Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou

Chapter 10

In early morning of the following day of when I let Ogasawara Makoto steal an a.n.a.l stick, I left the apartment while my heart pounded.

Losing to her greed and desire, she stole a s.e.x tool from loved and respected me. How long has it tormented her?

Furthermore as an honor student alone in a room and as well as the act of working hard to m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e using a s.e.x tool, it should straight out torment the timid Ogasawara Makoto.

And then pound into her like sweet nectar.

If I look the behavior and character of Ogasawara Makoto, then I can gather that to some degree there has been training in common sense and etiquette since the time of infancy.

However she didn’t receive discipline in relation with masturbation. It should have been planted naturally. If the act to comfort themselves by oneself is certainly a very embarra.s.sing thing.

You mustn’t do it. You shouldn’t do it. When it is an obscene act that contradicts with such morals, she should’ve been aware of it over time.

Presently she doesn’t know the act itself is called masturbation, but still even something like that would probably look similar. She should know since she stole an a.n.a.l stick.

However without knowing the act is called masturbation and saying that she is going to taste pleasure only brought from me by herself, it is interesting in its own right.

The act of comforting oneself by themselves and learning a great sense of shame that doubles the feeling of guilt and corruption, the more she tries to run away from it the more she’ll proceed to immerse in the act.

And if she notices being swallowed into the vortex of pleasure, it will be too late.

By all means I want to see Ogasawara Makoto become lascivious that you don’t get without masturbation.


Probably because I got too excited, it seems I unconsciously changed into a faster pace and arrived at the high school early.

What kind of appearance will she have when she turns up? Receiving a miserable postponement from me and clearing that frustration by mastubrating, I wonder if she’ll have a refreshing appearance after climaxing in a long time.

Or be driven with guilt and a feeling of corruption, will her expression warp the moment she looks at me?

Or is it both, will she show an expression that n.o.body knows?

And then there is another possibility. Because she’s seized with feelings of guilt and corruption, she didn’t do masturbation. If so then I don’t particularly mind. No, rather I want it to be so.

If she cannot step into masturbation from her hindrance moral values, I’ll just continue the animal training in the science room and warehouse, absolutely not letting her c.u.m. That way her desire will increases higher than the limit and eventually issue her hand into masturbating.

If that happens, immersing herself into masturbation she has already forgotten herself. And then on her own letting the lascivious-ification advance, she’ll be disappointed in herself with such a thing, degrade herself, and fall into the abyss of despair.

The problem is that stealing a s.e.x tool was a necessary process for her to m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e. To her stealing my personal belongings was the biggest hurdle. Once she pa.s.sed through there, the patience game is left. That is the point I wished for.

It is the most enjoyable to slowly corner her this way. That being the case it also doesn’t matter how much time it will take if I enjoy myself. Besides the more time she takes for it, the enjoyment to be obtain doubles that way.

Then in that sense, it may be said that I am very patient.(1)


After entering the entrance of the school, I walk along the hallway and head to the science room.

The school building fell silent. Only my footstep resounded in the hallway.

When confirming the time with my watch, I was fifteen minutes early than usual. However Ogasawara Makoto should already be waiting in the science room.

The reason why is by committing the act of stealing my s.e.x tool, the current Ogasawara Makoto should be involuntarily cornered.

If it’s disclosed to me that an a.n.a.l stick was stolen. Without even thinking to work it out, her state of mind would be to attend school earlier.

Even so, this is a category full of speculation, but perhaps she must be feeling relieved deep down.

Even if it’s exposed an a.n.a.l stick was stolen to me, there is a very high possibility she believes deep down I won’t get angry.

In order to make think so, I spent time cautiously, carefully, and persistently rubbing it into her with I am patient.

Speaking as gentlely and affectionate as possible, and whispering that guided the mind.

That’s why I have been struggling so far. It’s vexing if I’m considered like such a small caliber man, to the extent of scorning her for stealing an a.n.a.l stick.

Surely Kijima-san will forgive me and give a wry smile. She has to think that. Otherwise, because Ogasawara Makoto’s weak mind is taken by guilt, the worst could result from not being able to attend school.

I’ll ask her. Then show her everyday a foolish manner, and if I am a man of high caliber she misunderstood me. Otherwise it will one way or another affect the animal training in the future.

While thinking about such a thing, I arrive at the science room.

“Hm? Huh?”

Inside the room falls silent. There wasn’t the figure of Ogasawara Makoto that should be waiting for me there.

Was it misread? If her current mental state was true, then I thought she’ll attend school earlier than usual and be waiting for me. No, rather than thinking, I was convinced.

Did I misread? Certainly, no, there is no way I misread it here. Ogasawara Makoto must already be in the science room.

Funny, it’s strange. It’s fine if I misread her state of mind and a subtle behavior then about wrongly interpreting such a simple action.

I thought that the possibility was considerably low, but did it really become the worst build up?

Because of excessive frustration, she stole personal belongings from the loved and respected me, and from intensely regretting it after going home, withdrew into her sh.e.l.l. This sort of development was reached.

Was it a mistake? No, it’s strange. If it’s the current Ogasawara Makoto, rather than refusing to go to school and not meet me, there should be a higher possibility of coming to apologize and confess to stealing my s.e.x toy.

Besides in the first place she shouldn’t use the term stolen. Even though it a conducted voluntary practices, if she made an excuse with ‘borrowing’ the a.n.a.l stick that was placed on the warehouse’s table, far from being scolded by me I would’ve praised.

Even if she didn’t think about it to that extent, the likes of stealing an a.n.a.l stick stick shouldn’t result in not attending school―No, I can’t declare absolutely never with Ogasawara Makoto.

This……is troubling.

Certainly if you think about it clearly, this type of choice also comes to that conclusion.

Regarding Ogasawara Makoto’s dependence and loyalty to me, it could also result in pushing out a congenital m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic habit to the front if I make a mistake inducing the direction.

Is it a failure? Was stealing too much for timid Ogasawara Makoto? No no, wait wait, it’s still early to label it as a failure. She may just be late by some sort of circ.u.mstance, and the time now is also earlier than usual.

It is premature to give an conclusion. I should wait here a little more.

However a strange uneasiness spreads through my heart.

She should’ve attended school earlier. It being an event determined from me, I believed it to be impossible to misread it. That the reality there is no appearance of her in this places makes my heart rustle.


Five minutes pa.s.sed from the arranged time. However she still hasn’t shown up.

Far from her actuality behavior doesn’t always come before five minutes, she never once been the likes of being tardy,

It was a mistake. The plan to stir up guilt with stealing was a failure.

I’ll admit it. I’ll admit it and think about the next move. If I take measures the quicker the better. Before a scar spreads.

I was about to leave the science room thinking so. But then I step one foot forward and then stop there.

Came. She came. Entering the science room staggerly. But doesn’t looking at me. A bright red face with quite a nightmarish heat and eyes that didn’t come together.

The walk is also shaky, leading to an obvious abnormality.

Is it a cold? Because she caught a cold she was late? I see, such a possibility also wasn’t zero, but I still wasn’t able to predict it. Because after all there wasn’t that sort of sign at all yesterday.

“Good morning, Ogasawara. Your face is red, did you catch a cold?”

Calling out to the unsteadily walking Ogasawara Makoto, I had also began to walk towards her.

“AFue? Kimijwa-shan?”

While the drowsiness melts away the hollow eyes that didn’t come to a focus turn to me, and the voice that came out melted away like the eyes reached to my ears.

A feeling of discomfort instantly spread. Strange, I have a feel it is something a little different then catching a cold.

A flushed face. Sweat. Rough breathing. Eyes that melted away. They closely resemble symptoms of a cold, but something is absolutely different. However I don’t completely understand that something.

“Kimijwa-shan, Kimijwa-shan, Kimijwa-shan……”

When she noticed my presence, tears collected in an instant within her eyes and unsteadily walked towards me.

What, what is this strange condition of hers. What on earth had happened to her? I didn’t antic.i.p.ate this sort of outcome.

“Ah, awh, owne, stu stwupiwd, hwead pwull, two waiwt……”

Shaking eyes and juncture speech that doesn’t function well. She stretched out both hands towards me, it looked entirely like a zombie in heat because of the state and steps.

Is it s.e.xual excitement?  It looks like s.e.xual excitement to me. Current Ogasawara Makoto receives animal training from me, seems seem to have an impression of her state has deteriorated even more from not reaching a climax

I have not yet given the stopping just before training, but if I begin such training the condition may be like current her. Present Ogasawara Makoto overlaps with the image completely.

If it came to it, did she perform the stopping just before training by herself? Why? Why strike a lash at yourself?

Wait a minute, give me just a minute. As one would expect due to this beyond unexpected development, my thoughts don’t catch up with the situation.

By having stole the a.n.a.l stick, she m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed or stayed her ground. Add another to the two, she lost to feelings of guilt and withdrawing herself in her sh.e.l.l. I divided the predictions into a concluded big three, but did she perform stopping just before herself? As it expected, such an unusual action is impossible to predict.

“Kimijwa-shan, idio ido idiot………”

Stares only at me she approaches like a zombie, used up all of her strength and nearly falls down from staggering there.


I that approached her half way, stretched out a hand toward the slowly collapsing Ogasawara Makoto, rushed up with a leap I embraced her.

T, that was dangerous. There are a lot of pointed things in a science room. For example, experiments are in the corner of the table among other things. If her body was banged on such a thing causing her to even become injured, my precious toy will become a damaged good.(2)

“Wauu, Kimijwa-shan rwally cwomes owut bweautifully rewfined wiwth hwuggin……”(3)

“Wa? O, Oi, Ogasawara? You, alright?”

The articulation don’t turn, but I can understand what she says. According to it, perhaps she concludes the reality me before her very eyes as of now isn’t hugging her, and seems to be convinced she’s having a dream.

Why? Why is she convinced that it’s a dream? Did she attend school on foot? If that’s so, then is it saying that before leaving the house she was under the impression that this is a dream?

By how?

This is bad, I still can’t comprehend thoughts beyond lack of common sense.

What in the h.e.l.l kind of situation am I in with this fellow.

“NFUu, FUNFUN……EHEHE, Kimijwa-shan’s swell ish eqlegant…….”

“Ha? Eh? A, ah……….ah?”

Burring her face in my chest, she laughs and sniffs the smell.

What on earth is this? The heck is this kind of situation?

Calm down, a.n.a.lyze the situation then grasp it. There are always cause and effect phenomenons and processes to an event. They’re connected by one thread. Following the string always leads to an result.

Yesterday, she stole an a.n.a.l stick that was my personal belonging. And then brought it to her home……what happened that turned it out this way? No good, I don’t understand the process at all.

“O, Ogasawara…….Oi Ogasawara! Get a grip! This isn’t a dream! It’s real!”

“Fue? Iwts Rewal?”

Separating from Ogasawara that I held close, I call out to her while grabbing both her shoulders and jolting them, as for Ogasawara Makoto that stares at me with the same enchanted eyes, tilted her head and laughed.

Unless, this is useless. Reluctantly she completely dived into another world.

I concluding this situation is not making any progress and with carrying her I hastily left the science room. And while leaving the school building with being watchful to the surroundings, I went to the warehouse.

Attending school earlier than usual was genuinely good. Regarding someone seeing her like this today, my plan would’ve collapsed.


“What did this airhead make me do since morning……”

Even though I’m in a bad mood from low blood pressure as it is in the morning, the likes of moving carried a person alone from the science room to the warehouse is an action I’d never do everyday.

It is special, this time it is genuinely a special. What in the world happened to her body? My actions’ purpose is to check that, it’s absolutely not an action taken for the sake of her.

There is no next time. Next time if this sort of situation happens, I’ll leave to chance. I don’t know what afterwards.

While I plop myself down on my back in the bed, and scowl at her sleeping peacefully despite giggling, I complained inside my mind.

In the end, I wasn’t able to find out what happen to her body.

Thank G.o.d she slept on the bed, when she woke up she became fairly proper and was able to exchange a conversation. But when I tried to ask about her abnormal state, her face flushed and lowered her face, she ended up refusing to say anything. (4)

Even though I felt irritated at this her, I returned to thinking while making sure to not take it out at face. However with not being able to investigating the cause, I came back to the school building.

What on frickin’ earth! There wasn’t such a possibility. There was no such development in my plan.

There isn’t a problem if I have to change a few arranges, but in the first place I shouldn’t be confronted with this situation that wasn’t predicted let alone haven’t been planned, and inside I got impatient.

I can’t see a blueprint to even recompose a plan. In addition so far it’s thoroughly impossible to put together a plan. How on earth do you advise with this?


In the early morning of the next day, I carry Ogasawara Makoto and go to the warehouse.

The same state happened again.

The enchanted eyes and not functioning articulation tone. And then after pushing out both hands, she faces me like an unsteady zombie.

And I catch her on the spot at the place she almosts collapsed, then she buried her face in my chest and smells me.

It is entirely the same as yesterday. I especially carried her yesterday, but today is also special. In no way will I feel fine if I don’t investigate the cause of her unusual state.

Arrived at the warehouse, I lay Ogasawara Makoto on her back in the bed the same way as yesterday, and while greatly sighing I wiped the sweat that rose to the surface of my brow with my backhand.

So I’d got to say I’m in a bad mood from low blood pressure.


Ogasawara Makoto that has no way of knowing my resentment, moves her lips with a mumble and sleep talks with a giggle.

Ah, so this is what it’s called to really have an urge to kill. I understood it for the first time.


I perform the usual animal training on the pretence of a ma.s.sage in the warehouse. But I can’t quite concentrate.

“Ah, aah, it feels gooddd, being stiff I like a lottt”

Ogasawara Makoto that’s wearing the eye mask, and the usual see through black leotard on her body that as usual also has a portion of the nipples’ cloth only cut, exposing the red nipples that are erected from being fumbled down.

Of course the a.n.a.l stick is inserted in the a.n.u.s and is operating in a vibration state function.

Standing on her knees, she puts both hands on my shoulders in the same front that she stands on her knees, grasping the both hands tightly while shaking.

When clenching her teeth, drool hands from the edge of her lips. Breathing heavily and moaning.

Whenever a nipple is played with she bends backwards, pushing out her big t.i.ts out to me, shaking her waist and appears to immerse herself in the pleasure, however still can’t reach a climax.

That sort of her usually doesn’t change, but simply because it doesn’t change it’s strange.

What about the a.n.a.l stick that was stolen? Has she not used it to nothing but m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e everyday? If that’s so then would’ve she vented a little frustration?

And yet as expected, her frustration feels that it’s acc.u.mulating every day. No, it seem to even stockpile desire than ever before.

Besides, she would’ve tried to skillfully hide it to that section. I have no doubt she remembers the guilty feeling to me. However, I have a certain feeling that even by masturbating the desire isn’t let out.

Then what in the world is she doing in the morning? These several days every time she entered in the science room with a nightmarish state of heat, and while looking at me with melted eyes that can’t seem to focus, she stretches out both hands halfway like a zombie.

Thanks to that dream-like state it’s actually become a management to see her.

What the h.e.l.l? It should be connected with the desire increase acc.u.mulation before. Nevertheless I don’t understand it at all.

In general, what’s she doing in her house? She should know how to use an a.n.a.l stick. However, what is this abnormal morning state? An answer can’t be derived no matter how many speculations I make. (5)

Before Ogasawara Makoto became to this disregarding state I thought about advancing, but I cannot help feeling uneasy.

Furthermore even if it isn’t a hindrance now, I still must keep grasping the state of her since I think it will cause a hindrance later on.

Meanwhile one week, because of that the sensitivity of her nipples has risen remarkably.

During training, I continuously stimulate the stiff nipples with a finger due to being lost in thought.

Ogasawara Makoto morning trance period is the same as before. That abnormal state hasn’t improved. The cause also remains unknown.

No, there is a cause. The condition started since she stole an a.n.a.l stick. The cause should surely be there.

When it results in it being revealed that Ogasawara Makoto stole an a.n.a.l stick by the person himself, cross examining the matter in question, will information draw out from there?

It might become to quite a fighting scene, but as it is if my irritates grows worse it becomes variously pointless.

Being on point thinking so, the cla.s.sroom teacher calls out to me and I went to the warehouse slower than usual.

By all means I’ll get the reason of her abnormal state out of her today. And I know the spoiled plan will deteriorate the situation even more. If comes to it will I changing the training direction, or will I give up on her?

s.h.i.t, why am I getting irritated like this? I don’t mind the morning abnormality condition and should only discussion advancing the training, but even so I persist it no matter what.

Did I catch her stupidity? No, I am decent. I am normal. I am warped and go mad normally.

While persuading that to myself and calming my heart, I notice I’ve arrived at the warehouse.

When checking my watch, I am one hour late than usual.

Despite already being irritated, I took up unnecessary frickin’ time. The honor student outward appearance can be used in many ways, but on the other hand, teachers relying on me can’t help being annoying. Moreover I can’t refuse with asking to leave since I am playing the honor student.

Drawing a hand to the warehouses’ door k.n.o.b while clicking my tongue, I turn the k.n.o.b and open the door.

“Ki, Kijima-saan, that isss, there is even stronggg, AaN, the differenceee, it isn’t vibrancyyyy, please jam it even more volientlyyy, in the insidee, pull out and jam in one go from insideee,”

Ogasawara Makoto that was waiting for me, seems to have gotten tired waiting and began masturbating.

She performed the masturbation as expected. But, if that’s true why hasn’t her desire broke off?

Perhaps, there may be some kind of problem in the masturbating itself.

Reaching at such a thought, I softly open the door and observe inside the warehouse.

“Ki, Kijima-saan, please don’t be cruelll, even more voliettt, jam itt, for all thatt as beforee”

I hear the fierce gasping voice that doesn’t even have a hint of hesitation from the bed. When I turn my eyes to that place, Ogasawara Makoto that wore the uniform got down on all fours in the bed. Moreover thanks to turning the b.u.t.tock towards over here, she didn’t notice my being at all.

Prior to that, it looks like she entirely doesn’t hear the likes of surrounding sounds with being in a masturbation trance.

I went inside the warehouse by sliding myself from the door gap, crotching when quietly closing the door and approached the bed with erased all traces of me.

Thereupon the scene which I saw is not even a fragment in my prediction, nevertheless I was able to comprehend about her abnormal state.

It came unexpectedly, or rather an expected blind spot, or more precisely I couldn’t predict the norm. But if I knew the result, then I would’ve been able to get an more precise understanding with her.

Ogasawara Makoto that’s down on all fours in the bed, took down her underwear and the a.n.a.l stick’s handle stuck out from the a.n.u.s. In other words, she was swallowing all the globs in her a.n.u.s.

The handle which stuck out from the a.n.u.s, her right hand grasps it. And then was desperately trying to drag it out.

So given that she was trying to drag it out, she couldn’t.

With an appearance called crawling, she sticks her left hand to the bed and turns her right hand’s state to the rear. Grasping the a.n.a.l stick’s handle that’s inserted with the right hand turned at the rear and still tries to stir it.

“Jaaaammm ittt, AaN, don’t go smoothlyyyy, Kijima-san don’t go smoothlyylikeee”

She failed in masturbating.

Truly how clumsy. I forgot. Even I understand that she’s stupid, but I took the clumsiness lightly.

In other words, although she tries to drag out the a.n.u.s stick with the right hand, the added slanted power doesn’t go smoothly.

It would accompany with pain rather than pleasure with that.

With such a clumsy her, inserting and pulling the a.n.a.l stick in the a.n.u.s with her own hands will be the most difficult skill. Moreover it seems to be almost impossible when it comes to being intense. If that is so, shouldn’t she change the way she thinks?

That is to say, don’t move the a.n.a.l stick, simply fix the a.n.a.l stick and move the waist. Then shaking the a.s.s back and forth will be able to pull and push.

When clumsiness is applied to a idiot, this sort of result turns out. I see.

Her abnormal state was due to failure of masturbation. Moreover judging from her state in the morning, she seem to be considerably trying her best. When becoming exhausted from not being satisfied at all with a climax, desire was continuing to piling up.

Furthermore not just in night, since she probably also puts effort with masturbating in the mornings, I think that lack of sleep increases as well. So when I carry her to the warehouse’s bed, did she fall asleep peacefully when lied down?

Hahaha, being able to foresee this? Stop bulls.h.i.tting me.

But although she’s how much of a idiot, I can’t ignore the present condition as it is.

m.a.s.t.e.r.b.a.t.*ion feels good and at the same time gives pleasure within limitation, she must be taught that to be able to break off some desire to an extent. Nevertheless it’s meaningless unless she realizes it by Ogasawara Makoto self.

It has no meaning if it was done by me. Noticing it herself and going into it, she becomes a pleasure prisoner while also despairing at her lewdness. That must be the case.

However, then in what way should I let her succeed in masturbating. If the develope of the c.l.i.toris advances performing masturbating will be easy, but it’s the a.n.u.s.

Instead of moving the a.n.a.l stick, fix the a.n.a.l stick and she should reach the idea to shake her waist, but that will be impossible. It’s only unless expecting that from an idiot.

On the other hand, I am not suppose to know she stole an a.n.a.l stick so that also means I can’t give advice.

Good grief, she’s really troublesome, this fellow.


In the end, she continued failing in masturbation till the training time became finished. Meanwhile, I who hid behind the bed and observed the situation, sent an email to her while hiding.

‘Today I decided to cancel training because of having urgent business.’

Without even noticing that email Ogasawara Makoto works hard at masturbating, and then when one hour pa.s.sed, she finally noticed the email and breathed a grand sign.

“Please contact me earlier if you can’t come. Idiot Kijima-san……”

She muttered such a thing, but pressed the mobile to her lips and laughed.

What you said was disgusting. And you’re the idiot.

I thought that she’ll return afterwards, but she went towards the corner of the warehouse, approaches the hanger rack which the cloths I wear during the training ma.s.sage are hung, and picked up mine and smelled it with foolishly bursting into laughter. Holding the clothes tightly close, she ended up beginning to dance inside the warehouse.

‘You listen up and quickly get out,’ I wanted to shout.

Like that she hung around aimless inside the warehouse, not easily returning, but eventually after 30 minutes she returned.

And when I finally left the shadow from the bed, I first of all approach the hanger, picked up my clothes that she smelled and hugged, and threw it into the washing machine.

It doesn’t mean that I said it felt particularly dirty. What I declared is since stupidity seems to be strongly contagious I intended to sanitize it.

Nevertheless, how should I let her succeed with masturbating?

Working out a plan until the washing was over, I sat down on the sofa.


The following day after school, I brought a chair into the warehouse.

There is a hole in the center of the chair, and an a.n.a.l stick is fixed in that hole.

Yesterday after I went on my way home, I didn’t directly go to the apartment, I stopped at an Home center and purchased various materials. (6)

Fixing the a.n.a.l stick was no trouble, but having it fixed only for that idiot, I took it thoroughly into consideration that she’ll fail with masturbating again if not dealt with well.

Furthermore it’s necessary to present the fixed a.n.a.l stick to that idiot indirectly. For that reason it takes the name of the a.n.u.s electronic ma.s.sager that even one person can use, which is why it was made a considerably large scaled appliance.

Thanks to that, I had once again carried out an all night activity. I somewhat feel like I’ve had many sleepless nights these days. Nevertheless that is unnecessary.

“What, is that?”

Ogasawara Makoto that approaches me installing the a.n.u.s ma.s.sager in the corner of the warehouse, squats down next to me while tilting her head and staring with upturned eyes.

Ahhh, I’m getting irritated with you. ‘What is this?’, it’s an Onanie machine which I made especially for you.

But then, it’s too simplistic of a structure to be called a machine.

Lowering the extended back to the chair, I fix the a.n.a.l stick to pierce through the seat that’s for the a.n.u.s to insert and shake the waist up and down. That thing alone is for her.

“Ah, I think this thing is able to do an a.n.u.s ma.s.sage even alone. It’s a trial product that is made to try out. But well, if I use this I cannot practice. I don’t think there is a need to use it, but because I went through great pains building it I’ll put it in the warehouse.”

Explaining it to her in a natural causal manner, I addressed the speech I thought about yesterday lightly to Ogasawara Makoto squatting down next to me as.

I say lightly, but could you imagine how many hours it took thinking out these lines? It is the lines that took great pains to figure out so that there isn’t a feeling of the onanism machine being out of place in the warehouse.

“Huh, alone………?”

She muttered so in a whisper, blushing and resounding a rokur in her throat. It seems she have arrived at the thought that masturbation could succeed if she used this.

I did it even though it took how much trouble preparing. If I fail with this, I don’t know anymore.


The next day, I was able to take the day off from training with saying that I had urgent business and hid in the warehouse.

Then as expected, her supposed sneakily state appears hanging around the warehouse. But the eyes are established to the corner of the warehouse. In other words she side glanced at the onanism machine frequently.

She appears to be ashamed to go toward the onanism machine directly.

Sitting down on a sofa drinking tea, she takes a look at the ma.s.sage related doc.u.ments I put. Meanwhile, she looks at the warehouse’s corner askance looking frequently, reddening her face alone.

I’m getting irritated. Just quickly m.a.s.t.e.r.b.a.t.*e idiot!

About 20 minutes have pa.s.sed, Ogasawara Makoto that greatly stretched herself, stands up from the sofa to the onanism machine………but without going towards the hanger in the opposite corner, picking up my clothes again and began smelling it.

Enough though I washed it yesterday, I have come again to wash it.

Holding my clothes close while aimless wandering over there around the warehouse, she slowly approaches the onanism machine, and when she stood in front of the onanism machine she checked the surround as if she is cautious.

“M, my duty as an a.s.sistant is to check the use state of the applicant Kijima-san built…….right?”

And then muttered to no one.

Persisting it isn’t masturbation, it seems she’s making an excuse to herself that she’s devoting her life to me and checking the performance and comfort level.

And then she slowly puts both hands to her skirt, flinged her underwear off and sat in the extended chair. I have become greatly perplexed seeing that.

How about the bottom lotion? Will it be put on next when noticed? Although it expands how much, it will accompany with pain without lotion. Furthermore there is also small pleasure from the lubrication nature.

Even though I should’ve reluctantly put in a lesson saying the usefulness of lotion, how did this person forget.

Ahhh, this fellow is really stupid. Must I teach everything in great detail?

“Nn, th, this may be a little painful……” (7)

As Ogasawara Makoto stopped dropping the hips midway muttering so, I felt that fatigue suddenly rushing out.

Why? Why are the corner of my eyes becoming hot? Why do I also feel like I want to cry so much? (8)

Tomorrow I’ll paint the lotion beforehand. So that this idiot will be satisfied.