Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 697 Happy Cooperation!

Chapter 697 Happy Cooperation!

Date- 1 April 2321

Time- 03:12

Location- Sky Blossom City, Southern Watch military base

"So, that"s how it is. Expansion and contraction of temperature soul pathways, Who would have thought? Such a simple action can explain the temperature change in the atmosphere." Said Luna as she arranged a temperature control array formation following the procedure my salve consciousness prepared. Like me, she, too, did not require a core to set up a temporary array. Instead, she used her mind as the core.

After hearing about my discovery, Luna paused all the work regarding the dungeon relocation and hurried to my cabin, requesting a personal cla.s.s on my discovery. So I read her my paper on the behavior of temperature soul pathways and explained to her the procedure that my slave consciousness came up with to efficiently arrange temperature control arrays as temporary arrays using the conventional techniques used by regular array masters.

"Remind me again how this will help us keep earning a fortune for generations to come," Anna asked. I don"t know how Ann got her up, but ever since she got here, she has been in a foul mood.

"We purchase the copyright of all the old out-of-use arrays that use the temperature soul pathway for a dirt-cheap price. Then modify them using my theory and reintroduce them in the market as the best version of themselves and better choice over their compet.i.tors." I repeated myself. I don"t know why Anna was doing this, but I left that she blamed me for what Ann did to get her sober.

"..." Anna kept nodding but never moved forward to signing the contract.

"Anna, I have already discussed terms with Wyatt. All you have to do is sign the soul contract." Ann reminded Anna that her work here would be done with a single sign. Now that the negotiations were over, Ann was back to calling me Wyatt.

"..." Anna glared at Ann menacingly. This wasn"t the first time, and from this, I have gathered that though Anna and Ann are twins, both have opposite behaviors and beliefs. Hate is a strong word to define their relationship, but they don"t get along with each other should be appropriate.

"Anna, what happened last night? Those wine weren"t strong enough to get a Card Emperor drunk. But you were wasted and pa.s.sed out after emptying a few bottles." Seeing that Anna was in a foul mood, I decided to talk about something else other than the soul contract.

"..." Hearing my question, Anna"s face turned tomato red in embarra.s.sment, and without answering me, she looked at Ann and said, "Where is the soul contract? I will sign it right away."

"I have already forwarded it to your grimoire. Sign it and forward it to Wyatt." Ann said with a neutral, but her eyes gave her away. I could see she knew why Anna got drunk and pa.s.sed out over a few bottles of low-level wine yesterday night. I was curious as to what it was but decided to wait till Anna signed the soul contract establishing a new partnership between the Southern royal family and me.

"Done. Wyatt, I have sent you the contract. Please read and sign it. I am feeling sleepy, so I will be heading back to bed." Saying that, Anna hurried out of the cabin.

"Wait…" I wanted to stop Anna, but she left in haste before I could say a word.

"Wyatt, you are curious, aren"t you. The answer is simple: Anna can"t handle her liquor. Usually, she makes use of the pa.s.sive skill card, which keeps her sober regardless of the amount of liquor she drinks. But yesterday night, she wanted to get drunk with you. Which only ended with her getting drunk, you pampering her, and feeding her. Not the night she had planned but the best dinner date she had." Ann explained Anna"s embarra.s.sment. But I didn"t know which part she was embarra.s.sed about. Is it the part where she could not handle her liquor, or is it the part where her drunk self acted like a child and ate my dinner?

"It was a one-of-a-kind experience for me too." Since Ann dubbed yesterday"s dinner as Anna"s best dinner date ever, I had no room to complain but to agree with her with a broad smile. Then I turned my attention to the soul contract forwarded to my grimoire by Anna. The terms were pretty standard. Especially the part where the southern royal family would offer me protection. Ann wanted to add a clause like the protection is only valid if I do not harm the Southern royal family interest. I had it removed because harming the interest of the southern royal family wasn"t specific and could mean anything.

Yet, Ann insisted on adding yet another clause that I cannot ally with enemies of the southern royal family. I didn"t agree with this either. Enemies of the Southern royal family could be the ant stealing the sugar from their kitchen pantry. This clause, too, wasn"t specific and gave all the power to the southern royal family regarding the termination of the soul contract.

Ann came up with more of such clauses which either gave the southern family the power to terminate the soul contract at their convenience or to control and limit my actions and whom I am friends with. No matter what, Ann"s only objective was to give the southern royal family an edge over me in the contract. When I threatened to cancel the deal, Ann backed off, and I signed the soul contract on my terms.

"Happy cooperation! You were great opponent. I felt like I had met my match." Ann extended her hand for a handshake with a broad smile, and the simple seemed genuine despite our disagreement during the negotiations. It seems she gets off on this kind of stuff. No matter the victory or loss.

"Yes, happy cooperation!" I shook Ann"s hand as I got what I wanted from the deal and more. Now I don"t have to worry about the Southern Royal family ever betraying me. Or planning to throw me away like a used bottle.

