Cloud City Cook-Book

Chapter 4


One cup, one egg, b.u.t.ter size of an egg, three cups of flour, one-fourth teaspoon cloves, one-half teaspoon ginger and one of soda. Beat, egg, b.u.t.ter and part of flour together; pour a cup of boiling water on soda, add it to mixture, then remainder of flour, beating thoroughly.--Mrs. O. H. Simons.


One cup b.u.t.ter, two cups sugar, one cup sweet cream. Melt the sugar and pour over the b.u.t.ter. Stir while it melts. After it is cold, cream it and stir in the sweet cream; after putting in the cream and mixing thoroughly, add an even teaspoon of soda. Beat three eggs, yolks and whites together, and put in, but do not mix until you have added some flour. Mix them as soft as possible, taking them up from the table with a knife. The less flour the better. Use extra C sugar; you cannot use granulated sugar.--Mrs. S. J. Hanna.


The whites of eleven eggs beaten to a stiff froth, a tumbler and a half each of flour and pulverized sugar. Sift the sugar and flour twice, adding a teaspoon of cream tartar, and a little salt. Stir lightly, flavor to taste. Bake twenty-five minutes. Do not grease the pan.--Mrs. C. E. Dodge.


One-half large teacup sugar, one teacup flour, three eggs, two tablespoons milk, one heaping teaspoon baking powder, one teaspoon essence of lemon. Stir all well together.--Mrs. H. D. Leonard.


Three cups sugar, two of b.u.t.ter, three eggs well beaten, one teaspoon soda. Flour sufficient to roll out.--Mrs. A. J. Lampshire.


Six eggs, one large cup of sugar, one-half cup b.u.t.ter, one-half cup sweet milk, one pound of English walnuts rolled fine, one tablespoon of baking powder, and flour to thicken. Flavor with extract of strawberry, and bake in a flat pan.

COOKED FROSTING--The whites of three eggs beaten stiff, and one cup of granulated sugar. Put sugar in a pan and cover with water, let it cook until it will hair from the end of a fork. Stir the beaten eggs with this until perfectly cold; it will then be thick enough to spread on cake.--Mrs. W. L. Scott.


Two cups sugar, three-fourths cup b.u.t.ter, one and a half cups sour milk, one teaspoon soda. Flavor with nutmeg. Flour enough to roll softly. Sprinkle sugar on top, cut and bake.--Mrs. P. B. Turnbull.


Three eggs, two-thirds cup brown sugar, fill up the cup with, half cup b.u.t.ter, half cup sour milk, three cups sifted flour, one teaspoon each of cinnamon, cloves and soda, half teaspoon nutmeg. Add currants and raisins.--Mrs. H. D. Leonard.


The juice of two lemons, two eggs, piece of b.u.t.ter the size of a hickory nut, coffee-cup of sugar. Beat all together and boil until it thickens, stirring carefully. This is enough for four layers.--Mrs.

C. E. Dodge.


One cup light brown sugar, one-half cup b.u.t.ter, one egg, two tablespoons sweet milk, and two teaspoons of baking powder. Add flower enough to roll thin. Bake in a quick oven.--Mrs. John Alfred.


For the white cake: One cup b.u.t.ter, three cups white sugar, five even cups flour, one-half cup sweet milk, one-half teaspoon of soda, whites of eight eggs. Flavor with lemon.

For the dark cake: One cup b.u.t.ter, two cups of brown sugar, one cup of, one cup sour milk, one teaspoon soda, four cups of flour, yolks of eight eggs and one whole egg, spices of all kinds.

Put in pans first a layer of dark, then a layer of white, and so on, finishing with a dark layer.--Mrs. Wm. Morris.


One pound of flour, one of brown sugar, three-fourths pound b.u.t.ter, twelve eggs, one and a half pounds raisins, one and one-half pounds currants, one-half pound citron, one-half pound almonds, one-half pound figs, one-half pint sour milk, one level teaspoon soda, two teaspoons each of allspice, cloves and cinnamon, one teaspoon mace.

--Mrs. C. A. Frear.


One cup pulverized sugar, and one-half cup white b.u.t.ter beaten to a cream, one-half cup milk, one and two-thirds cups flour, one-fourth cup cornstarch, whites of nine eggs beaten to a froth, one teaspoon of baking powder and lemon extract.--Mrs. G. B. Harker.


One coffee-cup granulated sugar, one-fourth coffee-cup b.u.t.ter, one coffee-cup milk, four eggs, two tablespoons water, two teaspoons baking powder, one teaspoon salt, one nutmeg. Cream the sugar and b.u.t.ter as for cake, add the eggs, well beaten, then milk, water, salt and nutmeg; next flour enough to make stiff for handling. Do not roll out all at once, but keep adding a little fresh every time, and roll half an inch thick. Add baking powder with the flour and have your lard just right. In about an hour after cooking, roll in powdered sugar. Keep well covered in an earthen jar.--Mrs. Guilbault.


Two teacups of coffee sugar, two teacups of sifted flour, two heaping teaspoons baking powder; into this break six good-sized eggs and beat all well together. Turn into square tins and bake in a quick oven to a light brown. When done, turn out on a moulding board, and spread with jelly. Roll carefully, and wrap each roll in a clean napkin. Can be used for table at once.--Mrs. Hugh Parry.


One cup sugar, one-half cup b.u.t.ter beaten to a cream; then add the yolks and whites of five eggs, beaten separately. Grate the rind of one lemon, add the juice of same, and three-fourths cup sweet milk.