Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 1975 Losing Credibility

Chapter 1975 Losing Credibility

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 11:07

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City

"...silver milk powder can be procured in two. By buying from the local market and the other way as a subsidy. However, not everyone will be getting the subsidy. Only the meritorious citizens will get them. For example, students who are performing well in their school. This is just an example, there will be other ways for every citizen to obtain the subsidies. The Southern royal family will soon update all citizens of the South about this…"

Sliver milk powder, subsidy, meritorious citizens, what was Clara talking about?

It was not Clara who spoke this stuff but the Field Marshal Heatsend. Clara explained how Wyatt used a pill to help her become a card apprentice to the crowd and displayed her silver grimoire and powers to a.s.sure them that she was not lying, however, she had no idea what the pill Wyatt had fed her was so she could not answer when the older kids who were yet to awaken as card apprentice eagerly asked about the pill.

That was when the Field Marshal who dumbfoundedly stood in the middle of the stage trying to comprehend how a late bloomer like Clara had the potential to become a demiG.o.d came to her senses, took over the stage, and began to explain what pill was, how can they obtain it when they had no money to their name, what the Southern royal family was doing to make sure that everyone will receive the silver milk powder and not just the rich and powerful. Lastly, she did not forget to praise Wyatt who discovered such a miraculous powder and invented a way to ma.s.s produce it at the fastest speed. Helping everyone in the room understand why Wyatt was the hope of the Southern region.

Wyatt might not agree with this, but his speech "You are the hope of the South" had seriously damaged his credibility as the "Hope of the South." The media and adults in these kids" lives talk so grandiosely about Wyatt and his achievements, but when they met him and heard him spouting nonsense that even three-year-olds would not believe, they felt if this was the "Hope of the South" then they were doomed.

But seeing their mortal Headmaster who had no hope of becoming a card apprentice directly awakened as silver-grade card soldiers they were shocked and moved to the point of believing that miracles do exist. Most of them were worried that they would not be able to awaken before they became of legal age and would have to move out of the orphanage without proper arrangements.

Yes, the orphanage had many programs to help them integrate with society but they had seen where their seniors were and knew unless they became a card apprentice their future was bleak, they would be lucky to be alive a month after leaving the orphanage.

Now seeing the miraculous powder they heard so much about work with their own eyes they had a spark of hope in their heart that ignited into flame when the Field Marshal promised that the Southern Royal family was going to give sliver milk powder subsidies to any and all meritorious citizens to ensure equal opportunities to all its citizens.

"Wyatt, who is this elderly lady? Can she guarantee what she is talking about? Does the Southern royal family really plan to provide the silver milk powder subsidies for its citizens?" Cortney suddenly asked Wyatt.

Cortney was happy that the orphanage master was a card soldier now and also happy to hear the promises made by the unknown elderly woman but she wanted to ensure that the elderly woman was not making false promises.

"Don"t worry, if it"s her saying that then, it will probably be true, even if it is not, she will make it true after all she is the Hero of the South," Wyatt answered a.s.suring Cortney that every word the unknown elderly woman spoke was true.

"That"s the Legendary Field Marshal Heatsend? No way, I have seen pictures of her, she isn"t it," Clara who had returned to her seat said in disbelief listening to Wyatt. Even Diana and Cindy nodded, every one of them knew how the "Hero of the South" looked like, her image was pasted all over the grimoire network.

"She has morphed her appearance to not attract any attention," Wyatt replied, and turning to Clara he said, "It"s getting late you should start serving the kids they must be hungry." Diana finally knew why the Field Marshal had the time to contact her over something as trivial as Wyatt"s visit to the orphanage.

"How could I do something so rude when the Hero of the South is doing her best to encourage the kids? Besides, these kids know how to deal with hunger, however, it is rare for them to be addressed by their Hero," Clara replied, but Wyatt shook his head and said, "She is too excited, if you leave her, she will keep talking till its time for dinner."

"Don"t you dare disrespect my Hero, Wyatt," Cortney immediately warned Wyatt listening to him. It appeared she seemed to revere Field Marshal Heatsend which was a far cry from how she treated Colleen and Anna.

"Wyatt, did you know she single-handedly freed Mt. Claymore from a hundred Western demiG.o.ds when they tried to illegally claim it as part of the Western region," Cortney said with fanatic light shining in her eyes.

"No, I did not," Wyatt finally understood what was happening here, the entire orphanage was a fan of Field Marshal because of Clara"s weird fixation with her. This was apparent when she was willing to let the kids starve a little to hear the Field Marshal"s encouraging words. As such he could no longer use the kids as reason so he turned to Clara and said, "Fine, I will be honest, I am hungry, feed me."

"Here have some chocolate milk and shut up," Cortney pa.s.sed him her gla.s.s of milk and asked him to shut up.

"What the f.u.c.k, I don"t want to drink your spit," Wyatt remarked.

"Suit yourself but just shut up." Cortney dismissed Wyatt without even bothering to spare him a glance.

"..." Wyatt was starting to regret having revealed Field Marshal"s ident.i.ty.


[AN: Check out Reader"s Quest Board in the Author"s Thoughts section for ma.s.s release.]