Because Janitor-san Is Not a Hero

Chapter 46

Chapter 46
Chapter 46 – Rampage ②

MTL: uniquegasuki
Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)

During their battle, did Kuu take notice of Kurando’s use of autonomous magic?
To explain, Kurando’s notebook plays the role of a grimoire.
The structure is very simple.
To constructed the grimoire; Kurando inserted the magic activator onto the spine of the book and then inscribed the autonomous magic-squares (circle) & formulas onto the pages.
For Kurando to utilize the magic, he feds dark spirits to the grimoire’s magic-square (circle); the magic-square then forms a 『shadow』, enveloping the target from head-to-toe.
Through no special procedure, maryoku is poured into the autonomous magic’s magic-square layout, causing the shadow to activate the magic-square.

To some extend the opponent needs to stay in place, or else the magic-square would be out of sync; and then, when the magic activates the presence of the spirits would be noticeable & the magic-square would also be in danger of being seen.
As such, Kuu was fascinated by how Kurando was able to endure her a.s.sault for so long.
Then why was it that this world never discovered this simple method?
That was because it has been 200 years since there have been any technological advancements in spirit magic. Also, there are not many people with high dark spirit affinity. Dark spirit magic by itself was only useful to the underworld of society. For spirit users, conveying one’s intent is simple and absolutely necessary; however, the written magic-square formula(s) is far more complex and can be difficult to understand. Autonomous magic, life spirit magic, and spirit magic; these spirit magics have their own system. As such, using an autonomous magic’s method of invocation to activate other spirit magic won’t work. Likewise, there are not many people that can improve on the countless numbers of autonomous magic (original magic) available.

Everytime Kuu’s attack broke Kurando’s barrier, while unseen, he would use the shadow to re-active the physical・magic barrier, autonomous magic.
In short, Kurando fought a defensive battle; like that of a tortoise, he endured the a.s.sault with his excessive use of autonomous・life spirit magic・4 layer magic barrier.

Kurando had used the autonomous magic 『Reisudamu』, 『Kuusutora』, and 『Eishibudigu』 on Kuu.
He allowed himself to be stabbed to stop Kuu from moving. While holding her with the earth hand, Kurando covering her with a coffin made of dark spirits.
The instantly Kuu tried to brush away the earth hand by using spirits, while she was blinded by the dark coffin, Kurando used the shadow to activate the magic-square, invoking 『Reisudamu』.
After 『Reisudamu』 was used to exhaust her maryoku, he was able to use 『Kuusutora』 and 『Eishibudigu』 on the helpless Kuu.
The magic sequence for 『Eishibudigu’s』 magic-square is long and not user-friendly; however, it gives the user freedom to decide the poison’s effect.
In any case, Kurando chose to inject the two with magic poison that would rob them of their freedom of movement.
Although the magic poison can be cured with medicine, it cannot be negated with maryoku.
Unless the maryoku is the correct key (magic code), the magic poison cannot be detoxified with maryoku.

Why is it that Kurando is going to all this trouble to kept Erica and Kuu alive?

He had noticed that Hayato was approaching the battlefield.
While Kurando was on the defensive, he had requested dark spirits and wind spirits to survey the area for enemies. As Hayato was not trying to conceal himself, he was quickly discovered.
The spirits then informed Kurando that an enormous ma.s.s of power was approaching.
Kurando understood that that was Hayato.

He imagined that Hayato would come sooner or later.
Therefore, Kurando couldn’t kill those two.
Hayato has the power to kill Kurando at any time.
But, ever since he came to this world, Hayato has changed. He now helps other people.
Hayato has the mentally of a high school senior. He is quick to anger and yet still insecure.

「Don’t move!」 (Kurando)
Kurando shouts out to stop Hayato from approaching any further.
A light spirit is fired overhead and it reveals an arrow and a knife sticking from the two’s back.

Hayato used spirits to survey the situation.
It is evident that Erica and Kuu had fought a battle.
Certainly, it was with that janitor.
This morning, Erica and Kuu were acting strangely.
Erica would always follow Hayato everywhere, but not today. Although they weren’t known to be close, Erica had gone together with Kuu to tour the village.
If the two were on good terms, then that would have made him glad as it meant that Erica’s heart had not closed off.
And then, during the trial the sound of lightning was heard. Before Hayato realized it, it was already too late.
As a result, this cruel scene came to be.
Although he did notice Erica’s and Kuu’s usual behavior, Hayato didn’t do anything about.

Hayato saw the arrow and the knife that had been plugged into his comrade. While being enraged, he listens to the voice of Kurando who had captured the two and stops moving closer.
「――release the two of them!」 (Hayato)
Hayato was fuming with bloodl.u.s.t.

The pressure makes it difficult for Kurando to stay standing.
Having fought Kuu, his maryoku and willpower had been shaved away. This caused the pressure from Hayato to feel even more oppressive.
Nearby was a good sized rock. While leaving enough room as he could, Kurando went to sit down on that rock. He doesn’t stop the flow of maryoku to the arrow and grips the knife that had been lodged into

Yukishiro goes over to nestle by Kurando.
Kurando closed the grimoire and then strokes Yukishiro’s fur.

「Release them you say, they were the attackers who had the tables turned on them.」 (Kurando)
Kurando casually says this without being shy about it. But, it causes Hayato’s anger to only increase.
「Why have you done something so cruel! Hurry and release them!」 (Hayato)
「No way. Don’t you dare gloss over things or I will kill these two. Cruel you say, they were the ones who attacked me. Instead should you not pity me the victim?」 (Kurando)
「No one is trying to kill you! You will not be killed so hurry up and release those two!!」 (Hayato)
「I don’t believe you.」 (Kurando)
Kurando clearly states this.
「Did you not promised me the other day that you wouldn’t try to lay a finger on me.」 (Kurando)
「……I didn’t know.」 (Hayato)
「You weren’t aware, that isn’t good enough.」 (Kurando)
Kurando bluntly declares this.
When Hayato heard this, the 『holy sword』 was extinguished and then he reached for the dark red longsword on his back.
Just a bit, before Hayato could act.
“Anyhow, that man is only bluffing. There is no way he could kill a fellow j.a.panese countryman”, Hayato thought.
「Ahhhhhh!」 (Erica)
However, Erica cries out.
With that, Hayato couldn’t make a move.
「Don’t move.」 (Kurando)
Kurando had pushed onto the knife that was pierced inside Erica.
「First off, toss away your weapons. Don’t try anything. Ah, there is no need to worry as the two of them are still alive.」 (Kurando)
Hayato doesn’t cast his weapons aside.
「Ah, by the way. If by some chance you happen to kill me before I can react, although it is regrettable that I can’t kill you, these two would die alongside me. Well, with Yukishiro’s speed, it would be my victory.」 (Kurando)
「Your bluffing.」 (Hayato)
「Am I?」 (Kurando)
Against Hayato’s bloodl.u.s.t, Kurando calms himself down by stroking Yukishiro’s fur.

While breathing roughly, Hayato would send fleeting glances at Yukishiro.
He heard rumors that the white phantom was quite fast.
The magic beast had interfered by approaching Kurando, putting Erica and Kuu in harms reach.

Hayato readily tosses his longsword and magic gun aside.
And then, he showed Kurando a hateful expression.
「Now go off somewhere and kill yourself, with that everything will end peacefully.」 (Kurando)
At Kurando’s feet are the convulsing Erica and Kuu. Their eyes restlessly move about as their body spasmed.
Kuu looked at Kurando with an expression that implied he should just go ahead and kill her. On the other hand, Erica had tears and s...o...b..r dripping from his mouth as he looks at Kurando with a pleading expression.
「You, release the two, don’t lay a hand on them.」 (Hayato)
「……is that so?」 (Kurando)
For a brief moment, as Kurando said this, he showed Hayato a joyful expression.
Kurando laughed as he teased Hayato.
In that moment, when Kurando noticed the frustration he was causing Hayato, Kurando’s s.a.d.i.s.tic side awoken.
「That is probably what you thought I was going to say, right? From here onwards, that female rabbit beastman is never to bother me again, alright? Because you disregarded our agreement, why don’t you get down on the ground and grovel.」 (Kurando)
Although Kurando has the advantage, he has no way out of this situation.
Perhaps the stalemate has caused Kurando’s madness to grow.
「This…… they did so for my sake. I ask for your pardon.」 (Hayato)
「Would your response have been the same over my deceased corpse?」 (Kurando)
Upon Kurando’s words, Hayato’s breathing narrowed.
An ominous feeling crept into his heart.
「I had a 1/1000 chance of winning against them, you know.」 (Kurando)
Kurando declared.
「Please, pardon them for trying to commit murder. They might try to attack you again, nothing can be done about that. You see, are you not making light of things?」 (Hayato)
「……like I said before, never bother me again.」 (Kurando)
Like a broken puppet, Kurando repeats the same words back to Hayato.
「Now isn’t the time for this, so what is your aim? Is it that you don’t understand? Ah, I see, you were trying to buy time. Well, I don’ think the outcome will change much.」 (Kurando)

Kurando’s eyes turn to look at Hayato’s party and Makushiimu who came running to the campsite. Makishiimu was carrying Akari & Aoi, and Oofuia.

Those who had arrived, they wondered what was going on.

The wounded Erica and Kuu were being held hostage by Kurando who happened to be sitting down on a rock.
Hayato, the hero, who had cast aside his weapons was pleading for the hostages’ release.
At face value, the story would be something like that, but that is merely how it appears on the surface.
Although, Hayato’s comrades most likely see it as it is.

「Erica, Kuu!」 (hayato’s comrades)
Kaeda, Fon, and Arisu increased their pace.
「Don’t move!」 (Kurando)
Kurando says this in a loud voice.
Akari was the first to realize the owner of the voice.
She recognized that rough voice because it belongs to the person she had lived together with.
Furthermore, the force from the volume of the voice was impressive.

However, the three did not stop upon hearing Kurando’s voice, only after they saw Erica cry out in agony did they swiftly stop advancing.
「Are you stupid, can you not tell the current situation? Or, is it that your eyes are bad?」 (Kurando)
Kurando twists the knife that was stuck in Erica’s lung.
「Release Kuu and Erica!」 (hayato’s comrades)
「That is far enough……」 (Kurando)
Kurando shows a fed up expression.
「It is pointless for me to repeat the same thing over and over. So, listen well.」 (Kurando)
Kurando looks to Hayato, Kaede, Fon, Arisu, Akari, Makushiimu, Oofuia, and Aoi.
「While I was minding my own business on the mountain, these two attacked me. I then narrowly managed to repel and capture them.」 (Kurando)
“Were they able to understand the situation?”, Kurando thought as goes to check their expression.
He turns his attention towards Kaede, Fon, Arisu, and Hayato.
Hayato frowns but nods.
As if they had eaten something sour, the other 3 women show the same sour expression Hayato did.

Upon hearing the explanation; Akari, Makushiimu, and Oofuia seemed to understand.
Although Kurando appeared to be the villain, it was merely on the surface.
At the very least, Kurando wasn’t the one who attacked the two.
Now that the related party, Hayato, is not objecting, they will have to listen to what Kurando has to say.

「Is that not…… I see, janitor-san?」 (Aoi)
Aoi had not forgotten about Kurando.
「As expected, he also came here.」 (Aoi)
With an apologetic expression on her face, Aoi seemed to be muttering something to herself.
When she saw the two heroes running off, Aoi knew something was up.
Although she didn’t know the two’s relationship, Aoi herself was rather close with Akari.
In this world, she has 78, no, she has 79 other countrymen here with her.
Similar to that time, she didn’t want to regret anything more thus she followed after them.
Therefore, Aoi instinctively thought to tag along.
That being the case, her choice to follow them was correct.
The whereabouts of the janitor has been discovered.
The divine blessing that Hayato stole, it was from the very same janitor-san that was summoned along with them.

At the time they were summoned, Aoi was unable to do anything.
She was powerless.
They were helpless in the situation. It was Hayato efforts that had brought benefits to the other summoned people. His influences began to affect the world around them. It became dangerous to talk about Kurando among the other summoned people.
“Where had the janitor-san gone? Did he truly come to this world?”, she thought. Anyhow, it was impossible for them to do a thorough search for him.
This world is vast and there are untamed lands.
Even in modern day j.a.pan finding a shipwreck in the ocean is difficult.
It was outright impossible from them to search for the missing person.
And not to mention, there is no guarantee that the janitor would get along with the people of this world.
Those who were summoned knew just how frightening it was to be involved in the country’s circ.u.mstances & to be surrounded by royalty, aristocrats, and government officials.
For example, the fear of being involved in international politics and war is always present.
In that case, if a scandal were to be discovered about the hero, Hayato, at the very least that could be used as a pretext to put them under house arrest.
Therefore, they didn’t search nor did they talk about Kurando. Despite it, she had greeted Kurando as a friend.
For that reason, Aoi felt guilt and regret.
However, those two, they tried to kill the person who was finally found. Was there any reason to believe them?
It was the logic approach.

Aoi takes one step forward.
She moves no further, stopping before getting too close to Kurando prior to addressing him.
「It has been a while, janitor-san. It’s me, Gotokuji Aoi. Do you remember me?」 (Aoi)
Aoi politely addresses her senior, Kurando.
Kurando’s eyes narrow as he looks to confirm Aoi’s face.
「My, quite revealing clothes you have on…… ah, I remember you. You would greet me every morning. And, I also heard about you from Akari. You are the person who possesses the 『Scythe of Fact』.」 (Kurando)
He thoroughly confirmed it, her outfit that is.
For the first time, Aoi thought about the clothing she had worn for the trial.
The significance behind her revealing clothes was to imply that nothing would be concealed.
However, the current case doesn’t require it. With a slightly redden face, Aoi encourages herself.

「It was inexcusable.」 (Aoi)
Aoi silently bows her head.
「……there is no time for this. Save it for later.」 (Kurando)
「I will make it brief. After arriving in this world, we didn’t know left from right and thus we couldn’t search for you. I wanted to apologize to you.」 (Aoi)
Kurando sighs as Aoi shows no sign of raising her head.
「Ah, enough. I was already informed of the circ.u.mstances from Akari. At the very least, you couldn’t search for me, to the point where you all had ended up concealing my existence. I don’t resent you all. If I were to be discovered now, it would only bring trouble. Well, no one is going to get emotional over your meek apologies, okay.」 (Kurando)
Aoi slowly raised her head and looked to Akari.
Akari shows a slightly bashful expression.
「During the time I was falsely accused and on the run, I happened to stumble upon Kurando. Afterward, he provided me with shelter?」 (Akari)
「He sheltered you……」 (Aoi)
「……the rest is a secret.」 (Akari)
Aoi scans Akari from top to bottom.
「I see. So that is why you have an adult-like atmosphere. Oh, was it like that? It doesn’t appear to be so, well, it seems to be something similar.」 (Aoi)
Aoi, who happened to have consented on something by herself,

by herself, caused Akari to become fl.u.s.tered.
「No-nothing happened. Really, nothing at all.」 (Akari)
Aoi paid Akari’s explanation no mind.
「Well, in any case, it is not like I am entirely unrelated to Erica. Will you let those two go?」 (Aoi)
「If you can guarantee that these two will never attack me again then I don’t mind.」 (Kurando)
Aoi puts her hand to her chin and begins to think.
She then turned to looked at Akari.
「Are you aware of the situation? If so, can you explain the circ.u.mstance to me?」 (Aoi)
Akari gave a fleeting glance to Kurando.
Kurando thought about it for a little while and then nods.
At any rate, an honest conversation with Hayato’s party is not possible. Because they were going to leave the Arerudouria mountain range, there is no point in hiding anything from Aoi.
Although Akari doesn’t know this current state of affairs, she gave a summary to Aoi about what has happened up until now.

A few minutes after Akari explained the circ.u.mstance, Aoi understood everything and then made a suggestion to Kurando.
「Although I do not know what happened between you and Ichihara, janitor-san, no Kurando-san. Is it alright to kept the fact that you are a summoned person a secret from the people of this world? And then, as for those two, how about we permanently imprison them? For example, they will be given a life sentence.」 (Aoi)
「――Gotokuji-senpai.」 (Hayato)
Hayato directs criticism towards Aoi.
Aoi stops and stares at Hayato before condemning him.
「If what Kurando-san has said is true, if this were j.a.pan, those two have committed attempted murder. From the standpoint of this world’s law, a thief would be cut down where they stand and no complaints would be made. Am I mistaken?」 (Aoi)
Hayato is at a lost for words, but he managed to squeeze out an objection.
「But, what about their achievements and their service.」 (Hayato)
「The crime of murder can be offset by merit, unfortunately, I don’t know of such a thing.」 (Aoi)
Hayato shakes his head no.
「They are still minors. If this was j.a.pan, there would be no case of life imprisonment.」 (Hayato)
「Certainly. But, this isn’t j.a.pan. And from what I know, the law is strict when it comes to perpetrator(s) having the tables turn against them.」 (Aoi)
Hayato opens his mouth to speak but then falls silent.
He showed the expression of someone who had been cornered.

「……if there is such a place.」 (Kurando)
Kurando replies to Aoi.
「As a matter of fact, there is. It has been quickly constructed. I am not trying to boast but, myself and several others of those who were summoned were asked to administrate the place. It is a place where magic cannot be used; it can serve as a place where heinous criminals can be locked away for eternity. This prison is a place where political authority cannot reach.
However, for heroes, it is another matter. Maintaining a divine blessing holder in a prison could prove difficult. At this current phase, we don’t have the power to do so.」 (Aoi)
Aoi tells them the truth.
For a mutual understanding to be reached, secrets should not be kept.

After hearing this, Kurando turns his line-of-sight towards Oofuia to confirm the content.
Oofuia had been watching the situation unfold.
As this conversation is related to heroes, she has to be careful of what is said.
Kurando’s actions were logical; however, the opinions of the people of this world is different.
Nevertheless, Oofuia didn’t want to be disliked for how she answered.
「……I have heard of it. Supposedly, there is a facility being managed by several heroes in the cold desert.」 (Oofuia)
「Is there any such facilities around this area?」 (Kurando)
「Of course, there are various one(s) in each country. Although, there might not be a maximum security prison. Besides, in their case, they will not be standing trial. I a.s.sume, Kurando-san would be troubled if that were to occur, right?」 (Oofuia)
「For this facility, this time around, a sentence without a trial will be alright. As I am the judge of the Trial of Truth, I will bend the rules a bit in this case.」 (Aoi)
Aoi declared.
This problem more or less twisted her creed, but as this involves a fellow summoned person it was necessary to settle the matter.

However, Hayato persisted on resisting.
「Who do you think you are? Why are you all deciding it was Erica’s and Kuu’s crime?」 (Hayato)
「Are you doubting what the janitor has said, do you not trust him?」 (Aoi)
「It isn’t a matter of whether I believe or not, that was clearly overkill.」 (Hayato)
Hayato condemns Kurando’s actions.

「Sigh, you’re right. At this rate, who know when they will die. ――therefore, Kurando-san, will you trust us and allow those two to receive medical treatment?」 (Aoi)
Aoi offers to negotiate.
「How about over my dead body?」 (Kurando)
Kurando throws away his chance to escape.
In other words, Kurando is willing to risking his life. They then question why Kurando is being so rash.
And in this world, there is no magic that can resurrect a person.
「I allowed it once, but not for a second time.」 (Kurando)
Kurando glares at Hayato.
Aoi looked to Akari, but Akari merely shakes her from side to side.
「Hmm, Akari do you happened to know what went on inside the cave? What was Ichihara and Kurando-san agreement?」 (Aoi)
Hayato hesitated to say.
「From here onwards, yours and mine, our acquaintances are not toare not to cause harm nor are they are to be involved. That will be our agreement. It is nothing difficult.」 (Kurando)
Kurando easily says it.

「I see, you have no reason to trust us. It can’t be helped.」 (Aoi)
「But――」 (Hayato)
「――I’m tired of you half-heartedness.」 (Kurando)
Kurando interrupts Hayato and shows a feed up expression.
「Hurry up and make your choice. Will you stop getting involved or will you commit suicide? Will those two be kill and never be able to bother me again or will they be thrown into prison and never be able to bother me again? Otherwise, I will self-destruct and kill everyone here, you will be the only survivor.」 (Kurando)
「You are bluffing. I only need to be quicker than that Iruniiku.」 (Hayato)
「――the multiple link formula.」 (Kurando)

With those few words, Arisu reconsidered using recovery magic on Erika and Kuu. She rushed to stop Hayato.
「Wait, Hayato.」 (Arisu)
「Why, it is obviously a bluff――」 (Hayato)
「It is probably not baseless. The multiple link formula. Spirit magic, autonomous magic, and life spirit magic; it refers to the act of operating 2 or more magics at the same time, it’s magic activation technology. Because life spirit magic doesn’t link easily, spirit magic and autonomous magic are usually linked together. Normally, a person wouldn’t possess many autonomous magic (original)…… ――how many original magic do you have?」 (Arisu)
「……five」 (Kurando)
Arisu glared at Oofuia.
It looked as if a grade schooler was glaring at a grandma.
Arisu could only think of one person who could have taught Kurando those magic, that person was Oofuia.
Oofuia simply smiled when she caught Arisu’s gaze.
While explaining to Hayato, Arisu was irritated by Oofuia’s composer.
「……since that elderly person seems to be involved, it is probably true. I don’t know the details but, perhaps, there is a possibility of him self-destructing.」 (Arisu)
Hayato tightly gripped his fist and somehow held down his impulse to fight.

Although Oofuia is showing a smile on her face, inside she was skeptical.
She had never taught Kurando a suicide explosion magic.

At that moment, Aoi intervenes.
「In Erickun’s case, it might be impossible.」 (Aoi)
「――for this crime, you want to throw them is a normal prison. Are the prison(s) in this world even honest? We are talking about a little bit h.e.l.l here, are you not being hasty. I say we reach a compromise.」 (Hayato)
Upon Aoi advice, Kurando immediately replied.

「Enough already, hurry and decided. I won’t let you wait out until my maryoku runs dry. You have 10 seconds. If you have not made a decision in the next 10 seconds, well, I will kill one of them.」 (Kurando)
What would happen afterward?
Kurando himself didn’t know.
In the worst case, he would self-destruct. At some point, he had already made up his mind.
No, he did not resign himself to fate.
It was more like a loser dog wanting to go down fighting.
Perhaps, he could have run away.
However, what awaits him if he continued to run away?
He is not the protagonist of manga. Kurando cannot simply run away from Hayato and build up power to fight back. For argument’s sake, what about the fear one would feel while being on the run?
For how many years would he have to live in fear?
Is that not committing a mistake to oneself?
In the first place, he hasn’t done anything wrong.
He wasn’t wrong; he should not step back.
Ah, if this place was j.a.pan, this might not go as smoothly, perhaps.
However, that being the case, Kurando can get revenge with the last of his breath.
From ability to intellect to strength; everything about him was mediocre.
He is not special; he is an ordinary man. How long must he live in fear, how long must he continue to lose, how long must things continue to be s.n.a.t.c.hed away from him, and how long must he continue to keep running away.

This was more than an ordinary man’s regret.
For better or worst, he is who he is.
Although he is ordinary, he doesn’t want to yield.
For the sake of not yielding, his only option is to do something crazy.
Even if his true character doesn’t show through and he is misunderstood, Kurando was not concerned with it.

      (Hayato’s perspective)
Hayato painfully grasped his fist, trembling, he mumbles something to himself.
Aside from the choices that Kurando’s gave, no other choices can be made.
Hayato was unable to decide.

He couldn’t allow those two to be killed.
There was no reason from the two to die.
But, there is no way he can commit suicide.
He couldn’t follow through with what that man had said. Hayato couldn’t abandon his companion nor could he afford to die here.
Going to prison was out of the question.
Who decided on such a time in the first place?
Why can’t I just hit him?
That person is the bad guy. Why are they covering for the bad guy?
Why does no one try to cover for me?
What does he mean by self-destruction? There is no way that is possible.
However, Arisu said.
No, with my power.
But, but, but, but.

「Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh」 (Hayato)

Hayato looked up towards the sky and roared out.

Due to one mistake, our path has been blocked.
Adults are always like this.
Hayato recalls being abandoned by his father after making a single mistake.

「Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh」 (Hayato)

――I will do anything for your sake.
Hayato mutters to himself a sweet whisper.