Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou

Chapter 28

Episode Twenty-Eight | Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou

Lying on her back upon the bed, she stares at the ceiling with her dazed auburn eyes.

Her cheeks are dyed pink and her sigh rough. And the sweat upon her was like beads.

The room is heated up by the air conditioner, but the temperature itself isn’t that high yet. However, as a result of the torment her body had, she broke in a large quant.i.ty of it.

The dark brown blazer and blouse allowed skin out in the open. Due her exposed, the well-shaped b.r.e.a.s.t.s which were moving up and down, restlessly, displayed her heavy breath.

With underwear cast aside, her thighs were tightly closed. She was wearing the red, green, and dark blue tartan skirt, but with it rolled up, it couldn’t achieve the main purpose of one.

It really was an obscene and erotic appearance which isn’t thinkable for a student council president of such a distinguished, educational high school.

Alongside her b.r.e.a.s.t.s which grew a size from the past two years, her pubic hairlessness has not changed in that time span.

Her body is small, and presents a general childishness, but in contrary to the figure of a narrow waist and pushed up b.r.e.a.s.t.s, it makes one believe her fruit is just one shy of being ripen.

Her appearance can be described as a youthful girl, and her unbalance body may be described as a woman. In addition to that, her female smell which filled the warehouse can’t help but arouse desire.

It can be fairly said that I have somewhat revised my thought of using her. From being a lemon that isn’t marketable, once she has a fine upgraded she might become a marketable outlet in spite of her defects.

Such as her  appearance, her hairlessness is beyond childish. Although her pubic doesn’t appear to have changed from the two years, it’s because her thighs are closed.

With her v.a.g.i.n.a, I have not done any training other than the c.l.i.toris. Therefore, with the two years of her skin being white as snow, this is the situation I’ll be entering into that one muscle.

“Satonaka, open your tights. Do it to your utmost limit,”

Squatted down to her feet, I gave Satonaka, who was lying on her back, an order.

Twitch in reaction, she faintly shakes her head. That indicates she intends to refuse my order.

With a broad smile, I arose, moved aside of her, and supported myself with on knee.

Satonaka, who was in a satisfactory state of my torture method, bit her underlip with watery eyes, making a desperate appeal.

‘I want you to let me go’.

“Violating an order. I’ll give you the same punishment as I just had given you.”

Stoop myself over, I put my lips to her ear and whispered mercilessly.

Having heard my whisper, her shaking eyes didn’t match with tears of praise, and which she then simply moved her eyes to look at me.

With her shaking eyes which were also similar to being frightened, my heart bubbled.

The torture that I hadn’t thought two years ago. While observing her behavior in the warehouse, I hit upon a method that was so savage it was terrifying.

This is the place to test it out: having been subjected to all the training from me, she has resistance to pleasure in spite of her development, but having done climaxes which exceeded her limit in just about an hour, and I have succeeded in cornering till she reached a state she can’t even utter a cry.

“Satonaka, having seen you after two years, you have become delicately cute.”

Eyes opened wide to my whisper, she tightly bites her lip, shuts her eyes, and waves her neck intensely.

“Satonaka, when I had seen you today, my l.u.s.t was slightly arising with your delicate charm.”

Toward my whisper which was in an indifferent tone, her neck was shaking even more intensely.

“Satonaka, you’re really delicately cute―”

“For you to do such a sly torment! My head is going crazy with happiness even though I know it is a lieee!”

Interrupted my whisper, she raised a cry with all the power she ahd left.

“I will die! I am really at my limit nowwww! Can you stop tormenting me with caressing me gently while you whisper affection into my earrrr!”

“I have no remembrance of whispering affection. I’m saying that you’re delicately cute.”

“Aaahhh! When the tsundere language is translated, it is different: having you say cute is absurdddd! You savage!”

Satonaka ranting against me with teary eyes, she unexpectedly expresses her dislike loosely.

However, her reserves way of thinking is surprising. I didn’t think the delicate praise would torture her, but it showed effect more than the several hour pleasure.

While putting my lips to her ear, I extend my right hand to her breast. And then tightly pinching the stiff, pointed, erect pink nipple by the fingers, I twist it lightly.

“You withering is sublimely adorable.”

‘Ahh―c.u.mmminggg―breathh, I can’t breathh―c.u.mmingggg againnn”

With both her hands tied behind her back with handcuffs, she climaxed simply with the nipples being lightly twisted.

She became more and more fatigued that can no longer move her body, but she can still somehow faintly twists her body to escape. However, with the movement of the pulled and pinched nipple, she did more climaxes as she convulsions.

“G.o.dddd! Hear my well, G.o.d! You mustn’t misunderstand! Kijima-san cannot become this person! It is troubling to the children; there will be many children who suffer! So you mustn’t monopolize―

“You are loveable and delicately cute.”


She desperately tried to warn someone to keep her reason, but her ship tragically sunk by my whisper attack and she fell into climax h.e.l.l with her nipples simply twisted.

Hmm, craven and erotic word torture shows some effect, but this torture seems to bring a greater effect.

When the whisper attack continuing as I play with her nipples, her shout suddenly paused like a toy that ran out of battery.


Calling out, her body reacted with a twitch while I strengthen the pinch, but there was no reply.


Muttered as I peep onto her face, her eyes were closed with a joyful face as if she was in complete heaven.

I separated my fingers, stood up, and tiptoed towards her. And then I simply opened the closed tights forcibly while shivering.

“Ahh, an awfully a lot for just this……”

A huge stain was formed on the sheets from under her opened thighs. She kept squirting a tide of urine. For this to have happened with her nipple simply being tormented lightly. If I did the whisper attacks as I inserted my p.e.n.i.s in her a.n.u.s, I can’t even imagine what on earth would happen. And as such, curiosity was bubbling up.

Should I try that later on the street? When I torment here in a place where she can’t raise a cry; I am very much interested.

As I think, I move my eyes to the center of her thighs. Her v.a.g.i.n.a in the center of her thighs appeared: it was so stuffy that it seemed steam came out with a large quant.i.ty of love juice overflowing from her indecent hole.

Her v.a.g.i.n.a after a two year quarter. Its indecent mouth is now opened, exposing a vivid pink form. Moreover, it had grown to the extent of the l.a.b.i.a on both sides were protruding out.

Her v.a.g.i.n.a also grew with her body, but that isn’t just that. It is considerably evident that it has been tinkered with.

Her childish body and nature are prominent, but her crotch makes an excellent woman. Furthermore, since hair doesn’t grow the erotic appearance is emphasized even more, which brings out an immoral feeling to the point of creating an abnormality.

“My, my, she simply spends all her time masturbating. Since she’s even a virgin with this, I’m amazed.”

But then, it’s me that made her become lewd. Nevertheless, it is really amazing. Does she hardly touch the hole itself? There is hardly any change from before. But, the development of the l.a.b.i.a is intense.

The c.l.i.toris is also the same. It seems to come out of its’ skin by itself when erected, but it’s doubtful that it can really go back when it’s normal.

In front of the department store of the arcade street we arranged to meet, I would like to show the men who were coming and going as they glancing at Satonaka together this scene.

When I lower my eyes while being slightly amazed, her twitching a.n.u.s continued to repeatedly contract under her indecent v.a.g.i.n.a. And due to what made her faint, viscous liquid that looked cloudy overflowed from the hole that couldn’t close, and dripped upon the sheet.

I intended to finish with just a blow, but I let our about two with it being overwhelming amazing. When having carried the mistake of bombarding her with whispers, I was able to see the result it had on her.

Since I let out to with Ogasawara Makoto today, it became a total of four. Thanks to that, my body felt really heavy.

Will I be able to insert it later on in the road?

“……K, Kijima-san.”

A feeble voice reached my ears, and I looked up. Apparently, her consciousness seems to have recovered.

“I, I only want you, to tell me one thing. T, The junior meat toilet……has not s.n.a.t.c.hed you after all?”

With the exhaling shallow, rough breaths, it seemed like her tone would break off at any moment.

“Yes, I’m not interested in her.”

When I separated both my hands from her forcibly opened thighs, I stood up saying as such and went got off the bed.

“I, Is that right…….I feel a little, relieved…….”

Towards my back which was trying to face the refrigerator, Satonaka muttered. So, her voice was cut off.

Faint breathing of someone sleeping was heard if I listened carefully. She did faint, she fell asleep this time.

What do you feel relieved about? I’m interested in nothing more than the a.n.u.s you should know that well.

Originally the organ’s purpose was excreting, so it’s fascinating precisely because it’s being used for s.e.xual processing. Moreover, the action of doing a climax only by the a.n.u.s gives a number of great shame and sense of immorality.

The pervert of herself that does a climax with the a.n.u.s. The pervert who is pleased with their unclean hole to be used for me. By carving that into the depths of her heart, they fall into the abyss of despair and can never return.

That is all there is to it. There aren’t any other intentions besides that.


Satonaka sleeps peacefully. The incredibly calm look upon her sleeping face screams that.

Lying down beside her, I stick an elbow on the bed and look at her while supporting my head with the palm.

Did she sleep for about three after since she started to? When I look at wrist.w.a.tch on my left, it was currently past four p.m.

The sun was setting quite recently. If it goes for one more hour, it’ll be sunset.


About thirty more minutes has pa.s.sed, and the cheeks of Satonaka had begun to strangely redden. Even if it’s hidden well, the breathing becomes rough, too.

When I stare at Satonaka closely, her mouth made an upside down ‘V’ glancing at me for a moment, and then she closed her eyes immediately. And with her hands fixed behind her, she skillfully twists her body and nestles close to me.


She muttered unnaturally. Did this person not say ‘zzzz’ in the middle of her sleep?

I have a feeling some other idiot was doing the same thing, but do idiots share the same thought circuit?

But well, I seemed to notice she was pretending. Did this idiot think I wouldn’t?

Incidentally, what would she do after this? Since I didn’t get lunch, I am considerably hungry. I am good for time: I’ll go to the shoe store after I have eaten supper, and then should I go to where Satonaka left her baggage?

No, I’ll go shop for clothes before a meal. Even if I enjoyed the exposure with Satonaka, clothes also have to correspond with that. However, I don’t have enough. Before I go to the clothing store, I have to get close to the ATM in a bank or convenience store.

I tried to get up as I considered such things, but then I suddenly noticed that my body was sticky.

While she nestled her cheek close to my chest, I extended my hand and touched her exposed b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

“Nn………zzzzzz, zzzzzz―ahh, nuu―z, zzzzzzz……”

When I rub and hold her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, her body trembled, her cheeks blushed, and she gave a sweet, subtle moan. However, didn’t intend to stop her fake sleeping.

I also didn’t plunge into it, I rubbed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and examined her sweat condition, and as I a.s.sume, she seems to be considerably sticky.

In which case, a bath is first. Since I didn’t prepare hot water today, the outside shower isn’t usable. I mean, I’d also like to take a bath, so the outside shower is rejected.

“Satonaka, we’re eating out for supper today, but let’s stop at my apartment first and take a bath―” (1)

“Let’s go!”

She opened her eyes in a snap and interrupted my words as she had a full face smile.

“You good with your fake sleep?”


I had believed she would say a sarcastic remark, but she nodded and was smiling as lively as ever. Amazed with her not worrisome and timid state, I threw a sigh while judging her with my eyes.

“Your……laugh is adorably delicate.”


When her body bounced to my words and her face instantly dyed bright red, her eyes restlessly swam, her eyes became stiff, and her thighs were grinding.

“As expected, this torture is greatly effective.”

“…..Y, Yes, greatly effective.”

With me grinning, her face turned bright red to the point of steam seeming to be coming out, and as she averts her eyes from me, she muttered with her cheeks into my breast.


Satonaka sat on the edge of the bed quietly. Standing in front of her, I stooped over and arranged clothes for her.

“S, Sorry? For making, you do this……”

She lowered the end of her eyes brows, seeming apologetic, but she also seemed slightly glad.

The whisper attack reduced her mental power, and moreover, it seems her body has a considerable burden. In fact, she reached a fierce climax that she waited with her tips just being played with.

Therefore, far from standing up, she doesn’t even seem to be able to directly move a finger.

Incidentally, the handcuffs are taken off. But then a.s.sume that we had gone out with the handcuffs after the sun had set rather than in the daylight, it would certainly cause a disturbance if someone saw.

“Can you stand?”

Prepared clothes for her, I placed her shoes on her, got up, and asked while looking down.

“I I’m fine……”

When she nodded, she puts all her strength into both her hands on the bed and tries to stand up. But, her knees shake and couldn’t possibly stand.


Nevertheless, she clenched her teeth, forcibly standing up, and then with the regained momentum, she fell face forward. But, since I stood there, she avoided the fall by clinging onto me.

“I said if you were able to; don’t overwork yourself.”

“Ah, Ahaha……so, sorry.”

Clinging to me, her knees shook like a newborn fawn, and then the lower ends of her eyebrows, apologizing while looking at me with upturned eyes.

Indeed, if I had grasped her own physical condition, it can be said she’s an excellent meat toilet. If she insists that the impossible is possible, she will do it even when the user is troubled.

But well, a meat toilet is an outlet after all. It can’t be helped, yeah?

When I throw a grand sigh, I let Satonaka, who was clinging to me, sit on the bed’s edge again, turned my back from her and squatted down.

“Tsk, get on. Since it can’t be helped, I’ll carry you on my back.”

And then, I called out to the back while clicking my tongue. I waited a moment for a reply like that, but I didn’t get one.

When glancing behind for a moment, I see her covering her face with both hands and shaking. And then subtly, just faintly, I heard a sobbing voice.

Even though she was laughing with an idiotic face until just now, why is she crying now? She wasn’t someone who needed a lot of looking after before.

“…..Wh, When we hadn’t met……it was bearable.”

Mixed with sobs, I heard a slender voice which trembled.

“……If you treated me more coldly, I would be made to return home with a smile.”

The sob became slightly bigger, and the sorrowful voice had begun to be mixed with the shaking, slender voice.

Her delicate shoulder shook. Drops dripped from the gap of both her hands upon her face and fell to her knees.

“…..I am really stupid, aren’t I? Even though we’re still here together, even though there is even tomorrow, I already think it’s about time I go home.”

Having said that, she raised her head slowly and separated her hands.

Large drops of tears overflowed from her auburn eyes, streaming down her cheeks.

End of her eyebrows knitted, her lips quivered, and forcibly smiled with her head tilted.

“When, can we meet again?”

With the glistening auburn eyes, dark, gloomy shadows fell down.

As if she was told the world was completely gone, the appearance of hers should be even be described as the picture of despair.

Just like she was the world will be destroyed, the appearance of hers is able to be even described as the picture of despair.

“You……became weak.”

Those words naturally came out of my mouth. Even that day she was attacked in a vacant house, she never stopped fighting, and now it seems like her heart has been completely broken.

“I, know. The reason that you don’t take the virginity of the girls you trained. Rather than what you said before, your way of thinking is old-fashioned, isn’t it? Virginity is given to the person who’s loved sincerely. So, you won’t take―”

“It’s different!”

Interrupted Satonaka, who explained in a mixture of plain sobbing while having a cramped smile, I screamed.

Having come back to my senses, I stood up and scratched my head.

What am I doing? Satonaka only said something stupid. I will dismiss it as a stupid story.

“Phish, you’re freakin’ stupid: do you want me to say I didn’t take virginity away for your sake? Idiotic, don’t be conceited. By developing a dirty hole, I like watching the women tremble with shame while falling into being licentio―”

“Then take it! Isn’t it fine after you taking everything!? And yet, you won’t take my lips! My virginity either! Your kindness is even harder!”

Interrupted my words while glaring, she scowls at me as if she’s shooting me, and raises her voice similar to a scream.

Gritting my teeth, anger swells up.

s.h.i.t, for her to resists me with her position. Furthermore, scowling at me is unspeakable.

But calm down, becoming hot headed isn’t me. It is, after all, outlet nonsense. Without theorizing, she’s simply ranting and yelling with only her emotions. I mustn’t get upset over such a cliché thing.

When I inhale and forcibly shut out my br.i.m.m.i.n.g angry, I took out my wallet from my pant pocket, And then, I pull out a key for my apartment and bank card and threw it to her.

Scowling at me, she fl.u.s.teredly caught the card.

“It is the card to my apartment and bank. Never lose it. It takes a lot of money to make a master key. I had it made to give it to you a cash card. Transportation expenses, investigation fees, etc. money for necessary costs.”

She held two cards in both hands, staring at me in dumbstruck as I spoke in an indifferent tone.

“ ‘Why I called you?’, the reason was to have you investigate the personal life of a certain someone. And so……”

To me who had an entire smile upon their face, she shook.

“You had currently irritated me very much. That rebellious manner needs to be corrected. In other words, I guess I have to train you again. Prepare yourself.”

Light returned in the eyes of Satonaka with hearing my words.

“…..I did say I would make you irritated at the beginning.”

Cheeks blushed pink, she muttered.


It is currently past five p.m. The sun has completely set and the street lamps installed on the edge of the road are shining brightly.

There is a reason I’m carrying Satonaka to my apartment, but I cannot help be bothered by the hot sighs in my ear.

Oi, Satonaka, you have been panting since a little while ago. Are you not excited with this amount of exposure?”

“C, Cause’…..”

Carried on my back, she puts her lip to my ear and raises a sweet, soft, c.o.xing voice. Alongside it, a hot sigh is blown to my ear.

The body temperature which is transmitted from my hand supporting her thigh is also quite hot. She’s probably quite excited.

However, she wasn’t partially undressed. She simply did have on underwear.

With her being carried, her legs are spread open. In other words, if stoop over a little from behind her, you will get a full view of her a.n.u.s and v.a.g.i.n.a. Moreover, with her thighs fixated, and due to both her hands on my neck, she can’t close her crotch to hide it.

It is considerably normal to be embarra.s.sed in this situation, but since her training has put weight on the exposure, it should be beyond sweet.

Moreover, although the streetlights illuminate the road here and there, she doesn’t considerably know if someone isn’t approaching with the day having set.

She clings to me tightly from behind, and unless they stoop himself to peep into her skirt, there is nothing to worry about in the first place.

Nevertheless, the students are going back, and whether we pa.s.s a pa.s.serby on the route of going back, she fearfully shakes.

The development of her erogenous zone seems to have progressed in the two years I left her unattended, but did her tolerance to exposure weaken?

“Have you, not been recently exposed?”

“N, No, I do. However, I keep myself from being seen.”

“Aren’t you more excessively afraid than before?”

“C, Cause’…..With doing it myself and doing it with you, um, it different in many ways……”

To my question, she answers in a voice which is strangely shy.

Did she continue the exposure herself the same way as the physical development? Moreover, the shame isn’t normal. I mean, she didn’t feel any shame when took down her underwear when we were in the back alley of arcade street, and she was going to take off her uniform on the animal trail in the forest which was behind the high school.


With me halting, Satonaka raises an uneasy voice.

I can’t understand her condition at all. I would be better to make her be full-fledged exposed to test this.

With looking around, I walked to a nearby telephone pole next to a house wall and squatted down to drop her.

“K, Kjima-san? Eh? W, What? What are you doing?”

She is obviously shaking. When I stood up and look back, her hands were attached to the telephone pole with her teary eyes looking up at me while her knees quivered.

Can’t she directly stand? However, I have a feeling it isn’t simply due to the fatigue that she’s shaking.

She cautiously looks around, curling and learning herself to the wall.

Funny. This is her, but it’s too different from the one I know.

When I extend my hand straight out, she shook her head with shivers, and then as her mouth was in an upside down ‘V’, her watery eyes appeared as if they’ll burst at any time.

What on earth is this? What is this behavior? It as if this is the reaction of the innocent girl who never had been exposed.

“W, Wait, please wait. I, I need to prepare my heart―ah”

Extending the direction of my hand to her, I thrust a hand into her skirt.

The indecent sound of liquid was heard. She opens her eyes wide, trembling.

“K, Kwima-san―please, wait, there is no good”

Stroking my index finger where it doesn’t touch the v.a.g.i.n.a too much, I simply rub the c.l.i.toris.

The moment my fingertip touched the c.l.i.toris which was erected to the limit, Satonaka held her lips with both hands and tightly closed her eyes, fearfully twitching.

Alongside the viscous liquid strings dripping upon the ground, a tide was squirted out and formed a black stain on the floor.

Her knees trembled to the point of abnormality. She further shook her neck. The auburn eyes of hers stared at me, pleading.

I realized my p.e.n.i.s was swelled to the limit.

This……this torment is absolutely effective.

Jumping from her skirt, I extended both my hands to her. She seems to be trying to escape, but she’s not in the condition that’s able to decently move. Moreover, since she’s leaning close to the telephone pole, she has completely lost her escape.

Separated both hands from her lips, she then covers her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She appears to realize what I’m about to do.

When I drive away the hands, the coat, blazer, and blouse are successively taken off.

The resistance of hers left, but she shakes her head, and with her mouth in an upside down V, she still stares at me with teary eyes.

Ignoring her, I finished completely taking off all the b.u.t.ton of her blazer and coat, and then stripped off the blouse.

That moment, she quickly covered her chest with both hands and frequently looked around with a flushed face.

When I grabbed her delicate shoulders and forcibly turned her around, I lowered my trousers’ fastener and took out my p.e.n.i.s which was erected to the limit.

“Set your hands on the wall. There is n.o.body now. Do as I say quickly if you don’t want to be discovered.”

Her upper body naked, she showed a second of hesitation behavior to my words, but she slouched over, placed on hand on the wall, and pushed out her b.u.t.t.

“It is both hands, put both hands up.”

Rolled her skirt, I ordered her while hitting her exposed white a.s.s.

She had a hand on there, but the other was covering up her exposed b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

“Did you not hear? Put both hands up there.”

I clapped her b.u.t.t and gave the order again. However, she simply shakes her head with not obeying it.

A chill ran up my back as I felt irritated.

“Tsk, an unserviceable meat toilet. Tighten your hole to the utmost.”

Spat that out, I applied my p.e.n.i.s to her a.n.u.s and went straight in.

“Eh!? Ehauu!?”

Was that a soundless scream she did? I heard a something like a faint groan, but it went into thinking it was a sorrowful, poorly given scream.

Moreover, the tightness of her a.n.u.s isn’t the usual. It continued tightening to the point of it being like my p.e.n.i.s might be torn off alongside it being easily pulled in out with the overflowing a.n.a.l juices.

“Haa, not bad.”

When I grabbed her white a.s.s by a hand and slap it with the other, I gripped it by both.

And then, I pull out my p.e.n.i.s from the constricting a.n.u.s.


Waist twitching, she quickly moved the hand which covered her b.r.e.a.s.t.s with her lips and desperately suppresses her voice.

It seems she’ll crumble at any moment, but she won’t even be able to, due to the fact I’m holding her bottom. Naturally she resists, but her waist is being banged as she twitches.

In succession, a gushing tide is stuck onto the ground and raises a splash.

Waving my waist absorbedly, I grip her a.s.s with the feeling of e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n welling up, and then was seized with the impulse that wants to just yield myself to the pleasure and desire. However, after the event in the warehouse came into mind, I held on and broadly grinned.

Having her exposed on the street, I intended to try the whisper attack. But, I just about forgot due to the excessively good product she is.

When I push out my waist and insert my p.e.n.i.s into the base, I separate both hands from her a.s.s, bending myself over her. And then grabbing both her b.r.e.a.s.t.s with my hands, I put my lips to her ear while holding and rubbing them.

“Satonaka, you feeling shy is delicately adorable.”

“Ahi!? Don’t―touchh”

She desperately was suppressing her voice, but when she gave a soft moan like a small bird’s chirp due to something unexpected, she reproachfully glared at me with a glance. And then to answer as such, she separated her hand and groan.

Being satisfied with having seen that, I twisted and pinched her elastic nipples up to the very limit while rubbing and her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. And then, I began to forcibly shake my waist.

She did a soundless scream with the obscene sound of liquid echoing. And then with the tightness of the meat hole increasing as I pound and pound, I let out my l.u.s.t to my heart’s content.

Soaking myself in the lingering pleasure while breathing heavily, I pulled out my p.e.n.i.s. Alongside that, Satonaka collapsed.

Collapsed onto the ground just like she was prostrating herself, her b.u.t.ton timidly twitches while she opened a.n.u.s was exposed. And as urine was trickling, cloudy viscous liquid overflowed from it.

“Yeah, not bad.”

As though she reacted to my muttered words, the bottom of hers jumped remarkably big.