Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 173: Monster Orb

Chapter 173: Monster Orb

Date- 26 Mar 2321

Time- 6:34

Location- Sky Blossom City, Tyrant Sun Raven guild, Meeting room

“Hey, Anna. How many soul Jades do you have on you?” I asked Anna who sighed in relief getting the D-rank gate dungeon in exchange for 20% royalty of silver milk powder total profits.

“WTF! Aren’t you getting too familiar with me? I am a Card Emperor and the guardian of the southern region, not your drinking buddy.” Having achieved her goal Anna once again retired to her party girl self. She no longer had the arrogant demeanour which conveyed cross me and you are dead.

“Fine! your highness, how many soul jades do you have on you?” I corrected and repeated myself.

“Around 35k something. Why?” Anna answered nonchalantly.

“Lend me those soul jades.” Hearing me wanting to borrow all the soul jades on her, Anna looked at me with deadpan eyes to see if I am being serious.

“Fuq! now you are begging to be killed.” Anna yelled seeing that I was being serious

“Don’t worry you can take both the and interest out of my royalty later.” Yep, I was being serious now that the second transformation in the daughter cores created by me is unlocked. I need lots of soul jades so that all the calamity daughter cores of mine could form their second transformation body.

Formation of the second transformation body for each of the calamity daughter core costs 1000 soul jade. My three avatars alone need 3000 soul jades to unlock their second transformation. Not to mention the Kane trio and the remaining four in the TSR guild. In total, I need 10,000 soul jades for all my calamity daughter cores to form their second transformation body. Since I was going to shamelessly borrow anyway I might as well borrow enough.

Right now I could be considered rich as the shadow leader of the TSR guild and with 35% royalty of silver milk powder profits. But in reality, the TSR guild is barely afloat due to the merger of the three guilds. They needed a lot of resources to maintain their current stability and recruit new members. As for 35% royalty, I would get royalty when Anna ma.s.s produces the silver milk powder and if there is a profit in its sales. Which would take nearly half a year to a year at the maximum. Setting up a production house and supply chain takes time, not to mention mortal people should become aware of silver milk powder and its wondrous uses to actively purchase the silver milk powder. The TSR guild and 35% royalty of silver milk powder profits, for now, are a.s.sets that will bring me profits in future. So for now I am still dirt poor.

“…” Hearing me boldly retort to her, Anna huffed and puffed as her chest went up and down with the rise of her anger. Right now even if she wanted to kill me she could not because of the soul contract.

“Cut me some slack, after all, I am an orphan high schooler. Right now I am a little tight on cash, if you don’t lend me the soul jades then I will have to mortgage some percentage of my royalty with loan sharks for cash.” I explained my economical situation to Anna who was trying to kill me with her glare.

“Are you threatening me!” Anna’s glare intensified.

“No, I wouldn’t dare to… in a way now we both can be considered partners if I do not ask you for help who else can an orphan like me turn to. I sleep in a warehouse for G.o.d sake!” I explained to Anna. So that she would not take my cry for financial help as me provoking her and her authority.

“In what universe does a high schooler dare to borrow 35k soul jades. It’s enough to feed a small city for one whole week.” Anna snapped, the soul contract stopped her from physically and mentally abusing me but not from verbal abuse.

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“And Also I require an A-rank Martial arts technique card and the A-rank Monster Ord item card.” Now I had a golden grimoire and I could equip cards up to A-rank. I needed a martial arts card as the E-rank Abyssal bear card had become redundant for my current power. With my mutant viltronian physique and Second transformation Viltronian t.i.tan, I would mostly be fighting in close combat rather than using ranged skill cards so a strong A-rank martial arts card would come in handy.

“Anything else, do you want me to get you a coffee, MF! I am not your nanny, buy them yourself. Just because I signed a soul contract with you doesn’t mean that I do not have other ways to kill you.” Anna yelled in anger as she threw a B-rank storage card on my face.

“I would but high ranking cards are rare in Sky blossom city. It will take months for me to find a suitable A-rank martial arts card. Not to mention the A-rank monster orb item card, I do not think such item cards are even available in the city.” I said as I shamelessly collected the B-rank storage card, it contained 35k soul jades in it. Sky blossom city was a low tier city with 2-3 dozen golden grade grimoire holders. So A-rank and B-rank cards are rare in the city market.

“Fine, since you are under my protection I will help you this once but do not try to take a foot just because I gave you an inch.” Saying that Anna teleported and returned in a minute with two cards in her hand. Handing the cards to me she said, “These two cards are from my collection, they are the best of their kind and I am just lending them to you. do not lose or p.a.w.n them.”

Lending me 35k soul jades and two A-rank cards Anna hastily left to find Elliott to celebrate for becoming the exclusive rights holder of silver milk powder production and supply and the owner of D-rank silver beach gate dungeon.

After Anna left I handed 1000 Soul jades to Van, Fred, Pablo and Sarah each. And also gave extra 10,000 soul jades to Van as an investment in the TSR guild. Later I sacrificed 3000 soul jades to form the second transformation body of my three Avatars. Having taken care of that I had Van apply for an A-rank dungeon raid. Thankfully one A-rank dungeon was available right now.

The reason for the sudden Dungeon ride were the two A-rank cards gifted to be my Anna. The Item card Monster orb is a special type of item card that helps in the capturing of monsters. Last time I used a calamity daughter core on a monster but I had to sacrifice it as I did not have a card to store it. But now I do and I plan on taming A-rank monsters.
