Beseech The Devil

Chapter 50 – Little Bro, we are fated for each other!

Chapter 50 – Little Bro, we are fated for each other!

Amongst the people who turned to look at him, Su Ming did not see Grandpa and company,  of the Mán-Tribesman here, most of them are from the Feng Zhen Tribe, and although he had left after Grandpa, he had clearly arrived before them.

After putting Su Ming down, Shi Hai gave Su Ming a black tablet, without saying much more, he immediately transformed back into the a white mist and left.

Standing there along, Su Ming took a look at his surroundings, only to not find a single familiar face. Silently, he looked at the black tablet which had the numbers 109 written on it in Mán-Numbers.

(TLN: Just treat it as another number writing system)

That black tablet looked extremely normal, seemingly carved out of stone, yet when it was being held in his hand, it felt strangely cold.

“This times event has one of the most numbers of partic.i.p.ants ever, there are actually over one hundred of them!”

“Over a hundred people, but this is only the first test. There must be quite some people who don’t think they are strong enough to partic.i.p.ate in the second and third test and are here just to experience the ambience.”

“You are mistaken in saying that, of the three tests, the first one is actually the hardest! Just for your information, the second test is speed and the third one is combat, both of which will require a certain standard, and even some luck. But this first test has no minimum requirement because it is a test of willpower and your potential!

This kind of test can be extremely brutal! Regardless of your cultivation, performing badly on this test will mean that you have little potential and or will power, these people will become disregarded in their tribes.”

Su Ming fiddled around with the black table in his hands as he heard the conversations of the people around him.

“But if I must say, for every test so far, the top fifty people are usually the Mán-Cultivators of our Feng Zhen Tribe, the other Tribes are just here to fill up the spots. It is said that there had never been any outsiders taking the top ten spots here before.”

“Thats for sure, it will be the same this time round, anyway for the top forty slots we already know who will be getting them, as for the top ten, other than those terrific juniors, there is no one else that can fight for it anyway.”

Su Ming listened to all these people’s discussions and came to understand that of all the people here today, most of them are not partic.i.p.ating in the first test and are only here to watch the excitement.

As he listened, he was still thinking about the six numbers that Grandpa told him about. Suddenly, Su Ming noticed that there was an old man quietly closing onto him. Noticing Su Ming’s gaze as well, the old man revealed a smile as he even more quickly approached Su Ming.

This old man was dressed in animal hide, on his ears were several bone earrings, from the looks of which was not a member of the Feng Zhen Tribe.

“This little bro, this old man saw the tablet in this little bro’s hand and understands that we are both partic.i.p.ants in this first test so I have come to give my greetings, I have no other ill intentions.” The old man looked comical with his mouth stuck out and has a chin like an ape’s, his facial features all moving as he laughs, easily leaving an impression on a person.

Su Ming remained expressionless as he listened to the old man’s words, nodding slightly at the end.

“Little bro, don’t mind this old man’s words, although my cultivation is not very high but I have lived a long time and trained my eyes. From what I see…… your qualifications is……. Very unusual.” Spoke the old man as he blinked his eyes at Su Ming.

“This old man comes around to this test every time to have a look, given this little bro’s qualifications it would be rather hard to get into the top fifty places, in fact I estimate you will be in the hundredth or so position…… however……” That old man walked closer to Su Ming as he sneakily looked around making sure noone was watching him before he continued speaking even more softly.

“However, little bro running into me can be considered your good luck, I have a special herb that can explode forth your potential for a short duration, such that when you take the first test, you will be able to definitely get into the top fifty spots! If you buy more and consume it at the same time, getting into the top ten spots is not impossible as well.” That old man softly spoke, opening his robe, quickly exposing some of the herbs he had on him before covering them up again, a mysterious look flashing on his face as if he was afraid people know his secret.

(TLN: The old man is a flasher! Well kinda…… First we have a h.o.r.n.y monkey, then we have a old man flasher… I wonder if there are more weird people in this novel)

Su Ming was momentarily stunned as he stared at the old man while at a loss for words.

“You don’t believe me?” That old man seeing Su Ming’s expression quickly added: “Little bro, you are still young, this kind of things, even if they are false you should still at least try it once, after all if you actually managed to get your name up there, the people in your tribe will also treat you better, from your looks it seems like you are the kind that is frustrated in your own tribe.”

“Okay, if your medicine really works, then why is it that every year the top fifty spots still go to the Feng Zhen Tribesmen and especially the top ten spots where no outside has ever gotten it. I am not buying it, you should hurry and try to sell it to someone else instead.” Su Ming frowned as he took a few steps back.

That old man’s eyes widened as he raised his right arm towards Su Ming, rapidly praising him as he gave a thumbs up.

“Skilled, this little bro is really smart, so quickly and you are already able to see this point, it seems that I have made a mistake, your qualifications is indeed poor but at least you are rather smart.

However little bro, you are mistaken, one of the top ten spots had been taken by an outsider before, fifty years ago there was a person who had consecutively gotten first place for several years, this person you should also have heard of him before, he is the Wu Shan Tribe Mán-Elder Mo Sang! Did you know why he managed to do so? That’s because he always bought the herbs from me.


There was also that year that, Hei Shan person also bought my herbs and managed to get into the forty something position, the so and so from that Wu Long Tribe as well.

Hey, don’t walk away like that, the previous test there was this Bei Ling boy as well who managed to enter the top fifty as well because he bought my herbs……” That old man hurriedly spoke as he saw Su Ming frowning as he walked backwards.

“Little bro, we are fated for each other, that’s the only reason I am selling it to you, if it were any other person I wouldn’t sell it to them even if they begged me, I am selling to for ten coins per stalk but for you I will only charge you three a stalk, how is that? Just three coins and you can have it, what a good deal right? Ah, such a cheap herb, if I were to shout that I was selling it, I would be surrounded by people immediately, since I feel that we have karma between us, I’ll give it to you one for one, I……” This old man spoke with a flurry of words, clapping as he spoke seemingly getting excited as he spoke, making Su Ming even more stunned than before as he subconsciously retreated even further.

This old man was going to continue talking, until there was an uproar in the crowd as the sky seemed to distort as a black python appeared while carrying several people on its back, it was exactly Grandpa and gang.

“It’s the Wu Shan Tribe!”

“The Wu Shan Tribe Mán-Elder is said to have a very powerful cultivation, but it’s too bad the whole tribe has no competent descendant, but I think I heard that there was some guy called Bei Ling who got the forty-ninth spot in the previous test.

The black python dispersed as Grandpa and gang landed in a corner of the square, taking a quick glance at Su Ming before turning away. Bei Ling stood there aloof and indifferent.

Lei Chen and Wu La were excitedly looking around the plaza.

“Did you see that old man that the stone-faced boy, they are the people i told you about previously, the Wu Shan Tribe Mán-Elder Mo Sang and the boy Bei Ling.” Su Ming took a glance at the old man who quickly spoke.

As he was speaking, the people got even more excited than before as a group of people walked in from a corner of the plaza, the group of five was lead by a bald black robe male who also happened to be the blad youth Wu Sen Su Ming ran into the previous night. His expression was gloomy, as his face carried a faint trace of anger, obviously the incident that happened last night was a huge humiliation to him. Especially the matter about his dark green glob of blood…… made him all the more anxious, however on his face none of that anxiety could be seen.

The four people standing behind him here equally gloomy as they silently walked into the plaza behind Wu Sen.

“Wu Sen!”

“He is one of the candidates expected to reach the top three spots in our Feng Zhen Tribe, it is said that is cultivation technique is rather strange though……”

“Shhh keep your voice down, he is quite temperamental……”

“All of you shut up!” As Wu Sen advanced, he hurriedly growled, immediately silencing the crowd near him. Wu Sen’s face was overcast as he walked past Su Ming, the instant he pa.s.sed Su Ming, he took a double take as he coldly stared at Su Ming, a hint of suspicion arising on his face.

But after observing further, he realised that it was not the person he previously encountered and continued walking on with a harumph, before sitting down cross legged in the distance with his four companions surrounding him like his body-guards.

Su Ming glanced at Wu Sen before turning to look at Bei Ling.

“This Wu Sen cultivates some vampiric corpse qi, and worships one of the Feng Zhen Tribe’s Evil Totems, his body is filled with hostility and has a bad personality, definitely not a good thing!” The old man by Su Ming angrily spoke, yet also softly speaking still seeming afraid of the other person’s notice.

“I say, little bro, you should not mess with this person…… but even if you did it is no matter, I have another herb here, after you eat this one, your strength will grow boundlessly……” That old man squinted his eyes before excitedly speaking again.

Su Ming frowned again, thinking to himself, this old man’s long windedness greatly Lei Chen, when compared to Lei Chen, Lei Chen can practically be described as taciturn.

This old man constantly advised, as if not intending to stop unless you buy a herb from him.

At this moment, the plaza’s air seemed to distort once more, as this time, over a dozen people came in, these people all laughing and joking as the revolved around this one person in the middle. He was not very tall and slightly chubbier, laughing along as he chatted with the people around him, raising his arm gesturing.

His body giving of an indescribable pressure which was extremely obvious drawing people’s attention all onto him.

“Chen Chong!” Wu Sen in the distance opened his eyes as he stared at the fatty with narrowed eyes.

Su Ming’s gaze too fell onto that person, clearly able to feel the pressure that person was exuding, which was not blood qi, rather an indescribable feeling.

“Chen Chong, this is somebody that everyone in my Feng Zhen Tribe knows about, his character is much better and even stronger than that Wu Sen guy.” The old man hurriedly spoke.

“Let me tell you a secret, don’t tell anyone else, but this Chen Chong is also one of my customers who frequently buys my herbs.”