Beseech The Devil

Chapter 107 – Arrival of the Heretic-Mán

Chapter 107 – Arrival of the Heretic-Mán

This mist circulated around Bi Tu’s body, round after round it transformed into ripples dispersing a powerful qi into the surroundings.

“The green seeking art is the Hei Shan Tribe’s most powerful Mán-Technique, and also as renowned as the Wu Shan Tribe’s Triple Vanquishing Strike back in the day what’s more, it is more reliable. Now that it is being used by an awakened realm cultivator it’s might is even greater!” Grandpa Mo Sang hurriedly spoke with a pale expression.

Grandpa clearly knew that that technique was equivalent to burning his own life, and even when he was battling with Bi Tu, he was unable to force Bi Tu to use it. Grandpa knew that it was also partly as Bi Tu believed that as long as he did not die, the lives of his tribesmen is of no concern, as as long as he was still alive, he could quickly rebuild the Hei Shan Tribe.

Practically as he opened his mouth, the countless green chains surrounded Bi Tu who pointed his right arm angrily towards Su Ming, pointing towards Su Ming hidden within the body of the giant NightWing.

The numerous green chains hummed as they flew towards the gigantic NightWing.

As it advanced, the green chain continues to enlarge, forming a gigantic line towards the approaching NightWing.

With its immense speed as it practically blended with nature, it instantly arrived by the huge NightWing, coiling around it and restraining the NightWing’s body.

“Die for me!” Bi Tu fiercely shouted as he raised his arms, controlling the green chains in an attack.

Instantly the green chains around the NightWing started tightening, with Su Ming’s insufficient cultivation he was unable to break the Mán-Technique from an Awakened cultivator. All he could do was to will the NightWings under his control to resist.

As the two clashed, the green chain started to fracture at some parts while the NightWings too started to shatter into a red mist.

Under the NightWing’s constant struggle the green chains continued to tighten, each time more and more segments of the chain shattered yet even more NightWings will pay with their lives.

Veins appeared on Bi Tu’s face as he pressed his hands together, currently they were still about three inches apart, but this last three inches were the hardest to press together. His hands trembled as fresh blood spilt out his mouth, this blood then transformed into two scaly arms which helped press his palms together.

With this added force, the three inch gap further shortened into a one inch gap.

At the same time b.l.o.o.d.y veins appeared on the green chains as the pressure they exude increased, shrieks could be heard as many more NightWings quickly shattered into a red mist.

Su Ming who was within the NightWing had blood pouring out his seven orifices, as he felt a sharp pain in his consciousness as the NightWing’s painful cries were transmitted to him.

“Still not dead!!” Bi Tu’s hair was disheveled as he prepared to go all out, but Grandpa in the distance did not hesitate has he flew forwards with his worn out body, instantly rushing Bi Tu with a gigantic Black Python fill of injuries.

Grandpa was already seriously injured, and the seven bone needles in his body only lent him power in exchange for his own lifespan. It was already hard for him to continue fighting and if Su Ming had not arrived, he would have already self-detonated to try to at least heavily injure the Hei Shan Mán-Elder

But he knew that the Hei Shan Mán-Elder had foreseen this and had been purposely staying a safe distance away to avoid accidentally throwing his life away.

But now he had a chance to heavily injure Bi Tu and leave Su Ming a chance, the price was just his own life but even so Grandpa had no regrets.

As he rushed forwards Su Ming could feel a sense of sadness from Grandpa’s body, his eyes turned red as worry welled from within.

His anxiety transformed into the NightWing’s own anxiety, at the same time as when Grandpa rushed forwards, the NightWings scattered revealing Su Ming within. As they dispersed, the green chains rushed towards Su Ming.

But at this moment, the numerous NightWings spat out blood one after another and then immediately detonating themselves forming a large amount of fresh blood which once more condensed around Su Ming before the green chains circled around Su Ming.

But this time they it did not take the shape of a NightWing, rather it transformed into a several Zhang tall giant with a blur face with no recognizable features except for a blazing totem in its forehead.

As for the green chains, along with the t.i.tan’s appearance, they too elongated and entrapped this body within.

The moment this t.i.tan appeared, the skies trembled, the five mountain peaks shook, even the earth itself moved, from within the jungle atop a dry withered tree an entirely red monkey tightly clutched onto the branches, lifting its head it gazed at the skies, fear filling its expression as it continued to cry out yet afraid of going forwards.

In the skies, along with the t.i.tan’s appearance, the full moon light seemed to intensified, its crimson glow growing ever so stronger, covering the entire land with a blood red moon glow, enveloping the t.i.tan’s body like a silvery sea of flames making the giant seem like a huge fiery beast.

At this moment, the t.i.tan opened its eyes, the blood moon clearly reflected from within as it took large strides towards Bi Tu. Due to its size, it even managed to reach Bi Tu before Grandpa and strike out with its fist, the silvery sea of flames lashing out along with its attack towards Bi Tu.

Bi Tu did not retreat, rather he howled with a fierce expression.

“Exploding Green Chain art!”

As he spoke these words, the t.i.tan where Su Ming was within suddenly shook as the green chains within all exploded, transforming into a green gas which spilt out from the t.i.tan only to then reform into chains.

The explosion of the green chains cause the entire t.i.tan’s body to tremble as a large amount of red gas spilt out, but its fist continued to shoot forth as it continued to attack without any care of its physical injuries.

Bi Tu’s expression changed as he hurriedly retreated with both hands in front of him as he used an unknown Mán-Technique. His hand seemingly transforming into a wooden barrier protecting him.

With a bang, Su Ming’s fist landed on Bi Tu’s barrier formed by two hands. The instant the bang resounded out, Bi Tu’s body shook and fresh blood spilt out his lips, his arms instantly bursting apart into a b.l.o.o.d.y mess as he collapsed backwards.

Su Ming’s eyes flashed, as he is experiencing difficulty maintaining the body after the Green Chain’s damage, but still he continued to advance with large strides in pursuit of Bi Tu, whose orifices were all bleeding, yet he still let out a shout.

Shortly after, the green threads which once more formed around the t.i.tan’s body instantly coagulated back into chains and shot towards Bi Tu even faster than Su Ming. Under Su Ming and Grandpa’s gazes, Bi Tu started recovering at a shocking speed.

Instantly his arms grew out once more, his face a healthy pink as he seemed to have fully recovered to his peak condition!

“The Green Seeking Art is equivalent to spending one’s entire life force, and can also be used for life saving treatment, but it can only be used once in a long period of time. Also in this time he will not be able to use the Green Seeking Art again!” Grandpa spoke as his eyes flashed.

Just as Grandpa spoke, Bi Tu’s eyes glowed brightly once more, although he had fully recovered his expression was still dim as his pent up rage had reached its maximum.

He as an awakened cultivator was forced to used his lifespan to recover his health was just unacceptable!

He did not even bother looking at Mo Sang, he just angrily stared at the t.i.tan which was Su Ming.

“To be able to force this father to this extent, you can die happy! This fight is over! Today you and your grandpa will die without doubt!

Mo Sang, in our previous fight, this father only slightly exhibited my Heretical-Mán-Technique. Now I will let the two for you to see the true power of the Heretical-Mán-Technique used by an awakened cultivator!” Bi Tu was very worried about Su Ming, and so unless he had no other choice he was unwilling to fully execute this technique as not only was the backlash very strong, he could only use it when he was in near perfect physical condition, or else he would possibly die from the backlash itself.

Su Ming raised his feet as he prepared to approach, only to see Bi Tu raise his arms and bow towards the north as he fanatically shouted.

“I beseech thy Heretical-Mán in this plane, to appear in accordance to the pact!”

The moment he spoke those words, the blood moon in the skies seemed to dim as even the stars in the skies seem to dim. An indescribable qi seemed to descend from the skies.

It was entirely silent but Su Ming’s heart started to race, his body seemed to have solidified in the presence of the strange qi.

Grandpa Mo Sang’s face paled as blood spilt out his mouth as he was no longer able to withstand the pressure from the mysterious qi.

“Who is it that disturbs my slumber……”

“Who is it that calls upon my Mán-Soul……”

A voice suddenly rumbled within Su Ming and Grandpa’s minds, an old and gloomy voice which is able to strike fear into anyone’s hearts.