Betty Leicester

Chapter 1

Betty Leicester.

by Sarah Orne Jewett.



TWO persons sat at a small breakfast-table near an open window, high up in Young"s Hotel in Boston. It was a pleasant June morning, just after eight o"clock, and they could see the white clouds blowing over; but the gray walls of the Court House were just opposite, so that one cannot say much of their view of the world. The room was pleasanter than most hotel rooms, and the persons at breakfast were a girl of fifteen, named Betty Leicester, and her father. Their friends thought them both good-looking, but it ought to be revealed in this story just what sort of good looks they had, since character makes the expression of people"s faces. But this we can say, to begin with: they had eyes very much alike, very kind and frank and pleasant, and they had a good fresh color, as if they spent much time out-of-doors. In fact, they were just off the sea, having come in only two days before on the Catalonia from Liverpool; and the Catalonia, though very comfortable, had made a slower voyage than some steamers do in coming across.

They had nearly finished breakfast, but Betty was b.u.t.tering one more nice bit of toast to finish her marmalade, while Mr. Leicester helped himself to more strawberries. They both looked a little grave, as if something important were to be done when breakfast was over; and if you had sat in the third place by the table, and, instead of looking out of the window, had looked to right and left into the bedrooms that opened at either hand, you would guess the reason. In Betty"s room, on her table, were ulster and her umbrella and her traveling-bag beside a basket, these last being labeled "Miss E. Leicester, Tideshead;" and in the room opposite was a corresponding array, excepting that the labels read, "T. Leicester, Windsor Hotel, Montreal." So for once the girl and her father were going in different directions.

"Papa, dear," said Betty, "how long will it be before you can tell about coming back from Alaska?"

"Perhaps I shall know in a month," said Mr. Leicester; "but you understand that it will not be like a journey through civilized countries, and there are likely to be many hindrances and delays.

Beside, you must count upon our finding everything enormously interesting. I shall try hard not to forget how interesting a waiting young somebody called Betty is!"

Betty made an attempt to smile, but she began to feel very dismal. "The aunts will ask me, you know, papa dear," she said. "I am sure that Aunt Barbara felt a little grumpy about your not coming now."

"Dear Aunt Barbara!" said Mr. Leicester seriously; "I wish that I could have managed it, but I will stay long enough to make up, when I get back from the North."

"Your birthday is the first of September; thirty-nine this year, you poor old thing! Oh if we could only have the day in Tideshead, it would be such fun!" Betty looked more cheerful again with this hope taking possession of her mind.

"You are always insisting upon my having a new birthday!" said Mr.

Leicester, determined upon being cheerful too. "You will soon be calling me your grandfather. I mean to expect a gold-headed cane for my present this year. Now we must be getting ready for the station, dear child. I am sure that we shall miss each other, but I will do things for you and you will do things for me, won"t you, Betsey?" and he kissed her affectionately, while Betty clung fast to him with both arms tight round his neck. Somehow she never had felt so badly at saying good-by.

"And you will be very good to the old aunts? Remember how fond they have always been of your dear mamma and of me, and how ready they are to give you all their love. I think you can grow to be a very great comfort to them and a new pleasure. They must really need you to play with."

There was a loud knock at the door; the porter came in and carried away a high-heaped armful from Betty"s room. "Carriage is ready at the door, sir," he said. "Plenty of time, sir;" and then went hurrying away again to summon somebody else. Betty"s eyes were full of tears when she came out of her room and met papa, who was just looking at his watch in the little parlor.

"Say "G.o.d bless you, Betty,"" she managed to ask.

"G.o.d bless you, Betty, my dear Betty!" Mr. Leicester said gravely. "G.o.d bless you, dear, and make you a blessing."

"Papa dear, I wasn"t really crying. You know that you"re coming back within three months, and we shall be writing letters all the time, and Tideshead isn"t like a strange place."

"Dear me, no! you"ll never wish to come away from Tideshead; give it my love, and "call every bush my cousin,"" answered Mr. Leicester gayly as they went down in the elevator. The trying moment of the real good-by was over, and the excitement and interest of Betty"s journey had begun.

She liked the elevator boy and had time to find a bit of money for him, that being the best way to recognize his politeness and patience. "Thank you; good-by," she said pleasantly as she put it into his hand. She was h.o.a.rding the minutes that were left, and tried to remember the things that she wished to say to papa as they drove to the Eastern Station; but the minutes flew by, and presently Mr. Leicester was left on the platform alone, while the cars moved away with his girl. She waved her hand and papa lifted his hat once more, though he had already lost sight of her, and so they parted. The girl thought it was very hard. She wondered all over again if she couldn"t possibly have gone on the long journey to the far North which she had heard discussed so often and with such enthusiasm. It seemed wrong and unnatural that she and her father should not always be together everywhere.

It was very comfortable in the train, and the tide was high among the great marshes. The car was not very full at first, but at one or two stations there were crowds of people, and Betty soon had a seat-mate, a good-natured looking, stout woman, who was inclined to be very sociable.

She was a little out of breath and much excited.

"Would you like to sit next the window?" inquired Betty.

"No, lem me set where I be," replied the anxious traveler. ""Tis as well one place as another. I feel terrible unsartin" on the cars. I don"t expect you do?"

"Not very," said Betty. "I have never had anything happen."

"You b"en on "em before, then?"

"Oh, yes, indeed," said Betty.

"Ever b"en in Boston?--perhaps you come from that way?"

"I came from there this morning, but I am on my way from London to Tideshead." Somehow this announcement sounded ostentatious, and Betty, being modest, regretted it.

"What London do you refer to?" asked the woman, and, having been answered, said, "Oh, bless ye! when it comes to seafarin" I"m right to home, I tell you. I didn"t know but you"d had to come from some o" them Londons out West; all the way by cars. I"ve got a sister that lives to London, Iowy; she comes East every three or four year; two days an" two nights, I believe "t is, on the cars; makes nothin" of it. I ain"t been no great of a traveler. Creation"s real queer, _ain"t_ it!"

Betty"s fellow-traveler was looking earnestly at the green fields, and seemed to express everything she felt of wonder and interest by her last remark, to which Betty answered "yes," with a great shake of laughter--and hoped that there would be still more to say.

"Have you been to sea a good deal?" she asked.

"Lor" yes, dear. Father owned two thirds o" the ship I was born on, and bought into another when she got old, an" I was married off o" her; the Sea Queen, Dexter, master, _she_ was. Then I sailed "long o" my husband till the child"n begun to come an" I found there was some advantages in bringin" up a family on sh.o.r.e, so I settled down for a spell; but just as I got round to leavin" and goin" back, my husband got tired o" the sea and shippin" all run down, so home he come, and you wouldn"t know us now from sh.o.r.efolks. Pretty good sailor, be ye?" (looking at Betty sharply).

"Yes, I love the sea," said Betty.

"I want to know," said her new friend admiringly, and then took a long breath and got out of her gloves.

"Your father a shipmaster?" she continued.

"No," said Betty humbly.

"What trade does he follow?"

"He has written some books; he is a naturalist; but papa can do almost anything," replied Betty proudly.

"I want to know," said the traveler again. "Well, I don"t realize just what naturalists hold to; there"s too many sects a-goin" nowadays for me. I was brought up good old-fashioned Methodist, but this very mornin"

in the depot I was speakin" with a stranger that said she was a Calvin-Advent, and they was increasin" fast. She did "pear as well as anybody; a nice appearin" woman. Well, there"s room for all."

Betty was forced to smile, and tried to hide her face by looking out of the window. Just then the conductor kindly appeared, and so she pulled her face straight again.

"Ain"t got no brothers an" sisters?" asked the funny old soul.

"No," said Betty. "Papa and I are all alone."

"Mother ain"t livin"?" and the kind homely face turned quickly toward her.

"She died when I was a baby."

"My sakes, how you talk! You don"t feel to miss her, but she would have set everything by you." (There was something truly affectionate in the way this was said.) "All my child"n are married off," she continued.

"The house seems too big now. I do" know but what, if you don"t like where you"re goin", I will take ye in, long"s you feel to stop."

"Oh, thank you," said Betty gratefully. "I"m sure I should have a good time. I"m going to stay with my grandaunts this summer. My father has gone to Alaska."

"Oh, I do feel to hope it"s by sea!" exclaimed the listener.

The cars rattled along and the country grew greener and greener. Betty remembered it very well, although she had not seen it for four years, so long it was since she had been in Tideshead before. After seeing the stonewalled and thatched or tiled roofs of foreign countries, the wooden buildings of New England had a fragile look as if the wind and rain would soon spoil and scatter them. The villages and everything but some of the very oldest farms looked so new and so temporary that Betty Leicester was much surprised, knowing well that she was going through some of the very oldest New England towns. She had a delightful sense of getting home again, which would have pleased her loyal father, and indeed Betty herself believed that she could not be proud enough of her native land. Papa always said the faults of a young country were so much better than the faults of an old one. However, when the train crossed a bridge near a certain harbor on the way and the young traveler saw an English flag flying on a ship, it looked very pleasant and familiar.