Empire BOSS And His Sweet Wife

Chapter 32

Publishedat 15th of June 2019 09:28:54 AMChapter 32
Chapter 32 Who is Yingzi? His friend

  After washing, changing clothes and going downstairs, Cheng Nuo saw He Zikai sitting in the dining hallfor breakfast .

  He was inwhite shirt, black trousers, and there was no flaw in the whole man .

  Recallingthat he was worse than the beasts in bed, ChengNuodid not believethe onein the dining halldressed neatly was the same oneshe had seen a few hours ago .

  "Good morning, madam . " Aunt Lancame out of the kitchen with two cups of milk . When she saw Cheng Nuo, she greeted her .

  "Well, Aunt Lan, morning . " Cheng Nuo responded by giving Aunt Lan a smiling face and then sat down to eat .

  Duringthe breakfast, He Zikai and Cheng Nuo did not talk to each other .

  They went to work separately . Cheng Nuo was busy working in the company as usual .

  Duringthe whole day, Cheng Nuo neitherhadany problems in herwork, nor did she have any pressure, but she always felt back pain .

  After work in the afternoon, Cheng Nuo walked out of the office building with herbag,whowas about to drive home fromthe parking lot, and accidentally saw a group of aunts dancing in the square in front of the office building .

  Looking at the aunts twisting their necks and waists, Cheng Nuo wasinterested in itfor a moment and walked towards the group of aunts .

  "Girl, do you want to dance?" asked by a womanwho sawher standing there for a long time next to her, and then asked her warmly .

  "Auntie, you do a good job, but I have a pain in my waist . Can I dance?" Cheng Nuo asked with a smile .

  "Of course, square dancing is a special treatment for back pain . " Aunt suddenly intrigued and explained to Cheng Nuo, "Girl, once Isee you I know that you have satin the office for a long time, thus such aswaist , spine, it hurts, doesn’t.i.t? Let me tell you, this kind of dance works best . Come on, follow your aunt . "

  Listening to Aunt"s saying, Cheng Nuo could not control herself any more . She crossedher bag on her body and began dancing with her . She happily learned how to dance . Occasionally, when the music stopped, she twisted her waist and let her waist move .

  In fact, she didnot know, whether herback pain was due tositting in the office for a long time, or, every nightbeingtossed by He Zikai .

  Cheng Nuo felt tired after dancingfor an hour in high spirits . At that time, it was getting dark . Cheng Nuojustsaid goodbye tothe womanand walked to the parking lot .

  Before she reached the car, the cell phone in herbag rang . Cheng Nuo took out hercell phone and looked at it . It was HeZikai .

  "h.e.l.lo . " Cheng Nuo connected to the phone and made hertone as low as possible .

  "Where are you?" There camea cold voice fromthe other side of the phone, with clearly restrained anger .

  "Iam . . . well . . . still near the company . " Cheng Nuo replied, knowing in herheart that she had not gone back on time . He Zikai might be waiting forherto have dinner at home . That was whyhe called, right?

  "Come back . " This Command, was only twosimple words, but irresistible .

  “OK . . . ”

  Half an hour later, Cheng Nuo returned home, changing slippers and peepingat the first floor . He Zikai was sittingon the sofa in the living room . There was no movement in the kitchen and restaurant . Aunt Lan seemed notto be there .

  Before Cheng Nuo came to He Zikai, she felt a cold breath from him and walked over with gentle steps, standingnext to HeZikai .

  "Today I am because . . . . . . " Cheng Nuo was trying to explain to HeZikai why she came back late, but before she could say anything, she heard his cell phone rang .

  He Zikai did not expect his cell phone would ring at this time . He took out his cell phone and looked at it . Two words appeared on the screen, which made him frown tightly .

  When He Zikai got up and was ready to walk to the balcony, Cheng Nuo squinted at the two words on the screen .

  Ying Zi

  Looking at HeZikai"s tall and straight back, Cheng Nuo wondered who wasYingZi . His friend?

Chapter 32 Who is Yingzi? His friend

  After washing, changing clothes and going downstairs, Cheng Nuo saw He Zikai sitting in the dining hallfor breakfast

  He was inwhite shirt, black trousers, and there was no flaw in the whole man

  Recallingthat he was worse than the beasts in bed, ChengNuodid not believethe onein the dining halldressed neatly was the same oneshe had seen a few hours ago

  "Good morning, madam . " Aunt Lancame out of the kitchen with two cups of milk . When she saw Cheng Nuo, she greeted her

  "Well, Aunt Lan, morning . " Cheng Nuo responded by giving Aunt Lan a smiling face and then sat down to eat

  Duringthe breakfast, He Zikai and Cheng Nuo did not talk to each other

  They went to work separately . Cheng Nuo was busy working in the company as usual

  Duringthe whole day, Cheng Nuo neitherhadany problems in herwork, nor did she have any pressure, but she always felt back pain

  After work in the afternoon, Cheng Nuo walked out of the office building with herbag,whowas about to drive home fromthe parking lot, and accidentally saw a group of aunts dancing in the square in front of the office building

  Looking at the aunts twisting their necks and waists, Cheng Nuo wasinterested in itfor a moment and walked towards the group of aunts

  "Girl, do you want to dance?" asked by a womanwho sawher standing there for a long time next to her, and then asked her warmly

  "Auntie, you do a good job, but I have a pain in my waist . Can I dance?" Cheng Nuo asked with a smile

  "Of course, square dancing is a special treatment for back pain . " Aunt suddenly intrigued and explained to Cheng Nuo, "Girl, once Isee you I know that you have satin the office for a long time, thus such aswaist , spine, it hurts, doesn’t.i.t? Let me tell you, this kind of dance works best . Come on, follow your aunt . ".

  Listening to Aunt"s saying, Cheng Nuo could not control herself any more . She crossedher bag on her body and began dancing with her . She happily learned how to dance . Occasionally, when the music stopped, she twisted her waist and let her waist move

  In fact, she didnot know, whether herback pain was due tositting in the office for a long time, or, every nightbeingtossed by He Zikai

  Cheng Nuo felt tired after dancingfor an hour in high spirits . At that time, it was getting dark . Cheng Nuojustsaid goodbye tothe womanand walked to the parking lot

  Before she reached the car, the cell phone in herbag rang . Cheng Nuo took out hercell phone and looked at it . It was HeZikai

  "h.e.l.lo . " Cheng Nuo connected to the phone and made hertone as low as possible

  "Where are you?" There camea cold voice fromthe other side of the phone, with clearly restrained anger

  "Iam . well . still near the company . " Cheng Nuo replied, knowing in herheart that she had not gone back on time . He Zikai might be waiting forherto have dinner at home . That was whyhe called, right?.

  "Come back . " This Command, was only twosimple words, but irresistible

  “OK . ”.


  Half an hour later, Cheng Nuo returned home, changing slippers and peepingat the first floor . He Zikai was sittingon the sofa in the living room . There was no movement in the kitchen and restaurant . Aunt Lan seemed notto be there

  Before Cheng Nuo came to He Zikai, she felt a cold breath from him and walked over with gentle steps, standingnext to HeZikai

  "Today I am because " Cheng Nuo was trying to explain to HeZikai why she came back late, but before she could say anything, she heard his cell phone rang

  He Zikai did not expect his cell phone would ring at this time . He took out his cell phone and looked at it . Two words appeared on the screen, which made him frown tightly

  When He Zikai got up and was ready to walk to the balcony, Cheng Nuo squinted at the two words on the screen

  Ying Zi.

  Looking at HeZikai"s tall and straight back, Cheng Nuo wondered who wasYingZi . His friend?.