Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou

Chapter 15

Ogasawara Makoto, who was led by my hand, apologized in a low shaking voice the whole time till we arrived at the apartment.

‘I am sorry, I am sorry’ like a Buddhist prayer, many, many times over.

And then after arriving at the apartment, she continued.

Was it a shock to have urinated in front of me? Or was it a shock to have urinated outside? Was it both?

Though in any case, it’s certain that she had developed a trauma towards urinating outside.

Wonderful. Things are going as I imagined. As soon as I went around to attack, the stomach ache that tormented me disappeared; and my thoughts circulated quite easily.  

It is difficult to make her urinate freely. Therefore, it was a standard I wanted her to do if she could, and she pumped out my intention remarkably.

She isn’t clever, but it could be said that she’s quite the excellent toy.

In addition to the first outdoor exposure, there were two reasons why I let her urinate outside.

For one, urinating outside can causes trauma.

So then at places other than outside, that is my room and the school warehouse, she will feel more relaxed.

She urinated in addition to being exposed outside. The fear and shame should be extraordinary. Thus, those feelings will be released through arriving at a relaxing location.

I believe the two mentioned before can almost be achieved perfectly.

In fact, she couldn’t stand up after entering my room. She was seized with that much fear and shame, and now, she’s relieved with having arrived at my room.

Oh, that reminds me, there was another reason why I let her urinate outside.

“Ogasawara, I’ll send the uniform you’re wearing to the laundromat in the morning tomorrow.”

As I squatted down there, I whispered to Ogasawara Makoto, who sat down before the door.

“L, Laundromat……?”

Shivers that will not lessen, she hugged herself with both hands and stared at me with shaking eyes.

“Yes, after all, the uniform was sullied by your urine.”

To my words, her body shook.

“Oh, I don’t mind that you leaked out pee. The problem isn’t there. Surely, would you not be able to continue wearing that urine-sullied uniform? Fortunately, tomorrow will be a holiday. If I send it in the laundromat tomorrow morning, the clinged urine will wash away neatly, and the uniform will return by the end of tomorrow.”

Purposely saying out the word urine repeatedly, I cornered her.

Whenever she hears the keyword urine, her body makes a jump; tears collected in her eyes as she bites her lower lip, and begins to apologize once again.

‘I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry.’

“Don’t worry about it. Everyone urinates.”

While smiling as gentle as possible, I put a hand on her shoulder and spoke.

“U……Uug, Kwijima-shan, I awm sworry.”

Exceeded her limit of endurance, she started to shed tears, and leaned her collapsed body onto mine when apologizing to me in inarticulate speech. I kindly hugged and rubbed her back softly.

Considering everything that has gone horrible, she’ll be staying over.

With her deciding to take a shot with me, she came here ready with birth control prepared and high spirits, but she was seen through spending her time masturbating, and me having watched the moment she p.i.s.sed herself outside, furthermore, to have escaped pathetically.

Aside from masturbation, if she calms down and thinks it over, the urinating outside responsibility lies on me. However, I didn’t ask her to urinate. She p.i.s.sed completely on her own.

Didn’t I make her wet her pants? Honestly speaking, this was a gamble. However, I judged it was very likely that she’d let a leak.

To have barged into my house, she was considerably tense while gulping down tea. And then her being considerate, or felt shy to enter the toilet room of the sufficient other she has feelings for, she never went to the restroom after I came into the room.

Perhaps she could have urinated in the bathroom, but that’s a trifling matter. Judging from the quant.i.ty of tea she drank, urinating once wouldn’t have been enough to exhaust it.

And then there was dinner. Although the two of us went to a family restaurant, Ogasawara Makoto hardly started her meal. Instead, she drank how much cups of water. Of course, she never went in the family restaurant’s restroom.

And it was the first outside training. She had to be seized with tension and shame enough to die. And then the pleasure and sense of freedom when she also climax, she shouldn’t be compared with her usual self.

By stepping through those stages, she ended up p.i.s.sing in the first outdoor exposure.


She leaned her body onto me, turned both hands to my back, hugging me tightly.


Patting her back gently, I turned both my hands to hers and hugged tightly back.

“D, Do you hate, girls who wet their pants?”

To the low shaking voice, I, who was desperately suppressing the laughter that welled up, wasn’t able to readily answer.

‘Do you hate girls who wet their pants?’ If the companion is a women, they wouldn’t have it, but since I am enjoying, it’s quite fine.

“K, Kijima-san? U, Um…….do you despise me?”

I was only enduring my laughter, but in the meantime, the silence seemed to exquisitely drive her anxiety; she shook even more with a trembling voice, and I felt it transmit throughout my whole body.

Driven beyond overwhelmed, she wasn’t able to speak. I wanted her to quickly run away when she intruded in, but it’s different now.

With this sleepover, Ogasawara Makoto will advance towards several stages. I realized that I cannot let her leave.

“Stupid, didn’t I decide to not despise you? If you would like, do you want me to pee my pants here, too? I don’t mind it to the point of being able to crack that sort of joke.”

I hug Ogasawara Makoto even more tightly than before. Then while mixed with a sobbing voice, I heard a teeny-tiny voice that said, “Yes.” And then from sudden omitted strength, her body stiffened.

From looking, she appears to feel relieved, but that’s naive. If it improves, it will then worsen. This is the basics.

“However, from now on I’ll be increasing the outside training. Otherwise, it will be difficult to produce breast milk. However, it will also be troubling for you to wet yourself every time.”

She was expressly relieved, but to my words, her whole body trembled and stiffened again.

“But relax. Why, it is a simple thing. It is merely a practice so you don’t wet yourself.”

Towards my words, she did not answer. However, she didn’t refuse. In other words, she accepted.


After having embraced each other for a while at the door, I went into action once she had calmed down.

When I move, she also moves. It was just like a young chick of a s...o...b..ll duck.

Ogasawara Makoto, who picked up the backside of my jacket with a finger, followed me in only silence.

Moved from the door to inside the room, I went to the refrigerator, took out a plastic bottle of mineral water, and handed it to her.

“Drink as much water as possible. Since I will train you.” (He says Sonohou, which states a person with ‘you’, which is the same as saying ‘hey there’ to a person of lower or equal status.)

“Y, Yes……”

She opened the cap of the 500 milliliters plastic bottle I gave, and with a desperate look, tried to drink it all at once. But, as one would expect with an unreasonable chug, she drank in separate times.  

Handed her even more fresh plastic bottle, I also made her drink those. And then moved her towards the table, I made her sit on the floor and offered tea.

She continued to drink tea silently. Combined along with the water, it was a considerable amount of fluid.

Since she might also vomit with drinking too much, I let her take a temporary break, and from there, made her drink tea slowly.

One hour has pa.s.sed, and sweat began to gush out on her forehead. And with the position of sitting straight up, her knees and b.u.t.tock started to frequently shake.

She started to feel the urge to pee. It is certain. Only with one liter of water. Since she also drank tea, it then becomes nearly two liters.

“Ogasawara, I think you understand even if I don’t say it, but I’ll explain it just in case.”

With her and I sat on opposite ends, I spoke to her.


Spouting sweat on the brow as her body also shook, she obediently nodded.

“Even if there absolutely is no desire to urinate, or even if we practice when you more or less want to pee, it may not have the antic.i.p.ated effect. Therefore, I’ll have you withstand the training in a state of endurance till your desire to pee is at the utmost limit.”

By words told in a straight and plain face, she attentively listens with an earnest expression as her body shakes.

“And it’s about the urge to urinate, but there are easy to learn signals for when the c.l.i.toris is stimulated. But this time, you urinated when your nipples and a.n.u.s were stimulated. Using that as model, you might have a const.i.tution which makes it easy for you to wet yourself by pleasure. So if I possible, I’d like to stimulate your nipples, a.n.u.s, c.l.i.toris, and have you withstand the urge to urinate.”

Her expression froze in an instant at my words, however she then nodded without saying anything.

Yup, she’s stupid. With receiving such training, what on earth can you say will happen? But well, because the person herself agrees, I’ll just do as she’d like me to do.

In addition, thirty minutes have pa.s.sed, and her body has increased in intense shaking.

The sweat that rose on her brow added in quant.i.ty, and she gritted her teeth from desperately fighting against the desire to pee.

If an erogenous zone is simulated in this state, she won’t able to hold her urine for one minute.

It will soon be a suitable time. There is no point if she wets herself before the training.

As I stood up, I started the training preparation when I went to the closet.

“Ogasawara, you shouldn’t believe that this training will go well from the start. Do not be afraid of failure. You should gradually get accustomed.”

While opening the closet, I spoke behind to her, without looking back.

“Failure is important for reflection, and it also become a source of encouragement. Reflecting is your strong point, but being pessimistic is your weak one. Be at ease, I won’t be angry even if you fail.”

My voice sounded just like a monologue throughout the inner room. There isn’t an answer. But there isn’t an objection either.

“So in order to use failure as an encouragement, consider how much time is endured, and think long the stamina has to be to steal a record.”

I took out a video camera and tripod, which was used in the science room training, from the closest. Her training state was recorded with this.

I installed the tripod in the corner of the room, and set the video camera on top. As for Ogasawara Makoto, who either doesn’t hear my words, or isn’t composed to agree despite hearing it, rattled as she stood up straight.

It is the limit. Then shall we finish the preparation quickly?

Finished setting the video camera up, I took the bag filled with s.e.x toys out from the closet. Then when placed it in the room center, I went to the bathroom. And with picking up a bucket placed beside the dressing room, I came back in the room.

I brought the table near the wall side, and placed the bucket in the room’s middle. With this, the preparations are complete. All that’s left is to begin the training.

Although there is a point to make her dress in clothes primarily for the training, the uniform will do this time. Considering tomorrow, she’ll want to take the uniform to the laundromat by all means. Therefore, I’ll purposely train her in the uniform.

“Ogasawara, can you stand up?”

When I approach her sitting on the floor in a seiza, placing my hand on her shoulder and call out to her, she grasped my hand with both of hers and looked at me with upturned eyes.

Her expression also no longer had a piece of composure. Just her to have moved seem to leak out a silent urge. But I don’t lend a hand. And then as she puts all her body strength into both hands grasping my arm, trying to stand up by herself.

Her body shivers. Sweat leaks out. The front of her eyebrows knit. Her teeth gritted.

With her waist that had began to slowly rise, her expression, as if they were proportional, became stern at the same time.

But she still doesn’t complain, or rather, she can’t possibly have the composure to issue words, and stood there for several minutes.

However, it seemed impossible to stand up straight, as she bent forward a little.

“Okay, you held on well; good job, Ogasawara.”

Putting a hand on Ogasawara Makoto’s head, who continued shivering bent forward, I spoke to her while patting gently. Then she had a smile, with a expression having no room of subtlety.  

When this fellow is praised by me, she’s happy from the bottom of her heart.

“Ogasawara, since it’s fine being slouched, place both hands on your knees. And then, push out your b.u.t.tock as much as you can.”

She doesn’t answer at the words of mine, but she separated both hands from my arm she grasped, and placed both on her knees while trembling.

She can’t stand up straight, but she still seems able to move slouching to some extent. In other words, I am saying that she can still endure more.

As I pick up the bag filled with s.e.x tools from the floor, I went around to her behind and stood in front of her pushed out a.s.s. And then, I rolled up her skirt.

The nice, white shape a.r.s.e was revealed. I am instinctively seized by the wanting impulse to spank it.

When I squat down in place and observe the state of the a.n.u.s and p.u.s.s.y, the a.n.u.s was tightly closed. There is no helping it; it’s the result of holding in her desire to pee.

And then with the p.u.s.s.y, however, was the one letting large amounts of love juice overflow here. The amount streamed down the inner thigh.

Nevertheless, this did not overload her enduring desire to urinate. It probably started to overload when we embraced each other at the door, and she must have been excited recalling that incident.

Do you want to be hammered in by me that much? Again don’t be impatient, since I’ll thoroughly make use of you before very long, be relieved.

But with the a.n.u.s closed tightly here, I can’t stick in the a.n.a.l stick. With this, it’s clear as day that she’ll feel pain more than pleasure.

If it comes to it, should I stimulate the teat and c.l.i.toris for the time being? We will also enter a full scale development stain with the c.l.i.toris.

When the method of the training is decided, I picked up the bag that placed beside me, and took out the fake milking machine from inside. And then when I stood up, I moved in front of her.

“Ogasawara, since I’ll attach this device, hold the hem by the mouth so the uniform blouse doesn’t fall down.”

When I said so, I raised the unfastened black sailor blouse across, and rolled up the tunic.

The abundant b.r.e.a.s.t.s and white skin, exposed like snow. The bright red nipple were also already erected.

The nipples have also advanced considerably in development. It isn’t the previously erected state, too. I wonder, won’t she be able to soon climax with only the nipples? It will be quite hilarious when it is so.

With bringing the rolled up hem of the uniform to her lips, Ogasawara Makoto, who gritted her teeth, opens her moisted pink lips and held the hem by mouth. Yeah, she’s obedient alright.

From there, I quickly set the fake milking machine and replenished the lotion.

The c.l.i.tioris……it’s the place that I’d like to stimulate with an egg, but is it too high of a hurdle to be using an applicant from the beginning? If that’s true, then I must rub lotion onto my fingertips.  

Before that, I need to turn on the video camera and start recording.

As soon as I left from her for a moment, I went to the room corner that I installed the video camera in, I switched it on and made slight adjustments. And then, I began the recording.

Currently, Ogasawara Makoto doesn’t have composure due to the surging desire to pee, but if she after calming down and realizes the said moment of her urinating is caught on camera, what kind of face will really do?


As I squat down in front of her, who was bent forward with both hands on her knees, I dripped lotion in the palm of my right hand, and applied it on my fingertips with a.s.siduity.

Before my eyes, the b.r.e.a.s.t.s were wrapped in the milking machine imitation. On top of that, the hem of her uniform was held by her mouth.

Eyes closed tightly, chewing on the uniform hem, her sweat squirted in large quant.i.ties trickled down.

And the knees, continuing to shake with a rattling sound, were like a broken toy. As it is, without anything else, it’s amusing just looking at it.

But, this stupid child is unexpectedly patient. In this state, she may be able to endure a consider amount if left alone.

In order to push forward the training, I better make her urinate quickly.

I rolled up the front of the skirt and tuck the hem between her waist. With that, only the skirts’ front was rolled up.

Since the waist is drawn back, I can’t see the p.u.s.s.y itself clearly, however the white, graceful thighs and thin pubic hair were revealed.

It is a body that truly arouses animal pa.s.sion whenever it’s revealed. It is unwasted, and the the plump thighs filled with contradiction, I unintentionally wanted to grab them.

“I’ll start, Ogasawara.”

As I said, I switched on the fake milking machine motor


A low vibration resounded, and her eyes were closed tightly and wide open simultaneously.

When I look at the fake milking machine, it made a sound tingled with moisture and hiss. It was the sound of the nipple trying to be sucked up as the lotion circulating through, but because of the vibrating micro hair crowding around the nipple, it wasn’t completely drawn in.

Her knees tremble even more violently. Sweat drips in large drops on the floor. Ogasawara Makoto, who tightly chewed her uniform hem,  gasped in agony.

“NFUuu, NFUuu, NNuuUUUu”

Although I prepared everything with lotion applied on my right hand, I have yet stimulated the c.l.i.tirois. Even though she lacks composure, I don’t know when she’ll start to urinate.

Should I look over her state for a while?

“HAa, HAa, HAa, HAa―NuUu, NuuUUUu”

The fake milking machine has only ran for a dozen seconds. Even so, Ogasawara Makoto, who repeated her rough breathing over again, and raised a big groan while liquid gushed out from her revealed crotch, was at her limit of endurance.

“Ogasawara, if it comes out, get it out in this bucket.”

I said, as I move the bucket between her crotch, however she intensely shook her head and refused.

She accepted the training obediently, but urinating is unpleasant. Nevertheless, it isn’t a thing that she can endure forever. If that’s so, shall I play my trump card around here?

“I understand. If it’s unpleasant, then there’s no helping it. Be relieved. Since I’ll clean it up even if my room is covered with your urine, and as it is, even if you urinate―”

I have no problem. Before I finished speaking, Ogasawara Makoto squatted down in place.

With the feeling that she doesn’t want to urinate in front of me, and the feeling that doesn’t want to stain my room with her p.i.s.s fighting at one another, the resistance seemed to be settled in an instant.

In other words, from me seeing her appearance peeing, the feeling that doesn’t want to stain my room won.

It was a scene totally like she extended over on a potty.

Holding the uniform hem in her mouth, over on the blue bucket, she grabs it with both hands, and continues shaking her head intensely while raising a groan of agony.

“NuuUUUu, NGUuuUUUu”

The groan rose remarkably high, and then―

The virtuousirt water squirting sound echoed in the bucket, and the sound began to leak out to the surroundings.

The sound of water, which was flung against the side of the bucket made of plastic, created a splash collecting at the bottom.

“NFUuu, Nuu, FUuu, FUuuuu”

The cheeks were dyed in a scarlet, and the harsh expression softened with seconds ticking away. Her expression silently conveyed a relief and liberation, as if she has completely rose to heaven.

Moreover, as the fake milking machine was operating. It will be so comfortable, that it’s unbelievable.

The urine that was ama.s.sed till her limit, was a great amount in itself.

With the water sound gradually weakened, her waist shook fearfully.

“Ogasawara, toss away the bucket contents’ into the restroom if you’re done. And then when you come back, we’ll continue the training.”

Her expression enraptured to my words, and obediently nodded with the uniform hem in her mouth.

Finished urinating, and despite her face having burnt red, she wiped off the dripping urine on her p.u.s.s.y in front of me. When she placed the tissue into the bucket, she held the bucket with both hands and stood up unsteadily, then headed to the bathroom.

Urinating once created trauma, but what kind of impression did Ogasawara Makoto, who knew the pleasure I gave was the best, really have towards peeing in public?

About several minutes later, she came back from the restroom.

After throwing away the bucket with urine in the restroom, she seemed to had washed the bucket in the bathroom: but even so, it took too much time.

Perhaps, she thrust fingers into her a.n.u.s and consoled herself. She really only threw away the bucket contents, and yet her breath is raised and her whole body was flushed.

I didn’t deliberately mention that matter, and promptly started the training.

Ogasawara Makoto, who was able to be calm by having peed once, made an upward rise and opened her feet to her shoulder width.

While she held the uniform hem in her mouth, the nipples and b.r.e.a.s.t.s still continued being stimulated by the fake milking machine.

As for her skirt, the front part that was rolled up with the hem in between her waist, were also the same as a while ago.

Like that, I ordered her to peel the skin of her c.l.i.toris.

She showed hesitate behavior to some extent, but perhaps because her sense of shame faded by having m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed and urinated in front me, or otherwise her thinking isn’t directly working, she extended both hands to her groin, held the upper part of her p.u.s.s.y with her fingers, and raised it.

The small bulge was on the top of her woman caliber. Lifted up by her fingers attached to both sides, the skin was slightly rolled up.

Thereby making it subtly peek it’s face; the bright red, meat sprout was worn with a shine.

Whether it’s in a normal state, or it’s erected, I don’t properly know.

I squatted down in front of her crotch, and after I stared at her c.l.i.toris, I looked up and checked her expression.

She, who held the uniform hem within her mouth, bent her eyes away from me while her face burnt like red. Tears were collected in her eyes, too.

She was embarra.s.sed to the point she’d die, but since she’s exposed in this way, the shame also seems to be more moderate than usual.

I have better start the training before she regains composure.

“Ogasawara, the c.l.i.toris isn’t completely exposed. Turn over the skin better.”

To my words, she attaches both hands to both sides of her p.u.s.s.y, moved the both index finger to the sides of the c.l.i.toris, and raised the skin in one go.

As a result, the resilient sphere became perfectly bare.

The c.l.i.toris, according to the places I’ve investigated on my own, is a woman organ equivalent to a p.e.n.i.s: nevertheless, the appearance is small and only a part is exposed. The nerves stretch widely so that it’s naturally entwined in the woman’s genitalia, and it’s said that the organ brings great pleasure.

The big different with the p.e.n.i.s is that while it has two functions, named reproduction and urination, the c.l.i.toris, being an organ, only feels pleasure. In brief, the organ has no other use than feeling pleasure.

For this reason, with the pleasant sensation nerves that stood out among the woman’s erogenous zones, the organ was only developed to specialize in giving pleasure.

There seems to be differences in individuals, but because of the large pleasure when the c.l.i.toris is played with, it’s said that a person can feel the desire to also pee. Which means, I may be able to make her freely urinate if I develop this c.l.i.toris.

For this purpose, I had planted Ogasawara Makoto with a trauma for urinating outside.

When her mind tries to refuses it for how long, I’ll forcibly make her urinate by playing with her c.l.i.toris.


Two vibrations resound in the room. One of the sounds is the milking machine’s motor operating. And then the other one, is the vibration of the a.n.a.l stick inserted in her a.n.u.s.


Gushing sweat from her whole body, Ogasawara Makoto, whose white skin is flushed, drools as she fearfully convulsing.

Her train of thought seems to have already short circuited, and the eyes which melted away, stared at midair.

In the bucket put between her shoulder width open legs, urine has already released in many waves.

With the finger I rubbed lotion onto, her body visibly convulsions amusedly each time I carefully and slowly stroke her c.l.i.toris.

“HAa, HAaHaaHaa”

She can’t speak words properly, since she had the uniform’s hem in her mouth, but even without hearing I could make out what she’s appealing to me for.

She is saying pee is coming.

“Okay, get it out.”

I give permission to Ogasawara Makoto, who shouted while drooling. Then she squatted down at that spot, and urinated in the bucket.

I should be training her to endure the urinate, but it gradually ties in urinating practice and takes over, however that’s no problem to me. On the contrary, I had started to get the hang of making her urinate.

Even so, I don’t know whether or not her c.l.i.toris was erect, but after I caressed it for a few minutes, the size gradually became larger, and the stiffness increased.

This is what happens once I get the hang of it. Adjusting the power of my fingertips that were brushing the c.l.i.toris subtly, and when I acquire the strengths and weakness as I watch her state, she shakes, likely telling me she’s about to urinate.

Naturally, with the overdose of consumed water before the training, it will be huge. With the time of the training outside, it was necessary to make her consume the same amount of excessive water.

And it seems the pleasure is big, but she hasn’t yet reached a climax as far as I see.

Likely because the pleasure is too big, and the mind might have unconsciously refuse it. But when she’s familiar with it, it won’t be a problem.

When looking at the abnormal amount of secretion overflowing from her v.a.g.i.n.a, I can tell it’s a matter of time she reaches a climax.

After the training pa.s.sed an hour, she wasn’t able to climax by the c.l.i.toris being caressed, and was wholly understood as a prisoner to the size of the pleasure.

Pathetically drooling, her legs became bowlegged, her lower back pushed out, and as she exposed her c.l.i.toris with her own two hands, her waist convulsed as if it says,’Touch me more’.  

In the end, she urinated in the bucket several times, tumbled down due to fatigue, and clung to me sleeping.

I admired how she could just sleep with the fake milking machine to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and while the a.n.a.l stick was inserted in her a.n.u.s, but she’s tired to that degree.

Only this time, will I allow to give her praise by having done her best nicely.

But still, today’s training is the beginning. We will enter into increasing the public presence for tomorrow’s exposure training. That’s right, it will be a gathered collection of trainings done so far. And regarding Ogasawara Makoto, it will become a memorable first date with me.

By all means, let’s make a wonderful date that we cannot forget throughout our lives.