Best Ex-wife: President, Don't Count On Me

Chapter 8 A call from Wen Nuan"s father

Chapter 8 A call from Wen Nuan"s father

  Sensing something strange upon entering the room, Di Juehao ran away immediately and kicked the nearby door open, finding Wen Nuan changing clothes there. At the same moment, Wen Zhongyong just “pa.s.sed by”together with Di Guohong and a lot of friends attending the annual meeting.

  Di Juehao found another trap after avoiding the first one and his face turned green with anger.

  Wen Zhongyong intended to “meet”the affair between Di Juehao and Wen Xin. The thing added by them in Di Juehao’s wine reacted quickly but the effect only lasted for a short time, so Di family wouldn’t sense anything wrong for the symptom would be as the same as a drunk state.

  Finding Di Juehao in Wen Nuan’s room, Wen Zhongyong had to put shoes over boots. Wen Nuan was only an adoptive daughter, but it would be good if she could enter Di Family. But it was bad luck for Wen Xin.

  In the eyes of the public, Di Juehao who paid much attention to the fame, had to agree on their marriage on the spot and promised to give 10% of Di Family’s share as the marriage gift.

  Surprised and pleased as he was, Wen Zhongyong kept expressing his thanks.

  In the room, Di Juehao pinched Wen Nuan and gritted his teeth: “It is not late if you want to change the idea, otherwise I will make you live a widowed life forever!”

  Hearing Wen Zhongyong’s continuous thanks outside, Wen Nuan smiled helplessly: “I’m a victim, but I don’thave the right to deny it.”

  “Ho, victim? Wen Family used two daughters to make the trick. So clever!”

  Suffering the trick which could not be told to others, Di Juehao didn’t resign. But Di Guohong attached great importance to reputation and meanwhile expected Di Juehao to get married and turn mature as soon as possible, so the marriage continued as scheduled.

  Before the wedding, Di Guohong talked to Wen Nuan in person: “I’m not satisfied with the marriage, but we Di Family will still accept it as you look steady and decent. But you need to know Di Juehao always takes delight outside. You need to make him behave in a mannered way as you can. I gave a promise about the 10% shares in public, so I will not go back on my word. But I warn you, everything will be changed if you cannot make Juehao listen to you. As soon as you give birth to a baby of Juehao, I will give you the shares!”

  As soon as Di Guohong stopped, Wen Zhongyong and his wife Luo Qiuyun looked at Wen Nuan’s belly eagerly. It seemed that a baby would jump out if they kept staring at her like this.

  Wen Nuan felt quite stressed.

  Wen Family was on the edge of bankruptcy, so it was urgent to get the 10% shares. This was why she abandonedthe self-esteem on the wedding night and tried to make Di Juehao stay shamelessly.

  But finally the marriage starting with tricks and trade came to an end hastily in nearly a month.

  Since the “nightclub affair”of Wen Nuan, Wen Family did not call Wen Nuan and ask about her at all in a couple of days.

  Maybe they knew she would be useless as she was forced to get divorced and sent away with nothing, right?

  Wen Nuan can’t help wondering: “If Wen Xin was involved in this affair, what would they do? Would my parents still keep silent? They sighed with pity for a couple of days as Wen Xin did not get married with Di Juehao. Now, Di Juehao is back to single, so Wen Xin once again has the chance. They will be happy, won’tthey?”

  A drip of tear fell down from Wen Nuan’s cheek, but was soon blown away by wind.

  Buying a lot of snacks, Fang Yu took Wen Xin home.

  Pushing the door open, Wen Nuan found the house silent.

  “Where is Xiang Dong?”

  “Oh, he returned in advance as he had something to do with his work.”

  Wen Nuan felt quite guilty all of a sudden: “Fang Yu, I…”

  “Stop saying anything!”Fang Yu interrupted Wen Nuan immediately and persisted: “Xiang Dong returned as he needed to handle something. It’s true!”

  “Alas, keep lying!”Wen Nuan showed a guilty look.

  But he had already left, it would be useless no matter how guilty she felt.

  Fang Yu laughed and waved her hands with a relaxed look: “Sister, remember it! Boyfriends can be changed as clothes, but sisters are as important as hands and feet! We can buy other clothes, but it will be a pity if our hands and feet are lost!”

  Wen Nuan realized how concerned Fang Yu was and felt guiltier. But things already happened, so it would be useless if she talked more about it. What was more, Fang Yu was a casual girl who never behaved with hesitation!

  Wen Nuan gave Fang Yu a superciliouslook and simulated Fang Yu’s facial expression, patting Fang Yu’s shoulders valiantly: “OK, my hands and feet, you have to run with a naked body if you lose your clothes! He is gone and I cannot find him back for you. Do make it up to Xiang Dong in the future!”

  Fang Yu gave a gesture of “OK”and said: “OK! Girl, clean yourself and go to sleep as you were too tired today!”

  “OK. Yougo first. I need to arrange the materials first.”

  It was late at night, but Wen Nuan did not want to go to sleep at all. She could not wait to take materials out and browse them one by one. With an unconscioussmile, she seemed to find a new self standing on the new starting line.

  Outside the door, Fang Yu glanced at Fang Yu secretly and felt relieved.

  Fang Yu mumbled to herself: “I know she is tougher than I think!”

  “Divorce is nothing, right?”

  “Don’t forget a large forest behind for the inclined tree!”

  “Well, Di Juehao is never an inclined tree. Instead, he is tall and handsome like Phoebe zhennan, but a lot of moths grow inside. It is quite bad and useless, right?”

  After washing apples in the kitchen, Fang Yu threw one to Wen Nuan and took another one. Fang Yu climbed to the sofa and sat down with legs crossed. Eating the apple, Fang Yu browsed entertainment news on the Internet.

  Wen Nuan was quite popular recently. After the “affair”, she was scolded by many people. Those netizens who had no idea of the truth deemed themselves as the moral critics and scolded Wen Nuan a lot.

  Fang Yu complainedto herself: “d.a.m.n it!”

  “It is none of their business!”

  Fang Yu was quite angry and jumped out to clarify the truth for Wen Nuan. She started to quarrel with those who insulted Wen Nuan. She was over-numbered, but she scolded everyone she saw, raising a hot quarrel with those netizens.

  Suddenly, a big new jumped out. It is a headline made by Dihao Group’s officialwebsite just now: “Recently, Wen Nuan, young lady of Di Family, lost the female virtues after getting drunk, which has brought quite bad influences. Now Di Family’s successor Di Juehao and Wen Nuan have reached a peaceful agreement and agreed to get divorced. Merciful and kind as it was, Di Family temporarily keeps the right to investigate Wen Nuan’s responsibility for adverse influences created by her and gives her abundant humanitarian compensation for the divorce…”


  Feeling quite angry, Fang Yu spat the apple and shouted: “Wen Nuan, Di Family declared that they’d given you abundant compensation for divorce in view of humanitarian consideration! They’re lying to the public, right? Now, rich families are so conscienceless, aren’tthey? Richer people are worse! Now I see why Di Juehao was so bad. It is because of inheritance!”

  Raising her head from materials, Wen Nuan smiled: “Why are your angry? I’m not angry at all. After the affair, Di Family’s fame has been greatly influenced. Its share price has gone down as well. Of course they will do this crisis handling to repair their fame.”

  “I feel grievous for you! You’re scolded badly on the Internet. After this announcement, you would suffer more abuse!”

  “I don’tcare what they said! I don’t surf the Internet these days, right? I don’t want to worry about those comments on the Internet! I don’tneed to explain it to those who can understand me; it will be useless for me to explain it to those who cannot understand me, right?”

  Fang Yu nodded: “It’s good if you can think like this!”

  While talking with Wen Nuan, Fang Yu heard the phone on the tea table ringing.

  Fang Yu glanced at it and found three characters flashing on the screen: Wen Zhongyong.


  Fang Yu complained to herself: “Wen Family is so ruthless. They did not care about Wen Nuan at all even if she suffered so much. Now so late at night, they called Wen Nuan less than 1 minute after reading the news saying Di Family had given her abundant compensation for divorce.”

  Knitting her brows, Fang Yu looked at Wen Nuan: “It’s your father. Do you want to pick it up?”

  Wen Nuan hesitated and walked over, picking up the phone: “Dad!”

  “Nuan Nuan, are you OK?”

  WenZhongyong talked in the phone with a steady voice.

  WenNuan suddenly felt she wanted to cry and nodded heavily: “Yes.”

  “I heard you’re not in Di Family now. It’s unsafe to live outside alone for a girl like you! Where are you now? I will come to pick you now!”

  Wen Nuan suddenly felt a hole in her heart was filled. She sniffed slightly and pretended to be relieved: “Not necessary. I’m living with my friend. It’s OK.”

  “What friend?”Wen Zhongyong became a little serious, “Boy or girl?”

  “A girl called Fang Yu who studied fashion design with me. You once met her.”

  “Fang…Yu, the tomboy?”

  Fang Yu complained to herself: “How dares he call me a tomboy?”

  Having heard this, Fang Yu felt so angry and shook her fist, gritting her teeth and said in a low voice: “Wen Nuan, I would beat him if he was not your father!”

  Wen Nuan gave Fang Yu a facial express to beg for mercy and kept talking on the phone: “Dad, don’t say that. Fang Yu is very kind.”

  “No, I will come to pick you up! Tell me the address and I will come over. Pack your things. Oh, right, rememberto take the equity transfer agreement!”

  “What equity transfer agreement!”

  “Di Family said they’d given you abundant compensation for divorce, right? Isn’t it the equity of Di Family? I thought it was at least 10%, right? Plus the betrothal present they gave us, the total amount would reach 20%, which is enough for our Wen Family to tide over difficulties!”

  Wen Zhongyong’s voice sounded quite happy, but Wen Nuan felt quite down.

  “Sorry, dad. I did not get the share. I did not even get 1%, let alone 20%.

  “Kidding me? Wen Nuan! Haven’t you forgotten why you got married with Di Juehao? You’re so useless even if I brought you up for so many years? The only thing you can do is to behave shamefully, right? Huh, you can go everywhere you like. You don’t need to come back to Wen Family!”Wen Zhongyong changed his face so quickly and hung off immediately.

  Holding the phone, Wen Nuan heard the busy tone of the phone and found her heart quite cold.

  Wen Nuan mumbled to herself: “I know people in Wen Family are cold and biased for others. But I never thought they could be so heartless.”

  “I have no blood relations with them, but at least Ihad servedas thedaughter of Wen Family for 20 years. Why can’t they approve of and care about me?”