Dai Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu

Chapter 4 - The People"s King

Chapter 4 - The People"s King

The signal for war could be heard.

The shouts of the opposing soldiers could be heard.

Then an offensive magic that was large-scale enough by several times was activated.

The scenery in front of his eyes was filled with red, blue yellow and other coloured magical activations, as if it were the reflection of the fantasy world, but for some reason, it had a feeling as if it were fake like a mere reflection in the water mirror.

At least up until today there wasn’t the appearance of an activation of a spell that could kill hundreds, thousands of people in a moment.

If it wasn’t using the Alpha Stigma to watch.

If it wasn’t seen with the Alpha Stigma that could see through all magicks, this probably would look like a fire.


Ryner narrowed his eyes.

He was now with the Geihlficlant army, the squad that King Gulafed Abuleld personally led, they were near the rear of the nine hundred and ninety thousand soldiers.

That meant that they were very far away from the front lines.

No, even now, even if it were the soldiers closest to the front lines, they shouldn’t be fighting yet. They were now within the distance where a large-scale magic could be used to decrease the numbers on each side.

And that attack, should clearly show Geihlficlant’s advantage.

No matter what, according to Vois, the numbers of Geihlficlant should be twenty four times the numbers that Gastark bought down from the northern continent. Even this squad was around two times of the enemies’ numbers. And other soldiers were surrounding Gastark.

Then it seemed as if they were going to use a circular large-scale magic.

Under normal circ.u.mstances, Gastark had no way to block this magic attack. No, it may even be that this squad didn’t even need to cross swords with the Gastark army.

The difference in strength was so large that there was a possibility that because of Geihlficlant’s large-scale magic, Gastark would be destroyed immediately, and this side wouldn’t even suffer any casualties.

So now the soldiers were not nervous at all. Only following the signal, the mage soldiers started to chant the verse for the large-scale magic. But now they didn’t know if there was a need to release it. Because there was no guarantee that they would be able to bear the magic from Gastark’s lines.

So the soldiers weren’t too nervous, slowly expanding their magic.


But as Ryner watched them, he said: “…Gastark will immediately use the Heroes’ Relic… Ah no, it’s that, called Rhule Fragmei right? They will immediately use that.”

Vois who was on a horse beside him replied: “Of course. Or else they won’t have a chance of winning.”

“But we are going to stop that Rhule Fragmei?”

“It seems to be the case. Geihlficlant who started late in collecting Rhule Fragmei pa.s.sed the collection duty to us Anti-Roland Coalition and the Azure Princess, so not only do they not have limited knowledge on how to use theRhule Fragmei, their numbers are low too. They have no way to defend against Gastark who knew about the existence of the Rhule Fragmei earlier.”

Ryner looked at Vois, asking: “But you… no, the Anti-Roland Coalition can defend against it?”

Vois smiled faintly, “Possibly not. About the research on Rhule Fragmei, Gastark is the most detailed, and they had a large number of Rhule Fragmeis that we don’t know about, and they have researched thoroughly on the methods on which to use them.”

“Huh? Then the explanation you told us about those Rhule Fragmei…”

Vois nodded, “Yes. If we want to fight with Gastark, that number is not enough. But, as long as we stop a few attacks from the Rhule Fragmei, that is enough. Because no matter what, the difference in manpower is too great. If Geihlficlant can take the opportunity after the attack from Gastark’s Rhule Fragmei to break into Gastark, then victory will be decided.”

“Did you raise this suggestion to the Geihlficlant king?”

Vois shook his head, “No, I told him we would stop all of the Rhule Fragmeis, so please do not worry.”

Ryner frowned, “Isn’t that a complete lie?”

“My job is to con people.”

“I know that, even if you didn’t say it. Then, let us work hard to prevent the Rhule Fragmei of the enemy from killing people.” Ryner said these words that could not be treated as a joke.

So Vois laughed, “Just as long as our companions don’t die, it’s fine. And we only need to defend against a few of the attacks from the Rhule Fragmei, and Geihlficlant will defeat Gastark. After that that would be the main point of this war. That is Ryner you will bring endless despair to Gastark. Ah, that is a wonderful plan. It clearly is a war that can end everything, but our companions are all safe and sound~” Saying this speech as if he didn’t think too carefully about it, Vois looked at Ryner, continuing: “—Then use this motivation to work hard.”

Ryner didn’t look at Vois, saying: “How disgusting.”

Then he stared into the distance.

He discovered that the first wave of large-scale magic had already been released from Gastark.

And so that the waves would neutralize each other, Geihlficlant had released their magic too.

And there were eight spells.

Such a large attack, Gastark definitely would not be able to defend against it.

Then they would definitely use the Rhule Fragmei. And they would definitely release it in a place where these eight large-scale magics would be neutralised.

That meant.

“They would come here.” Ryner said.

Vois nodded: “Then block that. Ryner, according to what I taught use that Rhule Fragmei…”

Ryner pulled out a few things that resembled amulets and rings and a small cylindrical stone that Vois had given him.

These things were all Rhule Fragmei, and they all had different effects. He picked out a ring, then returned the rest into the bag at his waist.

Vois laughed again, saying: “You picked the Rhule Fragmei that specializes in defense again… People who don’t have the courage to kill their enemies wouldn’t be able to protect their companions?”

But Ryner replied without being affected: “What we need to do is to minimize the sacrifices, until the enemy uses the unknown weapon that is stronger than the Rhule Fragmei, right? Then this kind of meaningless slaughter…”

“You wouldn’t do it?”


“But if this would ask for your lives as a price, then what would you do?”


“If, because you are unable to control the attack for the enemy, and cause your companions, Ferris, Kiefer, Toale and rest to die, wouldn’t you regret it?”


“Well, that doesn’t mean that it would be fine if you regret it if they really died, but if the companion that died were me, then it would be troublesome…” Vois pulled out a red amulet, simply throwing it into the sky.

Then said.

“Explode, Demonic Beast Destroyer.”

In that moment.

The amulet started to absorb the light around it. As if wanting to suck away all the light in this world, strongly, strongly, strongly, that amulet took in all the light, then exploded.

An unbelievably intense light flew towards the place where the Gastark soldiers were.

But at the same time, a rainbow light flashed near Gastark.

Ryner had seen that light once.

It was in the past when the destructive light of Demonic Beast Destroyer that Vois had been using had been devoured by a glowing bug swarm.

Tens of thousands, millions of rainbow coloured bugs danced in the sky, started to devour the Demonic Beast Destroyer that Vois had released.

Vois had a slightly disappointed expression, saying: “Ah, Gastark is using Divine Parasite Bugs... Then the Rhule Fragmei of the ‘-arms’ series are uneffective. And Gastark will want to test if we have any Rhule Fragmei on this side that can erase ‘-arms’ light…”

At this moment, the sky above the Gastark army darkened suddenly.

Then Vois said: “It seems that it’s here. And the opponents are using five at one go. This isn’t aimed at us. You understand that?”

Ryner was unable to respond.

Only because he was quite familiar with what Gastark had done so far, so Ryner frowned.

What Gastark wanted to do.

It was unquestionably war.

This matter was clearly displayed in front of him. The enemy really wanted to kill everyone here.

Why did they use five Demonic Beast Destroyer but didn’t aim it at the main body of the Geihlficlant troops?

That was because their side had just used Rhule Fragmei.

That meant that the other side could use Rhule Fragmei, and that showed that they had a Rhule Fragmei that could neutralize the Demonic Beast Destroyer like them.

Then, they would use the Rhule Fragmei to attack other areas, attack those troops that did not have Rhule Fragmei and kill all of them.

Besides because Rhule Fragmei had so much power that it could allow one person to overthrow a country, so normally only the higher ups had the authorization to use it.

Well, this was natural.

Because there were idiots who would use Rhule Fragmei to kill each other after entering the dangerous battle field, and possibly they could wipe out their own army.

So now, only the Geihlficlant king and Ryner had those Rhule Fragmei with large-scale destructive powers.

Gastark probably had a few elite people who had Rhule Fragmei too.

So now, Gastark was releasing five Demonic Beast Destroyers to attack the main pillar of their army, and they were unstoppable.

So Gastark could kill Geihlficlant soldiers with a one-sided war.

And even if they encountered a situation where they were blocked, Gastark would immediately know that there was a Geihlficlant personnel who was important enough to wield this Rhule Fragmei.

No matter what situation, Gastark could gain information beneficial to themselves, through the Rhule Fragmei’s attacks.

And now, the situation in front of them, should be the first case.

The soldiers in the target region of the Demonic Beast Destroyer, moved into a defensive position—


At this moment, the light exploded.

The strong light exploded.

Then the sky returned to its original brightness.

It returned to the sky that had warm sun rays.

But the situation on the battle field had been changed greatly.

The soldiers who were not nervous until just now, were all crying.

It was to be expected.

Because the Geihlficlant numbers had been decreased by ten thousand in a moment.

More than ten thousand lives were gone in a moment.

This scene was so abnormal that even if the mind could accept it, the body was unable to react.

The power that was so strong that humans should not wield it, was rampaging on this battle ground.

Then Vois raised his face to look over, “Ah, in a moment many of our companions have died~. Although it was lucky that Ferris and the others weren’t there, but no one would know what’s going to happen next. So, go and quickly kill the enemies…”

At this moment a woman spoke from behind, “Shut up, Vois.”

Ryner turned around, finding that Ferris had appeared behind him on a horse. And Toale and Kiefer were behind her.

Seeing his companions appear after ten thousand people had disappeared from the battle field, Ryner’s emotions became heavier.

But Ferris ignored Ryner who was feeling down, telling Vois: “Don’t bully Ryner. Or else the person who would be frustrated because he is depressed will be you. If you bully him too much then what would happen if he escaped again?”

Ryner smiled bitterly, looking at her, “Ah, I don’t deny that point.”

“Because that’s the truth. And you have the history of escaping. When was that? I remember that was when a man called Tiir appeared…”

“Ah~ No, that was…”

But Ferris interrupted him, continuing, “Then the two of you casually ran off to play with women, and you let one get pregnant, in the end you escaped while saying that you didn’t want to take responsibility…”

“Hey, what are you talking about…”

But Kiefer suddenly cut into Ryner’s words, saying with a slightly serious expression: “Ah? Ah? What’s that, I didn’t know about that.”

So Ferris revealed a smug smile that said ‘you people don’t understand it, huh’, and for some reason, Vois seemed to nod, accepting this explanation.

“No, Ryner’s decision was right. Basically, escaping everything can escape responsibility, that’s the motto by which we swindlers live by…”

“Hey, I say! What nonsense are you talking about!” Ryner yelled angrily. Then he looked at Ferris with a defeated expression. He looked at her, even though she had seen thousands of soldiers disappear in front of her, even if the soldiers surrounding her had fallen into confusion, but she was still making these lame jokes, saying: “…Because I can’t escape, so stop teasing me.”

Ferris smiled again, “Bullying you is my hobby.”

“I know.”

“Then tolerate it.” Ferris said happily, but she still had a concerned expression.

Ryner looked at Ferris, nodding, replying: “Yeah.”

Then he moved his eyes from her, turning back to the battle ground, saying: “Well, because there’s nothing worse than you bullying me. So anyway there will be some way…”

Then he started to think of how they should move.

Looking at the battle in front of him that was using Rhule Fragmei in war for the first time in history, he started to think of the direction that they should head in after today.

Anyway for some reason, Vois had handed the command post of the soldiers to Ryner.

Vois’s subordinates and Toale’s soldiers numbered three thousand strong.

Although they had slightly lesser people compared to Gastark and Geihlficlant, but even so there was three thousand people.

Three thousand lives.

This was now Ryner’s burden.

This was the case where he could say “Ah how troublesome so I’ll leave first” and escape.

It was completely different from before.


It was already different from when he would escape from before Sion and Ferris.

Because I am carrying the weight of many people’s lives.

And I carry the intentions of my companions who believe in me—although it’s slightly irritating since it sounds innocent.


So he looked behind him again.

Looking at Ferris, Kiefer and Toale’s faces.

Looking at the companions who had come to the accursed battle field with him.

He thought.

At least, I have to let these people leave this place alive.

At this moment, Vois said: “Then we should officially start. The war has already begun. What should we do after this, Your Majesty.”

Ryner frowned, saying slightly accusingly: “What Your Majesty.” Then asked: “Oh yeah, Ferris.”


“Where are Iris and the others?”

“They’re at the back.”

“Behind us?”

“Yeah. It’s the end of the Geihlficlant army. If it’s there even if we are killed by Heroes’ Relics, even if the soldiers behind us are killed, Iris’s side shouldn’t be too badly affected…”

But Vois interrupted her, “They will be affected. Even if it is the Rhule Fragmei from the ‘-arms’ series, there are types where they can fly a long distance in a straight line. Gastark is clear about the power of Geihlficlant. If they use it, then they will use the strongest one. As long as they are on the battle ground, there is no safe place…”

But this time Ryner interrupted him, “But it will be fine if we block all their attacks. It will be fine if we stop all the attacks from the Rhule Fragmei here, right?”

Vois smiled and nodded, “That’s right. His Majesty has finally said something reliable, I’m so happy.”

“So~ I told you don’t call me Majesty.”

“Ah? Then how should I address you?”

Ferris replied: “How about King Pervert?”

“Let’s use that!”

“Hey so I said, can you be more serious! Although this isn’t the front line, but this is still the battle field? We’re still in the range of the attacks from the Rhule Fragmeis?”

Vois nodded, telling Ferris angrily: “That’s right Ferris. So be more serious!”

Ferris nodded too, turning to Kiefer and saying: “Yes red-haired woman! This is the battle field! Be more motivated!”

Kiefer widened her eyes, purposefully pretending to be angry, narrowing her eyes, but her mouth still curved slightly with laughter, looking at Toale, “Ah? Me? Then… then… Oh yes Toale! You’d better be energetic!”

Toale smiled gently, looking at Kiefer, then turning to Ryner, “…Then let it be my fault, I’ll let my report be the ending of this topic. Nelpha’s soldiers, have followed Ryner’s orders, they can cover the rear at any time. Even if theRhule Fragmei continues to reach to the rear, our soldiers probably wouldn’t be too badly affected.”

Ryner nodded, saying: “It’s good that someone can speak seriously.”

Toale had a slightly strict expression, saying: “I’m only frightened. Because someone is actually using the unknown weapon called the Rhule Fragmei to kill many people… just thinking about it makes me tremble… But this thing has happened before me, so I don’t feel like joking around…”

Although Ryner wanted to retort actually I didn’t, but he was unable to say anything.

Because before he opened his mouth, the battle situation changed again. The sky where the Gastark army was darkened again.

With this signal, Ryner threw the ring that he was holding into the sky, then muttering the phrase he learnt from Vois, that could activate this miraculous ring.

“Devour that light, Divine Parasite Bugs.”

In a moment.

The ring that Ryner had threw out exploded. Then the fragments of the ring floated in the air, giving out a rainbow light, before starting to multiply.

The light increased to hundreds and thousands of small fragments in a moment, making a sound of flying insects.

At the same time, the opposite side released the Demonic Beast Destroyer again.

And it was released to this side.

The light of destruction ate away at Geihlficlant’s large scale magic as it attacked.

But this attack was met with the rainbow insect swarm that Ryner had released.

Like locusts the insects flew towards that light.


Releasing that cry, the insects devoured the light.

It seemed, this attack had been successfully blocked.


Ryner said: “That was to confirm, right? It was to confirm whether we had the means to defend against the Rhule Fragmei from the ‘-arms’ series so they attacked.

Vois nodded.

“And they had the goal of erasing the large-scale magic. But…”

“Seeing that the attack from the ‘-arms’ series wouldn’t work, they probably use another one to attack.”

“Then, what would come next?”

Hearing that, Vois tilted his head, answering: “Who knows… even I can’t make a guess. Ah, but because Gastark has a more superior knowledge about the Rhule Fragmei than us, so perhaps it would be an attack from one that we don’t know about, or one which we don’t know how to properly defend against. Then what should we do?”

“…” Ryner was deep in thought again.

Then he tried to organize the information he had of the other side in his head.

Firstly, the soldiers’ numbers, this side had the advantage. Well, although this was under the situation that Geihlficlant was their companion.

But in this battle, the numbers of the soldiers didn’t hold much significance, although the king of Geihlficlant had some Rhule Fragmei with him, but Vois didn’t teach him all of the activation phrases. Because if Geihlficlant could completely grasp the ways of which to use the Rhule Fragmei, they wouldn’t lose to anyone.

This was why Gastark was so desperate to invade the middle continent. Before the major countries had gained proper information of the Rhule Fragmei, there was the urgency to occupy the mid-continent.

But aside from that, Gastark had another ace.

That was the unknown weapon that had more power than the Rhule Fragmei that terrified Pia and Vois.

And after that was activated, it could destroy hundreds of thousands of humans in a slash, it could only be said to be a detestable weapon.

But because of that weapon’s existence, Vois could make a deal with the Geihlficlant king.

Because Vois had said that he had a mysterious weapon that could be used to stop the unknown weapon that Gastark had, so it could be put to use in this battle, but in actual fact even he didn’t know whether it could be blocked, and that secret weapon was under Ryner’s control.

It was borne by Ryner’s cursed eyes.

Because it seemed like these Alpha Stigma could block Gastark’s weapon—talking about which, just betting thousands of people’s lives on this reason, no matter what it was insane.

“Ah, d.a.m.nit!” The more he thought about it the more his head ached.

But, we have already come to the battle field, the killing has already started too. Thousands of people have died in front of me, and the battle is becoming more and more intense.

In this mad war, how could he let his companions survive.


Ryner considered this problem.

Then three possible solutions appeared in his mind.

The first was, after Gastark used that weapon, Ryner would successfully stop it.

But this would be a complete victory.

Because Gastark wasn’t only using Rhule Fragmei, and they had to activate that weapon, this fact in itself would mean that unless Gastark depended on the Rhule Fragmei they would be unable to defeat Geihlficlant, so if that weapon was ineffective, to Geihlficlant that had the distinct advantage in terms of numbers, Gastark would probably be defeated.

But, this solution was probably too hard.

Firstly, Gastark had more knowledge about the Rhule Fragmei than their side, so even if they fought hard with the Rhule Fragmei, there was no guarantee that they wouldn’t lose too.

Furthermore, Ryner was very clear about how strong Gastark was, that it could use the power of the Rhule Fragmei.

Just by remembering the opponents that he had fought against, Sui and Kuu, the Gastarkian soldiers, he could understand this point.

Gastark gave the Rhule Fragmei to a person, so that they could gain the power of more than a hundred soldiers, power that he and Ferris were unable to go against.

Besides that, the opponent they were clashing against, was the main body of Gastark.

There may be people who were more powerful than Sui and Kuu.

Are we only able to suppress these people, and force the Gastarkians to reach the step where they have no choice but to use that weapon?

But now he completely couldn’t come up with a plan.

Anyway if that weapon were activated, could he really block it?


To this point Ryner himself was so doubtful that he suspected that Vois had taken a wrong step somewhere.

At least towards Ryner, he couldn’t bet all the lives of his companions in this gamble.

That meant that this plan had no possibility of working.

The next plan?

Ryner continued to think.

Actually the other two were very simple.

Ryner only needed to unleash the Rhule Fragmei at where the Geihlficlant king.

This way, it would be easy to deal with that Geihlficlant king, anyway the king himself had probably never thought that his companions would betray him, and he didn’t know how to use the Rhule Fragmei.

And he could kill thousands of soldiers on the inside, letting Geihlficlant enter a state of chaos, abnd according to this they could continue to use the Rhule Fragmei to control the panic, in the end Ryner and the others would surrender to Gastark—


Well, if it were Vois he would definitely pick that, but I…

That meant, it was the only the third plan left.

The third plan.

But, this was a dangerous plan.

Well, simply saying, it was escape—that plan.

But it wasn’t running away, anyway Geihlficlant definitely wouldn’t allow them to do that, and if what Vois said was true, if the weapon range of Gastark was so large, even if he started to desperately escape, as long as that weapon was activated, they would die.

But, Ryner thought of a place that definitely wouldn’t be hit.

But in any case, if he said that out loud, it was a place that anyone would understand without thinking.


Gastark’s weapon would probably not be aimed at the place where the Gastark soldiers were when it was activated. No, although they would activate the weapon with the self-destructive feeling of knowing that their companions would be sacrificed, but Ryner had heard from Vois that in the battle against Stohl, Gastark had mostly not suffered much.

That meant…

“…If we go behind the Gastark army, that is the safety region.” Ryner muttered.

But Vois said: “Arara, so you were thinking about something as ridiculous as that?”

Ryner shrugged.

That plan was certainly ludicrous.

No matter what that plan needed him to dodge large-scale magical attacks and attacks from Rhule Fragmei before he could reach the front lines, and he would need to fight with the Gastarkians as he broke past them…

Furthermore there were only three thousand people on this side.

In simple words, this was an impossible plan.

“But the other plans are more ridiculous than this, so this was the best.” Ryner said.

Vois had a face that said ‘here you go again’, saying: “Killing the Geihlficlant king was the best.”


“But if Ryner you really want to do that, then I will stop you.”

Ryner widened his eyes in surprise, “Oh oh, how rare, I thought this would be your favourite plan.”

Vois continued to smile as he said: “If I wanted to use that plan, I would have acted before we came here. But I didn’t do that, because there is a need for you to be here, to stop the weapon of Gastark’s. If we let the world know that Gastark isn’t the only one with that crazy power, that the other countries have ways to stop that power, then we can allow the countries to bond together…”

Until here, Ryner could truly understand what Vois wanted to do.

It seemed like Vois wanted to completely seal that weapon here.

To clash with that weapon that could kill tens of thousands of people in a moment.

If this continues, then one day the world would be destroyed.

So they had to let the whole world know that this was scary.

“Is this, is your goal…” Ryner said.

Vois knocked on his head, saying: “Of course using some plan to dominate the world is more interesting, just by depending on the strongest weapon to wage war, and having the strongest be the winner, something like that isn’t it too boring? So I want to set the world on a new track.”

“So, you want to use my eyes to seal the enemy’s weapon?”


“Even if you’re not clear whether my eyes can block it?”

“Yes. But if it really can’t take it, then there wouldn’t be too much to worry about. If anyone is unable to stop Gastark from conquering the world… then it would be too boring, I would rather die and be reincarnated to become an extremely beautiful Loli, then use beauty to conquer the world.”

“…An extremely beautiful Loli?”

“Ah, how impressive Ryner. You’re interested in this!”

“No no no, I’m not interested, please don’t speak nonsense.” Ryner interrupted Vois, then started to think about the meaning of Vois’s words.

That sentence that mentioned sealing Gastark’s weapon, letting the world to return back to its tracks again.

No, even though if he used the Rhule Fragmei in war there wasn’t anything strange.

But as if seeing through what Ryner was thinking, Vois said: “If it is successful, there’s a possibility that the Rhule Fragmei can be banned, or I should saw, I have already prepared for that information to be spreaded.”

Ryner looked at Vois, saying: “…It feels like, for the first time I can see through what you are thinking and then why you do such troublesome matters.”

Vois smiled happily, “…That means my mind is full of beautiful Lolis?”

“…That means, the Anti-Roland Coalition that has a weapon stronger than the Rhule Fragmei, would set the condition that both parties are unable to use that power, right?”

“Ah, wait, why did you ignore the topic about my beautiful Lolis…”

Ryner continued to ignore him, saying: “Then, you probably will tell the world this message. Using the Rhule Fragmei in battle is very dangerous. Then even the two countries that have power surpa.s.sing the Rhule Fragmei will decide not to use that power. So you can threaten other countries to stop using Rhule Fragmei, right.”

And the other countries would probably accept that.

The countries that did not have Rhule Fragmei would probably agree with this wholeheartedly.

And those countries that were one step behind in collecting Rhule Fragmei, including one of the three major countries Geihlficlant Empire.

If the country Geihlficlant and Gastark who had maintained the weapon that was stronger than Rhule Fragmei and the Anti-Roland Coalition decided to seal off the use of Rhule Fragmei, then many countries would probably agree.

Although they didn’t know the responses of the remaining two countries—Remrus Empire and the Ertolia Republic, but Vois probably had plans concerning this area.

As for the southern ruler Roland…


Thinking about that, Ryner’s expression went down.

Would Sion who was poker-faced accept this agreement on Rhule Fragmei usage.

Not long ago he clearly thought that he knew what that person was thinking about, and how he would react, but in a few months’, everything had changed completely.

No, perhaps he had never understood Sion since the beginning.

He had only thought that they had become friends. He had claimed by himself that the two were close friends.

He had mistakenly thought that he was able to save him.

And the result was, in the end Sion had disappeared as he cried.

Sion had clearly bore all the painful memories by himself, not showing any weaknesses to anyone—


But I completely didn’t feel Sion’s pain.

Before I didn’t understand his heart, now I am even more unable to know what he has been hiding.

I was clearly so close to him.

I was clearly saved by him many times, but I never completely understood him, so I was unable to save him.

If I can really could understand him, then we wouldn’t be on the battle field now.

Even if it reached the point where we had to fight, he would probably be at Sion’s side, helping him fight.


Ryner looked back at himself.

But there was no one there.

The person that should have been by his side was gone.

There should have been a person who would be like a devil when it came to work, then said to him “Then Ryner work hard for me~”.

And Ferris would definitely come to mess around.

Then, I…


I would definitely yell you are trooooublesome, but in the end I would work hard.

He would certainly shout you are all anooooying, but he would still work hard.

Because I like Sion, I like Ferris, and I like the people by my side.

So if Sion told me please defeat my enemy.

If Sion told him that the weapon of Gastark’s is very strong so think of something, or said because he wanted to conquer the world so let’s work hard.

Even if Sion raised a ridiculous request, even if it were something that was near impossible, he would definitely…

I would definitely say how troublesome, how annoying, then start to work hard.

But why did this future shatter.

Sion had cried as he disappeared, and used the Rhule Fragmei.

And attacked Ryner’s companions.

Then killed countless Nelpha soldiers and people. And destroyed half of Toale’s body.

So the situation had turned into something like this.


Ryner moved his eyes from the empty s.p.a.ce by his side.

He found that soldiers with different coloured armours filled his vision.

They were Gastarkian soldiers.

This was the northern side of the mid-continent.

It was unbelievably far away from Roland.

This situation where the scenery was changing with different auras, to tell the truth, he couldn’t keep pace with it.

Perhaps Ferris too. Leaving Sion, leaving her country, and coming to a battle field like this.

Kiefer and Toale too. No, Toale had even lost his country. And he had many brothers, but now there was no news of them. Maybe they had successfully escaped, but perhaps they had died before they could contact Ryner and the others.

And, here, we still need to fight.

We need to kill.

And we will still lose companions.

They were clearly tired, but it was still not enough.

Because the world was changing perpetually, so it would force you to change.



But, Ryner smiled, then turned to Vois, “…Actually it’s not bad. This is the first time after hearing your words, I feel like accomplishing that motive.”

Vois had a ‘I told you so’ expression, saying: “I thought that Ryner would agree with this thinking too. But, if a ban on the Rhule Fragmei could be made, the reputation of the Anti-Roland Coalition would soar.”

“…” Ryner nodded, expressing his agreement.

If it succeeded, if they could really ban the Rhule Fragmei from war, this news would spread to Roland.

What Ryner was doing, would reach Sion’s ears.

This wasn’t bad, Ryner thought.

It was at least better than doing nothing.

Although he could understand that it wasn’t to the degree that Sion would think ‘I want to see you again’ and leave the country.

“…It could be possible that banning the Rhule Fragmei would be something interesting.” Ryner murmured.

Clearly he had written in his report to change the world so he had went to find Rhule Fragmei—which was Heroes’ Relics, but the more he found the relics, the stranger the world became, so he would work hard to stop this.

Sion who would heard something stupid like this.


That person, Sion would definitely smile.

Ryner thought.

Vois said: “Well, but no matter what…”

Ryner nodded, “No matter what I need to stop the weapon from Gastark before it can be set up, right?”


“If I don’t stop it, everyone will die.”

“Yes. So if you want to use that kind of plan—going behind Gastark, then dodging the attacks from Gastark’s weapon, then in the beginning you shouldn’t have come here. We can only face it straight on. Then, if it’s not victory, it’s death.” Vois said.

No victory, meant death.

But at this moment, Toale’s voice spoke from behind them.

“I am betting three thousand lives on my side, so I completely can’t tie myself on the same string as you.”

Vois looked at Toale, saying: “then what do you want to do? I think with only three thousand people, to fight with tens of thousands of people and breaking free, something like that is a suicidal act… Although we are protected by the physical shield of Geihlficlant so it seems safe, but while we’re talking, many people are dying. And it is many people. Although there may not be any screams, so you may not know…”

But Toale interrupted Vois with a strict expression, “The lives of the Geihlficlant soldiers and formerly Nelpha soldiers, I cannot treat them equally.”

Vois raised an eyebrow, “You can’t be as naïve as Ryner?”

“At least I can differentiate between comrades and enemies. You…”

“An enemy, right?”

“Toale’s gently eyes narrowed sharply, staring at Vois as he said: “…At least, I think you are a dangerous person.”

Vois smiled for some reason, looking happily at Ryner, “Annoying, it seems like there is another outstanding person, Your Majesty. Only outstanding characters would appear in chaotic eras. Although I thought that it would be fine if Toale died, but I didn’t think that there would be a person who would honestly call the Geihlficlant soldiers our physical shields. It’s simply uncommon. It’s great that he lived till now.”

Ryner had a slightly frustrated expression, looking at Vois, “The one who called them physical shields was you.”

“But Toale thinks that too, deep down. And he never completely believed me.”

“I didn’t completely believe you, too.”


Ignoring Vois who was relaxed, Ryner looked at Toale, saying: “Sorry, the Nelpha soldiers are in danger too…”

Toale interrupted him, saying: “It’s not Ryner’s fault. The one at fault is Vois Fiurelle? He clearly could control all information channels, but he didn’t tell us what kind of dangers we would run into, forcefully bringing us here. Then probably until now, he has told us many lies…”

Vois simply replied: “Of course. Because I was born to be a swindler. But until now, most things are like what I predicted, so everything was truth.”

“You think I will believe that…”

Vois continued, “Compared to worrying about the progress of these lives, it would be better to stay here. Of course like what Ryner said, according to the range of Gastark’s weapon, if we can go behind Gastark, we should be able to safely escape. But I’m afraid before that, we will all be destroyed.”


Interrupting Toale, Vois had a slightly challenging tone as he continued: “Even if we really successfully survived to go behind them, the remaining troops would be half of the original number. That would be troublesome. Because according to the plan I have for after today, I will need the power of the Nelpha soldiers. If they are wasted to protect Toale’s life here, then that would be very troubling for me.”

But Toale didn’t fall for it, only closing his eyes to think, then softly saying: “…Which side is better…”

This feeling, everyone was familiar with the heart break.

It was the situation where they didn’t know whether Ryner would be able to block Gastark’s weapon, so would it be better to wait for their activation.

Or knowing that there would be a large number of sacrifices, still taking the soldiers to proceed to hide behind Gastark.

This of course wasn’t a problem that could be easily dealt with.

Because three thousand lives were dependent on this problem.

If they were stubborn, then more lives could be lost.

This was a decision that was so painful that it made it hard for people to breath.

And the choices were limited.

The realization that everything could be destroyed packed an impact too.

And if there was the possibility of everything being destroyed, then at least they could antic.i.p.ate Ryner blocking Gastark’s weapon, staying here and doing nothing?

At this moment, Vois suddenly said: “I think staying here is the best choice. Otherwise everyone, have you checked the battle situation?”

Toale asked in reply: “…Battle situation?”

Kiefer answered from behind him: “…Gastark stopped using the Rhule Fragmei. And the Geihlficlant soldiers are slowly pressed back by the approaching Gastark army, right?”

Ryner raised his head, although he hadn’t completely grasped the situation, but from just now, Gastark had stopped using the Rhule Fragmei.

And Geihlficlant soldiers were moving forward slowly. If they continued to move forward, the Geihlficlant soldiers would clash with Gastark soldiers soon.

If it reached that step, Gastark wouldn’t be the opponent of Geihlficlant who had the advantage of numbers.

So if this continued…

“…Gastark will probably use that weapon quickly, right?” Ferris said.

Vois nodded, smiling: “So everyone don’t argue here, let us bet our lives on Ryner… Although I said that, but if Geihlficlant-kun is easily defeated, then it would be troublesome.

From behind him, two subordinates on horses rushed over.

One of them was a girl called Relca Redehna who was in charge of them when they met the Geihlficlant king.

Shiny green hair, and eyes that were as serene as a black crystal.

Another was a girl who had carried Vois when he jumped off the carriage. Long black hair and green eyes, she wore battle armour on her slim body.

The two of them came to Vois, whispering something in his ear, then Vois smiled.

Seeing this, Toale told Ryner: “Indeed, he’s not reliable at all.”

Ryner smiled bitterly: “Yes. After all he is someone who didn’t tell the truth since the start.”

But what Vois said made sense, Ryner thought.

Stopping the attacks of the Rhule Fragmei on Geihlficlant, perhaps it was to prepare for using that weapon.

Then, even if they moved now, it would probably be too late. Then they could only hand over the war where was either kill or be killed to Geihlficlant, focusing on the actual battle would be better…


Suddenly at this moment.


Ryner made a noise of disbelief.

Then widened his eyes.

His eyes widened quickly.

Then he saw not far from him, there were some strange things flying over.

Although that object was moving too quickly, so he couldn’t see it clearly, but, he could clearly see something activating.

Then, numerous heads flew into the sky.

Countless arms and bodies flew into the air.

Followed by a large amount of blood gushing out.


But, there were no screams.

The screams were covered by the noise of the soldiers moving forward and the explosions from the large-scale magic, it was m.u.f.fled.

But the Geihlficlant soldiers shouldn’t have met physically with the Gastark soldiers.

So heads flying into the sky was too strange.

Bodies flying into the air was odd too.

But, heads were entering the air one by one.

Then something jumped up.

This time he could catch a glimpse of that object.

It was golden. It was fast enough that it couldn’t be seen properly, something golden.

Ryner moaned: “…Oh no.”

Then he looked at Vois, shouting, “Vois! Those people didn’t stop using Rhule Fragmei so that they could use their weapon! It was to kill us… it was to kill the people who have Rhule Fragmei and initiate another attack to sort themselves out!”

At this moment, Vois heard the screams nearby.

Then five Geihlficlant soldier’s heads flew into the air.

Among the falling blood droplets, a golden beast was dancing in the air.


Ryner had seen this beast once.

Because he had fought with this monster once.

It was the ring-shaped Rhule Fragmei that had been used by a Gastarkian a.s.sa.s.sin called Lir.

Among the three of the Lightning Beasts that was called forth with that Rhule Fragmei, they were dancing in the air that was not the front line.

That Beast looked toward Vois, releasing an ear-shattering cry.

Ryner yelled, “Stupid Vois, be careful of your front!”

But apart from yelling, he couldn’t do anything. The beast was too fast, he couldn’t even react.

And he was too far away.

He couldn’t rescue him in time.

One beast kicked away the surrounding Geihlficlant soldiers.

The second jumped up, opening its mouth.

Just as it was about to bit off Vois’s head, and shred his body…

“Vois-sama!?” Relca who was beside him screamed.

Then she leapt in front of Vois, her arm was ripped off by the beast.

She dropped off the horse with a large amount of blood spewing out. But the last beast continued to move closer to Vois.

But this attack was blocked by Ferris who jumped out from behind with her sword.

At this moment Vois finally reacted.

He seemed to look at Ferris who was blocking the beast with some surprise, then he looked at Relca who was lying on the ground, unmoving.

He looked at his subordinate with a calm but cold expression, like a child.


But he didn’t say anything.

Relca didn’t move.

Relca didn’t move.



There wasn’t the time for him to be sad.


Ryner muttered, then started to draw the glowing words in the air with all his might. This was the magic that could increase the body’s speed that he had learnt using Alpha Stigma, from the Estabul Mage Knight.

Quickly finishing the magical sequence, Ryner started to incant the words, and so that he would be able to gain the maximum benefit, he tried his hardest, hardest, hardest to activate the magic, “I OFFER THE CONTRACTED WORDS, LETTING THE SLUMBERING MALICIOUS SPIRIT DWELL WITHIN.”

In a moment.

His body glowed, and he could accelerate to the point where his muscles nearly tore.

He jumped up from the horse, leaping towards where Ferris was fighting with the Lightning Beast.

He started to draw magical formations in the air again, and he drew two with both hands at the same time.

The magical formations were immediately completed.


Two glowing cubes appeared in the magical formations of “KUURI”.

Then a beam of light appeared from the cube.

One aimed at the Lightning Beast that had bitten off Relca’s arm.

The other aimed at the beast that was attacking the Geihlficlant soldiers.

The beast that attacked Relca disappeared after being hit.

But the beast near the Geihlficlant soldiers felt the presence of “KUURI”, moving its vision over, then jumped to a side, dodging.

“d.a.m.nit, it missed…”

But Ferris interrupted him, saying: “No, it hit.”

Then she waved her sword, sending the suppressed beast flying, then reflecting the “KUURI” beam from Ryner at it.

The beast was burnt by the light of “KUURI”, shaking as it disappeared.

Now there was only one left.

Ryner continued to draw magic formations, reaching Ferris’s side, asking: “There’s one left, can you deal with it?”

Ferris smiled slightly, raising the sword high, saying: “It’s different from the past. Now, I can finish off a few by myself… But, if the opponent is that person…”

Ryner nodded too.

If their opponent was that man called Lir, it would become troublesome.

Because he was the most troublesome opponent, that could use a few types of Rhule Fragmei at the same time.

He was the most troublesome enemy that Ryner, Ferris, Tiir and Luke could only face for five minutes.

This person was probably not far off from them.

And he had come to take Ryner’s and the other’s lives.

The reason was simple.

From where Ryner and the others were, they had used Rhule Fragmei that could defend against Gastark’s Rhule Fragmei—the enemy had already confirmed this point.

Then they decided to defeat the users of the Rhule Fragmei.

And maybe they were planning to grab all the Rhule Fragmei from this side.

No matter what…

“…Then let us defeat this one.” Ryner said.

Then he released the magic of the magic formations he had prepared.

But at this moment, the Lightning Beast leapt up, retreating. It killed the Geihlficlant soldiers around it, roaring.

The beast’s roar.

It was so reverberating that it stifled the heroic cries of the soldiers in the region.

As if spreading the message that there were many prey here, calling its fellow brethren.

Ryner frowned, turning around to look behind him.

He found that Kiefer had already rushed to Relca’s side, pressing her shoulder to stop the flow of blood, yelling: “She’s… she’s still living! She can be saved!”

Toale looked to Vois and called, “Quick, use that healing stone called Death Transference!”

But Vois only looked at Toale blandly, then had a very happy smile, looking at Ryner, “Ah, really, if I were more unfortunate, I would have died? This makes me more battle aware. And it was unexpected, that it could push away the Geihlficlant soldiers so easily, sending the a.s.sa.s.sin in…”

Toale interrupted Vois, roaring: “This is not the time to be talking about that! Hand over Death Transference quickly!”

Vois shrugged, looking at Toale. Then he moved his eyes to look at Relca who was on the ground.

At this moment Relca struggled to open her eyes, saying weakly: “…Are, are you alright, Vois-sama.”

Vois nodded, replying: “Yes, I’m fine. It’s all thanks to you protecting me, Relca. You did well.”

Relca had a faint smile.

Vois smiled and nodded: “But I’m sorry, we don’t have the time to heal you. The Gastarkian a.s.sa.s.sin has already confirmed our existence, I estimate that the next wave of attack will come quickly too, and I’m not willing to heal a soldier like you, and it will waste the Death Transference. So I will abandon you here. But if possible, please slow the Gastarkian a.s.sa.s.sin down…”

He didn’t even complete that, Toale shouted angrily, “What… what are you talking about!”

Relca was losing a large amount of blood, colour was slowly leaving her face.

There was clearly no time to be wasted. If he continued to leave it as it was, she would probably die after a few minutes.

So Toale stared at Vois, clearly saying: “Hurry, give me the Death Transference quickly…”

But Vois narrowed his eyes, turning around to look at his subordinate with black hair, “…Harmit, please inform the others about this situation…”

“Don’t joke around! Give me the healing stone quickly…”

But Vois only pointed a finger at Toale, making an action ‘kill him’.

Following that his other subordinate, that woman called Harmit unsheathed the sword at her waist, stabbing at Toale.

But Ferris moved her large sword faster than her, cutting the black-haired woman’s sword into two pieces.

Ryner took the chance to grab Vois’s hair, saying: “…You, wanted to kill Toale just now, right?”

Vois simply continued carrying that happy smile, simply wanting to acknowledge that.

But before he answered, Ryner tightened a hand in Vois’s hair, saying: “…Don’t look down on us, brat. Hand over the Death Transference quickly.”

Although Harmit wanted to turn around and attack Ryner, but Vois stopped her.

“Stop, Harmit. You’re not Ryner’s opponent…” he said that, raising his head to look at Ryner.

“Will you use the Death Transference no matter what?”

“Of course.”

Hearing Ryner’s reply, Vois had a troubled smile, “…Of course… huh… If it is of course, then there’s no help for it.”

He pulled out a stone that was smaller than a fist, then threw it to Kiefer who was desperately trying to stem the blood from Relca’s shoulder.

Kiefer caught the stone, quickly pressing it to Relca’s wound. But that stone didn’t start to heal Relca’s injury. So Kiefer looked up, staring at Vois and said: “Tell me how to use Death Transference.”

Vois didn’t look at Kiefer, only stared at Ryner, “…You really want to… use it…”

Ryner interrupted him, tightening his grip, saying: “Say it quickly.”

Vois sighed, saying: “…It drinks blood… Let the stone absorb the blood from the corpses of the Geihlficlant soldiers. If there is so much fresh blood, then there should be enough for it to have the power to save Relca…”

So Kiefer quickly soaked the stone in the blood pooling on the ground.

At some point in time, the fresh blood from the Geihlficlant soldiers had gathered into a small puddle, and that stone began to drink that blood.

Ryner looked at this scene.

He looked at this stone that gave him a chilling feeling even though it was going to save Relca’s life by gathering power through sucking up the life of the Geihlficlant soldiers.

Drinking the life of other people, to gain the power of healing.

This was the power of Death Transference.



But Vois said disapprovingly: “…Although it is commendable that you didn’t care about the deaths of the Geihlficlant soldiers, but Relca isn’t your comrade, there should be a limit to how goody-two-shoes you can be, Ryner.”

Then Vois looked at Relca on the ground, calling: “…Relca.”

Relca opened her eyes weakly, looking at Vois, her lips forming the word ‘yes’, but unable to speak. It seemed that she was so weak that she was on her last breath.

But Vois only looked at her and said: “If we have to heal your wound we’ll need for it to absorb a little more power. But we have to leave this place now. Because we are targeted by the Gastarkian a.s.sa.s.sin, as we have the Rhule Fragmei. So, the Death Transference treatment, you’ll have to do it yourself.”

Relca nodded softly, then tried to reach out for the Death Transference in Kiefer’s hand. But although she wanted to reach out, but her body couldn’t move.

So Kiefer said: “I’ll stay…”

But Vois told Relca: “If you weigh me down, I wouldn’t want to see you ever again.”

Relca had an expression as if she were about to cry, desperately reaching out. Uncaring about the large amount of blood flowing from her shoulder, she stretched out her hand, grabbing the Death Transference that was soaked in the fresh sea of blood of the Geihlficlant soldiers.

In that moment, the Death Transference gave out a greenish white light, the blood pouring from Relca’s shoulder suddenly slowed.

Vois smiled and nodded, “…Good.”

Then he looked at Ryner again, saying: “Then, can you release your hold on my hair? We don’t have the time to be staying here and doing such silly things.”

Ryner stared at Vois, although he wanted to say many things to this proud brat, but he found that he didn’t know where to start from.


But, Vois’s words were always realistic—

It was realistic until it made people angry, he was clearly only a brat but he always talked about the painfully realistic truth, so Ryner let go of Vois’s hair.

He was right, there was not much time left.

The Gastarkian a.s.sa.s.sin—that man called Lir had already reached here.

He had come to take the lives of Ryner and Vois who had the Rhule Fragmei.

Although because his attack was stopped because of the temporary retreat of the Lightning Beasts, but that person would immediately return.

And he would return with reinforcements.

Although he was alone when he had entered Imperial Nelpha secretly, fighting with Ryner and the others alone, but now he had the army of Gastark with him.



Then, there was a possibility that there was an enemy as strong as Lir. Ryner knew at least two other Gastark soldiers who had the same large power.

The siblings Sui and Kuu. The two could wield Rhule Fragmei, and they had an overwhelmingly strong power, and had once hunted Ryner and Ferris.

Although up till know he had managed to dodge from their hunting because of his luck, but if those people joined powers and attacked, it would not be a small matter.

That meant, they could no longer spend time here.

So Ryner raised his head, wanting to tell everyone to retreat.

But at this moment, Vois told Ryner: “So as to heal Relca’s injuries, we have wasted a Death Transference here. But we only have four Death Transference, which means that there are only three Death Transference left. I hope that you wouldn’t regret saving Relca, Ryner.”

Ryner stared at Vois, deciding to ignore what he said, saying: “Retreat—” He suddenly thought of something, shaking his head, “No, that’s not right. Let’s separate. Because the enemy is only focusing on Vois and I. Kiefer and Toale leave this place quickly. I will protect Vois…”

But Kiefer said: “I want to stay too…”

Ryner shook his head firmly, saying: “Sorry, Kiefer. You will only slow us down. The enemy is very strong, I will not be able to protect Kiefer as I fight…”

Kiefer pouted.

But Toale patted Kiefer’s shoulder encouragingly, “Retreat with me. Even if we are behind the scenes we can do many things…”

“I understand.”


“I understand. But, Ryner…”

Looking at Kiefer who was watching him, Ryner smiled, “Yeah, I will try not to get myself killed.”

“You definitely have to work hard.”

“Yeah, then leave quickly. I don’t know when that a.s.sa.s.sin will reach.” Ryner said.

But Kiefer didn’t want to leave him.

So Toale grabbed her hand, forcefully pulling her back.

After Ryner confirmed that Kiefer and Toale had left, he turned to Ferris and said: “…Ah~ with you, that…”

Before Ryner finished speaking, Ferris opened her mouth to say: “I will stay by your side. If it were not for me, you would die immediately?”

Ryner smiled bitterly.

Then he looked back to the battle ground.

There were devastating cries from the battle field. And in the distance, there were blinking lights.

It seemed that the battle was approaching.

And Lir was probably closer.

And in this direction…


Ryner narrowed his eyes.

In this direction there was the king of Geihlficlant, Gulafed Abuleld.

Because King Abuleld had over fifty Mage Knights stationed by his side, so they were probably in the ma.s.sacre too.

Ryner said: “The king of Geihlficlant, huh…”

Vois nodded, saying: “Now you’ve at last understood the reason for the enemy’s temporary retreat. King Abuleld is not completely useless. He couldn’t just let those parasites mess around. He probably commanded the Mage Knights to