Beseech The Devil

Chapter 88

Chapter 88

Chapter 88 – Coronach

“Who is that!! The Wu Shan Tribe should not have such a young and powerful cultivator!!” The brute spat out blood as his expression turned grim and his mind screamed.

But Su Ming’s speed was just too great, practically the instant that brute collided with the wooden gate, Su Ming had already arrived, filled with a frenzy killing intent, his fists shot forward, at the same time he bit his tongue and spat out a mouthful of blood which instantly became a b.l.o.o.d.y mist, he had activated the Wu Dust Blood.

Once the technique was used, it instantly flew towards the brute who was in disbelief. Su Ming’s fist pierced through the b.l.o.o.d.y mist and landed on the man’s chest.

With a bang, the entire wooden gate trembled as the brute’s eyes widened and lost its light, blood flowing out of his mouth, with a hole punched straight through his chest.

“Kill!!” Su Ming’s eyes were red, showing no intention of stopping after killing one of them as the  turned towards the rest of the Hei Shan Tribe’s Mán-cultivators. His battle with the previous Mán-Cultivator was extremely quick, but was seen by all the nearby Hei Shan Mán-Cultivators who found it hard to believe that their Hunting Party’s Deputy Leader had fallen just like that, whats more, they could not even see Su Ming’s figure, but only a blur.

Not only them, even the Mán-Cultivators on Su Ming’s side were stunned, they all knew who Su Ming was, and in their memory, he was but a simple tribesman, they had wondered why Su Ming was put together with the Mán-Cultivator party, but now when Su Ming moved, it had greatly surprised them yet also gave them joy.

Following Su Ming’s shout, these seven other Mán-Cultivators cried out together.


“Kill those who attack our homes!!” Su Ming’s eyes were red, as he punched with his vast blood qi!

“Kill those who hurt my family!!” As he once more punched.

“Kill those who hurt my tribesmen!!” As he punched again.

Su Ming’s body flashed, to the horror of the Hei Shan Tribesmen, he was filled with a never before seen madness and killing intent, a hatred poured out of him that should not exist in a seventeen year old but rather a crazy murderer.

Fresh blood filled the surroundings, as a loud explosion reached Su Ming’s ears, his heart ached as one more of his own tribesman was forced to self-destruct.

This was a battlefield where one was the intruder and the other the defender, this battle contained the madness of both sides, the hundreds of years of resentment between the Wu Shan Tribe and the Hei Shan Tribe!

On the Hei Shan Tribe’s side suddenly more Mán-Cultivators appeared, making the battle even more intense. Whereas the number of Wu Shan Tribe Cultivators paled in comparison, but in each of the minds of the Wu Shan Tribe Cultivators was a desperate thought, one to protect their home, their tribesmen, their tribe, and as such were willing to give up everything they had!

Death was nothing! To be able to fight for your home, to fight for your tribe, to fight for your children, to fight for your parents, this was the most glorious moment of their lives!

The people protected under the Mán-Totem were all in silence, except for the occasional cries coming from within. They were shedding tears for their children who were fighting for them, their parents who were outside protecting them, their tears fell for all those Mán-Cultivators fighting outside to protect them……

“Mummy why is the sky blue…… is it because daddy is watching us from up there……”

“Daddy, why do the stars at night always blink at us…… is it because mummy is up there watching us……” unsure where these words were first spoken among st them, but slowly more and more people shed tears in the cover of the Mán-Totem’s light.

Their voices merged together, forming a gentle yet sorrowful sound wave, containing all their emotions, their love and sadness.

These words were exclusive to the Wu Shan Tribe, in the tribe, whenever someone pa.s.sed away, the other tribesmen would all gather around the fire, singing hymns of lamentation.

“La Su, you are never alone, don’t be sad and don’t cry anymore, mummy and daddy will be watching you…… every year, every day…… they will be with you……”

“I won’t cry, I won’t be sad, I won’t feel alone, because I know are there, there watching me…… and so I am happy……”

“Those voices grew louder in the sea of tears, the Wu Shan Mán-Cultivators who did not fear death, heard the voices of their tribesmen, their familiar voices, and were filled with greater determination, they would fight till the end, till they could fight no more!!

Su Ming’s body trembled, as tears fell from his eyes, his body was covered in blood, some of which were his, but much more of his enemies’.

He did not know fatigue, he did not know fear, all he knew was to fight, and once he could move no longer, once he was fatally wounded, he knew that all he could do was to self-destruct!!

“Mummy…… daddy…… pipi……” Behind his back, he could still faintly hear the little crying girl.

Su Ming’s heart filled with sadness as if there were many thorns piercing straight through his heart. He moved faster and faster, his fists punching louder and louder, the sounds of murder and the mournful singing melded together into a melody.

This sorrowful melody revealed a certain sense of desolation, a certain sorrow, a certain sense of departure…… nearby, under a large tree the Wu Shan Tribe flutist leaned, as his legs were a mess, this body covered in blood, his expression pale and downcast.

With his trembling hands, he held his ocarina to his mouth, as he played a sad tune, the sad melody like a mother’s cry, covered the battlefield, joining in the tribe’s sorrowful medley.

The sorrowful whine, spread along the winds, burying itself into the snow, into the blood of their tribesmen, causing each and every one of the Wu Shan Tribesmen to shed tears constantly.

Su Ming’s body shook, this was not the first time he heard this instrument, but he had never heard such a tune, his tears constantly falling as his heart was lost, all that remained was a body covered in endless scars and sorrow.

By his ears, other than the sorrowful melody he could hear the explosions of the people’s self-destruction, each and every single sound represented one more of his tribesman immolating their blood veins and destroying themselves.

“Don’t forget me in the river of reincarnation!” Su Ming bitterly smiled as his fists flew out once more, ending the life of one of his enemies in a violent explosion, as he coughed out more blood. Turning around, he saw the person playing the ocarina under the large tree.

His eyes appeared dim, yet a glimmer of light remained, he continued to play the ocarina with his blood stained hands, unable to conceal the sorrow in his heart, and his final farewell.

This would be the last time he would play the ocarina in his life, this last song will be played with his own life force……

Su Ming closed his eyes for an instant before turning to look at Bei Ling in the distance, three Hei Shan Tribe brutes fiercely forced Bei Ling back time and time again, his bow long since broken, his body covered with numerous injuries, large amounts of blood pouring out his chest, his face was pale as he clutched onto his bone knife, filled with a tragic determination and madness.

He could not retreat, behind him were his tribesmen, even if they were protected by the Mán-Totem, he could not back off, nearest to him as a girl, crying as she stared at Bei Ling, watching his figure like she was staring at an unmoving mountain.

This girl was Chen Xin, whatever she was saying, whatever she was telling Bei Ling, could not be heard by Su Ming in the distance, but he could see the warmth in her eyes as she spoke to Bei Ling.

She loved Bei Ling, and at this moment, all she could confirm was that she loved him.

Tears fell down her eyes as she saw Bei Ling’s body trembled, the three Hei Shan Tribesmen smilingly approached him, the bone knife in his hands shooting towards Bei Ling’s head, and at that instant, Chen Xin let out a sorrowful cry…… as she rushed forward.

Bei Ling could only bitterly smile as he could withstand no longer, since yesterday, he had been locked in combat, he knew that he could no longer dodge, just as he was going to self-destruct, he felt Chen Xin’s embrace.

“This is fine too, since you have come, let us go together……” Just as Bei Ling shut his eyes and prepared to self-destruct, an earth shaking roar resounded, everyone including the Hei Shan Tribesmen were suddenly shocked by the sound.

They all saw a long red spear flying at a terrifying speed towards Bei Ling carrying along with it a crazy killing intent, which manifested in the form of a giant red eagle. In an instant it had shot past Bei Ling and landed in the chest of the Hei Shan Tribesman with the bone knife. With a bang, he collapsed dead on the snowy floor at the same time an explosion of qi erupted, turning the man’s body into a pile of flesh and blood.

The other two Hei Shan brutes involuntarily took a few steps back as their bodies trembled, coughing out mouthfuls of blood, at the same time a figure appeared like a flash of lightning in front of Bei Ling, completely blocking his view.

This scene, this back, all appeared in an instant and caused many different waves of emotions to appear in his mind, he was very familiar with this scene, in the Feng Zhen Tribe, he too had experienced this sight, he had seen this person before, standing in front of him, although these two people had different appearances and physique, but in his eyes the two overlapped.

“Su…… Ming……” Bei Ling’s eyes let out disbelief as he was dumbfounded, he finally understood……