Best Ex-wife: President, Don't Count On Me

Chapter 29

  Seeing the unhappy expression on Di Juehao’s face, Yu Lulu quickly came over and heldhis armsto plead:

  "Di Juehao, please don"t like others, ok?"

  "Our relationship haspa.s.sed through life and death!"

  "I don"t care, I just know that you said, even if I got ugly like a hideous...o...b..came fat like a sow, you would still like me. You can"t like others!"

  "Without you, I really can"t live!"

  Di Juehao reached out to smooth his eyebrows in order to erasethe slight intolerance.

  "Okay, I will accompany you for the meal!"

  He picked up the coldlunch boxand poured a spoonful of rice into his mouth, like chewing the wax.

  Yu Lulu showed a smile tearfully.

  "Juehao, you are so nice!"

  She thought: I knew that this seemingly indifferent man would obey me.

  No matter what to eat, the key is to create a romantic atmosphere!

  Daisy, even though you are beautiful and work hard, so what?

  I saved Di Juehao’s life. Can you beatthis kind of kindness?

  Yu Lulu ate the cold meal with a good appet.i.te, but she did not notice that there was no slight temperature in Di Juehao’s black and deep eyes.

  He spoiledandindulged her, but it did not mean that he lovedher.

  Di Juehao stopped eating after only a spoonful of rice. A pair of deep black eyes stared at a place on the desk. No one knew what he was thinking.

  Seeing such a scene, Yu Lulu got some panic in her heart.

  In the face of this kind of Di Juehao, she always had a sense of powerlessness that couldn’t be grasped orcontrolled.

  Yu Lulu quickly took a spoonful of meal, and then she gave the meal to Di Juehao’s thin lips in an intended s.e.xy way.

  Di Juehao gently turned his headand whispered: "It’s not healthy toeat too muchcold stuff and you should eat less!"

  Originally, it was just an indifferent sentence, but in Yu Lulu’s ears, it was super warm, like a pot of hot tea in the cold weather, warmingthe bottom of her heart.

  Yu Lulu quickly threw away the lunch box and pulled Di Juehao’s wrist, "So, let"s go out to eat?"

  Di Juehao gently pulled down the white and delicate handson his arm. On his face, there was no emotion. He refused firmly: "I will have business in the afternoon!"

  "But now it is noon!"

  Yu Lulu continued to shamelessly beg Di Juehao, "Well? Good?"

  Di Juehao held his forehead painfully.

  The corner of his eyes saw the empty inner room. Thinking of Wen Nuan’s arrogant expression when she went out, he didn"t know why he was too upset and angry, like his heart being blocked by a cottonball.

  "Let"s go, I will accompany you!" Di Juehao said in a low voice.

  Yu Lulu smiled obsequiously and s.e.xily, and put a cute voice: "Juehao, you are so good!"

  She stuck outherred lips and wanted to kiss his perfect side face, which was sohandsome to make people excited. But Di Juehao had already got up, and went forward directly.

  Yu Lulu did not realize her dream. She was disappointed, but not angry. She quickly chased after him.

  "Juehao, please wait for me!"

  Taking the risk of being abandoned for the third time, Yu Lulu chased Di Juehao in the lift, and once again took his arm and smiled with a little happiness.

  "Juehao, you have become very busy recently, and have not accompanied me for a long time!"

  Di Juehao’s dark eyes fell on the hand in his arm. He wanted to leave it away. But he tried to endure it.

  He thought, yeah, he seemed to be more impatient with Yu Lulu. Why could he endure her before, but notnow?

  Di Juehao’s cold eyes got soft and faintly looked to Yu Lulu.

  "Now, I am with you, right?"

  "Then, where are we going to have lunch later? What do you want to eat? j.a.panese sashimi? Korean cuisine? French dinner? Or..."

  Yu Lulu was thinking carefullyand calculating with her fingers. Then a splash of cold water poured over her head:"It is very late. Let’s go to the company restaurant!"

  Yu Lulu turned to look at Di Juehao, blinking her eyes unbelievably. Seeing that he was extremely serious, shesuddenly burst into tearsin her heart.

  She thought, s.h.i.t, in the whole cityA,who did not know that the master Di was picky in the taste of food?

  Could Di Juehao put up with mediocre food?

  When Yu Lulu just curledher lips, she suddenly thought that Di Juehao might deliberately bringher in front of everyone to show their love.

  She was wondering, huh, this man was cold in the appearance, but warm in his heart!

  Yu Lulu happily followed Di Juehao to the company restaurant.

  Dihao"s restaurant was divided into two parts. The first and second floors were staff restaurants, and the third floor was for the company"smangersand general business reception.

  Just entering the lift, Yu Lulu did not hesitate to press the b.u.t.ton Three.

  When the liftwent up to the second floor, through the transparent gla.s.s, Di Juehao suddenly saw a familiar silhouette by the window of the restaurant on the second floor.

  Almost subconsciously, he pressed the b.u.t.ton to open the door.

  Yu Lulu looked at him insurprise, "Juehao, you are..."

  She thought that it would be scary to eat at the company restaurant. And we actually hadto go to the staff restaurant?

  Di Juehao did not pay attention to Yu Lulu’s horrified expression, and lifted his longlegs to walk out of the lift.

  The large staff restaurant was very lively. Some men and women dressed in Dihao’s uniforms sat around the table with their lunch box. They were chatting excitedly while eating.

  It was undeniable that gossip was also an appetizer!

  Of course, some people bowed their heads and stayed in a quiet corner. They were eating while holding a mobile phone, constantly seeing information onWeibo and WeChat moments.

  Di Juehao stood at the door and looked at this noisy scene. He could not help but frown.

  He had only entered the high-end banquet hall. And he was really not used to this kind of common location.

  "Juehao, let"s go out to eat?"

  Yu Lulu took Di Juehao’s arm tightly. Her delicate voice turned a few turns, and it was sweet enough to squeezeout the water.

  In order to deliberately showoffher love, she pulled the volume up several decibels.

  At the time, the sound of the gossip stopped.

  Then, everyone’s spoon fell down on the ground.


  People thought that the handsome and cool president actually came to inspect the staff restaurant!

  Did I saysomething wrong?

  What did the President Di hear?

  For the time, everyone’s heart wasawkward and anxious, and each face was as wonderful as the palette.

  Di Juehao inspected the restaurant coldly.

  Wherever he looked, peoplebowed their headsto eat.

  What was even more ridiculous was that some people didn’t havetime to pick up the forkson the ground. So they directly used their fingers to eat, and the picture was full of joy.

  Di Juehao’s eyes fell on the little figure by the window.

  At this moment, she put a spoon in her mouth. She was reading the magazine in front of her seriously. It seemed that she was not affected by the noise of this side at all.

  The sun shone from the window and gave her pretty soft facial feature a layer of gold brightness. She was as beautiful as a fairy.

  Following the eyes of Di Juehao, Yu Lulu suddenly became embarra.s.sed.

  She muttered in her heart, once again the d.a.m.n Daisy!

  She hurriedly grabbed Di Juehao’s sleeves, and asked softly: "Juehao, are you hungry? Let"s go to order!"

  Di Juehao left Yu Lulu coldly.

  “Here is the company, working hours, pay attention to your behavior!”

  Perceivingthe dissatisfaction and indifference in Di Juehao’s tone, Yu Lulu did not dare to make any trouble and she walkedbehind him sadly.

  Although it was a restaurant for ordinary employees, the dining environment was still very good and clean. They hired great chefsto workin the kitchen.

  When Di Juehao walked towards the center, he glanced at the lunch boxes of several employees and saw the dishes inside. His face showed a certain satisfaction.

  He always believed that only by letting employees eat well and live well, could they work well!

  Di Juehao walked to the order window.

  While bowing his head to pick up the rice, the waiter inside asked habitually: "Which one?"


  Di Juehao didn’t know how to answer.

  He had not been here. How could heknow how to order?

  Di Juehao moved his thin lips. Suddenly he turned hisbody, pointing to Wen Nuan by the window, and said coldly: “Same like hers!”

  The waiter looked up and stretched out half of his head. "Which one...Di, President Di!"


  The waiter was about to shrink his head and express his greetings to Di Juehao. But he retired too hurry, and suddenly hit the window. It made him very hurt.


  The waiter shouted in a low voice, and he didn’t dare to touch his forehead. He quickly stooped and said nervously:

  "Di, President Di, please wait for a moment!"

  After that, he did not ask Di Juehao to order something, and quickly ran back to the kitchen and shouted at the door: "Di, President Di is here!"

  The head chef was cooking and casually asked: "Which President Di?"

  When he realized the situation,he loosed his gripand the pot slammed onto the stove.

  The head chef didn"t have time to pay attention to hishands that were splashed by the hot oil. He rushed out form the kitchen and wiped the hot sweat on his forehead and bent over to Di Juehao.

  "Di, President Di, What do you …."

  "To eat!"

  Di Juehao interruptedthe head chefcoldly, and his good-looking brows showed an unpleasant look.

  He thought: Who recruited these people? Why arethey all stuttering?

  "That, then, what do you want to eat, which..."

  Di Juehao impatiently pointed to Wen Nuan by the window.

  "Like hers! If you have a bad tongue, goaway!"


  The head chef finally said a smooth sentence, and after showing a charming smile, he quickly ran back to the kitchen.

  Yu Lulu said sourly: "Is that Daisy so good? You have to eat the same meal as her?"

  Di Juehao was embarra.s.sed to say that he did not know how to order food at the staff restaurant, and closed his thin lips.

  He liked smart women, who understood the reality, like Wen Nuan...


  He immediately retorted that womenwho werecold and equipped with hard thornswerethe least cute!

  In a short while, the head chef personally brought out Di Juehao’s food.

  Steak and fish with curry.

  Smelling the taste of the curry, Di Juehao subconsciously tightened his brows.

  He hated curry the most!

  He thought, sure enough, the woman was born tobeagainst me!

  He was wondering: Five years ago, she took away 10% of my own shares. Until now, she doesn’t evenallow me to eat well!

  If Wen Nuan knew Di Juehao’s thoughts at the moment, she had to roll her eyes to cramps.

  A man who was so arrogant could only be said to be the worst person!

  The chef looked at Di Juehao with trepidation.

  "Pre, president, does not it meet your appet.i.te?"

  Di Juehao kept silent for a while, and barely spit out two words: "All right!"

  He walked out with the plate.

  At this time, Yu Lulu discovered that there was no meal forher.

  She stretched out her arm. Just about to entangle Di Juehao, she took it back shyly. She put a cute voice:

  "Jue...PresidentDi, I still don’t have food!"

  Di Juehao even did not turn his head: "Give yourself a meal, wait there!"

  Yu Lulu was very angry, like burning fires in her heart, "Just like his!"

  Di Juehao walked towards the window with his plate inhand, and several employees hurriedly left away. Only Wen Nuan was sitting there quietlyand did not find the change of the surrounding environment.