Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 824 Take Resposibilty For My Feelings

Chapter 824 Take Resposibilty For My Feelings

Date- 2 April 2321

Time- 23:09

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild a.s.sociation Mall, Warehouse no.234, Card Lab

"Yeah, what a sound piece of advice, as if that didn"t cross my mind. Have you ever thought I want to hold back, don"t want to rush into things, and want to explore other options? I know you are looking out for your friend but— I am going to tell you the same thing I told Anna, don"t push it, we will get there when I am ready." I sighed feeling that this conversation was tedious.

"Wait, do you mean you swing for the other team," Asong finally understood why an inexperienced virgin could resist the charm of her friend and could not help but feel sad for her friend because she fell for someone who played for the same team.

"h.e.l.l no, why the f.u.c.k would you think that?" Hearing Asong speculating about my s.e.xual orientation I denied it desperately.

"Language," Asong warned me and then added, "Didn"t you just say that you wanted to explore other options?"

"In what universe does that mean that I prefer sausages over buns. Let me be clear if I wasn"t earlier, I like big buns, in fact, the bigger and plumper the buns the better." I made it clear to Asong that I preferred buns over sausage.

"Okay, I get it. Then what did you mean by exploring other options?" asked Asong.

"Obviously, I meant I want to meet new people and experience everything life has to offer," I said without thinking but then immediately closed my mouth feeling Asong"s glare.

"Why would you see other people when you have Anna?" said Asong while cussing in heart, "All men are dogs."

"What do you mean by I have Anna?" I didn"t dare to talk further as I knew in the heat of the moment I had stepped on a land mine, the only way to make it out of here alive was to patiently disarm it.

"I mean… she loves you at the least you could give her a shot and take responsibility for her feelings." Asong was caught off guard but she skillfully handled it.

"How does that work exactly?" what Asong said felt funny to me, a guy has to give a girl a fair shot just because she loves him, based on what logic?

"If not, don"t tell me you will heartlessly break a maiden"s heart," Asong argued but her argument started to sound weaker the more she spoke.

"Madam Asong, are you married, or perhaps you in a relationship with somebody?," Asong was a politician, not a love guru. Her take on love was too naive and self-centered. She was not fit to lecture anyone about relationships or love for that matter.

"No, I was too busy with work and never got the chance." Sighed Asong, because her work life wasn"t the only reason for her lonely love life but her health conditions too, the movement she knew about her health, she shut the door on her love life and gave her undivided attention to her work life.

"I see," I said giving Asong a meaningful look before adding, "What if I were to say I like you and would like to go out with you."

"..." Hearing my words Asong grew speechless, her brain was having a hard time processing what she just heard. For half of her life, she was a mortal so she spent it proving to others that she was no less than any other card apprentice out there, so she never had the time to explore the romantic part of her life. But Asong would be lying if she said that she never wondered what could have been. Therefore when she heard the teenager in front of her asking her out, it took her a while to get hold of herself before she said, "You must be joking."

"Am I? Why don"t we find out on a date? Are you up for that? I heard the mountains in the northern region are beautiful this time of year and the best places for a couples retreat." I said looking into Asong"s uncertain eyes.

"I know you are messing with me. I am not interset." Asong obviously rejected me. I was expecting that otherwise, I wouldn"t dare to play with this fire.

"Why? What"s holding you back? You know you got to meet me in the middle for this relationship to work." I said with a sad face as if I was really hurt by Asong"s rejection.

"O-okay, I give up, alright. Stop it this instant." Asong ordered me to stop playing, but how could, I have just begun.

"How can say that? Is it because you don"t trust me enough? How will you know if you don"t try it? Let us get together, if it doesn"t work out between us we can move on like adults. After all, that is how a mature relationship works." I said while getting close to Asong, seeing my advance Asong got up from the futon and want to go for the exit but it was behind me so she could only move backward until she was backed up against the wall. Then I stopped not wanting to alert Asong"s 10 demiG.o.d bodyguards who would not think twice to kill me for Asong"s safety.

"..." For some reason, Asong would not backway in face of the card emperors, and demiG.o.ds but right now she could not maintain her calm in front of a teenager. She felt her cheeks heating up and tried hard not to get her face flushed, and tried to reason with the boy saying, "Wyatt, I don"t know if you are being genuine or not, but listen to me I am not in a place to accept your feelings and I am not interested. You should find someone who will like you instead of wasting time obsessing over me."

"How could you break my heart so heartlessly? you should take responsibility for my feelings." I demanded.

"..." Asong went quiet hearing the familiar lines spoken by the teenager.
