Being Swayed by the Deluded Shacho

Chapter 2

Just vanity <><>

3 Frustration and Physical Examination

‘I’m back,’ Shacho announced as he threw open the door. It had only been anhour from when he left; the location really was near.

‘Thank you for your hard work,’ Isaid politely, keeping my eyes on my computer screen. It was truly embarra.s.singthinking about what we were doing only an hour ago.

‘Would you like to continue?’ waswhispered in my ear. I jumped. I really didn’t know what this person wasthinking.

‘My frustration has subsided.’ Isaid keeping my gaze from his.

‘Oh, maybe…’

‘I did not comfort myself.’

‘Good. If you had broken yourpromise, I thought I would have to punish you.’


Everything Shacho says today seems to be laden with innuendo.

‘…Were you going to do me, if myfrustration had not subsided?’ I asked tentatively.

‘Yeah, I intended to do that.’

‘Until the very end…?’


It seems that he had not beenplanning on taking it to the end. I felt somewhat rueful.

‘I hadn’t intended on taking it tothe end. Would it not be better to do that with someone you like for your firsttime?’

Hm? First time?

Where did he get that idea? Did henot know where to put it in and how to thrust it?


‘If you desire s.e.x, I will takecare of you properly rather than leave it to Sakurai.’


‘So when you find someone you like,will you tell me when you start dating?’

This person… (Zuben: Is an idiot)

Coming so far, he is a G.o.d in asense.

I sighed deeply.

Somehow when it came to romance, Ifelt I had a mental power.

No, was it perseverance?

But if I gave up here, there wouldhave been no point to the whole thing.

He was such a troublesome person.

I wondered if I should tell him Iliked him clearly. He seemed to really dull. But if it did not work, would Ihave to quit?

I watched Shacho head to his desk from the corner of my eye. His hair lookedrather untidy in places. But if one looked at him from the side where his hairwas still tidy, one would notice his cool appeal. (Zuben: Beauty is in the eyeof the beholder as they say)

If he wasn’t difficult, he wouldnot be Shacho. It may be that he washiding his feelings and he needed to be shaken a bit.

‘Say, Shacho?’


‘We are working now…but when theday is over, can we do it?’

‘Fine – wait, what?!’

‘s.e.x.’ I said bluntly.

Shachochoked, and there was a tension in the air.

‘What are you saying?’ he asked.

‘It would solve my frustration,wouldn’t it?’ I said, keeping my tone light - unbothered.

‘Well that that is true, but-‘

‘If I tell you I am not a virgin?’

From the corner of my eye, I sawthe president drop his pen in shock at my offhanded remark.

Certainly, there would be peoplewho were virgins at twenty three, while I did not know the true statistics; Ido not think there are many.

Without being certain; was s.e.xappeal the cause?!

While I was lost in my ownthoughts, I realised Shacho wasstaring at me with a scary expression on his face.

‘What-what’s wrong? Your face israther scary, I’m terrified.’

‘…You did not report that you hadgot a boyfriend?’

‘Oh, is that it?’

‘What’s more, you gave your body assoon as you started going out!’


He is strange.

What does this and that have to dowith each other?

This was business as usual, but…Ididn’t know what to do, or say. I hadn’t dated anyone in a long time.

‘Because I did not want to talkabout it,’

‘How long have you been in arelationship?’

‘I am not dating anyone!’

‘So you got involved with someoneeven though you were not dating?’

Oh my G.o.d! I don’t want this personanymore! (Zuben: Don’t blame you)

Shachostood before me, his expression still scary and his grabbed my arm and pulledme up.

‘I did not think you were such abad boy.’

‘A bad girl, you mean,’

As usual he was misunderstandingthings without thinking about others.

‘Come with me,’ he said pulling meto the resting room.

‘We’re working!’

‘This is also work. I will do aphysical examination.’

Physical exam…erotic!

No, I mean, what do you mean? Idon’t understand (Zuben: Oh yes you do)

He pushed me into the bed, andundid the b.u.t.ton of my jeans. Shachoseized my waistband,

‘Lift your hips.’ He commanded.

‘Hey wait just a moment…’

‘Did you not hear me?’

I was jolted by the sharp tone of hisvoice, and I just did as he asked. He removed my jeans and I was left with my underwear.

When Shacho put his hands on my underwear, I panicked.

‘What are you trying to do?’

‘This isn’t s.e.x, this is a physicalexamination.’ He said (Zuben: *facepalm*)

Huh, was that not semantics?

While I was lost in thought, Shacho took off my underwear withdextrous quickness, exposing my lower body.

Even though, I was ashamed of my currentsituation and my figure; my stomach was tense with antic.i.p.ation.

Shachograbbed me by the ankles and parted my legs to either side of him.

‘Whh-! Wait Shacho, wait!’

‘Are you getting wet? Are youexcited from just being looked at?’

‘That is not it!’

‘Then it may be sweat.’

He leaned forward, the hand holdingmy ankles glided along my legs to my thighs holding them apart firmly,

‘What, Shacho! Listen to what I have to say!’

‘It’s okay, I will not hurt you,’he said gently.

‘I’m talking about somethingdifferent – ah!’ (Zuben: He’s too far gone.)

There was a warm feeling at theentrance of my s.e.x; a slow trace as though checking the shape.

His head was at the apex of mylegs, I tried to push him trying to keep him away from me, but my strengthcould not compare. Shacho’s tonguebegan to trace my v.a.g.i.n.a from the edge.

‘Ah~ Ah~ wait…’

I could feel he was exploring mys.e.x up and down, left to right; tasting the soft flesh. If I raised my voice,he would focus on that area. When I twisted my body sharply, he’d caress mewith his tongue longer. I could feel love juice coming out of me.

It was so embarra.s.sing. My face wason fire.

‘It is a bit of a shock,’ he said

‘What is?’

‘I’ve never heard you talk about aboyfriend, so I thought that you’d never had that kind of experience.’ (Zuben:Are you experienced? Have you ever been experienced? I haaave – Jimi Hendrix)

‘Did you like the first boy?’

They had been like Sakurai-kun;wanting to dye me in their own colour. It was not amusing. I hated that thatkind of person was my first.

If Shacho was a man like that, it might be hopeless for me.

‘I have no real interest in that,it’s just…’


‘If Sakamoto is not a virgin, Iwondered how experienced you are.’ He said, and then he licked the bad guy onthe top of my secret place. My body bounced unconsciously, and electric sparksof pleasure ran through my body.

He began to suck on my c.l.i.toris inearnest.

I moaned, loudly.

He moved his tongue over thesensitised nubbin as he sucked, a great deal of pleasure washed over me.

There was no hesitation, leading meto o.r.g.a.s.m. All the strength in my body was lost in that intense moment ofpleasure.

Actually, there were lots of thingsI wanted to ask him.

Was he just interested in how far Iwas experienced? Was he only interested because he thought of me as a littlesister? (Zuben: Girl, you need to be worried if he was doing this to hissister)

Did he think of me romantically;even a little?

But when I opened my mouth, onlysweet moans emerge. I could not reach Shacho’sears. I could only bear the acc.u.mulation of pleasure that seemed to beexploding within me.

‘You can’t do it?’


‘You’re unexpectedly stubborn,’

He sped up the movement of histongue, as if to let me know resistance was meaningless.

Even though different thoughts wereracing through my mind, my body was dominated by strong pleasure and my feettrembled.

‘How about this?’


He sucked on my c.l.i.toris hard, andI came. Hard. As if to show off to Shacho,my body was wracked with small convulsions.

Shachoscooped the emitted love juices with his tongue as though he enjoyed it. Evenwith the slightest brush of his tongue, my body reacted with a jerk.

‘Have you ever been fingered inyour p.u.s.s.y?’ he asked.

‘…In my p.u.s.s.y?’

‘Yes, here,’ he replied as he tookhis hand from my thigh and put two thick fingers into my wet love-hole.  He rubbed the inside and sweet pleasure overtook me again.

‘Hmm…I don’t think so.’ He said,‘Perhaps, you’ve only ever done it with your boyfriend’s thing?’

I answered Shacho with a little nod.

I had always thought there wassomething wrong with me, my ex boyfriend seemed to think so. He had beenirresistible at the start, though. But there are no memories of him in myp.u.s.s.y. It had not been painful when he entered, though it wasn’t intense, itfelt good. So I did not mind. I had thought that the in books and mangawere another world; something I could not reach.

‘Although, you are not a virgin,you aren’t very experienced.’

Shachobegan to gently stoke my inner walls. My thighs were wide open, and my secretpart was visible. I felt a little shame but entrusted myself to Shacho.

‘You haven’t had many,’(Zuben: How do you know this?)

How did he know such a thing?

Was it because my ex-boyfriend wassomeone of the same age range as me? Or was there a large difference inexperience between him and Shacho? Ididn’t want to think about it at that moment; I was feeling too good.

His fingers moved inside me asthough he was searching for something. While watching my reactions, Shacho used more strength in hiscaresses.

‘Ah~ Ah~’ I moaned loudly.

Although, it wasn’t fast likeearlier. The pleasant sensation kept getting stronger. I could feel theentrance to my p.u.s.s.y pulsating.

‘Ah~ Shacho…Ah~’

‘I can feel you pulsating on theinside. If you remember your from here, you wouldn’t be able to besingle anymore.’

The pleasure gradually began to getstronger. This pleasure was different from before.

How come his fingers feel so good?I had always thought his fingers inspired l.u.s.t when I looked at them. Perhapsmy instincts were sniffing before I realised it.

‘A… ya… ~! a~a nn…’

My moans were sweet.

In the past, I had been fakingmoans with my ex, but now I could not hold back; the moans burst forth withabandon.

‘Ya…… a, a…… iki-so…’ his fingerswere attacking the precise place that would lead me to culmination. My v.a.g.i.n.asalivated around his fingers. My hips lifted off the bed as the pleasuremounted and my feet trembled. My body arched as I was screwed without mercy by thosethick fingers.

‘Yes, there ah a ~a~ann!’

My v.a.g.i.n.a clamped down on Shacho’s fingers as I came. The wallsclosed in so tightly, it was as though it did not want to let him go.

I never knew such pleasure. Nowthat I have tasted it, I couldn’t go back anymore. I opened my eyes when heslowly pulled his fingers out of me. His wet fingers glittered before my eyes.

‘Was it pleasant?’ he asked, hisexpression gentle.

I desperately wanted to know the true feelingsof this person, so I asked, ‘Shacho…what do youthink of me?’

But with thisquestion, I was putting my neck on the line.

4 Shacho and the Confession

Shachowithdrew at my question. It seemed he’d never really thought about it till thatmoment.

‘Can you give me some time?’ heasked.

My question may have been premature,I thought. I wished I hadn’t been hasty. Either way, it was out there.

I left work quickly once the daywas over.

‘Sakamoto-san! What’s the matter?’

What is wrong with what? It wasSakurai-kun pa.s.sing by at the end of his shift at the café.

‘You usually go straight home afterwork. What happened?’

‘Your expression is different fromusual.’

It seems that he was astute when itcame to women. I wish he would demonstrate this sharpness in a different place.

‘It’s nothing,’ I reply.

‘That is a lie. I don’t know what Shacho told you about me, but pleasejudge me yourself. Is it not him who Sakamoto-san can’t trust?’

I gave him a sceptical glance.Taking into consideration what Shachosaid, it may be that I was not trying to see Sakamoto-kun for himself.

‘…I don’t know,’ I said hesitantly.

‘You know nothing about me, soplease let’s talk and you can see. That way you can make a decision.’

He said that so brightly, it was abit strange (Zuben: While nodding earnestly, no doubt)

We got cans of juice from a vendingmachine and went to sit in a nearby park bench.

I told Sakurai-kun about my feelingsfor Shacho and the circ.u.mstances.

‘Don’t you think it is better ifyou let such a man go?’ was his reply.

It was an answer I was expectingbut it still stung.

‘It seems that way,’ I said.

‘Because, it is tiring, isn’t it? But,if you don’t understand or a.s.sure yourself about his feelings, then you can’tmove on.’

It was a surprisingly firmposition. I was surprised. Perhaps, it was because Shacho’s imprint in me was deep and I saw Sakurai-kun as a playboy.

‘I will not let you have such anexpression, if it were me,’ he said (Zuben: So roll to me!)

I was certainly ignited for amoment as he stared into my eyes with a gentle expression. This person was ahandsome megane-kun, so please excusemy wavering.

‘I admit I have had manygirlfriends.’

So he admits that.

‘But I have never cheated on any ofthem,’

No way, I never thought that hewould say that. (Zuben: It is not a big deal, Sakamoto)

I had thought that he was free andjust pa.s.sing time with me.

I stared at my now empty juice can.

I wanted a love that made me happytoo.

‘Thank you for that,’ I said. ‘Butif I just give up now it would just it would all be meaningless.’ (Zuben:m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t)

It could not be helped if it endedin disappointment.

‘You will regret it.’ Sakurai-kunsaid vehemently, he threw his can into the bin with restrained anger. The soundof the can hitting the bin echoed in the quiet park.

Maybe I would.

And maybe, with that, I would mature.And after, that I might even find this ikemenboy attractive.

However, I still felt that thefuture was still uncertain and it would be useless if I didn’t try.

Sakurai-kun left me there on thatbench. I could not quite get up; the thought of today’s happenings runningaround in my head.

It had been a dizzying day.


His voice.

I turned to see the presidentcoming towards me.

‘Is Sakurai-kun the one you preferafter all?’ he asked

‘Eh?’ I replied vaguely.

‘Despite how much I told you not togo for him!’ He said as he shook me. ‘Is it because you don’t like me?’

He was still wearing the blackshirt and jeans he had been wearing at work. (Zuben: Is there any reason why hewould be wearing anything else?)

‘Did you realise?’ he asked.

Realise what? Without waiting forme to answer, he forged on.

‘When you asked me “What do youthink of me?” I realised it myself.’

I had been aware that he was slowto realise things on his own. I had known.

And now, he seemed to have come torealise he own feelings. This person was so slow.

‘Have you chosen Sakurai over me?’he asked, his expression pained yet hopeful, ‘Is it because I didn’t see thesigns, people always say that to me. Or is it because I am older than you?’

He kept firing questions at me withoutwaiting for me to answer. I wanted a chance to answer.

‘That…’ I said trying to interject,but he said,

‘I like you, Sakamoto. I have likedyou for a long while.’

Eh…why now?

Shacholooked down at me with a sorrowful expression.

‘Well, you did not say anything atall.’ I said in a bit of shock.

‘I’d hate to be disliked by you!What if you leave? It would be better if I was sued for s.e.xual hara.s.sment!’

As usual, this guy is full of hisown tsukkomi.

Did he not think I wanted to bes.e.xually hara.s.sed?

‘I was afraid if I confessed to ayoung girl like you, you would laugh at me. I once confessed to a girl I likedin school, everyone heard about it and I became the laughing stock. I could nottell someone I liked them since then.’

‘What cla.s.s were you then?’

‘Elementary, why?’ (Zuben:Buahahaha!)

That far in the past?!

And that trauma was such a distantpast was connected to his current “damage delusions”? This was why?

This was just too funny.

‘Do you…already dislike me?’

Ah, well…

‘You’re probably thinking thisperson is a bad guy?’

Well, a little…

‘Your expression says I’m right,’

I rose from the park bench, andtook a deep breath. I leant close to his ear, so I could tell him clearly andsnap him out of his delusions.

‘I have always liked you! I havenever hated you! Sakurai-kun means nothing to me!’ I shouted so loud my voiceechoed around the neighbourhood.

‘Is that true?’ he asked, as thoughhe could not believe his luck.

‘It’s true,’

‘Is it really true?’

‘It is really true!’

This person; so persistent.

I sighed and endured. But thepresident suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me along.

‘Where are we going?’

‘My place.’

‘Ha? Shacho’s house?’

‘To do the things that people withfeelings for each other do?’ As he said this, Shacho had a fascinating smile on his face. His expression was notone of some who was drowning in despair a moment ago.