiro, or is he the one who is being safeguard?

The number of rooms had increased.
In the furthermost room, Kurando had made another room. This room serves as his workroom and training room. The room is just wide enough for Kurando to spread out both his arms and still have a little wiggle s.p.a.ce. Nearby, there is an oblong entrance that was unusually

was unusually placed; there is enough s.p.a.ce for a single arrow to pa.s.s through.
In Kurando’s spot, this area use to be where the parent magical beast had left its prey. Kurando is now making use of this place. This is where Kurando brings the things that he gathers. And, it is also where he fiddles with stuff, such as, magic practice and muscle training.
For a janitor, Kurando is fairly dexterous with his hands. Although, the person himself doesn’t think he is handy. He is good enough to be a carpenter. Well, it is hard to say as to whether the oddly shaped brush that he made could be called a comb.

And so begins the delicate matter of a season changing as the snowy mountain days are coming to an end; the second coldest period is over.
As he had guessed, it took 180 days for the season to end. During those days, Kurando had been digging a linear tunnel.
And so, at dawn both Kurando and Yukishiro exited the cave.
Yukishiro is now about the size of a snow leopard found on Earth. Utilizing its agility it move over toward a cliff that is 10 meters away.
It had detected the presences of Hunters.
During the coldest period, Kurando and Yukishiro had been anxiously waiting to learn about the circ.u.mstances surrounding the subjugation of the parent magical beast. And, they had held discussions about when the next subjugation will occur.
Although, Yuikishiro could only nod or shake its head while listening to Kurando talk.

However, Yukishiro and Kurando never thought about revenge.
They thought about places to hide as to not be found, and they thought about places they can run away to.
Similar to hide-and-seek.
However, they must definitely not be found.

They could run away from this location, but Yukishiro dislikes the idea.
It is different for Yukishiro, because it is impossible for it to leave this mountain and not be found out.
Sofound out.
So it is aware of that fact?
Kurando must decide Yukishiro’s fate.
It is a good idea for them to escape from here, and then return back one year later.
Kurando thought that if it is 3 days prior to the coldest period, then perhaps the hunter will give up and leave.
Also, in 3 days, the giant th.o.r.n.y and venomous spider will swagger around the mountain. Once before, Kurando had gotten caught in its spiderweb. And, ever since, he never thought about going back to its location ever again.
If the giant spider that easily rivals the parent magical beast were to be around, the hunters would have no choice but to leave. And, perhaps the hunter will avoid making any further actions.
The time limit is 3 days.
The irregular existence, Yukishiro, should not be discovered. Kurando must hide Yukishiro. And, naturally he should also hide. But, he must not allow the hunter to get close to Yukishiro.
Because, their target is Yukishiro.
Although, it is alright for Kurando to be discovered because he is human.
Well, more or less, it should be okay.

As Kurando thinks, his eyes become narrow.
Far below the ledge, he caught sight of the group of hunters.
Among them, he sees the black haired girl, Akari.
Beginning from Yukishiro’s prior detection of the hunters, Kurando wasn’t pleased.

On the steep ravine in the valley there is a group of people.
There are 15 of them.
Among them, their physical conditions varies. But, will it be in Kurando’s favor?
They are heading to Yukishiro’s location. At best, they will be here in one day.
Kurando frowns at the urgent and troublesome situation.
He doesn’t know the details, but among the group there is one with a search ability. It is one of the people that had been summoned alongside Kurando.
Yukishiro and Kurando are finished if they are discovered.
Understanding the circ.u.mstances, Yukishiro did not roar.