Dave Darrin at Vera Cruz

Chapter 1

Dave Darrin at Vera Cruz.

by H. Irving Hanc.o.c.k.



"Do you care to go out this evening, Danny boy?" asked Dave Darrin, stepping into his chum"s room.

"I"m too excited and too tired," confessed Ensign Dalzell. "The first thing I want is a hot bath, the second, pajamas, and the third, a long sleep."

"Too bad," sighed Dave. "I wanted an hour"s stroll along Broadway."

"Don"t let my indolence keep you in," urged Dalzell. "If you"re going out, then I can have the first hot bath, and be as long about it as I please. Then I"ll get into pajamas and ready for bed. By that time you"ll be in and we can say "good night" to each other."

"I feel a bit mean about quitting you," Dave murmured.

"And I feel a whole lot meaner not to go out with you," Dan promptly a.s.sured his chum. "So let"s compromise; you go out and I"ll stay in."

"That sounds like a very odd compromise," laughed Darrin. "On the whole, Dan, I believe I won"t go out."

"If that"s the way you feel," argued Dalzell, "then I"m going to change my mind and go out with you. I won"t be the means of keeping you from your stroll."

"But you really don"t want to go out," Dave objected.

"Candidly, I don"t care much about going out; I want that bath and I"m tired. Yet in the good old cause of friendship---"

"Friendship doesn"t enter in, here," Dave interposed. "Danny boy, you stay here in the hotel and have your bath, I"ll go out and pay my very slight respects to Broadway. Doubtless, by the time you"re in pajamas, I"ll be back, and with all my longing for wandering satisfied."

"Then, if you really don"t mind---"

"Not at all, old chap! So long! Back in a little while."

Through the bathroom that connected their two rooms at the Allsordia Hotel, Dave Darrin stepped into his own apartment.

Having donned coat and top-coat, Darrin picked up his new derby hat and stepped to his room door. In another half minute he was going down on the elevator. Then he stepped into the street.

Dave Darrin was young, healthy, happy, reasonably good-looking.

His top-coat and gray suit were well tailored. Yet, save for his erect, military carriage, there was nothing to distinguish him from the thousands of average well-dressed young men who thronged Broadway after dark on this evening in late March.

For perhaps fifteen blocks he strolled uptown. All that he saw on that gaily lighted main thoroughfare of New York was interesting.

It was the same old evening crowd, on pleasure bent.

Then, crossing over to the east side of Broadway, Dave sauntered slowly back.

Laughing girls eyed the young naval officer as he pa.s.sed. Drivers of taxicabs looked the young man over speculatively, as though wondering whether he might be inveigled into going on a, to them, profitable round of New York"s night sights. Human harpies, in the form of "confidence men"---swindlers on the lookout for prey---glanced but once at the young naval ensign, then looked away.

Dave Darrin"s erect carriage, his clear steady eyes, his broad shoulders and evident physical mastery of himself made these swindlers hesitate at the thought of tackling him.

Through the occasionally opened doors of the restaurants came the sounds of music and laughter, but Dave felt no desire to enter.

He was several blocks on his homeward way, and was pa.s.sing the corner of a side street quieter than the others, when he heard a woman"s stifled cry of alarm.

Halting, bringing his heels together with a click, and throwing his shoulders back, Darrin stopped on the corner and looked down the street.

Five or six doors away, close to a building, stood a young woman of not more than twenty-two. Though she was strikingly pretty, Dave did not note that fact in the first glance. He saw, however, that she was well dressed in the latest spring garments, and that her pose was one of retreat from the man who stood before her.

That the man had the external appearance of the gentleman was the first fact Darrin observed.

Then he heard the young woman"s indignant utterance:

"You coward!"

"That is a taunt not often thrown at me," the young man laughed, carelessly.

"Only a coward would attempt to win a woman"s love by threats,"

replied the girl, more calmly, though bitterness rang in her tone.

"As for you, I wish to a.s.sure you that I am quite through with you!"

"Oh, no, you"re not!" rejoined the annoyer, with the air of one who knows himself to be victor. "In fact, you will do very much as I wish, or your brother---"

"You coward!" spoke the girl, scornfully again.

"If your brother suffers, your pride will be in the dust," insisted the annoyer, "and, remember, I, alone, can save your brother from disgrace."

"I am not even going to ask you to do it," retorted the young woman. "And now our interview is over. I am going to leave you, and I shall not see you again. I-----"

"Going to leave me, are you?" leered her tormentor. He stepped forward, holding out his hand, as though to seize the young woman"s wrist, but she alertly eluded him.

"If you try again to touch me, or if you attempt to follow me,"

warned the young woman, "I shall appeal for a.s.sistance."

So absorbed were the disputants in their quarrel that neither had noticed Darrin, standing on the corner.

The tormentor"s face flushed, then went white, "Make your appeal,"

he dared, "and see what happens!"

Again he attempted to take the girl by the wrist.

"Can I be of service, madam?" inquired Darrin, as he strode toward them.

Like a flash, the annoyer wheeled upon Darrin, his eyes flashing dangerously.

"Young man," he warned, threateningly, "the best thing you can possibly do will be to make yourself scarce as quickly as possible.

As for this young woman-----"

The tormentor moved a step nearer to the young woman, whose face had turned very pale.