Dead's Requiem

Chapter 12

When Haeckel came to his senses, he found himself lying down on a bed, staring at a bamboo ceiling. Everything about him was unchanged. He had the black shirt, denim pants, sneakers and even the katanas were sheathed by his waist was still there.

He sat up and looked around. He was in a hut. He stood up and looked around him. Chouji was also lying down on the floor on the other side of the room, snoring.

"Ouch." His whole body ached. He walked with a limp while ma.s.saging his neck. As he opened the wooden door, bright morning light greeted him.

"Awake now boy?" An old man was stretching outside. He was bald and had a tan skin. Beside him was a little girl, about nine years old who was also stretching. They moved to the rhythm of the j.a.panese Morning Radio Exercise except what they used was a ca.s.sette.

"It was good that we found you. My granddaughter insisted that we come and get you in case one of those monsters eat you. She also said that you will bring us good fortune. Since seven days ago, my daughter was able to predict things that will happen in the future.

"I am Ernst Haeckel. Thank you very much for saving us." Haeckel bowed then looked at the old man.

"Where were my manners haha. I am Kinue Matsui and this is my granddaughter, Kinue f.u.kushima. Say h.e.l.lo to Haeckel - san.

"h.e.l.lo." The cute little girl with pigtails hid behind her grandfather after greeting Haeckel.

"How long had it been?" Haeckel asked.

"Not long. It was just yesterday night. Are you hungry?" Matsui asked.

Haeckel"s stomach growled. Without even answering the old man, the old man spoke.

"My sons are cooking beef at the back. It will be done in no time. You can rest back inside if you want."

"No, I"m fine thank you. Would you mind if I join your stretching?" Haeckel asked.

"Sure!" The old man smiled and played the radio exercise.

"One, two, three, four arms to the side and then the knees, five, six, seven, eight, repeat once more..." Haeckel stretched his aching body. He was slightly feeling better each time he stretched his muscles.

After the stretching was finished, Haeckel proceeded to working out. In the past week, Haeckel realized the importance of strength training. Not only muscles are strengthened but also bones, tendons and endurance. As much as he could, he would dedicate a portion of his time into working out.

"Big Brother, grandpa told me to fetch you because the food is finished." Kinue f.u.kushima, the cute little girl, ran inside the cottage to fetch Chouji. Like Haeckel, Chouji"s whole body was in pain, which was made obvious by the way he walked.

"Good morning brother. What happened? Where are we? Fudge I am starving." Chouji limped.

"Second Big Brother, there is food over there." f.u.kushima ran towards the back.

"We are still in j.a.pan as you can see in the middle of rice paddies. Our plane crashed because of Echo or whatever he is called. Luckily, the Kinue family saved us. That little girl is named f.u.kushima while her grandpa"s name is Matsui. Let"s go. I"m also starving."

The Kinue family cooked their meals behind their house. Aside from the old man and her granddaughter, a middle aged man was also their, setting food up. On his waist was the sword that was given by Echo.

"Good morning sirs. I am Kinue Akiyama. The food is ready. My cooking skills are not so good so please pardon the taste if it is not to your liking."

"Thank you sir." Haeckel and Chouji said at the same time and said "Itadakimasu," which meant "Thanks for the food" in j.a.panese.

"Wow, this food is amazing!" Chouji swallowed one after another.

"Yeah it tastes great." Haeckel also complimented but as a form of compliment.

"So, you"re the guy named Ernst Haeckel right Did you come from the Imperial Palace?" Akiyama asked while he was eating food.

"I was there yesterday." Haeckel nodded.

"How is the royal family? What will happen to us?"

"The royal family is fine. They are taking care of your country as best as they could but I don"t think they could help you out. At the very least, more than half of the population has turned into zombies and even more are being infected.

For a brief moment of time, sadness could be seen on the faces of the Kinue family members.

"I see. Why were you announcing that you were there?" the grandfather asked.

"I"m looking for my wife. She flew to j.a.pan on the day everything started. I thought that maybe her plane went somewhere other than Tokyo because of what happened."

"What if she had never reached j.a.pan in the first place?" Chouji asked while his mouth was still full.

Haeckel stopped eating. "What if..."

All of a sudden, the ground shook.

"Over there!" f.u.kushima pointed at a fast approaching bull.
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The five people were shocked by the appearance of this creature. The black bull was as large as a van and each of its two b.l.o.o.d.y horns were as long as Chouji"s staff. Its red eyes were staring hungrily at Chouji, the fattest of the five, like how a predator would look at its prey. With every nearing step of the bull, the ground shook even harder.

"Brothers, please bring my daughter to safety." Akiyama slowly unsheathed the sword from his waist, held it with two hands and stared at the monstrous bull.

"Father!" f.u.kushima attempted to run towards Akiyama but she was stopped by her grandfather.

"There is no need to go. Chouji and I can do this." Haeckel unsheathed his two katanas.

"I don"t have my staff! I"ll bring the old man and the little girl somewhere far. Stay safe." With his strength, Chouji picked the little girl up and ran away. The grandfather also chose to stay and also unsheathed the sword that was given by Echo.

"We may not look like it but the way of the sword runs in our blood." Akiyama said.

"Honor and n.o.bility. That code still runs in our family. The code of the samurai." Matsui continued.

"Then let"s do this together." Haeckel slowly unsheathed his two katanas.