Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou

Chapter 19

We moved from the restroom to the movie theater–, and among the five theaters, we sat down on the installed couches in front of the second movie theater from inside. And, holding a popcorn filled paper bowl in my right, I had a paper container filled with oolong tea in my left.

Next to me, she sits down so she can nestle close to me as while smiling. Apparently, she still appears to have some composure, but from the beads of sweat standing out on her brow, I could tell it was false endurance.

Even so, she’s smiling with relevant taciturnity.

You might say, it’s true she does have a degree of composure to fake her endurance.

She’s holds a paper cup with both hands. The contents are oolong tea, the same as mine. But, the size is different.

Mine is a medium size, but hers is a LL size(1). It isn’t the amount that I generally think she can consume alone. But, the contents have already decreased to about one-third.

She drank half before entering the theater. And then, right after the showing starts she’ll finish consuming it all. That is the order I pa.s.sed onto her.
‘Tea is good for health, moreover, since it has a diuresis effect, if you drain your urine while inciting defecation by enema, it’ll show an effect in health and beauty.’ I explained so and so properly.

Trying to obey my order, and it currently being under a minute remaining till the screening, she frequently picks up the cup to her lips and desperately tries to drink up to half.

Three enemas were injected, drink a LL size Oolong tea, and moreover, the merciless order to watch the movie. For all that, she crazily accepts obediently to such an order without say one word. No matter how you put it, I think it would be more natural to more or less question it.

Her strenuous efforts were also empty, as the manager approached near. It seems it’s time up.

“Guests, it will be time for screening shortly. Given that the theater will be hard to see where you’re walking when it becomes dark, there is also the danger of falling down.”

The female manager, who lowered her head lightly saying so, fleeted at Ogasawara Makoto for an instant.

While Ogasawara Makoto looks at the front smiling, she doesn’t show a reaction to the manager’s words. Perhaps, she isn’t composed.

She is desperately feigning being calm, but she’s wearing an aura somehow causing abnormality. The  manager appeared to have sensed it.

With checking my watch, the screen time is on schedule. I sat on a sofa this far way to survey, but the visitors slowly demanded this place. It is indeed in accordance with my a.s.sumption.

“Ogasawara, we’ll be entering in before long. Can you move?”

When I spoke next to her as she was faced to the front, she nodded.

The female manager’s image and voice didn’t seems to have entered her sight and ear, but she didn’t seem to miss mine.

“I, I’m sorry. I haven’t drank half yet. I’m sorry…….”

When she suddenly muttered and held the paper LL size cup with both hands at her lips, she began to forcibly drink it.

Warped into pain, the smiling face disappeared from her expression.

“Ogasawara, you don’t have to forcibly drink it. I said if possibly, I wanted you to drink half before entering the theater.”

I would be troubled if she also fell down prior to entering the excessive training. I a.s.sessed and called out to her, but she didn’t have an ear to listen and continued to drink as Oolong tea streamed from the edge of her lip.

While watching that sort of appearance, a slight anxiety had began to occur in my heart.

Didn’t this fellow develop her roots as I expected? It is fine to endure it till the limit. But, it feels like this fellow is exceeding the limit. She’s trying to obey my order at that extent.

I am worried if she enduring. I am in trouble if she didn’t build up her true nature.

At the same she separates the paper cup from her lips, she exhaled and showed me the contents of the cup while joyfully smiling.

The contents were definitely decreased half.

“I drank it, but, but I had went over the given time. I will pay attention by next time.”

“U, Uh huh……”

Sweat and her rough breathing began to stood out. And then, I realize watching carefully she’s shaking a bit  repet.i.tively.

Perhaps, this fellow didn’t build up her true nature. Even if she exceeded her limits, this fellow will obey my order to become a great a.s.sistant.

No, in which case it’s useless. I must make her develop her roots. I must make her soon beg with desire to give up.

Before I knew it, sweat was streaming down my cheek. That doesn’t mean it’s hot. While wiping the sweat by the back of my hand, I stood up in place. Following me, Ogasawara Makoto unsteadily stood up.

When it comes to this, I’ll do it thoroughly. Whether my torment wins, or pray Ogasawara Makoto’s patience wins.


“Y, Yes……”

To me, who began to walk towards the front door, she returned a following answer.

If I lose, the training will end at that point. And then, everything is confessed.

Even thinking about it, this game has been how overwhelmingly favorable. Which is why, I exposed a disgracefully face while loosing; it’s absolutely too unpleasant to accept.

If I don’t face it with at least a backbone, I probably can’t beat this person.


When we entered the theater, the lights had already been dropped. And then, a trailer of a latest movie was projected onto the front screen.

Visitors entered little by little, too. Moreover, the seats from the front to the middle row were buried to some degree, but the back is almost empty. This is also according to my a.s.sumption.(2)

If you want a taste of realism in the theater, then the front row will be number one. But, because the screen is too close, you’ll be looking up. In which case, there will also be people who avoid the front row, since their necks will get tired. In addition, there will also be a person that gets too sick near.

So far it isn’t a full house, and there are few guests that are occupying the back. When it comes to it, the back seats being vacant was inevitable. After all, realism can be especially experienced. There also is nothing to expressly be seen in the back seats.

Of those basic points, our seats are in the rear of the theater. Moreover, there were no guests all around with a made reservation.

When I memorized the seats dependent numbers ahead of time, I supposed the appearance of guests would be here and there. It would be people who bought tickets from after I bought mine

This also follows with my calculation. If there’s n.o.body it isn’t training.

At a place a little away from our reserved seats, I stopped walking for a moment. A visitor sat down near our seat. I say the seat was about three seat near ours. With this, it was indeed too close. But, that isn’t a problem.

Although it’s reserved, even if I sat at different seat it’ll be quite impossible to be found out when there are so many free ones.

Besides, because the screening has already began, the probability is falling every second.

Moreover, the visitors who enter later, with an astronomical possibility even if they purchased a seat ticket where we sat, are no problem.

When a person approaches and immediately notices, if I move along with statement saying,’I made a mistake.’ then they’ll feel guilty for being a bother.

With saying that, in the theaters’ back, I also lowered my waist in the seat where visitors weren’t around. Ogasawara Makoto sat near, too.

Although there isn’t anyone near, there are discussions several meters of a radius. In fact, it’s obvious that were are quite numerous people in the same area.

Moreover, another reason I choose the rear is that front people won’t see in the rear, but we can look around the whole theater from the rear. In other words, a lot of guests are displayed in her sight. That means she can relatively enjoy exposure safely.

Soon after sitting down, the latest trailer reflected on screen ended, and the theater turned dark with it.

Several seconds pa.s.sed and the film projected on screen.

“Ogasawara, I’ll start the training at once. Take off the coat.”

Brought my mouth next to her ear, I whispered so in a low voice.

Because she’s been desperately enduring so much, she doesn’t seem to  notice I placed my mouth to her ear and jumps the moment she hears my voice.

This expression started in several minutes. Her limit is usually already at hand. At any rate, she’s always going over my slant expectations.

Raising breath, she trembles little by little, and according to my order she began to take off the coat.

Her body slowly became bare. The time the full body tights take effect has finally came.

Despite the video being projected on screen, the theater is dark. Her bare skin would stand out with reflecting  light, but the black, full body tights appear dark. To put it simply, if this place is seen from a separated place, it will seem she’s wearing ordinary clothes.

Moreover, because I cut part of the cloth for the nipples and c.l.i.toris, without carrying the require movement risk of taking off clothes, the erogenous zones  can be freely torment.

Ogasawara Makoto, who finished taking off her coat, placed it on the next available seat and sat down again on her chair.

Her body pops every time the screen shines. With the black tights that clung to her skin, her nipples were exposed.

Truly like a carnal desire obscene and abnormal, the erected, burning red t.i.ts stood out on the spilling light from the screen.

If you look closely, you’ll simply find out that the nipples were exposed, but there is no need to worry about being discovered with this darkness. However, Ogasawara Makoto being the one exposed will be really worried. It stirs her shame.

On the the chair’s armrest, there were holes placed on the apex for drinks.

Placed the paper cup that I held in hand to the hole, I crossed my legs with a paper popcorn filled container placed on above my  legs, and fixed my posture to enjoy the movie. (3)

“Ogasawara, drink all your oolong tea for now. Tell me when you finish drinking.”

When I placed my face to her ear and whispered, she nodded having held the LL size paper cup with both hands to her lips, and began to chug.

She probably has already exceeded her limit. Despite half remaining, it’ll take some time for her to drink it up. I will comfortably enjoy the movie till then.

So that she wouldn’t notice, I suppressed my voice and laughed, then carried the clutched popcorn to my mouth as I viewed the screen.


The main character hung his head. He belonging at the bottom of zombie society, and doesn’t attack humans at choice.

The zombie’s control was taken by the leader, and won’t get a meal if hr doesn’t  fulfill their a.s.signment.

In other words, if their ability score is low, they won’t be able to have it exchanged with a reward. Even though he becomes an immortal zombie with a lot of effort,  it’s a very narrow story.

“Oi, Ichihara, it seems Kimura’s three town districts have been attacked.”

To the main character’s location, whose sitting on a park swing, an organized manner zombie rushed up.

Running zombies is a fair fear, but with him running lively while ordinarily chatting , the fear is also not quite satisfactory.

“Eh!? You serious!? Kimura’s three town districts…..the protection district towns designated for Kimura!?  The one leader said to take scrupulous attention to change her into a zombie, since she’s a peerless, beautiful girl!?”

Ichihara, also known as the protagonists, was in a state of surprise and stood up from the swing he sat on. There, the organized zombie had arrived.

“It is so! There already is no trace, too! Suzuki seems to have eaten her. No, it isn’t a s.e.xual meaning, she’s seriously been eaten! The leader got more mad with infuriated authority!” (Pun here, which you can probably a.s.sume. Kutchi means eat, but also in a vulgar way means s.e.xual relations with a woman.)

“Wow, you serious? He would get angry. Suzuki is finished, too.”

“Yeah. That idiot has a vigorous appet.i.te, but he isn’t a bad guy. If possible, I’d like to help.”

“It would seem…..But, it’s impossible. We don’t have the right to speak.”

“Right. Suzuki, that fellow, will definitely be driven out as punishment.”

The two zombies stood still in the park, staring at the sunset dyed with a madder red.

“Zombies are quite inconvenient. I am certainly more able to do as I please, or perhaps I should say, I was thrilled with the thought that an end-like thing came, however………”

“Me too, me too. Even if we look at the results, in the end it’s also the same with being a salary man, yeah? But well, if there wasn’t a leader, zombies would immediately be exterminated.”

“I thought you’d say that. You heard? It seems the leader has a gastric ulcer. Even though a zombie having a gastric ulcer is impossible, some time ago he went,’Guu’ and vomited blood. The doctor said it perhaps appears to be a mental thing. People say that it is serious with various ways. It is hard……”


And then, the two bodies muttered towards the sunset. What is this tragic atmosphere from the early start! Perhaps it’s to show a zombie’s private, uninteresting life just as? As long as four hours? Seriously? I can agree that romance and emotional things aren’t applied.

But, it being too surreal doesn’t mean it’s laughable.

“K, Kijima-san……”

When I look to the side for the voice that I heard, Ogasawara Makoto shows the cup and stares at me while drawing a stiff smile.

With her breathing worsen, how many streaks of bead like sweat stood out on her cheek. And, the shown cup  contents to me were completely empty.

It was earlier than I thought. Moreover, she still has spare reserved energy to even smile. No, she shouldn’t even have an atom of composure. But even then, her willpower strength to smile can already be said unnormal.

While clicking my tongue in my mind, I smiled as refreshingly as possible and wiped the sweat along her cheek by the back hand and 

Ogasawara Makoto, who smiled delightly, rubbed her cheek on my brought near hand. It is just like a cat that wants to be fawned over. I am not certain whether this fellow is a cat, dog, cow or pig.

“You did your best, good job.”

It felt as though I bit a bitter bug, but I strongly bore the feeling and praised her.

I can’t be defeated by this person, but I don’t intend to change the training means yet.

If I use a method that’s even more foul play and overbearing, there wouldn’t be trouble breaking this fellow’s heart. But, it’s against my style in that situation.

My aim is a perfect victory. I will thoroughly make her admit defeat without breaking the training stance. I will soon let her entreat in her desire to give up. Receiving the smiling face, I kindly touch her.

As of when I look down on the loser, it’ll be as I laugh.

However, the look of her entreating the wish for forgiveness as I make this fellow’s face warp, doesn’t come to mind. If it’s my order, she breaks through the limit calmly. Her only purpose is to be near me. Nevertheless, it’s only a feeling.

“Ogasawara, you’re sweating terribly. Don’t you feel thirsty? Would you also like my oolong tea?”

I won’t allow a lose. I can’t be defeated by just this fellow.

With a thing similar to impatience spreading in my heart, I pick up my own oolong tea that I left at the point of my armrest, and offered it to her.

Even though she definitely drank an LL size oolong tea just now, I crazily asked the likes of her being thirsty. But, I couldn’t help doing nothing.

“T, Thank you……I’ll have it.”

However, she took it. By a shaking hand as she expressed a stiff smile, she took the oolong tea paper cup from my hand.

I understand. If this fellow took it. Breaking her mind to this point is impossible. That being the case, I have no choice but to torment her. But if it’s endured?

Don’t consider an unnecessary things. But now, I only think about her mind breaking. All thoughts besides that are cut off.

She carried the oolong tea she received from me to her lips, and while her whole body trembles, she still chugs it.

The oolong tea spills from the edge of her lips, and her nape along with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s gets wet. The more she swallows, the more abundant the quant.i.ty spills. However, it isn’t anything cowardice. She is certainly drinking it. She is determined to not run away. From the direct opposite, she’s fighting the agony.

“O, Ogasawara……don’t do the impossible.”

The voice I blurted out was unintentionally shaking. ‘I beg of you to surrender, entreat your desire to be release’, I personally noticed my thoughts were brimmed with such words.

“T, Thank you……for the meal……”

She separated the it from her lips, and having a smile drawn, she offered me the empty cup.

It has been only ten minute since the showing began. The remainder is about an hour and fifty minutes. She won’t be able to endure it. But, without complaining till the end when she can’t finish enduring with complaining, if the instrumental contents gush out alongside the b.u.t.t plug, it’ll still be my defeat.

There is no meaning if she doesn’t beg. There isn’t meaning if I don’t make her beg to be let off. I can’t let her fight to the last.

I must do something.

My hand that received the cup held out, was shaking more than Ogasawara Makoto’s.


The screening started twenty minutes ago. But, the battle of me and her is still continuing in present tense.


Sitting on the chair, Ogasawara Makoto places both hands on the armrest and twists her body as she gives a dim moan. Her expression was warped by pleasure and pain, and like a waterfall, sweat gushed from her whole body.

My hand was inserted in between her open crotch.

The c.l.i.toris, which skin is completely peeled back, was founded erected by just having a finger contacted. I continue to persistently tease the pointed stiff c.l.i.toris with my index finger.


While firmly closing her eyes and gritting her teeth, she earnestly endures. She should be given into the pleasant sensation with the driving impulse that wants to immediately drain the intestinal contents.

When she climaxes, it will be the end at that point. Even if she endures for how long, her body won’t listen. She should know herself more than anyone. If possible, she have no choice but to also endure the pain alongside the pleasure.

The pain would be an unimaginable thing. However, from her v.a.g.i.n.a, love liquid is endlessly overflowing.

Has the pain itself began to become pleasure? Or, is she only excited with simply being touched by me? I don’t understand which is it, but either way, there are no more signs that her heart will still break.


Forty minutes have pa.s.sed from the screening start.

Her respiratory sounds unusual and her spasms won’t stop. Ogasawara Makoto, who twitches just like a fish on land, places her arm on the armrest grabbing it tightly, and the sound of her teeth chattering echos.

This is even worse. Exceeding and so on to endure, her mind and body is leading to abnormality.

Not being able to hide my impatience,  I raised the c.l.i.toris torment with my finger placed in between in crotch.

Sometimes urine squirts our. If it spouts out in one blow, the b.u.t.tock hole will become loose at the same time, and the b.u.t.t plug will be pushed. If that happens, surprised her might reflectively ask to be pardoned, but with her current full body stiffness, it also won’t be easy to make urine squirt.


It appears to have broken off at that moment, nevertheless the voice that frantically endured a scream reached my ear.

Will she finally ask to be excused? I will permit it how many times she wants. Come now, I’m comfortably used to you begging for forgiveness sooner.

With cold sweat gushed out from my whole body, my chest was swollen with expectation watching her.

“Tt, Thiss―how long do I endureee―would you likee?”

She is at a state of loss. Hearing those words, I almost fell down from my chair.

That reminds me, I didn’t arrange a particular time limit. I also didn’t considered it, but if she endured it how long till just now, she continued to endure without even knowing.

With her continuing to simply endure it earnestly with a end being indistinct, I simply pray she’ll ask forgiveness without an arranged time limit.

What was I and her generally fighting against?

“I, I’m sorry―I’m alreadyy― limitt”

Hearing her words, I immediately moved into action.

I put the coat onto Ogasawara Makoto, who has her head hanged while twitching, and set on the clasps. And then, I straighten her body and turn my hand on her shoulder, and with putting my opposite hand under her knee, I simply raised her.

It is impossible carry her on my back. Her crotch will open if I carry it on there, and the a.n.u.s will open forcibly. If that happens, the intestinal contents would quickly spout out.

She admitted defeat. That being the case, I’ll handle my work.

“I’ll take you to the restroom immediately. Can you endure it till then?”

I spoke such and carried her. She didn’t answer to my question, but she subtly nodded with a faint smile.

I won. That is right, I won. This pitiful fellow lost begging for forgiveness. I will then give her mercy.


When I went out of the theater, a manager found me carrying Ogasawara Makoto and rushed up to my while startled.

“Guests! How can I help you!”

“Excuse me! Her stomach seems to not being too well! As it is, I want her taken to the restroom, but can I attend, too?”

When I obediently explain it to the staff member, she began to ran in a panic.

“The restroom is here!”

Apparently, she seemed to have lead me to the restroom.

To carry her to the ladies’ restroom, I would also have to enter the ladies’ room. But, unlike the restroom where I inserted the b.u.t.t plug in, this movie theater restroom is easy for a public notice.

On the other hand, I don’t have enough time to move her to a restroom where it’s hard to attract attention, nevertheless, if eyes were laid on her being carried by me, naturally it will cause an uproar.

Therefore, I purposely explained it upfront. At a case like this, I thought it’s good idea to have it obediently explained without making a bad excuse.

According the manager’s guidance, I went to the restroom with a semi-jog.

“If something happens, please immediately raise your voice!”

“Thank you! I’ll request at the what-if moment!”

When I arrive at the restroom, the manager, who moved aside quickly, pointed to the restroom door by hand. With thanking her, I simply entered the ladies’ room and jumped into a stall.


With carrying Ogasawara Makoto on my shoulder to the restroom, the guidance manager some time ago rushes up. And then, she uneasily stares at Ogasawara Makoto, who’s dead tired while riding on my back.

“Isn’t an ambulance arrangement necessary?”

I shake my head to the manager who spoke.

“It’s fine. Despite having an upset stomach, she forced herself to watch the movie. She seems to be a little tired from that, but there is no problem.”

To my words, she still having an anxious expression on her face, and for some reason, lowered her head apologetically.

“I’m sorry.”

And then, for whatever reason expresses apologetic words.

It isn’t that you were particularly bad.

Upon exiting the movie theatre as I carry her on my back, I went to the shopping mall’s main entrance on the way back.

Ogasawara Makoto lost consciousness riding on my back.

After I entered a restroom stall, I sat her down on the Western style toilet stool, sent a hand through her rear, and pulled out the b.u.t.t plug.

With that, she exposes a shameful sight to me without sparing anything.

As a girl, as a young girl in love, Ogasawara Makoto having laid bare a state that mustn’t be seen by me, shouted,”Please don’t look” many times over. But mericesslesy to her will, the intestinal contents mixed in with enema continued to gush out of the a.n.u.s.

With referred shame that she may not know, and the enormous feeling of liberation having done so, she reached a climax.

With contents gushed out from the a.n.u.s, urine was squirted out vigorously. When a dam is cut once, it’s already impossible to stop.

A sorrow cry,”Don’t look!” resounded in the stall. But that sort of disgraceful sight seen by me also callously doubled her pleasure, and she lost consciousness by the climax after climax.

Eventually, the declared winner of the rival willpower game was me, but I personally feel it was a draw.

After all, she fought against the pain without end. Pain is definitely endured because an end is visibly, and if an end doesn’t exist, a human being would easily be driven mad.

Good grief, this is why I can’t manage this idiot.

Well, because I wasn’t defeated if it’s as a draw, I can deem this okay for now.


I left the shopping mall and I got on the train as I carried her on my shoulders. And, when we arrived at the town station where we live, I got off the train and went to my apartment.

“Ogasawara, how long will you continue the feign sleeping?”

While I walk to the residential area, I called out to my back. Then Ogasawara Makoto, who reacted with a flinch, buried her face in my shoulder and rubbed it.


And then, spoke unnaturally. When caught, she sleep talks in her sleep. Jesus, apparently it seems she won’t stop her pseudo sleep.

Well, isn’t it fine? I was able to mostly achieve the planned training. And, for the new training beginning by tomorrow, I may currently grant her peace for the time being.

After all, by tomorrow, I look forward to her finally taking the first step as a meat toilet.


Arrived at the apartment, I went to my room having ascended to the upper floor by elevator. And then, I left her in the room when arrived, and went to the laundromat.

Received her uniform at the dry cleaner’s, I went to my apartment again.

With her waiting in the room, still pretending to be asleep, I quietly sat down beside a table. I presented the uniform to her.

“I thank you for your efforts today. You did your best. After you return home, take peaceful rest.”

Called out to her, I rubbed my worn out shoulders. I am actually worn out, but I’m purposely showing her the state.

It is really a trifle action showing her it, but this gesture is certainly the biggest scheme so far to date of collections of past training. It is a trifle action that will make her walk the way as a meat toilet.

“Y, You’re tired, right?  Because you seriously took care of me, yeah?”

Of her downhearted indication, she arbitrarily drove damage onto herself. Although she is probably depressed with the thought I’m tired from having took care of her, it wouldn’t be only that.

As time has pa.s.sed, the event in the movie theater restroom tortures her.

For a woman, the state displayed to me was in no way wanted to be seen. Therefore, it’s impossible her to to not be depressed.

“K, Kijima-san. U, Um……I have a proposal to ask you……”

As she hanged her head seized on the floor, she asked in a low voice.

“U, Um, uh……I, I’ll ma.s.sage you, um, is that no good?”

Having heard those words, I was taken with the urge that wants to give a loud laugh.

As I expected. According to the script. That is right, I’ll make her ma.s.sage me. This is the script I drew out.

It is useless giving it as a order. If that happened, she won’t take action without my direction.

Thoroughly to her will, I’ll make her perform it in a self-controlled way.

In addition to the disgraceful behavior exposed in the bathroom theater, I’m drained. As for her, she’ll like to somehow raise her reputation.

Moreover, the quickest way is to serve me. Furthermore, if she said to me, who aims to be a first cla.s.s ma.s.seur, that she likes to do a ma.s.sage, it’s a very likely that I’ll be pleased.

Ogasawara Makoto, who wants to recover from that exposed disgraceful action, should become desperate to serve me. But, it can’t leave off with a mere ma.s.sage.

“Ogasawara, for me……? But, the ma.s.sages I performed for you are completely used by women. A man’s ma.s.sage is slightly different.”

I went to the desk while mumbling such a thing. And then, when I opened a draw, I took out doc.u.ments that I prepared beforehand.

An random exposition has the t.i.tle written,’Ma.s.sages for men’ on the doc.u.ment. They are mostly sensual feeling ma.s.sages.

“These are the only doc.u.ments, but I don’t think it’s aptly enough so that you just understand having read it. Just in case, do you want to read them?”

Turning my head saying so, I offered her the doc.u.ments.

“I, I may not be as skillful as you, but……I’ll do my best!”

She took the held out doc.u.ments, and put those seemingly important papers away in her bag.

“Ahh, and, I’ll give that coat to you. It has became noticeably cold recently. Wear it when going home.”

When she heard my words, she hugged herself with delightfully dyed cheeks. Naturally, she didn’t hugged herself, she hugged the coat she was wearing. She is glad to that extent.

To even do everything, the coat had to be brought for her from the start. Moreover, it was only bought for this training. It is insignificant even if I kept it.

When she finished changing into her uniform and wore the beloved coat, she easily went home. Perhaps to hammer out doc.u.ments received in my head, I’d probably want quickly head to my desk in a second.

With this, roles are reversed by tomorrow. Now, does she have the naivety to simply perform what was written on the doc.u.ments? Or otherwise, will she apply it with seasoning to amuse me? Whichever one she chooses, since her desire to serve is raised to the limit, it’ll surely become interesting.

What in the world kind of service will she do? I am really looking forward to it.