Empire BOSS And His Sweet Wife

Chapter 31

Publishedat 13th of June 2019 05:36:28 AMChapter 31
Chapter 31 He Tianyu, are you all right?

  "Oh . " Cheng nuonodded, withno doubt .

  After dinner, Cheng Nuo saw He Zikai go to the study . She sat in the living room watching TV, and then went upstairs to rest .

  After taking a bath, Cheng Nuo, wearing a silk dress, did not immediately lie on bed to rest, but went beforethe Frenchwindowsand watched the scenery outside the window .

  The sky had long been swallowed up by darkness, but there were a little stars . the villa around was quiet and could not hear any movement .

  Cheng Nuo looked at the sky, withmiss poured into herheart . suddenly she missedherparents, and that person .

  Hereyes went redslightly, and Cheng Nuo thought silently in herheart .

  Dad, Mom, Nuomissedyou .

  When the memory showedthe face of that person, Cheng Nuo"s heart could not help but hold on to the pain, because hewasthe only person she hadlovedsodeeply .

  A tear burst out of hereyes .

  He Tianyu, were you all right?

  He Zikai sat in the study, dealing with what he had to deal with thiseveningthrough video conversationsand telephone contacts . The moment he turned off the computer, he glanced at the clockon the wall . It was aroundten o"clock .

  He gotup, got out of the study and wentto the bedroom .

  Hedid notknow if shewasasleep . He Zikai pushed the door in a very low voice and his steps were a little lighter .

  When he entered the bedroom, he saw Cheng Nuo sleeping in bed . Even if the quiltcovered all her body below her chin, He Zikai"s body still reacted andthelower part of his body could not help but tighten .

  Cheng Nuo, your body, I clung to .

  He Zikai changed his clothes and lay on the bed . When he reached over to turn off the bedside wall lamp with one hand, the other hand had pulled ChengNuointo herarms .

  Cheng Nuo was always in light sleep, thus even if He Zikai"s strength was not big, Cheng Nuo still wokeup .

  "I"m tired today . Can I have a sleep ?" Cheng Nuo"s voice was very soft, with a touch of warmth .

  Every night by this man tossed around, even though shewaskind of used to it, shestill hopedto get a good sleep at ease .

  He Zikai heard Cheng Nuo"s voice, but did not answer her . Hekissed her earlobes, cheeks, slidingto the neck, and his hands were touching her as well, as ifhe couldnot letthe stunner go athis side .

  Cheng Nuo for a long time did not hear He Zikai"s answer, and with thewhole person played by He Zikai her consciousness disappeared little by little .

  "Kai . . . " Cheng Nuo called himaffectionately, not knowing ifthis coquettish callwouldwork, but she wanted to try .

  "Huh?" He Zikai responded, with a touch of satisfaction in his heart . The original wandering hands gradually stopped . Heput his handson her back, pullingher into his arms and hugged her tightly .

  "I want to go to sleep . " Cheng Nuo"s tone wasvery light . For such a long time,she had graspedthe man"s temperament and temper to some extent,antagonizing him in bedwouldonly suffer a share of the loss .

  "Well," HeZikaihummed, with his chin against thewoman"s head, feeling the friction with her hair .

  Since it was her request, tonight, he would let hergo .

  Cheng Nuo thought that she escaped a night, with joy in herheart, and soon fell asleep .

  Only in the early morning haze, Cheng Nuo felt herlips were occupied by someone, and then, herwhole person, was awakened by someone from hersleepiness .

  In the end, He Zikai did not hold back and enjoyed the good feelings she brought to him .

  In the morning, when the alarm sounded, ChengNuowith her exhaustedbody, went to the bathroom, and in herheart she scolded He Zikaifor more than a hundred times .

Chapter 31 He Tianyu, are you all right?

  "Oh . " Cheng nuonodded, withno doubt


  After dinner, Cheng Nuo saw He Zikai go to the study . She sat in the living room watching TV, and then went upstairs to rest

  After taking a bath, Cheng Nuo, wearing a silk dress, did not immediately lie on bed to rest, but went beforethe Frenchwindowsand watched the scenery outside the window

  The sky had long been swallowed up by darkness, but there were a little stars . the villa around was quiet and could not hear any movement

  Cheng Nuo looked at the sky, withmiss poured into herheart . suddenly she missedherparents, and that person

  Hereyes went redslightly, and Cheng Nuo thought silently in herheart

  Dad, Mom, Nuomissedyou

  When the memory showedthe face of that person, Cheng Nuo"s heart could not help but hold on to the pain, because hewasthe only person she hadlovedsodeeply

  A tear burst out of hereyes

  He Tianyu, were you all right?.

  He Zikai sat in the study, dealing with what he had to deal with thiseveningthrough video conversationsand telephone contacts . The moment he turned off the computer, he glanced at the clockon the wall . It was aroundten o"clock

  He gotup, got out of the study and wentto the bedroom

  Hedid notknow if shewasasleep . He Zikai pushed the door in a very low voice and his steps were a little lighter

  When he entered the bedroom, he saw Cheng Nuo sleeping in bed . Even if the quiltcovered all her body below her chin, He Zikai"s body still reacted andthelower part of his body could not help but tighten

  Cheng Nuo, your body, I clung to

  He Zikai changed his clothes and lay on the bed . When he reached over to turn off the bedside wall lamp with one hand, the other hand had pulled ChengNuointo herarms

  Cheng Nuo was always in light sleep, thus even if He Zikai"s strength was not big, Cheng Nuo still wokeup

  "I"m tired today . Can I have a sleep ?" Cheng Nuo"s voice was very soft, with a touch of warmth

  Every night by this man tossed around, even though shewaskind of used to it, shestill hopedto get a good sleep at ease

  He Zikai heard Cheng Nuo"s voice, but did not answer her . Hekissed her earlobes, cheeks, slidingto the neck, and his hands were touching her as well, as ifhe couldnot letthe stunner go athis side

  Cheng Nuo for a long time did not hear He Zikai"s answer, and with thewhole person played by He Zikai her consciousness disappeared little by little

  "Kai . " Cheng Nuo called himaffectionately, not knowing ifthis coquettish callwouldwork, but she wanted to try

  "Huh?" He Zikai responded, with a touch of satisfaction in his heart . The original wandering hands gradually stopped . Heput his handson her back, pullingher into his arms and hugged her tightly

  "I want to go to sleep . " Cheng Nuo"s tone wasvery light . For such a long time,she had graspedthe man"s temperament and temper to some extent,antagonizing him in bedwouldonly suffer a share of the loss

  "Well," HeZikaihummed, with his chin against thewoman"s head, feeling the friction with her hair

  Since it was her request, tonight, he would let hergo

  Cheng Nuo thought that she escaped a night, with joy in herheart, and soon fell asleep

  Only in the early morning haze, Cheng Nuo felt herlips were occupied by someone, and then, herwhole person, was awakened by someone from hersleepiness

  In the end, He Zikai did not hold back and enjoyed the good feelings she brought to him


  In the morning, when the alarm sounded, ChengNuowith her exhaustedbody, went to the bathroom, and in herheart she scolded He Zikaifor more than a hundred times