Being Swayed by the Deluded Shacho

Chapter 3&4

Presenting: Being Swayed by the Deluded Shacho (R18)

Happy Friday/ all, here"s my new project. I hope you enjoy it.
Pintrest. (This picture bears no relation to the subject matter)

‘Are you frustrated?’ he asked…

Sakamoto is in love with her boss, but he treats her like his younger sister. What isSakamoto to do?

As usual, I am notresponsible for those who aren’t responsible for themselves.I make running commentary - don"t like that idea, don"t let the metaphorical door hit you where the good lord split you.

1 Delusion! The Boss’ sweet kiss.

Our Shacho is very fierce andimaginative.

During work, this is okay, but inmore personal conversations, his flights of fancy become a problem especiallywhen you suddenly stop understanding what he is on about.

‘Sakamoto, what are you going tohave for lunch today?’ he asked. His hair and beard were unkempt; he would lookso cool if he cleaned up a little. I have never seen him that dressed up.

‘I’ve got a bento I made today,’ Ireplied.

‘Eh? Have you gotten tired ofeating lunch with me?’ he asked vexed.

Here we go…I thought.

Our company sold minor importedgoods. We had a small staff, myself, my boss and two others, one managed thebills the other managed the orders. Every day was filled with dealing ourShacho’s delusions.

‘Don’t be like that. It’s the dryweek before payday!’

‘Do you dislike me?’


‘Or has your boyfriend told you notto eat with other guys?’

…Listen to this man!

This is the kind of nonsense I havehad to deal with for the last two years. How is it that this person has wormedhis way into my heart?

‘I never knew you had a boyfriend,what kind of guy is he? You had better break up with a narrow minded fellowlike that!’ he said.

It would be different if he wasjoking, but this man was absolutely serious.

Well, this is how I have lived thusfar.

I sighed. How was this man anadult? He was ten years older than me!

‘I don’t have a boyfriend. I willtell you when I get one!’

‘Truly?’ he asked.

Are you my father? (Zuben: Nah, yourdaddy <><>

‘Yes, truly.’

I get testy when the topics ofboyfriends or marriage come up. I would have been happy if it was anyindication of romance.

The boss is thirty three, and I amtwenty three. I personally have no problem with dating someone with that agegap. But I feel like the boss sees me as his daughter. (Zuben: hmmhm)

I know that I am not hated, and Iam sort of honoured that he sees me like a daughter or sister.

His long fingers.

I am not very experienced in thes.e.x department, but everytime I look at his fingers, I imagine him insertinghis finger into my p.u.s.s.y and stirring me up.

‘Okay, I’ll get a bento from theconvenience store today.’ He said calming down. He finally smiled after lettinggo of his latest mania.

I quickly turned back to mycomputer screen intending on working.

We were renting an apartment in acondominium as our company offices, and sell our products on the internet, sothe computers were indispensable. I am happy I took computer courses in juniorcollege, so I can handle the work without difficulty. (Zuben: But we digress)

There was a groan, ‘Sleepy…’ hesaid as he stretched.

When we first started, there was alot of free time, but recently we have started getting lots of orders. So theboss has been working late preparing the orders for shipping, so it is nosurprise that he was tired.

‘Shacho should have a nap in thenext room. There haven’t been many orders today, so I should be able to handlethings.’ I said.

‘Ah, that’s no good. Alright, I’lllet you hold the fort. Wake me up in fifteen minutes?’

I glanced at the clock after Shachohad gone into the resting room. It was ten-fifteen. Fifteen minutes would beenough time to finish the updates on the site.

When I graduated, I struggled tofind work. But I somehow got lucky and found work here as a secretary andadministrative a.s.sistant. But I feel that my job description also managing theboss as well.

The salary wasn’t high but I feltthe work was fun and rewarding in a sense, since I was involved in most aspectsof the business.

I finished the website updates andwent to the resting room. Shacho was sleeping in the cot we had put there forhis naps or working too late to go home. (Zuben: Cos this is j.a.pan, work islyf!)

I shook his shoulder,

‘Hmm…Maki?’ he called drowsily.

Calling me by my first name wasunusual; I was stunned for a moment. Was he dreaming of me? I peered into theface of the president with concern wondering what kind of dream he was havingwhen his eyes opened and our eyes met. (Zuben: s.e.xy dreams)

‘Shacho?’ I called.

Shacho’s hand reached out, s.n.a.t.c.hedmy hand and drew me into bed with him. I was suddenly surrounded by his warmth,

‘Ah, that…!’

‘Be quiet,’ he said as he put hishand behind my head and touched his lips to mine.

What? Am I being kissed right now?

I have to get away quickly, Ithough frantically, but Shacho’ arms were like a vice around me. He forced histongue into my mouth.

I groaned in protest, but Shacho’tongue entwined with mine which is confused by the invasion. His movements arevivid (Zuben: Vivid?), and I begin to lose my head.

He nipped, sucked and licked mylips and mouth mixing our saliva. (Zuben: A saliva c.o.c.ktail, if you would)

This was unlike any kiss I haveever experienced. I was being thoroughly kissed, so much so that I began to growaroused. I had read in a women’s magazine that there was an erogenous zone inthe mouth. I feel the veracity of that statement right now.

Was it that my ex-boyfriend was badat kissing?

Or was it that Shacho is good atkissing?

Either way this was a level I couldnot compete against.

I groaned.

I want it.

I want to do it right now.

The arousal was an ache that wasbecoming unbearable.

Suddenly we were parted.

I opened my eyes to see a surprisedred faced Shacho.

‘Oh I am so sorry. I am so sorry!’he said in dismay. He was fl.u.s.tered.

This made me sad, it seemed I wasthe only one getting excited. It seemed the Maki in his dream was not me.

‘I didn’t not know what I was doingI was half asleep!’

I wanted to cry.

I wanted to protest this meanness.

But once I do that, I could nevercome back from it.

Shacho would not fire me, but Iwouldn’t be able to face him.

‘I have done a bad thing, I am sosorry.’

If he apologised any more, I wouldbe even more hurt.

I pouted looking annoyed and rosefrom the bed, ‘Buy me the best and biggest dessert in the shop’

He smiled; he was relieved by mywords.

There was something reproachfulabout his change of expression.

I was now very clear about how Shachofelt about me.

I was depressed to the extent Icould not eat my lunch.

I could not taste the pudding andfresh cream I ate after.

2 Amorous Me

“You have no s.e.x appeal.”

This is something I have been told bymy ex-boyfriend, male friends and one or two girl friends. That seems to be mein a nutsh.e.l.l.

I preferred to wear jeans and ashirt or t-shirt. Even when I was in college, my former part time job or now inmy present job; I preferred my jeans and top with parka combo. It was hard tobe s.e.xy in that. (Zuben: Some people somehow manage it, it"s not about clothes)

But, right now because of preparingthe items for packing and shipping, it was still more convenient to wear jeans.

‘Well then, at least wear make-up.’

This is what my friends’ hadsuggested.

My make-up routine was light; BBcream and clear lip gloss.

Would wearing more make up increases.e.x appeal? Was that the cause?

I stared at my face in the mirror.

I put on lipstick I hadn’t wornsince I was looking for work. Because I don’t use lipstick, I feel it dense uponmy lips. (Zuben: I feel your pain)

Shacho, will you notice? Will itmake you a little conscious of me?

I kept the jeans but wore a dressytop my friend gave me to celebrate getting a job.

I usually hold up my pony tail witha black hair band. I change to a pink scrunchie.

As expected, the changes are toosudden, I barely recognise myself in the mirror.

I left for work thirty minutesearlier than usual. I could not sit still even if I had things to occupy thetime.

Even though I know that the worlddoesn’t care about me, I care about their eyes because I look different from usual. I fidgeted, feeling like I was being watched.

Because I arrived early for work, Iwent to the coffee shop near my work. I went there often to eat lunch with Shachoand get coffee during breaks,

‘Welcome, Miss Sakamoto!’Sakurai-kun, one of the cashiers I was familiar with was definitely unsettled atseeing me.

…I wish I hadn’t done this.

Perhaps it didn’t suit me.

I wish I had gotten my friends toveto the look before I tried it.

I was embarra.s.sed and quickly wentto sit in my usual spot by the window.

Sakurai brought a serviette and waterin a fl.u.s.ter,

‘Are you going somewhere today?’ heasked

‘Well…just to work?’

‘And after?’

‘I’m not going anywhere,’

He was a student working part timethe café, he’d known me since I started working at the company, so he knew whatmy usual style was.

‘…Is it strange?’ I asked

Sakurai shook his head, ‘You lookvery cute. I was very surprised!’

‘No no no’ that can’t be, Ithought.

‘Are you serious?! Maybe you have aboyfriend?’


‘Or someone you like?’ he askedbrightly guessing my depressed mood.

The person seems out of my reach.

I looked more depressed.

Sakurai was a megane-kun, who looked good in his black framed He reallyhad a cute face, I thought, looking at him properly.

‘If there isn’t, can I be acandidate?’


‘Don’t think I am joking,Sakamoto-san, I want to dye you in my colour. However, I am puzzled.’ (Zuben:Ew!)

What is this boy saying early inthe morning? (Zuben: I know right?)

‘Don’t think that because I amyounger than you I am out of range. I am only younger than you by two years,’

That is not possible! (Zuben: Doyou look that old? Or does he look that young?)

‘I am unattached –ow!’

Sakurai-kun was suddenly crouchingdown holding his head in agony.

 Shacho was behind him rubbing his fist.(Zuben: How dare you poach on his territory, isn’t that right ‘Boss-san’?)

‘Can you not embarra.s.s my employeeat your work place?’ Shacho said

‘We are free to find loveanywhere!’ Sakurai replied

‘Vomiting out such horrendous linesat women isn’t going to get you anything,’

Without looking at me, Shacho bowedto the owner of the café and left. I hurried after him.

We didn’t talk as we entered theoffice and I went to my desk and sat quietly waiting for my computer to start.

‘Do you like Sakurai?’ he suddenlyasked breaking the silence.

I jumped at the sound of his voice.

‘While he looks cool, I don’trecommend him.’ He continued

‘No, different…’

‘It is because there is norelationship with his girlfriend. I think that a sincere man is better.’

Sincerity, you think?

Was Shacho sincere?

Kissing me like that yesterday.

My mood seemed to be transmitted.He scratched his head,

‘But I can’t make a.s.sumptions aboutpeople.’

‘On my part, I do not likeSakurai-kun like that,’

‘But that look…’

‘What is wrong with how I look?’ Isaid my tone firm

Will he notice my tone? Who do doeshe think I want to see me like this? Who wants to be liked?

‘…Sakamoto doesn’t usually’

I close my eyes and sigh.

‘Are you frustrated?’

Yes. (Zuben: Mentally or s.e.xually?)

‘What are you talking about?’ Iasked

‘Is anyone good enough? I wish Iwas consulted…’ he said quietly.

‘What a moment…’

‘But,’ he cried out excitedly, ‘youstill shouldn’t go for Sakurai-kun, he is so sloppy.’ (Zuben: Isn’t he just.Yeesh)

I shot out of my chair angrily.

Shacho was surprised, and hisrambling was suspended temporarily.

I stood before Shacho who wassitting and looked down at him. (Zuben: Are you going to shout? Give him whatfor? Cos if he doesn’t want the cookies, what is his business who wants them?)

‘If that is the case,’ I said,‘Would it would be nice if it was Shacho?’


‘”Frustration.”’ I pa.s.sionately blurted out, ‘Isn’t that what you suggested? Don’t you think that you kissingme yesterday was the cause? This is the consequence.’ 

I suddenly calmed down. He had noreaction.

It was mortifying to complain aboutsuch a thing.

‘Pardon me. Please forget it.’ Isaid bowing and turning back to my seat.

At that moment, he grabbed my hand.


‘If I am okay, I will be yourpartner.’ He said and dragged me to the resting room and pulled me into the bed


He kissed me, as he rolled over mybody. I accepted his kiss.

Shacho’s tongue ravaged my mouthexcitedly. It was like my tongue had become a s.e.x organ, his tongue felt goodagainst mine.

Did Shacho have a wrong ideakissing me like this? Does he think me a h.o.r.n.y girl? Shacho’s delusions areextreme. He probably thinks I am a s.l.u.t. (Zuben: Nah, his dreams are comingthrough)

I moaned.

Saliva over flowed from the edge ofmy lips. (Zuben: Who kisses like this, letting saliva over-flow? s.e.x is alreadykinda icky, can we keep it from being even more so, j.a.pan?)

I was getting wet, I could feel theheat between my legs.

I come up for air and Shachoattacked my ears; one ear was being gently caressed while the other was betweenhis lips. The ear became numb with pleasure as that disagreeable sound wastransmitted to my brain.

I wonder if he is going to do thisto the end.

I would like to of course, but Iwould not be able to work if that happens.

His hot tongue invades my ear, andI arch my neck unconsciously. It was a frustrating gentle pleasure. I wantedhim to do more, but I think he’s teasing me.

‘I did not think Sakamoto was sucha naughty girl,’

‘Aahn, that’s different, I am not,’

‘What’s different? Yesterday’s kissmade you frustrated, didn’t it?’

About yesterday’s kiss…

He talked about it like it was nobig deal. I wondered what Shacho had in mind. I was expectant and a bit anxiousabout the unknown pleasures that would be given to me from now on.

Maybe I am lewd like the presidentsaid.

‘I am taking your top off,’Shacho’s voice echoes in my brain. He pulled the blouse up to my chest and Icould feel the touch of his fingers directly on my skin.

A bony finger, so different from awoman’s, traced around my belly.

‘Oh,’ I cried. It was ticklish and his touch made me squirm with pleasure. Then he began to stroke my sides slowly. At first it wasticklish, then it began to turn into pleasure. My skin became sensitive asgooseb.u.mps appeared. My p.u.s.s.y was wet; a testimony of the pleasure I wasfeeling.

‘Maki is so sensitive,’ hewhispered with a happy chuckle.

Till now, I have had threeboyfriends, but none of them had said such a thing. I had thought it was ratherdifficult for me to feel pleasure.

His hand moved up my body round thesides to the top. Then his hands were on my bra.s.siere and it was soon undone.

A phone rang. (Zuben: Dammit!)

It was the company phone. Shachopulled down my top and signalled that I should wait.

I was too aroused. I moved and Icould feel the slickness between my legs, there was a sound as well.

From the other side of the door, Ihear Shacho apologising. It must be a complaint.

Shacho came back into the roomwearing his coat.

‘Was it a complaint?’ I asked. Henodded as he stroked my cheek.

‘It’s not far, I will drive there.Work does not wait for this sort of thing.’

‘Wa…I understand,’

‘Do not comfort yourself,’ Shachosaid laughing mischievously as he left. It took me a couple of seconds to getthe implication. My face grew hot.

Doing it myself…

The thought made me throb down there.

I unhooked my jeans and reachedinto my underwear. Although I just stroked the entrance, my fingers werequickly coated in love juice. Even such a little stimulus was sweet.

It wasn’t that I have nevercomforted myself.

I moved my slick fingers up anddown along my slit, I began to feel good. At first it was gentle pleasure, butthen the sensation grew stronger.

I stopped.

What am I doing? I am in the middleof work!

I put my clothes back together,tidied my pony tail and went back to my desk.

Zuben: Will they or will they?

Index ❋ Chapter 3&4