Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 396: Intentions

Chapter 396: Intentions

Date- 28 Mar 2321

Time- 10:29

Location- Southern Capitol region, SS-rank Gate dungeon Storm Horse Gra.s.sland

‘Mortal alchemy’ Is that what these people call engineering in this card universe? And what do you mean by there are flaws in the way I used the Earth Wind and Fire formation to combine the three beast mecha? I agree my knowledge about formation arrays is near to none, but I used my soul pupils to arrange the soul pathways of the formation in all three cards. So there can be no flaws. If there are any flaws, they must have been in the three Earth Wind and Fire formation cards I used as card ingredients to create the beast mech cards.

“Old man, what are you getting at?” If a sly old fox like Lorenzo is praising my work, then he has to be working an angle.

“All I am trying to tell you is that in the card creationist society, you are an unpolished diamond. With proper guidance and teachings, you may someday become a real rare diamond.” Old Lorenzo was indeed working an angle to accept the rude boy in front of as his disciple.

Lorenzo did not have a habit of picking up talents and nurturing them. This was a special case where Lorenzo was willing to make an exception considering the circ.u.mstance and future gains. After all, the boy in question was an exceptional card creation talent born once a millennium. And whether the boy accepts it or not, by forming a lifelong soul contract with the princess of the Heatsend Royal Family, he has become a part of the Royal family. Though currently, he is the cancerous part mooching off the Royal family’s generosity with proper guidance and discipline in time, he can be turned into a pillar that carries the future generation of the Heatsend Royal Family.

Since the Heatsend Royal family is basically babysitting him by providing him protection and earning him wealth, they might as well nurture him into something that they could reap profits off. Lorenzo had this plan in mind long since he proposed to p.r.o.nounce the boy dead to the world and hide for the rest of his life as he slaves off for the royal family. But the boy saw through his plan from miles away. He is too bright and sharp. Treating him like any other teenager with raging hormones would not be a mistake. Therefore this time, Lorenzo decided to handle the matter smoothly and not come out as too strong.

“Isn’t that the reason why I am planning to attend the top 10 universities?” Could see Lorenzo had something planned in his mind, and he was slowly building to it. I decided to act ignorant and string him along. Let’s see where it heads. If his proposal is profitable to me, I would not mind hearing him out. But considering it was Lorenzo, I did not count on it.

“Top 10 universities? That place is filled with talents. And the compet.i.tion there is very high. Someone like you with a shallow background would not be able to handle the pressure and stress. Not to mention other influences. You will not know what hit you and be disposed of in a day.” Yep, old Lorenzo was up to something. He doesn’t seem to be the type who would waste so many words and saliva caring for others.

“Whatever, man. You don’t know me. Who are you to judge me?” Yep, let’s reel the old fool in deeper. Old Lorenzo, I thought by now you would have learned that you cannot underestimate me because of my physical age.

“Boy, I know you. At that age, I was you. I was an orphan and grew up in a slum. My talent was too big for my humble background to handle. If not for his majesty(Anna’s grandfather) helping me, I could never achieve what I have achieved or become the man I am today.” Lorenzo reduced me and started to share his story. I did not know if what Lorenzo shared with me was true or not. But I knew he was trying to establish something common and relatable to me. This way, I would open up to him and give a serious thought to whatever he was planning to say next.

“What does it have with me? Old man, get to the point. Or else I will be taking my leave.” Seeing Lorenzo get serious, I no longer planned to play with him. Because if his intentions were genuine and authentic, then me playing with them could train the relationship between the two of us.

“All I am trying to say is that you have great potential and more extraordinary talent. All you need is somebody to teach you the ropes of card creation, and you can become like me or even better.” Seeing me impatient, Lorenzo becomes more evident about his intentions, but he would not come right out. Without adequately justifying that what he is proposing to me is for my good.

“I already told you I am planning to attend one of the top 10 universities. And I bet I will become way better than you. That’s a fact.” This sly fox wanted me to do his job for him. This way, he could shake his shoulders, saying it was my Idea. There is no way in h.e.l.l I am doing that. If he wants to be my teacher, he must say it himself. If he has any fantasies about me begging him to be my teacher, he can forget about it. Not happening, period.

“Boy, don’t you get it. Keeping the political drama in the top 10 universities, hundreds and thousands of talents attend the universities. And each University has limited faculty and resources. With so many skilled and talented students to focus on, the University can not be partial and will not be able to give you the attention you deserve for your talent. Although it is totally a different thing if you have a deep background.” Seeing me revolve around the same point, again and again, Lorenzo frustratedly pointed out to me that the top 10 universities may not be the best choice for somebody with so much potential and talent as me.
