Demon King App

Chapter 4

"I"m sorry, can you please repeat what you just said?" Bryson ask the man on his magi-phone"s screen.

[Like I said human, I am the D-E-M-O-N K-I-N-G.] The man said crossing his little muscular arms and a.s.serting himself.

"Pfffffft...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" After hearing what the man said, Bryson burst out laughing.

[OI HUMAN! THE f.u.c.k ARE YA LAUGHING FOR?!] The man said narrowing his eyes trying to intimidate Bryson.

"PFFFFFFT...Oh G.o.d that"s so cute!" Bryson said holding his stomach from laughter.

[OI STOP LAUGHING I"M GONNA KILL YA!!] The man said gnashing his teeth and clenching his fist tightly.

Unfortunately, that action only looks cute in Bryson"s eyes, this cause him to laugh harder that there are already tears in his eyes. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, OH MY G.o.d STOP YOU"RE KILLING ME! HAHAHAHAHAHA."

Suddenly the door opens and a nurse peek into the room looking curious. "Uhhm.... Sir, is there any problem?"

Bryson upon seeing the nurse looking at him, hastily sit on the bed and straighten his posture. "ahem! S-sorry for the disturbance, t-there is no problem here."

[OI HUMAN! DON"T YOU DARE IGNORE ME!] The self-proclaimed Demon king said with a rather small and cute voice.

"PFFFFT." Bryson hearing this, cover his mouth with his right hand, trying to hold back his laughter.

"Uhhmm... Are you sure there"s no problem sir?" The nurse said narrowing her eyes at Bryson.

"Y-yes! There"s no problem." Bryson said to the nurse with a force smile on his face.

The nurse looks at Bryson with suspicion for a moment and then slowly close the door while looking intently at him.

After seeing the nurse leave, Bryson let out a huge sigh and then look at his magi-phone while hearing a still complaining voice.

[OI! HUMAN! LISTEN TO ME!] The self-proclaimed Demon king insist.

"Fine, so please stop complaining already." Bryson said finally answering the voice.

"So, what are you? Some kind of an AI?" Bryson ask the voice. "I didn"t know that there"s already something like that." He mutters to himself.

[Like I said, I am the DEMON KING.] The self-proclaimed Demon king said insisting his ident.i.ty.

"Hmmmm... You"re quite advance for an AI, I can even make a conversation with you." Bryson said putting his left hand to his chin while observing the man on the screen intently.

[HEY! WOULD YOU LISTEN TO ME ALREADY! I"M SAYING I"M NOT AN AI!] The self-proclaimed Demon king complained angrily.

"And I must say, your designer truly outdid himself, the design is quite elaborate and cute, I bet girls would love this look." Bryson said continuing to ignore the self-proclaimed Demon king.

[GRRRRRRRRRR!!] The self-proclaimed Demon king grind his teeth looking at Bryson with hostility.

Unfortunately for him, for Bryson, the look he is giving only look cute in his eyes. "Hmmmmm.... It gives quite a lot of expressions too." Bryson said while moving to the center of the bed, sitting and crossing his leg.

[OKAY THAT"S IT! I"M REALLY p.i.s.sED NOW!] The self-proclaimed Demon king on the screen slowly raise his tightly closed fist with a vein bulging on it.

Suddenly a magic circle appears centering on the magi-phone and a weak electricity came out from it. That electrify Bryson hands so he let go of the magi-phone.

"s.h.i.t that was dangerous!" Bryson said, then he hastily takes the fallen magi-phone, he then searches for the icon of the app.

[Oi! What are you doing!] The self-proclaimed Demon king ask panicking.

When Bryson finally found the icon of the Demon King App, he uninstalls it without hesitation.

[Demon King App Uninstalling]

[OI! WAI----] And the self-proclaimed Demon king"s voice is cut off.

Bryson once again check his magi-phone to make sure that the app is gone, after he make sure that it is gone, he let out a sigh. "Looks like it"s finally gone, that"s a really dangerous app, I"ve never even heard of an AI app that can automatically activate an MSA in its own.

*Grumble, grumble*

Bryson holds his stomach after hearing the sound. "Looks like all that shenanigans made me hungry." He looks at the food that his sister leaves for him and reach for it.

After Bryson ate the food, he searches for a drink, unfortunately he didn"t even find a single one. "Seriously sis, you bring all this food and you forgot a drink. Looks like I need to go out and get one huh, welp I"m just gonna ask if anyone knows where to get one." He mutters to himself and left the room.


On the courtyard of the hospital where some patients leisurely past their time, is a girl with a blond hair, golden eyes and a pet.i.te body looking carefully looking around.

"Looks like I lose them" The girl said breathing a sigh of relief.

"Haaaaaa, nothing really beats going outside and breathing fresh air" She said stretching her two arms in air.

"Still, escaping from those guards really tired me out, aaaah I"m thirsty." She said complaining to herself.

The girl looks around and saw a vending machine near one of the hospital"s entrance, the girl then walks towards it and look at the vending machine intently.

"So, this is a vending machine huh." The girl looks at the vending machine up and down, left and right as if a.n.a.lyzing every part of it.

"I"m really thirsty but...I wonder, how do I use it?" The girl thinks to herself while putting her index finger to her lips and tilting her head.

Suddenly, the girl hears someone talks to her from behind. "Uhmm.... Can you please choose a flavor and order already? I"m also getting really thirsty around here." When the girl looks behind, she saw a man with a dark blue hair and sky-blue eyes.


After getting out from his room, Bryson walks around inside the hospital searching for a vending machine to buy some drinks. When he couldn"t find any vending machine, he decides to ask a random nurse.

"Uhm, excuse me." Bryson ask the nurse politely.

The nurse looks at him, she then smiles and said. " Yes, what can I do for you sir?"

"Uhm, is there any vending machine here that I can buy some drinks with?" Bryson ask inquiringly.

"A vending machine is it?" The nurse said tilting her head while trying to remember something, after thinking for a moment she politely answers. "If I remember correctly, there should be one at the courtyard near the entrance of the eastern building, were at the first floor of the northern building so if you go straight south from here, you should be able to reach the courtyard." The nurse said politely.

"Thank you for your time" Bryson also answers politely, after thanking the polite nurse, he goes straight south following the direction of the nurse.

Following the direction that the polite nurse gave him; Bryson finally reach the courtyard and go straight into the entrance of the eastern building. In there he saw a girl standing in front of the vending machine looking at it intently.

Bryson walks near the vending machine and wait for the girl to finished her order, but the girl only looks at the vending machine up and down, left and right as if a.n.a.lyzing it.

His patience finally reaching its peak, he began to speak. "Uhmm.... Can you please choose a flavor and order already? I"m also getting really thirsty around here." he said impatiently.

After hearing him speak, the girl looks at him while tilting her head to the side with her index finger on her lips.

"Uhmm, do you perhaps don"t know how to use a vending machine" Bryson ask with a slight shock on his face.

After hearing what he just said, the girl looks to the side averting his gaze looking embarra.s.s. "What?! Are you serious?!" Bryson thinks to himself.

Sighing, Bryson talks to the girl. "Okay since you don"t know, let me order first and I"ll show you."

After the girl makes a way for him to order first, Bryson takes money out of his pocket and inserts it into the machine. "First you need to insert your money here, after that, you need pick a flavor and click the b.u.t.ton of your chosen flavor." after he clicks the b.u.t.ton, they hear the sound of something falling and a liquid pouring into something.

"After that you just need to wait for the fourth light there to light up, and when it lights up you can take your drink." Bryson continue his explanation and after waiting a moment he takes the cup out of the vending machine.

"There you can try." Bryson said while making a way for the girl, but the girl is still looking away and only playing with her fingers.

"D-don"t tell me..." A sudden realization comes to his mind. "Y-you.... don"t have any money either..." Bryson almost let the cup in his hand falls because of shock.

When the girl heard that, her whole face up to her ears turned red. When Bryson see that reaction, his suspicion turned into certainty and he thought to himself.

"Seriously, what is wrong with this girl?!!"