Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 825 Messing With Asong

Chapter 825 Messing With Asong

Date- 2 April 2321

Time- 23:23

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild a.s.sociation Mall, Warehouse no.234, Card Lab

Asong finally understood what the teenager was getting at. She never thought she would be schooled about romantic feelings by somebody one day not to mention a teenager no less. Turns out she was too naive when it comes to romantic feelings and still had a lot to learn about love.

Now Asong felt embarra.s.sed for trying to force her friend"s love interest to take responsibility for her friend"s feelings when she had no experience in this part of life. Then she remembered a wise saying, "If you don"t know, then shut up." Right now she regretted meddling in something she had very little knowledge of. Understanding where she went wrong, Asong looked at the teenager, standing a foot away from her, and apologized, " I am sorry, It was not my place to tell you what to do."

I nodded hearing Asong apologize. I could see she was being genuine it seems my word got through to her. And to mess with her a little I moved my face closer to her ears and said, "You know I wasn"t lying when I said I was into you, I really am and I would always prefer mature over the rest. So, what are your thoughts about a couples retreat in the mountains of the northern region?"

Seeing the boy move his lips closer to her ears Asong panicked but soon she froze hearing what he had to say. His words made her heart start beating like a drumroll and her mind went into overdrive trying to process the numerous thoughts that crossed her mind right at that instant. As result she was speechless and was unable to answer the boy"s question, "..."

"I will take your silence as a yes and go ahead with the bookings. Don"t worry, Anna doesn"t hav—" Awakened by my words Asong frantically tried to deny, "No, No …. No, I don"t agree. I cannot do this Anna."

"So, if Anna is out of the picture will you agree?" I asked Asong with my eyebrows raised.

"No, I didn"t mean it that way… I would never say that—" Seeing Asong grow more frenetic I decided to call it quits before all this ends up as a huge misunderstanding and blows up in my face, "Calm down Asong, I was just messing with you."

Hearing my words Asong who was overwhelmed earlier look at me in disbelief, it didn"t take long for that look to turn fierce, and yell, "Y-you, how dare you trick me?" And she started hitting me with her small fists. Asong was too weak and added to my viltronian physique I felt nothing.

Ignoring Asong"s weak fists I said, "I wasn"t lying when I said I preferred mature women,"

Hearing my words Asongs fists grew more aggressive and she yelled, "You still dare to make fun of me."

Shaking my head I grabbed Asong"s fists by her wrists and said, "Asong, stop. Otherwise, your bodyguards will kill me over a misunderstanding."

Unable to free her hands Asong glared at me and said, "Good, they should, that way I can relieve a quarter of the anger I am feeling right now."

"Asong, don"t even joke about it, they might really kill me," I said looking towards the ceiling. Asong then preferring to me addressing her directly with no honorifics added, "Wyatt, isn"t your tongue taking too much liberty with me."

"I believe now we are at the point where we can skip honorifics while addressing each other, don"t you think so too?" I said being cheeky.

"What gave you that idea and when do you plan to let go of hands?" Asong asked struggling to free her wrists.

"Never but since you are asking I will let them go for now." saying that I let go of Asong"s wrists.

"You know I can sentence you for life for hara.s.sing a government official." rubbing her wrists Asong joked.

"I protest, "Hara.s.sing a government official" will not do justice to your beauty and my street cred, how about you change it to "hara.s.sing a beautiful government official" as whenever anyone hears the word government official a middle-aged bear-bellied blad dude comes to their mind," I said with a straight face.

"You and what street cred? You look like a geek who would take his fat cousin to his prom." Asong mocked me implying that I could not get a date.

"Says you, who almost betrayed her friend for this young man," I said pointing my thumbs towards me while referring to my episode with Asong earlier.

"Don"t remind me of that or else I will charge you with a crime," Asong warned as she rolled her eyes.

"Good, go ahead and charge me for falling for the wrong woman," I said in satire. Turning the earlier episode between Asong and me into an inside joke between us.

"You are still at that. Wyatt, stop it before I get angry," Asong yelled while dodging me and returning to her futon. I too felt enough and then decided to stop and return to sorting out the ingredients before this conversion could take a grave turn. After all, Anna was right in the next room, making it a perfect recipe for a disaster

"..." Looking at her friend"s love interest"s surprisingly broad shoulders for his age, Asong had a feeling that she could see why Anna fell hard for this guy.

At first, Asong only had a good impression of the boy for his skills other than that she was curious as to why her domineering friend would fall head over heels for him? It made no sense. But then he slowly started to grow on her. Soon without her realizing she began to think her life would not be so dull if she had such a person in her life. Thinking of this her cheeks felt warm and she couldn"t help but condemn herself for what she was thinking, forget the age gap between them, he was her friend"s crush.
