Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 1976 Declaring South As His Territory

Chapter 1976 Declaring South As His Territory

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 11:33

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City

"Don"t worry, they will edit all the embarra.s.sing stuff out, I guess," The Field Marshal said as she ate a sandwich sitting next to Wyatt. She was in a great mood for someone who lost her loyalty to a teenager in a wager at that.

"I could care less about that." Now that he had decided to embrace the t.i.tle "Hope of the South" Wyatt could not care what Anna"s mother planned having the Field Marshal record and doc.u.ment his visit to the orphanage.

From Wyatt"s perspective becoming the hope of the South meant he was declaring the South as his territory to the world and not that he was part of the Southern Royal family. The World leaders might not have grasped his intention at first, but Wyatt planned to make this clear to all with his actions. Back on the stage when he bombed his speech, Wyatt understood what he had missed and decided to adopt the Southern Region and soon the entire Card World.

"Wyatt, what"s wrong with that girl? Why does she keep staring at me from time to time? Am I consuming too much food?" the Field Marshal asked, pointing at Cortney from the corner of her eyes while licking her figures. She was so happy today that she decided to indulge in a little gluttony. Not to mention, it had been ages since she had consumed food so it felt a lot tastier to her.

"She wants your autograph but doesn"t want to expose your ident.i.ty. It must be killing her right now," Wyatt took joy in Cortney"s misery recalling how she dismissed him when he was hungry.

"Some friend you are," the Field Marshal rolled her eyes at Wyatt and mentally informed Cortney to meet her later. After all, Cortney was the Tao Tongue, kind-hearted, and capable. it would not hurt the Field Marshal to get acquainted with the future pillar of the South early.

"Boss, if you may, we have gathered the employees who contributed the most to your various organizations in the gymnasium and would like you to meet them," Diana gathered her courage and awkwardly informed Wyatt. Knowing that the Elderly woman next to her boss was the Hero of the South in disguise, she did not know how to act.

"They still want to meet me after hearing my speech," Wyatt asked, Diana laughed awkwardly and said, "Yes, if anything the speech made you appear more human to them. Let us expect it, your achievements are too G.o.dly to whoever has heard of them. People can"t help but get overwhelmed. But seeing your naive humble side they are starting to see you for what you are a seventeen-year-old who chooses to see the best in everyone. Only someone like you will be willing to give criminals like us a second chance. I am sure the world will understand your ideology and accept it one day."

"Besides the speech wasn"t that bad, it"s just that you said it at the wrong time at the wrong place. If you had started with the silver milk powder miracle and ended it with that speech, then you would have been a huge hit," Diana added what she thought after a short pause.

"The girl makes a good point, I will ask the media people not to edit the speech out. Let the people see who you are and what you stand for. But for someone narcissistic, you are overly humble about your strength and what you are capable of, it doesn"t add up," The Field Marshal said looking at Wyatt suspiciously wondering if Wyatt was up to something.

"I know you guys are only saying that to cheer me up but I will take it," Saying that Wyatt got up to follow Diana to the meet but before leaving he turned to the Field Marshal and said, "Please help me complete all the necessary procedures to start a criminal rehabilitation and reintegration program. I want to get started as soon as possible."

"Fine," The Field Marshal nodded and agreed with Wyatt without any question. After all, she had agreed to support Wyatt"s idea of starting a criminal rehabilitation and reintegration program if she lost the wager.

As Wyatt followed Diana, he saw Clara taking Cortney and Clown Mask to her office. It seems Clara had decided it was time Cortney knew the whole truth about Clown Mask.

However, just as Wyatt was about to exit the dining hall, Bloodette stopped him saying, "I need silver milk powder and lots of it."

Wyatt looked at the kids that had followed Bloodette and said, "Bloodette, silver milk powder is were strong substance, it needs to be consumed with caution. If these kids consume it excessively they might explode from having too much silver milk powder in their system."

Diana also spoke a.s.suring Bloodette, "Blood Supreme, this orphanage is now being sponsored by Master Wyatt. So when we get enough stock of silver milk powder we will help each kid in the orphanage get their share under proper administration. So, please do not worry."

"No, we want it now. Our elder sister is going to turn sixteen in a week and she still has not awakened. She is too weak. If she leaves the orphanage she will not survive," A nine-year-old boy yelled at Diana. Wyatt recalled that the kid was Brain, one of Bloodette"s friends.

"Boy, don"t worry, if your elder sister has attended the reintegration program then she should have joined Fine Gold as a sales intern, she will be provided the necessary housing and incentives by our company to help her integrate with society," Diana patiently explained to the kids.

"My sister tried to attend the reintegration program but the staff rejected her saying she was not fit for the program," Brain revealed with rage visible in his eyes.

Wyatt was not surprised by Brain"s frustration, at least this kid was showing some emotion, the kids during his speech were emotionless like lifeless dolls. However, he did order Diana, "Check if what the boy is saying is true." Then looking at the boy he said, "Brain, what is your Elder Sister"s name?"

"Marcy, Marcy Davis."


[AN: Check out Reader"s Quest Board in the Author"s Thoughts section for ma.s.s release.]