Beseech The Devil

Chapter 62 – Powerful threat!

Chapter 62 – Powerful threat!

They had to keep quiet as this was all just the beginning!

On the nine statues, and in the hands of the less than twenty remaining partic.i.p.ants, the name representing Su Ming started to rise at a terrifying rate!

Ranked twentieth, ranked nineteenth, ranked seventeenth, ranked fifteenth, ranked fourteenth, ranked twelfth, ranked tenth!!

In the instant just as he reached the tenth rank, it instantly changed into the ninth rank!!

Wu Sen stood there dazedly, standing on the four hundred and fifty-seventh step, he stared at the ranking tablet in his hand, unable to believe what he was seeing, he had already predicted that once this Mo Su person moved, it would be shocking. But even so, he did not think that it would actually be this insane!!

In an instant, Wu Sen had fallen from the twelfth rank to the thirteenth, without being given the chance to even fight back.

Similarly shocked were the people from the eleventh to the twentieth rank, they were all in an instant overtaken, that kind of change gave them a sort of powerless feeling, unable to muster the slightest feeling of resistance, all that remained was shock.

Wu Sen deeply growled, his veins bulging as he grit his teeth and advanced, he was unreconciled!! Following this movement, the people all ranked above Su Ming got up from their rest and advanced with grit teeth!

Being able to get into the top twenty already represented that they were the top of their generation, their pride does not allow them to give up so easily, regardless of the pressure of the mountain, they all moved.

Even Chen Chong who was resting on the five hundred and forty-seventh, a fighting spirit ignited in him as he dazedly looked at the tablet in his hands, letting out a gasp as he heard the sound of breakthrough once more in the distance. This was the sound that made him burn with envy!

Bi Su on the five hundredth and fifty-third step could more clearly experience it, he was on the path nearest to Su Ming, separated only by a little fog. He could clearly hear that m.u.f.fled roar, he could clearly feel that that Mo Su person on the nearby path was currently advancing at a terrifying speed!

Other than the two of them, the ranked four to eight people were the most nervous, although they were not as well known as Chen Chong or Wu Sen, they were definitely not simple.

But currently, they were extremely nervous as their heart pounded rapidly, each and every single one of them got up and started climbing once more!

But on this night, deep into the night when the pressure of the mountain was at its peak, they continued to climb, facing this terrifying pressure, similar to the pressure of facing the heaven’s sovereign, able to make a person breakdown.

Even as the people stood up, before they took a few steps, they stared at the tablet in their hands, their shock turned into dismay as they footsteps all halted.

Su Ming’s hair danced behind him unbound from straw, moving without wind, his eyes crimson red, a blazing moon visible within!

He practically did not stop as he rushed onto the four hundred and seventy-first step, his entire body roaring, the number of blood veins on his body increasing one by one, he practically did not bother checking how many it increased by, he only stepped forwards.

The pressure coming from the mountain landed onto his body, making Su Ming feel unable to bear it, quickly he circulated his blood qi, wrapping himself in the moonlight, continuing to advance through this pressure.

Four hundred and seventy-two, four hundred and eighty-three, four hundred and ninety-four, five hundred and six…… five hundred and twenty-three, five hundred and thirty-seven…… five hundred and forty-six!!

Only after Su Ming reached the five hundred and forty-sixth step did he stop, his body filled with sweat, his breathing haggard, but his eyes was filled with determination as before!

His body was growling non-stop, along with his pause, eighty-seven blood veins appeared disorderly spread over his body, forming a powerful qi, shrouding Su Ming’s body.

Ranked fourth, Mo Su, five hundred and forty-six steps!

In front of him were only three people! Behind him, were all the other compet.i.tors of this time’s test!

Although Su Ming was not in the best shape, the current Su Ming was still standing at the peak.

At this point, Chen Chong body shook, although he could not see Su Ming, but from the tablet in his hands, he could feel a wave of pressure, and from his ears he could hear that rumble that left him in dismay.

Although he could not see the other person, he felt an even more terrifying feeling coming from that person than Bi Su, perhaps is is precisely because he cannot see that person, such a strong terror sprouted within him.

Although Chen Chong may seem easy-going, he was actually still a very prideful person. He held Bi Su in disdain, him giving up was just because he was feeling too tired, his personality made him unwilling to exert himself that much, to him, he knew that that Bi Su was unable to be his match.

So what if he had overtaken him? He did not have that kind of overwhelming strength, everything was just for show. To Chen Chong, only Ye w.a.n.g had that kind of aura to him!

But today, to his horror, he realised that from this Mo Su, he could feel that same overbearing aura of Ye w.a.n.g!! Chen Chong’s expression turned serious as a powerful aura grew within him.

Standing up, he looked into the distance, for a split second he could see a figure, coldly standing on the five hundredth and forty-sixth step with his head raised staring at the sky, who gave off an imposing aura.

Compared to Chen Chong, Bi Su was inferior at this point. His expression was haggard, staring intently at the fog, seeming almost able to feel the heavy breathing behind the fog.

“Regardless of who you are, you can only dream on if you want to over take me, Bi Su!!” Bi u growled towards the fog, his shout dissipating slowly in the fog.

Currently, on this mountain, the last ranked Feng Zhen Tribe member had too decided to leave after deliberating for quite some time.

He understood that for this first test, they did not have to wait till tomorrow for the final showdown, and this final showdown was not something that he could be part of, this mountain is their domain, he did not want be remain here like a fallen leaf any longer, choosing to leave instead.

Knowing one’s own limits, knowing when to retreat, this may not be commonly found amongst people, but those able to be ranked in the top twenty would mostly know this.

The strong are respected by the and not limited to their tribe. As this person left, other than the top four, Wu Sen and two other people, the remaining partic.i.p.ants gradually chose to leave the mountain to those top four.

Leaving to them, the grounds for the final battle!

Wu Sen struggled for a while more before giving out a long sigh as he choose to leave as well, the remaining two were unwilling to leave, but as they saw everyone else leave, they too choose to give up.

The black wisps of smoke appearing one by one on the plaza were mostly ignored by the people who had been focusing on the names on the statues, their breathing all hysterical.

The Wu Long tribe’s old lady had stood up, her expression solemn, the two strong men beside her the same, in fact, the other tribe’s leaders were the same.

No one remained sitting, even the Hei Shan Tribe Patriarch’s expression was grim as he stared intently at the names left on the statues.

Bei Ling, Si Kong, Bai Ling, Lei Chen, Wu La…… the various other people were all in deep thought as they stared at the rankings.

Even those compet.i.tors who had just returned did not mind not being received by the audience

Grandpa Mo Sang was similarly watching attentively, by his side, Jing Nan was also watching, his face not revealing any of his emotions.

Su Ming stood on the five hundred and forty-sixth step as he took a deep breath, the pressure here was extremely strong, it was hard for him to advance at the same speed as before. Raising his leg, Su Ming continued onward onto the five hundred and forty-seventh step, step by step he advanced.

His pace was not extremely fast, but it was stable.

He could hear a bitter outburst coming from within the fog, but he did not pay much attention to it and did not catch what the person said, he only focused on advancing step by step onwards.

Chen Chong’s expression was serious as he stopped his complaining, he too stopped paying attention to the ranking tablet. Instead he was fully serious as he took off his top, revealing his bare chest, he similarly walked onward.

As for Bi Su, his expression was hideous as he grit his teeth, bearing the pressure, resisting the pain coming from his body as the advanced with large strides, constantly staring at the rankings on the tablet.

Ranked first, Ye Want, seven hundred and ninety-one steps.

Ranked second, Bi Su, five hundred and fifty-four steps.

Ranked third, Chen Chong, five hundred and forty-eight steps.

Ranked fourth, Mo Su, five hundred and forty-seven steps.

Of the four of them, only Bi Su kept checking their rankings, the other three had not, Ye w.a.n.g had never bothered about these changes, to him, his only opponent was himself after all.

Chen Chong was a prideful person, and he could feel the strange pressure coming from Su Ming, as such he decided to not check the rankings anymore, lest it wreck his mindset.

Su Ming too did not look, he only continued his advance, step by step, each time his feet land, his body would shudder, sweat pouring out of him as he felt the immense pressure, but his resolute character and determined heart allowed him to stand like a tree in a storm, fighting to stand tall.

“Of all the living things on this earth, just which ones will be able to see the ends of the world…… ” Su Ming stared at the sky as he advanced while muttering……