Demon King App

Chapter 5

"So, secretary Ross, what does the doctor say about my granddaughter"s condition?" In an office somewhere in the collector"s guild, an old man with short white hair and a dark brown skin ask.

"The doctor said that her conditions seem to be improving for now, but...." A woman wearing in her eyes and has an ample chest answer with a little hesitation.

The man with a short white hair and a dark brown skin is the presiding president of the city"s Collectors Guild "Chairman Christopher Dawson", while the woman that is speaking to him is his personal a.s.sistant/secretary "Miss Ava Ross".

"But?" Christopher ask Ava inquiringly.

"The doctor said that this situation might take a sudden turn." Ava said with a little hesitation in her voice.

"....." Christopher didn"t say anything to her reply, he just stands up from his chair, walks up into the office"s window and look at the view outside.

"If the young miss have another episode.... I"m afraid chairman, but there is no other way." Ava said with an apologetic voice.

Christopher while looking outside let out a sigh. "Magia Stasis is it? I have seen what being put in that state looks like, it"s truly pitiful, I don"t know if I should even call being in that state living at all."

Magia Stasis, a process in which an individual is put in a sleeplike state in a magia absorbing machine. The machine would slowly suck magia from the individuals" body, of course the machine is calibrated in a way that allows the machine to absorb just enough magia in an individual"s body without harming them.

"If possible, I don"t want to put my beloved granddaughter in such a pitiful state." Christopher said with sadness in his voice.

"....." Ava didn"t say anything and just continue to listen to the chairman.

"I know it"s rather selfish, but why does it have to be my granddaughter? She"s my only family left, so why?!" Christopher said with a voice full of anger while grinding his teeth.

"...I know it"s hard for you chairman, but without any way to cure Magia Burn, Magia stasis is the only way left if we want the young miss to live, of course it would be different if we somehow find a way to somehow control and compress the vast amount of magia rampaging in her body, but while we are searching for a way, putting young miss in a Magia Stasis state is the only way to prolong young miss"s life." Ava said with a strong resolve in her voice.

Magia Burn is a disease that is only unique to humans, there are many medical specialist who hypothesize that the lack of magia stone is the reason why only humans are vulnerable into this disease, but until now it is yet to be proven and explained why the lack of magia stone causes this disease.

Essentially, magia burn is a disease in which the body of a human who is born with a vast amount of magia is weakened due to the unpredictable rampage of magia in his body, this magia rampage cause the humans body to have a very high fever which endangers the brain and weaken the individuals body. It is said that by forcefully controlling and compressing the rampaging magia on the patient"s body, it would be possible to give the patient enough time to train his magia control so that the patient can pacify the vast amount of magia himself when it rampages again. Unfortunately, the way to forcefully tamper and control an individual"s magia is yet to be found.

"I know, but forcing my granddaughter to experience that is really painful for me." Christopher said with a sorrowful voice and a tearful eye.


[Seriously, what is wrong with this girl?!!] Bryson thought to himself while looking at the blushing girl in front of his eyes.

"W-well since you look really thirsty here use this." Bryson said while holding out a cash in his right hand and giving it to the girl feeling a little awkward.

When the girl looks at his hands, her eyes glimmer with joy, but when she looks at Bryson"s face, she looks away again embarra.s.singly.

When Bryson saw this action, he suddenly s.n.a.t.c.hes the girl"s right hand and forcefully shove the cash. "Just take it already please, you"re also making me feel embarra.s.s." He said with a slightly blushing face.

The girl holding the cash look him in the eye then nodded slowly. The girl then energetically shoves the cash into the machine and look around scrutinizing the flavors, after she chose a flavor and press the b.u.t.ton, she impatiently waits for the juice to be finished like a dog waiting for its master"s return.

Bryson seeing that action can"t help but make a stiff smile, he then sits in the nearby bench while drinking his juice. After the girl takes the juice from the machine, she sat happily besides Bryson on the bench, she then drinks the juice carefully, and after gulping its contents, she shows a really bliss full face.

Bryson watch all of this happen while drinking his juice, but then he noticed the girl is looking back and forth from the juice in her hand and the juice that Bryson is holding.

[D-don"t tell me, she....] Bryson thinks to himself and he sigh. "Here, you want to know what is the taste of this flavor is like right?" He said while holding his hand that is holding the cup of juice to the girl.

The girl seeing this nodded her head, and after putting down her cup of juice to the bench he takes Bryson"s and drank it contents. After drinking the juice, the girl once again shows a blissful face and nodded her head as if understanding something.

Seeing these actions, Bryson can"t help himself and let out a small giggle. When the girl heard this her face turned bright red from embarra.s.sment, he them hastily shove Bryson"s cup of juice into him which results in a small part of its contents to spill out.

"!!" Bryson got surprised by the girl"s sudden action, and the girl seeing what happened put Bryson"s juice down and bow her head to Bryson.

"S-sorry!" She said in a small voice.

Bryson surprised by the sudden apology shakes his two hands left and right trying to calm her down. "N-no, y-you don"t have to apologize, it"s my fault for suddenly laughing." He flabbergasting said.

Hearing this the girl carefully sit on the bench while Bryson takes his cup of juice and continue to drink it, after a while he then hear a small voice.

"H-here, y-you can also have a taste." The girl meekly said while holding out her hand that is holding the juice.

Seeing this Bryson felt a little embarra.s.s and he felt his heart beating faster than it normally is. "N-no, I-I"m fine, I"m quite satisfied with mine." Bryson said with a stiff smile.

"R-really?" The girl asks

"Really!" Bryson answers strongly.

"Y-you"re not just mad at me?" The girl inquires hesitantly.

"If it"s about the spilled juice, don"t worry I"m not mad." Bryson said with a radiant smile.

After hearing that the girl breathes a sigh of relief. "Is that so?" she said while looking warmly at him.

"By the way, thank you" The girl continue and said with a beautiful smile on her face.

"D-don"t mention it." This time, it is Bryson"s turn to feel embarra.s.s.


This time the girl is the one who let out a cute giggle.

"You"re a good man you know, I can feel it." The girl said with a smile as bright as the sun.

That sight makes Bryson heart beat so fast the he thought his heart might leap out from his chest. "I-Is that so? H-hahaha, t-thank you for the compliment." He said while scratching his right cheek with his index finger.

"Oh no, it"s not just a compliment you know? That"s what I truly feel." The girl said still smiling.

"By the way, my name is Alisha, you are?" The girl asks.

The girl"s name sound familiar to Bryson, but he can"t quite remember where he hears that name before. "I"m Bryson nice to meet you." He said shaking the girl"s hand.

"By the way, Bryson, what are you doing in here." The girl asks.

"Me, of course it"s because I"m a patient here." Bryson said with a rather playful voice.

Hearing that, the girl cutely puffs her cheeks.

"Of course, I"m asking why you"re hospitalize! Idiot!"

"Hahahahaha, I"m just joking, well if you"re asking why, it"s because a certain teacher exhausted me to the point that I lose consciousness." Bryson said jokingly.

"Hey! I"m being serious here!" The girl complained.

"And I"m being serious." Bryson said with a smile. "So, what about you?" He asks the girl.

Still puffing her cheeks, the girl answer. "It"s because my grandfather sends me here."

She then makes a serious face and continue. "You know, since the moment I was born, my body"s const.i.tution has always been weak. That"s why my grandfather has always made me stay in the house and only hire private tutors." Alisha said with a sad smile.

"I-is that so, I-I"m sorry for asking." Bryson said looking down.

"N-no, I"m not that sad you know, my grandfather always loved me and always dotes on me so I"m not really that lonely." The girl said denyingly.

"But still, it must have been hard." Bryson said with sympathy in his eyes.

"I"m not gonna say that it isn"t hard, I still long to go outside and experience the world after all, but I still feel that I"m lucky, I have a loving grandfather Afterall." Alisha said reminiscing something.

Bryson can"t help but smile at the strong looking girl Infront of his eyes. "Then you must feel happy now, you"ve got to go out her and enjoy Afterall, it might just be a hospital"s courtyard but you can still feel the outside world from here."

"Indeed, you"re absolutely right" The girl said with a smile.

After talking with Alisha for a while, she gets up from the bench.

"Looks like it"s already late, I should get back now, my guardian might be worried Afterall." Alisha said while standing and smiling at Bryson.

"Yeah take care, talking to you is really fun." Bryson said returning the smile.

"Yeah talking to you really put me at ease." The girl smiles warmly at him. "Well then, I"ll be off, let"s do this again sometime." The girl wave and smile at him one last time then turn to leave.

After the girl leaves, Bryson looks at the sky where twilight has already come while thinking of his conversation with Alisha. When suddenly a he hears a voice in his head.

[Hmmmm, that"s a truly cute and sweet human girl! can"t blame ya if ya fall for her after that kind of talk.] A familiar voice in his head said.