Carefree Path Of Dreams

Chapter 429

Chapter 429
Chapter 429: Half Plane
Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

"Charlie, don"t make mistakes after mistakes!"

The Armageddon Horned Wolf Amun was currently transformed and was extremely ferocious . With a swipe of his claws, a large group of mutant soldiers and elites from Black Man Society and White Pigeon Society were thrown back .

"Give up now!"

"It"s too late . . . "

Charlie"s mouth just started moving and before he could speak, Sauron laughed and replied, "Can you see the screen in the centre? The Demon Weapon has already fully matured, she"s about to wake up!"

"Sauron, you deserve to die!"

Amun roared . Suddenly, it was as though he leapt through s.p.a.cetime and arrived on the metal platform . The giant wolf then opened his mouth, "Twisted Devour!"

"Hruuu! Hruuuuu!"

A twisted black hole appeared and absorbed everything in an instant .

The commanders of the military, even Professor X, immediately disappeared without a sound . The metal platform disappeared too .

"Distorted s.p.a.ce?"


At this moment, a ball of darkness appeared . From it, Sauron and Charlie walked out with an excited look on their faces, "Unfortunately, your s.p.a.ce cannot devour my darkness . . . and Charlie"s light!"

Compared to Lorita"s mastery of the shadows, Black Man Society"s leader Sauron"s special ability was different . His special ability was to manipulate the power of darkness!

"No . . . "

Charlie was radiating a milky-white coloured holy light . However, his expression was very conflicted, "Amun"s special ability can completely devour light . . . it"s just that you chose not to fight me . Amun, at this stage now, you are still a peacemaker!"

"I guarantee you, after the Demon Weapon is activated this time to suppress that Lei, we will immediately archive all data . . . "

Charlie was doing his last ditch of effort to convince Amun, "Sauron promised me . . . "

"Hehe . . . the last time, I promised you . But now, it"s impossible!"

Sauron gave a mirthless laughter, "After the death of one four-star general, two lieutenant generals, six major generals and a brainy professor, Amun is now a public enemy of the Federation! Furthermore, he has displayed to the world what a mutant"s fighting power would be like if it goes crazy! What do you think those higher authorities in the Federation will do regarding such an uncontrollable factor of mutants?"

Such a crazed subordinate definitely had to be killed as soon as possible .

If their power was not strong enough, they could make up for it with the Demon Weapon .

Furthermore, even if they knew doing such was like drinking poison to quench thirst which spared no thoughts about the consequences, they had to do it .

"Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!"

Suddenly, bright red warning lights were lit up throughout the entire laboratory .

"Level X danger factor detected, annihilating it at all cost!"

A clear robotic voice resonated throughout the laboratory . Seconds later, numerous traps and cages were set free and horrifying experimental bodies were released .


The ceilings opened up and revealed hundreds of guns, flamethrowers, bullets, poisons, flames, lightning . . . All of those items dropped down at once, it was like an attack .

"This is the base"s intelligence system, Queen Bee! It has already marked us as enemies, it is even recording us and relaying it to the president of the Federation . . . "

A shroud of darkness appeared around Sauron which began to envelop and devour everything around it .

"What the… . . . "

Charlie hollered, "Sauron, can"t you shut down it?"

"I have no way of shutting it down too . . . only the generals and the brainy professor could do it . . . Your little doggy subordinate had already eaten up all of them . . . "

Sauron shrugged his shoulder with a nonchalant and powerless expression .

Charlie was suddenly horrified and shocked, "Your real motive is just to release the Demon Weapon . . . you treat her as the same species!"

"That"s right!"

Sauron looked at the screen in the laboratory with burning pa.s.sion and continued, "Just Black Man Society"s powers alone are not enough to build a country of mutants! But, as long as we have her, the power of a 4th Tier Mutant, we will definitely succeed!"

"You"re insane!"

Charlie looked at Sauron, it was as though he longer recognised this old friend of his, "You are totally out of your mind! You are just a complete lunatic!"

"No, I"m just preparing to grant her freedom . . . just that!"

Sauron guffawed and opened his arms, "Awaken . . . my darling!"


Darkness spread, engulfed and broke the surrounding walls . Under the intense tremors, spider web looking cracks formed on the tank the Demon Weapon was in .


Amun was no longer attacking . With his strong body, he stood in the epicentre and shouted, "Let"s join hands and stop this mistake!"

"At this stage, you still accept me as your leader?"

Charlie was slightly touched and shook his head . He then calmly a.n.a.lysed, "There"s no use, once the Demon Weapon awakens, she can most likely breakthrough to the 4th Tier . Just leave me and Sauron here will do, you and Lorita leave immediately! Don"t ever come back . . . Also, contact the higher authorities of the Federation, if the Demon Weapon really loses control and Sauron and I cannot control her, immediately launch the nuclear bombs and obliterate here . . . "

"This . . . "

The giant wolf"s brain was slightly dazed .

This place was a large reservoir, if it was bombed, half the Federation would be affected as the rivers overflowed and flooded . The damages and losses would be astounding .

"Compared to the destruction of the Federation, I believe those higher authorities would make the right choice . "

Charlie gave a slight smile and did not care about what Amun was going to reply anymore . A white coloured holy light swept the giant wolf and Lorita into it and they disappeared in an instant .

"Well, my old friend!"

Three pairs of pristine white wings grew out from Charlie"s back and he turned into a holy and angelic birdman, "I hope your risky endeavours does not fail, else we have to bear unimaginable consequences!"

"Rest a.s.sured!"

With burning pa.s.sion, Sauron went forward to the tank and reached out his both arms, "She is so perfect, isn"t it?"

"I just hope all you did would not turn into utter mistakes!"

Charlie had a cold expression on his face . As he went closer to observe, he could not help but to feel despondent .

Even he had to admit that this Demon Weapon girl was absolutely perfect, it was simply like a marvellous creation of G.o.d .

Moments later .

The tempered gla.s.s broke and large amounts of cultivation fluid flowed out .

Inside the tank, the girl who was originally asleep suddenly opened her eyes!

. . .

"Heh . . . after all, they are the Federation"s scientist, they only know it is like that but they do not know why it is like that . . . "

Above Flor Reservoir, Fang Yuan closed his eyes and a smile appeared on his face, "They only discovered the node and thus, built a laboratory nearby to make use of the energy vapourised near it . But, they didn"t know how to truly utilise it, they are really blind . . . Of course, if they weren"t like this, I wouldn"t have the opportunity . "

"Hey bro, can you help us take a photo!"

"Okay! One, two, three . . . say cheese!"

Fang Yuan pressed the shutter and photographed this person and a black lady . He then returned the camera and advised, "If I were you, I would leave immediately because there"s a horrifying calamity about to happen here!"

"Calamity? Are you a wizard? Or a fortune teller?"

The black guy laughed exaggeratedly, "Or is it some newly mutated mutant . . . eh, all the movies are showing such nowadays!"

Since they met by chance, Fang Yuan casually gave them an advice .

Fang Yuan took out his golden sceptre and plucked out its large gem . He then threw it forward into the reservoir .


The blue gemstone landed in the waters and formed a white coloured ripple wave immediately .

"Hey . . . bro, are you alright?"

The black guy was a bit shocked . After all, the golden sceptre looked really alluring, especially with that large gemstone which appeared really expensive .

"Glub! Glub!"

Suddenly, a whirlpool appeared at where the gemstone landed and it was becoming bigger and bigger .

Fang Yuan smiled and jumped into it .

"Oh my!"

"There"s someone suiciding!"

"G.o.d, quick, call the police and ambulance!"

A commotion erupted above the reservoir and the black guy"s expression changed as he thought of something, "Jenny . . . I just remembered something, we forgot to turn off our newly bought bread machine! Let"s go back home quickly!"

He did not care about his girlfriend"s shock and carried her and ran to the sh.o.r.e immediately .


The waters were raging .

Flor Reservoir was the largest reservoir in the Federation, it was extremely deep .

As Fang Yuan went deeper and deeper, a strange feeling began to grow in Fang Yuan"s heart, "Indeed . . . s.p.a.ce is folded, a half plane?"

The location of that node was both inside the reservoir and not inside the reservoir . It had opened a half plane similar to the hollows in Da Qian .

Hence, it was no wonder why scientists could not confirm its location after looking for it for ten years . Therefore, they could only build a laboratory at the bottom of the reservoir to indirectly make use of the highly condensed spiritual energy leaked and vapourised from the node .

"The gemstone is a key, but the most important thing is to rely on my own strength to push open the doors!"

Fang Yuan dove deeper quickly and saw an unreal looking door that had a blue glow s.h.i.+ning from it .

The style of the door was very antiquated . It seemed as though it had only appeared after it was drawn out by the glow of the gemstone . Also, it had a strange property, it could only be seen by the eye and could not be detected by any instruments .

"It"s becoming more and more interesting . . . Open!"

Fang Yuan"s eyes sparkled and he viciously released a wave of force . Accompanied by spiritual energy, it landed on the door .


Lights flashed and after Fang Yuan reappeared, the surroundings had already completely changed .

"Eh . . . a half plane after all . It"s so small, it"s not even comparable to Golden Sun Prosperous Land . . . "

Fang Yuan observed this half plane that was like a void bubble .

Large amounts of currents gathered and formed the most perfect and purest spiritual force fluid . The concentration of spiritual energy reached its peak here and even formed a spiritual fog .

The entire half plane was like a small island on a pond, its land was very small .

Also, a grand and magnificent building occupied more than half of the area .

"A prehistoric civilisation?"

Fang Yuan looked at the decrepit marble palace and a few skeletons on the sides and thought silently .

The upper half of these skeletons was human while the bottom half was fish . It was exactly the same as the mermaids from the legends .

"The products of the advent of the Spiritual King Comet in the last millennium? Or even the last last millennium?"

Chapter 429 Half PlaneTranslator Sparrow Translations Editor Sparrow Translations Charlie, don t make mistakes after mistakes The Armageddon Horned Wolf Amun was currently transformed and was extremely ferocious . With a swipe of his claws, a large group of mutant soldiers and elites from Black Man Society and White Pigeon Society were thrown back . Give up now It s too late . . . Charlie s mouth just started moving and before he could speak, Sauron laughed and replied, Can you see the screen in the centre The Demon Weapon has already fully matured, she s about to wake up Sauron, you deserve to die Amun roared . Suddenly, it was as though he leapt through s.p.a.cetime and arrived on the metal platform . The giant wolf then opened his mouth, Twisted Devour Hruuu Hruuuuu A twisted black hole appeared and absorbed everything in an instant . The commanders of the military, even Professor X, immediately disappeared without a sound . The metal platform disappeared too . Distorted s.p.a.ce Woosh At this moment, a ball of darkness appeared . From it, Sauron and Charlie walked out with an excited look on their faces, Unfortunately, your s.p.a.ce cannot devour my darkness . . . and Charlie s light Compared to Lorita s mastery of the shadows, Black Man Society s leader Sauron s special ability was different . His special ability was to manipulate the power of darkness No . . . Charlie was radiating a milky white coloured holy light . However, his expression was very conflicted, Amun s special ability can completely devour light . . . it s just that you chose not to fight me . Amun, at this stage now, you are still a peacemaker I guarantee you, after the Demon Weapon is activated this time to suppress that Lei, we will immediately archive all data . . . Charlie was doing his last ditch of effort to convince Amun, Sauron promised me . . . Hehe . . . the last time, I promised you . But now, it s impossible Sauron gave a mirthless laughter, After the death of one four star general, two lieutenant generals, six major generals and a brainy professor, Amun is now a public enemy of the Federation Furthermore, he has displayed to the world what a mutant s fighting power would be like if it goes crazy What do you think those higher authorities in the Federation will do regarding such an uncontrollable factor of mutants Such a crazed subordinate definitely had to be killed as soon as possible . If their power was not strong enough, they could make up for it with the Demon Weapon . Furthermore, even if they knew doing such was like drinking poison to quench thirst which spared no thoughts about the consequences, they had to do it . Beep Beep Beep Beep Suddenly, bright red warning lights were lit up throughout the entire laboratory . Level X danger factor detected, annihilating it at all cost A clear robotic voice resonated throughout the laboratory . Seconds later, numerous traps and cages were set free and horrifying experimental bodies were released . Beep The ceilings opened up and revealed hundreds of guns, flamethrowers, bullets, poisons, flames, lightning . . . All of those items dropped down at once, it was like an attack . This is the base s intelligence system, Queen Bee It has already marked us as enemies, it is even recording us and relaying it to the president of the Federation . . . A shroud of darkness appeared around Sauron which began to envelop and devour everything around it . What the . . . Charlie hollered, Sauron, can t you shut down it I have no way of shutting it down too . . . only the generals and the brainy professor could do it . . . Your little doggy subordinate had already eaten up all of them . . . Sauron shrugged his shoulder with a nonchalant and powerless expression . Charlie was suddenly horrified and shocked, Your real motive is just to release the Demon Weapon . . . you treat her as the same species That s right Sauron looked at the screen in the laboratory with burning pa.s.sion and continued, Just Black Man Society s powers alone are not enough to build a country of mutants But, as long as we have her, the power of a 4th Tier Mutant, we will definitely succeed You re insane Charlie looked at Sauron, it was as though he longer recognised this old friend of his, You are totally out of your mind You are just a complete lunatic No, I m just preparing to grant her freedom . . . just that Sauron guffawed and opened his arms, Awaken . . . my darling Rumble Darkness spread, engulfed and broke the surrounding walls . Under the intense tremors, spider web looking cracks formed on the tank the Demon Weapon was in . Leader Amun was no longer attacking . With his strong body, he stood in the epicentre and shouted, Let s join hands and stop this mistake At this stage, you still accept me as your leader Charlie was slightly touched and shook his head . He then calmly a.n.a.lysed, There s no use, once the Demon Weapon awakens, she can most likely breakthrough to the 4th Tier . Just leave me and Sauron here will do, you and Lorita leave immediately Don t ever come back . . . Also, contact the higher authorities of the Federation, if the Demon Weapon really loses control and Sauron and I cannot control her, immediately launch the nuclear bombs and obliterate here . . . This . . . The giant wolf s brain was slightly dazed . This place was a large reservoir, if it was bombed, half the Federation would be affected as the rivers overflowed and flooded . The damages and losses would be astounding . Compared to the destruction of the Federation, I believe those higher authorities would make the right choice . Charlie gave a slight smile and did not care about what Amun was going to reply anymore . A white coloured holy light swept the giant wolf and Lorita into it and they disappeared in an instant . Well, my old friend Three pairs of pristine white wings grew out from Charlie s back and he turned into a holy and angelic birdman, I hope your risky endeavours does not fail, else we have to bear unimaginable consequences Rest a.s.sured With burning pa.s.sion, Sauron went forward to the tank and reached out his both arms, She is so perfect, isn t it I just hope all you did would not turn into utter mistakes Charlie had a cold expression on his face . As he went closer to observe, he could not help but to feel despondent . Even he had to admit that this Demon Weapon girl was absolutely perfect, it was simply like a marvellous creation of G.o.d . Moments later . The tempered gla.s.s broke and large amounts of cultivation fluid flowed out . Inside the tank, the girl who was originally asleep suddenly opened her eyes . . . Heh . . . after all, they are the Federation s scientist, they only know it is like that but they do not know why it is like that . . . Above Flor Reservoir, Fang Yuan closed his eyes and a smile appeared on his face, They only discovered the node and thus, built a laboratory nearby to make use of the energy vapourised near it . But, they didn t know how to truly utilise it, they are really blind . . . Of course, if they weren t like this, I wouldn t have the opportunity . Hey bro, can you help us take a photo Okay One, two, three . . . say cheese Fang Yuan pressed the shutter and photographed this person and a black lady . He then returned the camera and advised, If I were you, I would leave immediately because there s a horrifying calamity about to happen here Calamity Are you a wizard Or a fortune teller The black guy laughed exaggeratedly, Or is it some newly mutated mutant . . . eh, all the movies are showing such nowadays Since they met by chance, Fang Yuan casually gave them an advice . Fang Yuan took out his golden sceptre and plucked out its large gem . He then threw it forward into the reservoir . Ploop The blue gemstone landed in the waters and formed a white coloured ripple wave immediately . Hey . . . bro, are you alright The black guy was a bit shocked . After all, the golden sceptre looked really alluring, especially with that large gemstone which appeared really expensive . Glub Glub Suddenly, a whirlpool appeared at where the gemstone landed and it was becoming bigger and bigger . Fang Yuan smiled and jumped into it . Oh my There s someone suiciding G.o.d, quick, call the police and ambulance A commotion erupted above the reservoir and the black guy s expression changed as he thought of something, Jenny . . . I just remembered something, we forgot to turn off our newly bought bread machine Let s go back home quickly He did not care about his girlfriend s shock and carried her and ran to the sh.o.r.e immediately . Swoosh The waters were raging . Flor Reservoir was the largest reservoir in the Federation, it was extremely deep . As Fang Yuan went deeper and deeper, a strange feeling began to grow in Fang Yuan s heart, Indeed . . . s.p.a.ce is folded, a half plane The location of that node was both inside the reservoir and not inside the reservoir . It had opened a half plane similar to the hollows in Da Qian . Hence, it was no wonder why scientists could not confirm its location after looking for it for ten years . Therefore, they could only build a laboratory at the bottom of the reservoir to indirectly make use of the highly condensed spiritual energy leaked and vapourised from the node . The gemstone is a key, but the most important thing is to rely on my own strength to push open the doors Fang Yuan dove deeper quickly and saw an unreal looking door that had a blue glow s.h.i.+ning from it . The style of the door was very antiquated . It seemed as though it had only appeared after it was drawn out by the glow of the gemstone . Also, it had a strange property, it could only be seen by the eye and could not be detected by any instruments . It s becoming more and more interesting . . . Open Fang Yuan s eyes sparkled and he viciously released a wave of force . Accompanied by spiritual energy, it landed on the door . Woong Lights flashed and after Fang Yuan reappeared, the surroundings had already completely changed . Eh . . . a half plane after all . It s so small, it s not even comparable to Golden Sun Prosperous Land . . . Fang Yuan observed this half plane that was like a void bubble . Large amounts of currents gathered and formed the most perfect and purest spiritual force fluid . The concentration of spiritual energy reached its peak here and even formed a spiritual fog . The entire half plane was like a small island on a pond, its land was very small . Also, a grand and magnificent building occupied more than half of the area . A prehistoric civilisation Fang Yuan looked at the decrepit marble palace and a few skeletons on the sides and thought silently . The upper half of these skeletons was human while the bottom half was fish . It was exactly the same as the mermaids from the legends . The products of the advent of the Spiritual King Comet in the last millennium Or even the last last millennium