Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 698 Field/Trap Card Creation

Chapter 698 Field/Trap Card Creation

Date- 1 April 2321

Time- 03:42

Location- Sky Blossom City, Southern Watch military base

"This is wonderful! I can use this to optimize the temperature variable in the dungeon relocation. Yeah, that way, the efficiency of the dungeon relocation model will increase by 4-6%. If I achieve that, n.o.body can stop me from being the best researcher of the year. " Luna mumbled to herself as she explored the nature of temperature soul pathways.

"Un-huh, you can"t do that." Ann reminded Luna not to do so. And Luna did not seem to mind getting credit for my discovery.

"I don"t plan on doing it the right way, nor do I plan on disclosing it to anyone. But I will get started on the math right away by the time you guys are done with whatever you are up to. I should have completed the required math to optimize the dungeon relocation model. Then I can be the first one to submit the new dungeon relocation model based on Wyatt"s nature of temperature soul pathway." According to Luna, she wasn"t taking credit for my work. She was taking credit for the math she would come up with for the dungeon relocation model based on my discovery.

Luna was right. She was giving me the due credits for my discovery, and the only thing she was guilty of was insider information. Which would give her a head start over her colleagues at the university. By the time they hear about the nature of temperature soul pathways, Luna would have already used it to create a new optimized model for dungeon relocation.

"Okay, but Luna, be careful. This information cannot leak because the family is very invested in it. A lot of money is involved here, and if people know what our family is up to, we will be making a lot of enemies before even beginning to reap the harvest. So we cannot afford any mistakes. Wyatt, the same goes for you." Ann warned Luna to be careful with her research and not let it fall into the wrong hands. Suppose the world knows what the Heatsend Royal family is trying to do before achieving its objective. Not only will the Southern Royal family lose a great chance of investment, but it will also make the entire world angry. Making the world angry wasn"t an issue if they made a fortune for it.

"Yes!" Luna nodded her head vigorously.

"Don"t worry about me. My lips are sealed. And I don"t leave a paper trail." My interest in the array formation was momentary to defend against the city array of sun blossom city and destroy the array formation covering the circle"s base in the sun blossom city. And thanks to Hive AI, I did not need a soft copy to remember my math and discovery.

"Good." Ann nodded.

"Luna, about the platinum grimoires I asked for?" I asked Luna about the platinum grimoire she promised to give me, due last afternoon.

"Here, with dungeon relocation and demon cult ambush, I never got the time to give them to you. If you hadn"t reminded me, I would have forgotten about this." Luna handed me an A-rank storage card and explained the delay.

"No worries." I took the A-rank storage trunk card and directly placed it in the cardholder without checking.

"Ann, is there a way for me to get these card ingredients in the base? If not, I will head back to the guild a.s.sociation mall." I was in need of card ingredients to create my first permanent array formation card, that is, field/trap type cards.

"Yes, forward me the list. I will have my aid get you the ingredients." Ann replied. Following her advice, I forwarded the list of ingredients to Ann. And then Ann forwarded that list to her aid"s grimoire.

"Thank you." I thanked Ann for her help.

"Don"t mention it. My aid will be here shortly with the ingredients. " Saying that Ann got comfortable in my cabin, not just Ann. Even Luna did not show signs of leaving.

"Now that the negotiation is concluded, and if there is nothing else, you guys are free to head back." Without caring for politeness, I remind Ann and Luna that if they have no business to discuss, then they are free to leave, and I will not entertain them any longer.

"Oh, sorry. We will get out of your hair." Ann and Luna left the cabin after expressing their apologies.

Once they left, I checked on Van, Old Ben, Fred, and my newly formed shadow army, The Sin Squad.

After recruiting all the selected candidates for the Sin Squad with a calamity daughter gem, they borrowed the fastest floater to the Southern Academic region from Fine Gold. According to Van, they will be reaching their destination in another 4 hours.

I didn"t have to wait long, and Ann"s aid knocked on my cabin door.

"Thank you, How much do I owe you for these ingredients?" Taking the storage card, I prepared to pay for the card ingredients.

"None. Ms. Ann has already paid for them. She said you are Southern Watch"s guest, and you should make yourself at home." Saying that the aid left without waiting for me to disagree.

"..." Shaking my head, I closed the cabin door and, equipping the storage card in one of my free item slots and began sorting the ingredients.

Permanent Array formation or also known as Field, Trap cards. In the notes given by Lorenzo. It contained various recipes for basic, intermediate, and advanced array formations, which are perfect for a beginner like me to get started with. For examples, Stealth array, Soul energy gathering array, Soul energy refining array, five sense deprivation array, Soul energy deprivation array, Purification array, etc.

I started with the stealth array and slowly climbed my way up from there. I arranged each array formation one by one because, according to Lorenzo"s notes, the best way to decipher an array formation is by knowing how to arrange it.

The concept was that when I master arranging an particular array recipe, I will automatically understand where it is lacking and how long it will last against the enemy attack. This was more like the saying practice makes you perfect.
