Best Ex-wife: President, Don't Count On Me

Chapter 3 Newly-married husband comes back

Chapter 3 Newly-married husband comes back

  Wen Nuan fell down and sat on the carpet, with the b.u.t.ton tightly held in her hand. Her sharp fingernails scratched her palm and as a result, blood flowed out. However, she did not feel any pain.

  Wen Nuan muttered to herself: “Di Juehao, you really did want you said - get me utterly discreditedand sent away empty, right?”

  “After all, I’m your wife. Why could you be so cruel?”

  Wen Nuan closed her eyes sadly. She clearly recalled her quarrelwith Di Juehaoyesterday…

  “Juehao, you’re back!”

  “Brother, are you tired? Come here and sit down!”

  Once seeing tall, handsome Di Juehao in the lobby, Old Madam and Di Qingya came to him warmly.

  Wen Nuan bit her lip by the side and did not move.

  With handsome, lukewarm looks on his face, Di Juehao did not utter a single word. He handed over his luggage case to the steward and headed to the study of his father.

  While pa.s.sing by Wen Nuan’s side, he did not even give her a glance.

  Wen Nuan’s eyes turned a little dim. She moved her lips with a self-mockery smile.

  Other newly-married couples would be deeply attached to each other during the honeymoon. But to Wen Nuan, Di Juehao, the newly-married husband was just like a stranger. Theygot married one month ago. Di Juehao appeared in the wedding and then went for a business trip to M Country at night. They never met again till just now when he came back.

  In fact, it was not Di Juehao’s willingness to come back. Instead, his father asked him to return.

  The reason was obvious. Wen Nuan did not get pregnant, according to the physical examination report.

  The old man shouted with huge rage in the study upstairs. Di Qingya and Old Madam gave a black look to Wen Nuan.

  Everything should be blamed on the woman who could not get pregnant.

  After censuring Di Juehao, the old man said that Di Juehao could not go to M Country till Wen Nuan got pregnant.

  Bullied seriously by the old man, Di Juehao of course would not treat Wen Nuan mildly.

  As soon as they returned to the room, Di Juehao held Wen Nuan tightly and oppressed her to the wall, yelling: “What trick did you make?”

  Suffering the insult, Wen Nuan turned her face to one side and said: “I didn’t.”

  “Ho ho!”

  With an extremely irony laugh, Di Juhao stretched out his hand suddenly and pulled the front part of Wen Nuan’s blouse, “hiss…”

  Wen Nuan jumped up and covered her exposed breast with her arms. She was quite angry: “Di Juehao, what are you doing?”

  “You played a series of tricks to have s.e.x with me, didn’tyou?”

  Di Juehao stretchedout his long arm and trapped Wen Nuan in the wall corner. He held her waist back, bent his knees, did some obscenemovements, and then let her go with detestablelooks on his face.


  With her eyes spilling over with tears, Wen Nuan was too tough to shed those tears.

  Having won the game, Di Juehao looked down on Wen Nuan with a beneath contemptlook, spilling out those words in a cold, stressing voice: “Your nightmare is just beginning!”

  Wen Nuan opened her mouth.

  “I have a mistress in M Country!”

  A mistress…a mistress…

  Wen Nuan’s ears were filled with a roar, and the sentence repeated again and again.

  Wen Nuan intended to make an explanation to him. In fact, it was her younger sister Wen Xin who played a trick on him as she wanted to marry him. The old man changed his idea and promised to grant some shares if Wen Nuan could have a baby of Di Family. Wen Nuan desired a baby so much as she wanted to save Wen Family with the shares. How could she play a trick?

  But now, the explanation was unnecessary.

  Wen Nuan showeda self-mockery smile, raised her eyebrows and said: “I’m such a scheminggirl. So what? As commanded by your father, you cannot go anywhere before I get pregnant. Your littler mistress in M Country has to wait for a long time!”


  Di Juehao was so angered that his eyes seemed to pop out. His hands, just like a hawkbill, pinched Wen Nuan’s chin tightly.

  “Money is all you want, right? Wait! I will get you…utterly discreditedand sent away empty!”

  Finishing his words, Di Juehao slammed the door and went out without any hesitation.


  The loud noise seemed to slam Wen Nuan’s chest, smashing her heart.

  AsDi Juehao left, Wen Nuan immediately got relieved from her pretended indifferent and tough looks.

  It seemed that she had fought a fiercebattle and exhaustedall her power. Now she was dead tired.

  Leaning on the door, WenNuan squatteddown slowly.

  The newly-married husband told her that he had a mistress outside!

  Di Juehao did not come back until the evening.

  Surely, the people in Di Family would not treat Wen Nuan mildly. Old Madam directly censured her and said: “You quarreledwith him immediately after he came back. Now you couldnot even retain your husband. Don’t you know how to be a qualified wife?”

  Wen Nuan lowered her head, saying nothing.

  Di Qingya, Di Juehao’s younger sister, stretched out her hand and held Wen Nuan’s hand back gently, saying: “Sister-in-law, Brother is too proud. You need to have patience in coaxing him!”

  Coax? How? He does not love me. No matter what I do to coax, he will not love me!

  Wen Nuan raised her head obstinately and asked: “Do you know that Di Juehao has a mistress outside?”

  The other three people at the table changed their faces at the same time.

  Wen Nuan sneered in her heart.

  She was the last one to know this!

  Now that Di Juehao was to blame, why did they censure her with justice?

  A little while later, the old man gave a light cough, saying: “It’s common for men to make social engagements and necessary flirtations outside. You, as the wife in such a rich and powerful family, should be decent and elegant, and attach the most importance to Di Family’s fame. Do not make a storm of jealousy for little things.”

  Ho, men can make necessary flirtations, but women cannot make a storm of jealousy. What kind of logic is it?

  Seeing the old man’s sanctimonious look, Wen Nuan suddenly wanted to ask her mother-in-law whether she lived such a life these decades.

  Closing her mouth lightly, Wen Nuan did not do it. As a junior, she must give seniors the basic respect.

  However, Old Madam curled her lips, saying: “Even if you cannot make Juehao love you, at least you should make him stay at home! He will not be so licentiousif you have a baby.”

  “Yeah! Yeah!”Di Qingya made a response with a naive smile, “Sister-in-law, you’re so beautiful with such a s.e.xy body shape. You can conquer all the males, if you can exert a little of charm, let alone my brother! If you treat him warmly and more gently, he will surely be enthralled by you, right?”

  Wen Nuan was complaining silently in her heart: “See what they said? Do they think I did nothing at all? Do they think Di Juehao felt a lot of grievance?”

  As expected, when the old couple heard Di Qingya’s words, their faces darkened with anger even more.

  Suddenly, Wen Nuan felt that she could not stay at the cold home any more. She would feel unbearableand finally lose her temper, if she did not leave now!

  “I’m going to find him!”

  After saying this, Wen Nuan, without looking at the old couple, immediately stood up. She took her handbag and went out in a rush.

  Wen Nuan wanted to meet her friend Fang Yu. While dialing the number, she recalled that Fang Yu’s boyfriend returned from the other place today. She immediately hung up the phone.

  Except Fang Yu, she had n.o.body to talk with.

  She could not talk with any relatives in Wen Family. If they knew that she lived such a bad life in Di Family, they would make a lot of complaints.

  It was the same case for her younger sister Wen Xin. She could even imagine Wen Xin’s indifferent looks with sneer.

  Wen Nuan walked on the street with boredom. The large neon-light sign of Addiction Bar suddenly jumped into her sight.

  That moment, Wen Nuan suddenly wanted to make indulgencefor once.

  Wanted it very much!

  Hence, Wen Nuan stepped into the bar.

  Unexpectedly, due to the indulgent happy hours in the bar, she fell into the trap well-planned by Di Juehao. How could Di Juehao be willing to lose his fame and Di Family’s reputation, just in order to meet his little mistress in M Country?

  “Knock knock…”

  Wen Nuan’s thought was interruptedby the hurried but rhythmic knocking on the door.

  Wen Nuan went over and opened the door a little. Fang Yu squeezed in with a paper bag in her hand. Out of breath, she had sweat dripped from her face.



  “We’re so close. Youdon’t need to say this, OK?”

  FangYu patted Wen Nuan’s shoulder, nearly pressing down half of her body.

  “Why are you as weak as noodles…Dear me, such a hot scene!”

  Glancing around at the messy room, Fang Yu made clicks of the tongue.

  Fang Yu turned to Wen Nuan, looked at her neck and gave an ambiguous smile. With a long, meaningful voice, Fang Yu said: “How cool you are!”

  “Not me. He is cool!”

  “Ho, little beauty, you know so much now!”

  Fang Yu stretched out her hand and lifted Wen Nuan’s chin, acting as a ruffian.

  “You’re such a beauty, alluring me to teaseyou. What should I do?”

  Wen Nuan patted away Fang Yu and said: “Enough. I’m not in mood to play a joke with you. I need to change clothes now.”

  Wen Nuan changed clothes and then went out, finding Fang Yu in a daze with her brows knitted. Once hearing the sound, Fang Yu immediately recovered her dandiacallooks and sighed with an exaggerated emotion: “Ho, your slim legs are still shaking. Didn’t you feel so comfortablelast night? He is such a skillful male prost.i.tute. Introduce him to me next time!”

  “Enough! Don’t tease me!”

  Wen Nuan gave Fang Yu a contemptuouslook.

  “I saw it just now. I know that you’re worried about me. Don’t you feel tired while changing your face so quickly?”

  Fang Yu’s smile faded away. She looked at Wen Nuan with a little worry, saying: “What will you do next?”

  Wen Nuan went over and sat down next to Fang Yu, giving a deep sigh.

  “Whatever it takes, I need to face it.”

  Fang Yu stretched out her hand and patted Wen Nuan’s back, saying: “No matter what happens,youare still you in front of me!”

  “It’s enough for me to hear this.”

  Wen Nuan tilted her head, leaned it on Fang Yu’s shoulder for a while and immediatelyremoved it. She raised her head and forced herself to make a faint smile.

  “You must adopt me when I’m homeless!”

  “Don’t worry!”Fang Yu patted her chest, “I will let my boyfriend sleep on the floor. We two sleep on the bed! You can go back with me now! Now the people in Di Family must hate you a lot, especially Di Juehao. He will choke you to death when you come back!”

  “He dares not do it!”

  Wen Nuan sneered with self-mockery. She stretched out her hand in front of Fang Yu and opened it.

  “A b.u.t.ton?”

  “If I’m correct, it belongs to Di Juehao.”

  “So…”Fang Yu jumped up suddenly, “Did he trap you?”

  Fang Yu curled up her sleeves and said: “Let’s go to settle scores with him! I will beat him for you!”