Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou

Chapter 11

Because of the onanism machine that I created, Ogasawara Makoto seemed to break off frustration wonderfully.

But with the device that I made using the chair, it still isn’t possible to steal. Or rather, it will be impossible to bring such a thing into a home.

I as well met such a matter when thinking that. But my judgement seems to be a bit too naive.


A few days from installing the chair in the warehouse, Ogasawara Makoto went diligently to the warehouse in the early morning and worked hard at masturbating.

In order to not disrupt the training in the science room, she’ll leave her home the time the sky grows bright and starts masturbating as soon as she arrives at the warehouse.

Thanks to that I also must get up early every day, the days of sleep deprivation continues.

At first I wasn’t able to watch her excessive clumsiness, but in three days she seems to have gotten used to it as well as reaching the point of smoothly moving her waist up and down.

With the chair creaking and moans echoing in the warehouse, she was able to reach a climax on the fourth day.

And then rolls down hill as she completely absorbs in the masturbation

Not satisfied with just the early morning, she leaves the warehouse with me after school and when I finished the training, pretends to head home.

When Ogasawara Makoto that walks a while on the school road after parting from me muttered,”Ah, I accidentally left something at the warehouse”  to no one, turned back, went through the bypath to the warehouse’s back, and when she returned to the warehouse she spent all her time masturbating till satisfied.

She appears satisfied when she reaches a climax about three times, then afterwards she returned home while skipping.

In the early mornings within the science training room she And also due to the teasing in the warehouse after school, she pretends to head home then comes back to mastrubate in the warehouse.

She seems weak in exercising, but her physical strength is a great one. And her l.u.s.t is also not usual.

I’ve awakened a sleeping lion. Such words float in my brain, but I am manipulating her. I remind myself that there weren’t any problems.

I believe there are no bad signs. From the beginning the plan was to get her caught in masturbating, and instead it can be said the present state are good signs. But I am not satisfied one bit.

She doesn’t feel not a lot of guilt and immorality. She seems to make excuses to herself saying,”Because Kijima-san made it” and,”Because it is the duty of an a.s.sistant to use this device.” it seems her feelings of guilt and corruption have faded.

Or perhaps I should say, she’s instead triumphantly working hard at masturbating.

Moreover, it looks like she has completely forgotten the a.n.a.l stick which she stole from me.

I do want her to return it if it isn’t needed.

The expectation is different. Even though things should be going as planned, such thought that isn’t possible became strong every day.

It’s strange, it’s suspicious. She should be manipulated in the palm of my hand, but even so something is different.

What do I say, rather than being manipulated it’s like she willingly dances, and furthermore I have a feeling like she enjoys said dance.

Did I made a mistake somewhere? Did I make a mistake in anything? No, it going by the script. There is no problem.

I persuaded so to myself. Until that day.

On that day I arrived at the warehouse, I stood there in utter amazement and hardly could believed my eyes.

It isn’t there. It wasn’t there. It was missing. The onanism machine that I made.

When I turned my eyes on the sofa, Ogasawara Makoto that behaved suspiciously with a bright red face, holding a mug by a shaking hand, sipping tea.

This frickin’ person did it.

Why? Why did you think to steal such a prominently household search thing? Did you even think you wouldn’t get caught? Stupid, no matter how you put it wouldn’t she be found out?

What do I? What do I say in this situation?

It was still a point in my plan about me noticing that she’s mired in masturbating.

Soaking thoroughly into the pleasure, plunged into a situation to where she can’t return, then I was going to notice for the first time. And look down on her that fell into masturbating with cold eyes, then verbally abuse.

It’s still early for that. If I take such an action now, it’s very likely that she’ll stop masturbating. In addition, she’ll suffer from a trauma and refuse the pleasure. In which case would be a problem.

And yet however, but still it. Such an large scaled appliance to suddenly disappear, it’s too unnatural to not notice it. Having said that, if I notice then I have to press questions to her.

What should I do? How should I get over this situation? Think, circulate thoughts, I can’t afford to remain standing at the warehouse’s entrance as it is. (1)

d.a.m.n her. Why get into such a hasty action? No matter how you look at it, it’s beyond absurd. I’m begging you, catch a little more common sense.

Have no choice to plunge in. I can’t afford to look the other way. While plugging in as well, I have to make a good escape for her to do a clever excuse.

I have no choice but to plunge in. As expected it’s pointless. Therefore that’s why I must indirectly lead.

“Ogasawara, the applicant which I made here is missing, but do you know anything?”

While experiencing anger boiling in the bowels of my heart, I walk to her with an ignorant air.

Then Ogasawara Makoto that’s sitting down on the sofa, shaking the mug she held in hand, hardening her expression as her smile became stiff and letting her eyes swim as to being abnormal.

It seems she thinks I noticed among other things. Idiot, there is no way that I wouldn’t notice. It would’ve been unnatural if a person didn’t notice.

“Eh!? T, that? It is missing!? A, ah! It, it, it, it, it’s true! It, it is, is, is, is missing!”

Ogasawara Makoto answered while trembling and stuttering unnaturally, her face so pale it looked like she might faint at any given time, and because she was breathing so heavily she might hyperventilate as well.

Ah, I want to hit this fellow hard.

Well, I’d say the meaning reaction is as expected. Her unreasonable actions weren’t readable, but her words and actions when I went plunged into that type of behavior is  awfully easy to read.

Then if I press the question as it is, Ogasawara will easily confess. Thus desperately apologizing and being depressed without an end, she would blame herself.

If that’s the cause it’ll create feeling of obliged to her and it will become easier to train. But then it doesn’t follow the true meaning of the word falling into h.e.l.l.

It’s no good the falling is caused by an excuse. In which case it isn’t “falling down”, it would be,”made to fall down.” My desired,”fall down” I expect won’t be an easy thing. Due to falling by her own choice, it made her a slave to the pleasure to the extent that she can never again turn back. That must be the case.

Therefore I must also do something here.

“……By any chance.”


When putting a hand on my chin muttering, Ogasawara Makoto vigorously raised from the sofa with a squeal, shaking intensely to the extent of saying whether she’d even explode.

Furthermore because she stood up while holding a mug in hand, the uniform was covered in tea.

“O, Oi! Are you alright!?”

I only muttered, by no means did I think it’ll shake her this far and furthermore be a serious matter with covering her body in boiling water.

Rather it was surprising to me.  The idiot is too shaken. I’d be troubled if my precious toy is ruined by a burn.

I immediately ran towards her, grasping the uniform to myself.

“Did you burn yourself!? Take off the uniform! COOL IT DOWN WITH WATER IMMEDIATELY!”

“Iwn, I awm. I awmmm awlrightt”

Holding down Ogasawara Makoto that continued to shake and rattle, I tried to take off the uniform by force. But realizing by touch, it was lukewarm water poured on.

Heaving a sigh of relief, I dropped my lower back to the sofa when I separated my hands from her.

Saying that the had contained lukewarm water, that points out some time had pa.s.sed with holding the cup in hand. In other words, it is said that she was troubled in various ways about having stolen the onanism machine.

I felt a little relieved that even this idiot seemed to more less have an idea of common sense.

“U, Umm, um umm, to to tell tell telll, to tell you the truth―”

Ogasawara Makoto that shakes and rattles as she remains standing, raises her voice as if she had made up her mind.

I thought it’d leak it out, but does she intend to confess on her own accord? Then that would be a problem.

“Ogasawara, thank you.”

While desperately endring the impulse that wants to hit her hard, I muttered in a gentle tone as possible.


Ogasawara Makoto that heard my mutter, looked at me blankly. She’s supposed to be apologizing, but doesn’t seem to understand the situation by me thanking her.

“Here recently your motivation was something spectacular. I think that you’re really doing your best. But, don’t overdo it too much ok? Nothing good comes with harming one’s health.”

Spinning my words calmly, she listened attentively with an expression at loss.

“If your health is harmed by ma.s.sage practice, it wouldn’t become a funny story either, it’s you Ogasawara.”


Saying so, I looked up at her standing still and smiled refreshingly as possible. Looking at me, her expression instantly became bright red. And then heart marks appeared in her big black eyes.(2)

Aah, saved, from this fellow is easy to save.

“Did you carry home the application to independently practice? Indeed, you’re a natural hard worker. “

She reacted to my words with a flinch, letting her eyes swim and in a moment her expression twisted awkwardly.

She stole it for the sake of masturbationing, althought saying she’s a hardworker will make her feel guilty.

Asking her. She’ll be seized with a guilty consciousness and do the confession. If that’s the case she’ll go along with my misunderstanding that insists she’s independently practicing. And since everything is settled peacefully, it goes without saying that coaxing well is an unnecessary thing.

Although she lost to the temptation of pleasure, her roots are earnest and cowardice. And if she succ.u.mbs with guilt to tell a lie at the loved and respected me, this fellow will be crushed.

s.h.i.t, it didn’t occur to me with this plan. If I had time I would’ve coaxed her well, but as expected I had no more time.

On the other I’m also not able to look the other way. With looking the other way, this timidity mannerism idiot really will come out with a bold action.

Yet as for this, I have no choice but to bet on her s.e.xual desire. Please lose to your greed and lie to me.

She remains slightly standing for a while, then quietly took down her lower back next to, drawed close and rubbed next to me. The expression succ.u.mbed to guilt while a dark shadow also casted, because I realized that she obviously lost to desire I was smiling.

What I said there is significantly handy to her.

In the end, she didn’t neither deny nor affirm my question toward her. If I misunderstood it, then it seems she intends to still keep it as is. If she answered, she’d tell a lie to me. Therefore that means she chose to adrift the matter without answering anything.

She’s sly in her own way, this woman.


Due to having brought the onanism machine that I made home, her training advanced very smoothly. Moreover, I succeeded in planting guilt as originally planned.

Regarding her not having corrected what I misunderstood as taking the chair home to independently practice, she seems to be feeling considerable guilt.

The script I drew is a little off, but in general it can be said it’s favorable. Since she should eventually arrive at the same conclusion.

And, I decide to go into a new training from today. Here on out I’ll plant different desires than before.

So far I increased the desire by not making her climax, which guided her in order to immerse into masturbation, however it’ll be different from here.

Due to making her climax by my hand, I gave a pleasure that can’t be obtained by masturbation. Thereby I’ll make her further enslaved to pleasure and greed towards desire.

On the first day, I resolved to stashed away my anger in the early morning within the science room.

I installed a video camera in the science room. Since I am used to photographing with a digital camera, I decided to shoot with this from now on.

Ogasawara Makoto doesn’t say anything particular about it, pushes out her white b.u.t.tock towards the video camera’s lens installed on a tripod.

She’s in the usual bent forward posture, but both hands aren’t attached to the usual table. Both of the hands grip her own a.s.s and opens the a.n.u.s to its limit.

From opening the a.n.u.s slippery intestinal fluid begins to overflow. It appears that she fully enjoyed waking up to a onanism machine. She’s ready from the early morning to the extent that steam rises.

“C, Cla.s.s one of second grade, th, third attendance number, O, Ogasawara, Makoto……”

As she exposed her a.n.u.s to the video camera’s lens, she started to introduce herself. I stood behind the video camera and stared at the state with an serious look.

But I feel like having a big laugh inside my head.

“October 22th, six forty-five, today of, doing, my, a, a.n.u.s, st, state, doc.u.ment……”

Because of overwhelming embarra.s.sment, her low shaking voice vanished. Moreover her white b.u.t.tock rapidly reddened.

“T, The usual state, is good. A, About an hour ago from now, de, defecation was, completely, by putting on, enema. B, Bowel movements also, good……”

Matched to her spinning words, her a.n.u.s wiggled and twitched opened to the limit. It’s just like the a.n.u.s is talking, truly hilarious.

Moreover with me seeing such a deplorable figure, on top of recording it as a doc.u.ment, she continously is driven by great shame and feeling pleasure. Genital fluid overflows from her v.a.g.i.n.a without an end.

This record meeting takes on truly different method than before.

I worked on it myself and recorded it, but this time I decided to let it be recorded completely by her hand.

From installing the video camera up to the shooting, Ogasawara Makoto will work it all.

Up until now I was “undertaking it” state, but from now on it becomes ”performing it personally.” The shame will be twice the score of before.

‘Something from there is abnormally slow. Therefore to be able to notice that unusual presence right away, I want you to be accustomed to the working and record it yourself’, to those words said by me, she readily approved it.

With such a thing, exactly how am I saying that I can notice this abnormal presence? It is an inconsistent reason if I do say so myself, but because the person herself is convinced it will be fine.

Only times likes this idiots can’t be helped.

“F, From here, insert, the test tube……”
With her voice shaking, she gets ups  separating both hands from the b.u.t.tock, turning a hand to her hip. And then when she takes down the skirt’s fastener by a shaking hand, the skirt was taken off.

As she wears her uniform blouse, only the lower part of her body is a state of bare. Furthermore while wearing indoor shoes and knee socks.

It was quite a stupid, and indecent desire-like figure.

Furthermore, the thin public hair neatly trimmed around is quite laughable.

Ogasawara Makoto that raised breath, got on the table and took off her underwear. And then looks back as she looked down so that her face won’t be seen. It seems she wouldn’t like her face to be filmed with the video camera.

She squatted down on the table, picks up the test tube that was placed on the table facing down, then slightly raised her head and pointed the test tube to the camera.

“In, Insert, this into the a.n.u.s’ inside…….”

Saying so she puts the test tube on the table, gets up and steps over the test tube, taking down her waist slowly.

It is a place where the lotion is primarily used, but the person herself didn’t afford to read into things to that extent, appearing to completely forget.

But I don’t interfere at all. I only look at the state.

I let her thoroughly do everything. It fuels her sense of shame and on top of that leads to raising independence.

She mustn’t disobey my intentions, but even so it’s troublesome to give orders in every particular. I want to foresee things, so for this reason independent behavior is necessary.

Even so it’s lotion, but well it will be no problem, since she thoroughly endeavor in masturbating since morning, lotion will have already penetrated in the a.n.u.s.

The lotion is placed on the table. If she feels pain from inserting the test tube, she’ll use it by noticing.

“Nn, Uu, it, it has enteredd, sll, slowlyyy, te, test tube, in, inserted, in the”

Ogasawara Makoto that does a G.o.dd.a.m.n play-by-play, raised a mixed moan with a bright red face.

It was completely different from the trembling undertone voice up to a while ago. By having felt the pleasure, her desire has begun to exceed shame.

She’ll changed into lecherous if she feels pleasure. Quite favorable.

Ogasawara Makoto that continued to drop her waist while raising gasps, placed her a.s.s on the seat with a slam. That expresses all of the test tube was inserted in the a.n.u.s.

She swallowed all the test tube that was also about the thickness of a milk bottle into the a.n.u.s’ inside, and turned her b.u.t.tock over towards the camera while squatting.

And when she picks up the penlight that I placed on the table, she turns the light on. Having the penlight by the right hand, she turned the right hand at the rear.

“I, It will illuminate, the a.n.u.s…….”

With saying so she got down on all fours and pushed the b.u.t.tock towards the video camera, putting the penlight in the test tube inserted in her a.n.u.s.

Now at the current video camera position, even if it’s however much irradiated by a penlight, it’s impossible to shoot the a.n.u.s. In that case she could try to either operate the zoom by the video camera, or approach the video camera itself from the a.n.u.s.

Because I intend not to interfere, it will be fine this time. There it isn’t a problem by whether or not it comes out. The significant itself is to act like that in front of a video camera.

It is taking the consciousness to inducing her sense of shame, and yet it gives pleasure and drives her mad.

“T, Then, I’ll check, the presence or absence, of abnormal, discharge……”

She got up while saying so, and squatted down on the table as she turned her back of the video camera. Seeing the state from behind, it’s quite like the appearance of squatting across with a j.a.panese style toilet. (3)

After having taken several deep breaths, she turned the right hand to the rear and began to brace her legs by stiffening the entire body. Thus, the test tube inserted in the a.n.u.s started to discharge out.

“NNn. Aahh, com, coming outtt, it’s coming outtt”

Once the discharge began, the test tube revealed the whole picture. Covered with lotion and intestinal fluid, the slimy test tube was shining. Before it was exhausted entirely, her right hand turned to the rear grabbing it and pushed it in again.

“Nuuu, aah, iss, is discharging goodd, justt to make suree, several timeess, I’lll carry it outtt”

Saying that she began to brace her legs again, discharging the test tube that she inserted by herself and repeated it five times.

Naturally, to that degree she was able to arrive at a climax.

With great shame, the pleasant sensation also didn’t correspond with it. The desire of Ogasawara Makoto is thereby risen to her limit.

No doubt that I believe she will want to head home early. And then straddle on the onanism machine, thoroughly waving her waist then c.u.mming ought to feel comfortable.

But it’s still early morning. After this she takes, then after school awaits her training in the warehouse. Furthermore since the main torture training in the warehouse is the nipple, there is also no possibility to c.u.m there. Should would’ve expected.

Today after school, she so far has no way of knowing if she’ll be able to taste the climax.


After school I head to the warehouse.

When I entered in the open door Ogasawara Makoto’s expression melts away, staring at the empty s.p.a.ce with vacant eyes that don’t focus, while sitting on the sofa.

As for Ogasawara Makoto that became h.o.r.n.y by the early morning training, there isn’t a means to quiet the desire for pleasure welling up, and her heart appears to be in condition to it here.

If she learned masturbation with the c.l.i.toris it would be able to even dispel the desire at school, but current Ogasawara won’t be able to climax if I don’t allow her to or there is no onanism machine.

When there was an onanism machine at the warehouse, she came in the early morning to work hard at masturbating. But the important onanism machine is at her home.

In order to satisfy her desires by climaxing, she has to receive my permission to c.u.m or return to her home and repeatedly use the favorite onanism machine.

But since I won’t give her permission to c.u.m, it means she’ll want to go home early and shake her waist. There is no longer nothing but that in her head.

As proof she didn’t even notice that I entered in the warehouse, appearing to favorably go mad, truly satisfying.

“Ogasawara, what happened?”

I headed to the sofa and sat down while calling out to Ogasawara Makoto that was staring at an empty s.p.a.ce, then overcome with surprise her cheeks redden.

“Eh? Ah, tw.a.n.ks fwor twhe hward weork, Kwijimaw-swama……”

It looks like she suddenly pulled herself together, but the eyes are melted away as ever and the tongue movements don’t turn.

She said she’s alright however the p.r.o.nunciation isn’t functioning well, but I won’t press in there.

“Is that so? If you say you’re okay…….”

While showing a mannerism like I’m worried about her from the bottom of my heart, I pick up the bag which I placed aside and took some devices from inside.

Development of the nipples advanced more than planned. Thanks to being thoroughly fiddled with they’re considerably sensitive now.

The training that I intended was going to start even earlier in the schedule. However because of numerous reasons, this training should show more effectiveness at first and advance the nipple development further than expected.

I took out from the bag a s.e.x tool that I bought by mail order. With a big transparent bowl shape container, a rubber tube extends from the apex of the container. At glance it looks like a milking machine, but it isn’t that sort of sweet stuff.

This is a s.e.x tool for milking play. It isn’t essential to use it for milking, it’s merely used for erotic play. In other words, it made to specializes in giving pleasure.

The bowl shape container attaches to the breast to wear as a bra. Then the nipple of the container’s backside has a structure applied from the extend rubber tube section. And closely packed delicate hair springs out, then the hair shakes when the appliance operates.

That isn’t all. A motor is attached to the tip of the rubber tube, which is essential to perform the milking play. Moreover another rubber tube extends from the motor and connects the container.

This rubber tube performs a certain function at the same time with the suction. That is circulates lotion.

So it doesn’t accompany with pain by the vibrations micro hairs and suction, lotion constantly circulates in the rubber tube, then continues circulating the lotion that remains while penetrating into the container’s inside.

When used for a long time bear in mind that the lotion leaks out, it is a must to refill the lotion. However that’s about once per two from one hours.

Her nipple’s sensitivity has skyrocketed compared to before. The nipples stimulated continually with micro hairs and sucked like a milking cow. With that pleasure, touching with only a finger cannot compare.

“Ogasawara, by today I plan to go into practice drawing out breast milk. Because of that I’ll use this device, but are you really alright? Isn’t it better to return today?”

When I call out to her genuinely worried, she pays no attention to the device I am holding and  shakes her head while staring with charmed eyes to mine.

“I am alright. Lets begin immediately.”

Although her p.r.o.nunciation has begun to turn her delirious fever state has grown worse, fumes are likely to rise up from her head at any time.

After this practice starts she’ll never be able to reach a climax. She should be convinced so. It’s natural to think that since it was so up until now.

“Ah, and Ogasawara, I will cut the leotards’ cloth further from this time, but isn’t that alright?”

Ogasawara Makoto nods without being troubled when I asked casually.

I got the approval about the device and cutting the cloth. Ogasawara Makoto that will be undergoing training consented to everything.

Perhaps this practice will be first feeling of h.e.l.l. Sometimes with oversized pleasure it will feel painful. Nevertheless her body has been thoroughly developed by me, if I feel like it I can easily make her climax. And because this training time I feel like carrying it out, it will sure enough be reached.

The climax will continuate to the extent she’ll faint. She will sink in that sort of unfathomable whirlpool of pleasure.


Ogasawara Makoto took off her uniform and wore the usual sheer black leotard appearance, and when getting on the bed she puts on the eyes mask and gets on all fours.

The a.n.u.s’ cloth part is already cut, but I won’t cut the cloth part for the nipples this time. Because after all cutting the nipple isn’t the only part.

“Ogasawara, then I’ll cut the fabric. Since it’s dangerous don’t move.”

She answers to my words readily. I stretched out my hand on the seen breast.


When my hand touches to her breast, she trembles and raises a subtly feeble voice. The lips instantly become stiff.

She noticed. How much leotard did I cut.

“U, Um…….”

“Hm? Is something wrong?”

“N, No……”

Her mouth warps uneasy, calling out to me when she turned her face towards me while with wearing the mask. But shakes her head with hearing my voice, then drooped her face.

As well as the face and also the ears burned red.

All the cloth covering the breast was cut. I know she is dying from shame.

It is considerably shameful even if it’s only letting a nipple exposed, but it won’t be when she’s familiar to it. If anything, only exposing the nipples and seeing to be an obscene person is enjoyable.

But there is almost no meaning with putting a leotard on the body if all of the b.r.e.a.s.t.s are exposed to the light. Only the abdomen and the v.a.g.i.n.a are hidden. Even so that’s also transparent.

Cutting both of the cloth that was covering the b.r.e.a.s.t.s jointly, the soft appearing b.r.e.a.s.t.s became bare.

Only the red nipples stood out because till now it was covered with black cloth, but with the breast completely exposed, the contrasts with red and white whets pa.s.sion abnormally.

Just like two raspberries grew on a snowy field, it was that sort of figure which excited appet.i.te and s.e.xual desire beautifully.

It’s truly appetizing b.r.e.a.s.t.s, stirring up my urges that is to suck at it.

“Ogasawara, I’ll attach the appliance.”

“Y, Yes……u, um, please, treat me well……”

The requesting to me doesn’t have the usual lively virtue. She’s clearly upset.

Because she approved it lightly without hearing my discussion, this happened.

Haven’t you learn,’Listen to the person’s story sufficiently’?

As she’s on all fours I mount the applicant as putting on a bra.

By having check her bust size beforehand and according to the several size prepared to match her breast, the bowl shape container was a perfect fit.

The white b.r.e.a.s.t.s just stuck tightly to the transparent container. And the nipples were properly covered by the top micro hairs.

With this if this device operates vibrating hairs will attack at the nipple. And then since it has seduction with that, it will be intolerable.

Wearing the completed mounted fake milking machine, I check her face that was looking down shaking.

In the eye’s expression that the mask covers, I was able to grasp a clear uneasiness, fear, and a sight antic.i.p.ation.

She also noticed. That is saying how much pleasure this application will produce. And yet there is no c.u.mmng. This isn’t someone expecting h.e.l.l.

But the expectation in itself is splendid. Rather then c.u.mming, from now on you will go mad.

At first it will be h.e.l.l, but when she gets used to it she’ll no doubtly become addicted. Until then, in order not to go vertiginously mad she’ll really endure at the most.

Understanding her appearance is trembling scared, I sneak around to the back while feeling joy.

When preparing the usual a.n.a.l stick that also was to the size of ping pong b.a.l.l.s, I carefully plasted the lotion. And when I grasped the pushed out b.u.t.tock with my left hand, I open the a.n.u.s with the thumb while holding the a.n.a.l stick in the right as I push it in, ignoring her b.u.t.tock popping.

After severely being developed, it’s nothing but a lewd hole from masturbaing day in and day out with an onanism machine as she pleases. It won’t be necessary to expand it more as well as loosen it now.

“Nnaa, aah, it’s comeee, innn tooo”

When I put all the power in my right hand the sphere easily sank. And then at the same time the b.u.t.tock convulsions and sweet moans rise.

Every time I lightly add power the a.n.u.s opens and swallows a globe. Thus all the globes instantly were swallowed.

When I check her expression, she is spouting sweat and breathing heavily, her whole body blushes and appearing to be completely in heat.

All the preparations are set. Then shall we begin? Lets open the abyss’ door entrance of pleasure h.e.l.l.

Ogasawara Makoto will never be able to return to the original anymore. It has been decided she’ll taste the pleasure to that extent.

To operate the fake milking machine while thinking so and indulging in deep emotion, I switched on the motor. At the same time I grab the handle of the a.n.a.l stick and inserted in the a.n.u.s, then dragged it out in one go.

Come now, it’s the start of the party. c.u.m to your heart’s content then go mad.