Beseech The Devil

Chapter 51 – Border

Chapter 51 – Border

Shortly after, many other tribe’s people started to arrive, these people either came alone or as a group

Slowly, the number of people in the plaza got more and more, the buzzing of people’s voices made the plaza seem extremely lively.

After all, an event of this scale only takes place once a few years, what’s more the number of partic.i.p.ants this year is more than the previous ones.

Taking the opportunity of the growing crowd, Su Ming hurriedly took a few steps into the crowed to try and shake off that old man whose torrential speeches was giving Su Ming a headache. After navigating through the crowd, he saw the old man looking about in the crowd as such he lowered his body and tried to avoid his sight.

Although the crowd was large, Su Ming barely recognised anybody, standing in the crowd extremely ordinarily, there was also hardly anybody who would take note of him.

The crowd was filled with non Feng Zhen Tribesman, many of which came to partic.i.p.ate in this grand test, there were also many who came here for the first time as well.

“See, that is Wu Sen! I heard he is the genius of his generation in the Feng Zhen Tribe.”

“Isn’t that Chen Chong, his name is so famous, I have heard of him previously but this the is first time I seen him. I didn’t expect him to actually look like this, but he is really imposing eh?”

“That is the Wu Shan Tribe’s Bei Ling right, he is also quite something, the previous test he managed to get into the top fifty, it would be good for us to make friends with him as well, that way we can make those people back at the tribe green with envy.”

Around Su Ming were many people who had come for the first time as well who were excitedly discussing with each other.

“This time might be our chance, if we manage to catch the eyes of Wu Sen or Chen Chong and become their followers, our position in the tribe might change.”

“Sigh, the people thinking like this is not few, can’t you see the people gathering around them for greetings, should we go too? This brother over here, seeing you stand here alone, this must be your first time as well?” By Su Ming’s side a simple and honest looking youth smiled towards Su Ming.

Su Ming returned the gesture as he courteously exchanged a few words with this youth.

“Brother, it seems that not everyone is here yet, but I am sure the first test will be starting soon, how about we go over to Chen Chong and exchange some greetings? You all want to come? It’s better to go together, if we go alone he will most probably ignore us.” That youth hurriedly spoke to Su Ming as the people nearby.

“You all see that Wu Sen’s gloomy expression, he must not be too happy, so it is better for us to avoid him, this Chen Chong seems so much more amiable, he should be much easier to get along with.” Under this youth’s persuasion, the surrounding people were moved and at last about seven or eight people started heading towards Chen Chong.

Su Ming was initially unwilling to go, but after getting pulled along by that youth, he followed this group of people ahead.

Just as they were moving forward, the sky above the plaza once more distorted, attracting people’s attention, only to see five people approach of which the leader was a tall well built man wearing a coa.r.s.e linen shirt, and exuding a powerful blood qi.

On his face was an obvious scar, from his left eyebrow all the way till the right side of his mouth, making this person seem extremely hideous.

“The Hei Shan Tribe, this person…… should be the Hei Shan Tribe Patriarch, I heard the Hei Shan Tribe Patriarch had a scar on his face.”

“Yea, I heard that the Hei Shan Tribe Mán-Elder did not come this time round, rather their patriarch came.”

The four man behind him slowly walked towards the plaza, seeming extremely normal at first glance, however if you look closely, three were young men while the fourth was another powerfully built man.

But strangely, the youth behind this burly man and the other two youths seemed to be escorting this other youth, their steps never exceeding that youth’s.

This youth was wearing a black hide shirt and had long hair, seeming to be only about nineteen years old. However his face cannot be clearly seen because his collars were very high covering everything below his eye level, what’s more his face was relatively lowered making it even harder to see his face.

This person was silent all the way, as if the surrounding gazes did not faze him at all, following the patriarch, they settled down in a corner far away from the Wu Shan Tribe.

From their sitting positions, their relative statuses could also be seen, that youth was sitting alone by the side away from his other tribesman, only taking a glance at the Wu Shan Tribe, watching them scornfully.

Su Ming and the people nearby all had their gazes fall on this group of Hei Shan Tribesman, especially the patriarch and the solidarity youth who caught Su Ming’s attention as well.

Su Ming was not surprised by the strength of the Hei Shan Tribe Patriarch, but that solidarity youth actually gave Su Ming a dangerous premonition, making him make the judgement that that person was extraordinary.

But in his heart, he disliked this kind of haughty behaviors, in comparison Su Ming felt that Wu Sen was better on this front compared to this youth, at the very least he did not make such a contrived mysterious front.

The arrival of the Hei Shan Tribe triggered many discussions, which arrived on the consensus that more people still favored the geniuses of the Feng Zhen Tribe whose fame and popularity could not be compared to in this area.

While surrounded by the warm youths, Su Ming proceeded towards Chen Chong who was surrounded by many people. Standing among so many people, he seemed so ordinary that no one would take note of him.

“Let me tell you, I don’t go to those kind of places in the tribe, even if I were to go, it’s just to have a look, don’t you believe me?”

(TLN: The I used here is 老子 which is kinda like a more arrogant way of saying I)

After approaching, Su Ming saw the gestures Chen Chong were making as he talked to the people around him, all of them laughing, except that the laughter was filled with flattery.

The other strangers surrounding were also laughing, as if trying to get themselves integrated into this group through their laughter.

The group around Su MIng were doing the same, as they laughed non-stop. Su Ming stood there calmly, smiling as he thought of Chen Chong’s ident.i.ty which he could not compare to.

The people around him constantly laughed their way into the group, as they tried to find an opportunity to introduce themselves.

The Wu Long Tribe started walking towards the plaza from outside, however not stirring up much discussion as the Wu Long Tribe was not as famous as the Hei Shan Tribe after all.
But at this moment, when the Wu Long Tribe appeared, that laughing Chen Chong and the silently meditating Wu Sen both turned to look at them.

Together, many people’s gazes fell on them, even the mysterious Hei Shan Tribe’s youth and those surrounding him turned to look.

What they were looking at was a person in the Wu Long Tribe’s group, a person in a white dress, an extremely beautiful girl! The crystal on her forehead shining under the sunlight, her beauty somehow exuded a sense of wildness which was enough to make people’s heart throb.

She was Bai Ling.

Seeing so many people’s gaze, Bai Ling’s face revealed a blush yet she did not shy her head. Rather her gaze swept across the crowd looking for where the Wu Shan Tribe was before revealing a sense of joy only to fade away when she could not find Su Ming.

Lowering her head, Bei Ling followed behind the Mán-Elder of the Wu Long Tribe as they walked towards the plaza.

The current her did not notice that in the distance in the crowd was a very normal looking youth, that was silently watching her.

She also did not realise that in the Hei Shan Tribe’s group, the mysterious black robed youth revealed a sense of desire and greed after seeing her.

Wu Sen took a glance at Bai Ling before closing his eyes once more, although Bai Ling was exquisite, Wu Sen was unmoved as his heart was preoccupied by other things, the current him was unable to pay heed to such things at the moment.

Su Ming gazed at that beautiful face, silently standing there, feeling that he was so very far from Bai Ling, very far, very far indeed.

“Bai Ling!” A smiling voice came from nearby Su Ming, the voice was not very loud but still managed to make its way to Bai Ling’s ears.

“Brother Chen Chong.” Bai Ling raised her head as she looked at Chen Chong’s group, revealing a smile, which was hiding her bleak emotions.

Chen Chong laughed as the group parted aside for him, however Su Ming stood there unmoving, watching Chen Chong walk from his side towards Bai Ling.

Watching, Su Ming closed his eyes, unsure of what he was feeling right now, only knowing that he was surprisingly calm.

His eyes were closed ignoring everything around him until his hand was grabbed as he was excitedly shaken.

“Ye w.a.n.g!! It’s Ye w.a.n.g!!”

“Look look, that is Ye w.a.n.g, the number one genius in the Feng Zhen Tribe Ye w.a.n.g!!”

“Obtaining first for all three tests consecutively for two years, the most talented person in the area, it is said that amongst the people of this generation he was the most likely to be able to reach the awakened cultivator realm, especially since he received the full support of the Feng Zhen Tribe!! The future Mán-Elder of the Feng Zhen Tribe!!’

Su Ming opened his eyes, looking at the distance, as a single person walked forwards.

He was wearing a red robe, without the gloominess of Wu Sen, neither was he surrounded by people like Chen Chong, nor was he acting mysterious like the Hei Shan Tribe youth. He was just a single person, walking step by step forward alone.