Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 183: Office s.p.a.ce

Chapter 183: Office s.p.a.ce

Date- 26 Mar 2321

Time- 8:52

Location- Sky Blossom City, Prestige Cafe

“Nonsense! He is too young for me but if he were 10 years older I would consider it.” Susan exclaimed but she did not deny that thought did not cross her mind, “I’m sorry Corey but there’s no way I will quit as Wyatt’s manager.”

“I see, but what if he doesn’t want you as his manager anymore?” A dangerous glint flashed in Corey’s eyes.

“If he doesn’t want me as his manager I guess I will have to quit.” Susan’s eyes didn’t miss the dangerous glint that flashed in Corey’s eyes therefore she continued, “Corey, I hope you don’t do something stupid because I won’t forgive you this time around even if your intentions are well-meant.”

“Big Sis, don’t worry I won’t” Corey said that but there was a grim look hidden deep in her eyes. She was not angry at Susan for warning her but she blamed Wyatt for coming between her and her mama.

“Excuse me.” Excusing herself, Susan summoned her grimoire as she received a message for Wyatt containing the list of ingredients for Ronnie’s origin card. Going through the list Susan placed an order and asked the ingredients to be delivered to warehouse no.234.

“Who was it? Corey asked curiously for Susan to stop enjoying the luxurious breakfast and answer the grimoire it must have been important.

” Wyatt, he sent a list of ingredients required for Ronnie’s origin card.” Answered Susan and returned to enjoying her breakfast.

“He did, didn’t he” said Corey grudgingly. Her anger towards Wyatt increased by another fold. Susan was enjoying her breakfast and failed to notice the wrath in Corey’s as she talked about Wyatt.

“The food was so good but it cost almost what I used to make for a year as an a.s.sociate saleswoman.” Commented Susan as she and Corey walked back to the warehouse.

“It should be after all the milk used in the tea was extracted from the C-rank monster Rambull. Its milk is good for bones.” Corey justified the cost of the Breakfast they had earlier.

“No wonder the tea was so rich and creamy in taste.” Susan was not surprised, because if the cafe used low-rank monster milk then they would not have the current hype.

“Big Sis, I have a favour to ask.” Now that Corey had quit the job she had no purpose in going to the warehouse but she wanted to spend more time with Susan. She knew Susan was very diligent so she would not agree to hang out with her during work hours. Therefore she decided to trick Susan into hanging out with her.

“Yes, what is it?” Corey never asked a thing of her so Susan accepted without much thought when Corey suddenly asked for a favour.

“You know I am going to start my startup for which I need an office s.p.a.ce. I have contacted a realtor for that purpose and I am supposed to meet her in few minutes. I was thinking if you could help me pick a good office s.p.a.ce because I am new to this and do not know what to look for.” Corey explained. There was no realtor or appointment with one, Corey made that up and she was regretting not coming up with a better lie.

“Is that it? Wyatt has already asked to close the online shop till 29th so there will be no customer visiting anytime soon. I am basically free till then. Okay, then I will accompany you.” Susan wanted to help her friend but she did not know the schemes her friend was hatching to separate her from Wyatt.

“Big Sis, you are the best!” Corey secretly used her grimoire to send her Uncle Oliver’s Clark John a message explaining her current predicament and to make appropriate arrangements for her sham to work.

“What kind of start-up are you planning to start anyway?” Susan was already preparing for their appointment with the realtor.

“Does it matter?” Asked Puzzled Corey.

“Of course it does!”

“Well, I am opening a Card studio.” Replied Corey searching the back of her head.

“Are you a card creationist too or Is it because of Wyatt?” Susan felt an abnormality in Corey’s words but she decided to trust her.

“It does not have anything to do with that b.a.s.t.a.r.d! I am adept in card creation. The day I became a card apprentice my grandma sent many tutors to teach me card creation! For your information, I created my origin card though I had a little help.” Corey explained trying to prove that her startup had nothing to do with her anger towards Wyatt.

Date- 26 Mar 2321

Time- 11:01

Location- Sky Blossom City, a.s.sociation Guild Mall

“None of the office s.p.a.ces were to my liking. Will I ever be able to find a good office s.p.a.ce!” Corey sighed exaggeratedly.

“Yes, you will. These things take time.” Susan tried to comfort Corey. But she blamed Corey for being too picky. The realtor showed 6 different office s.p.a.ces all of them were high end and luxurious, but Corey always managed to find a flaw in them. Sometimes Susan even felt as if Corey was looking for a fault on purpose.

“I wanted to set up my online shop today but for registration, I need a local address. If only I had a temporary address to set up my online shop.” Corey dragged her words as if hinting at Susan towards something.

“Fine. Corey, do you want to use the warehouse until you find a suitable office s.p.a.ce.” Susan knew what Corey was trying to hint at but she could not decide without asking Wyatt for permission. But finally caved because she also did not want to part with Corey. She can only beg for forgiveness from Wyatt later.

“You are a lifesaver, Big Sis. Come let’s head to the warehouse could you also help me set up an online shop.” Seeing Susan cave Corey became enthusiastic.

“It’s only temporary, you have to find your office soon okay” said Susan
