Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 174: Stone Viltronian

Chapter 174: Stone Viltronian

Date- 26 Mar 2321

Time- 6:52

Location- Sky Blossom City, A-rank Stone Troll Nest Gate Dungeon.

The two A-rank cards Anna gifted me were not the best of their kind as Anna vouched rather they were the most common cards of their kind, that became clear to me after reading the card info,

[Card Name: Monster Orb

Card Type: Item card

Card Rank: A-rank, Rare Grade

Card Rating: 22-Stars

Card Durability: [81/100]

Card Effect: The Monster Orb can capture 5 monsters of maximum A-rank level.

Caution – The card does not affect the loyalty or the hostility of the monsters captured in any way.]

A Monster Orb is supposed to slowly dissipate the hostility of the monster and help the card apprentice in taming the monster captured in the monster orb but this card does neither except for capturing the immobile beast. This card is the worst of its kind. Not to mention its high card ratings. If not for my calamity daughter core this card would be useless for me.

[Card Name: Southern Watch Combat Arts

Card Type: Skill card

Card Rank: A-rank, Rare Grade

Card Rating: 9-Stars

Card Durability: [89/100]

Card Effect: Southern Watch Combat Arts is a mixed martial arts technique formed combining various close combat and weapon arts, tailor-made to meet the needs of Southern watch. Best results obtained when used in a formation with other Southern Watch Combat Arts users.

Addition effect – Cold Weapon Mastery, Hundred Martial Arts Mastery, Double Damage, Critical Damage, Formation Stack, Critical Evasion. ]

Formation Stack – the effects of the card multiplies when used in a formation with other Southern Watch Combat Arts card users.

Southern Watch Combat Arts is another common A-rank card ma.s.s-produced for southern watch soldiers. Except for the Formation Stack ability, it does not have any other noteworthy skills. This card is best for the army who fight with their numbers against a greater number of opponents but for me a loner, it was subpar. But better than the E-rank Abyssal bear form card, card rank wise and also card rating wise. That witch screwed me over. Anyway, I got two free A-rank cards so I have nothing to complain about here.

There are only 2 A-rank dungeons in Sky blossom city and both of them are gate dungeons. There are not many A-rank adventurer parties as Card Lords in a small city like sky blossom city are rare, let alone 5 of them banding together to form an A-rank party. Therefore The 2 A-rank dungeons are mostly free until they need to be cleared to avoid dungeon break. The one I am currently visiting with Van and Fred is the A rank gate dungeon Stone Troll Nest.

Stone Trolls are stone elemental spirits that are in the shape of a Troll but they are completely made of stones. Like the Trolls they also have very high resilience. They can not be stopped or killed until their core is destroyed. I was visiting the dungeon to capture 5 Stone Trolls. It would be best to capture the boss monster 5 times but I can only raid this dungeon once. As unfortunately the next few raids were already booked.

Usually, it would require 3 or 5 A-rank parties to clear the dungeon but thanks to the second transformation of calamity daughter core Fred and Van were more than enough to clear the A-rank gate dungeon in record time.

On our way to the boss room with the help of Van and Fred, I captured the 4 strongest A-rank stone trolls in the monster orb after feeding them the calamity daughter core turning them into my pet monsters. The boss stone troll as always was taller, stronger and faster than the other stone troll I captured earlier. But still not strong enough to cause trouble for the duo of Van and Fred. After feeding it the calamity daughter core I captured the bose monster in the monster orb. Interesting thing was that after each stone trolls swallowed calamity daughter core their shape changed from that of a troll to a small humanoid, Stone Viltronian. So I checked the info of the calamity daughter cores,

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[Stone calamity daughter core(Stone Viltronian)

Type – Named Calamity daughter core

Authority – Monster pet

Rank – A-rank, Boss monster

1.Stone Element Body- the subject has a stone elemental body.

2. Duplicate Physique – the subject can duplicate the shape of any monster upon coming in contact with the monster’s blood. Current Base Physique – Viltronian.

3.Immortal Core – The daughter core has abilities similar to a calamity parent core, it can nourish and protect the soul of the subject. As long as the core is not destroyed the subject is not dead.

4.Body Restructure – The subject’s stone elemental body is incorporated with soul energy constructs to enhance the subject body’s strength, agility, regeneration etc. Using this ability the subject can switch between different transformations without the risk of losing the real form.

5.Calamity Daughter core – The Subject is bestowed with transformation ability by the calamity parent soul core.

Base Form – Calamity daughter core form.

Form one – Stone Viltronian – the Stone elemental has a body shape in the form of a Viltronian.

Form Two – Viltronian Stine t.i.tan – the subject gains the second transformation body of A viltronian t.i.tan of stone elemental.

Form Three – Locked – Unlock Form 3 of parent core for further transformations.

Additional skill – Hive AI

6. Stone Element control – The subject gains the ability to manipulate and control stones. And also convert soul energy into stone element.

7. Soul energy manipulation – The subject gains abilities to absorb, store and emit soul energy in large quant.i.ties in its stone body.

8. Minion Summon – The subject can summon 300 B-rank Stone Viltronians and 50 A-Rank stone Viltronians once per day.]

Reading through the info of the A-rank Boss monster Stone Troll currently Stone Viltronian I was shocked, another four of these Boss Stone Viltronians and I would potentially become a one-man army.

Minion Summon of the Boss stone Viltronian allowed me to summon 350 Stone Viltronians in total adding both A and B rank monsters. If I had 5 of these then I could summon 1750 Stone Viltronians in total adding both A and B rank monsters per day.

“Fuq!” I could not help but curse imaging 5 Boss Stone Viltronians summoning A-rank 250 Stone Viltronians followed by 1500 B-rank Stone Viltronians. Considering how all these stone Viltronians have an undying body they could threaten a small city into surrendering. Alas, I did not have 5 Boss Stone Viltronian but one, for now, it should be enough.

Asking Van to book 4 raids to the A-rank stone troll gate dungeon in the possible future, I headed back to the warehouse in my hoverbike. The astonishing thing was that with Fred and Van in their second transformation it only took them 27 mins to complete the A-rank gate dungeon raid.
