Eternal Country

Chapter 14

Translator: SumTLMan

Generally speaking, every wish bead, even if it is a white wish bead, contains an enormous amount of wish power. When one first steps on the path of cultivation, they will have a hard time absorbing and refining it all at once, unless of course, they are a genius.

After Yi Tianxing thought about this for a moment, he placed the white wish bead directly into his mouth.

When it enters his sea of knowledge, his mind naturally thinks of the concepts behind the < ancestor="" dragon="" four="" divine="" sea="" diagram="">, afterwards, his sea of knowledge seemed to fall into a kind of mysterious chaotic state.

He sees four vast seas that stretches in all directions while an Ancestor Dragon roams through swallowing clouds and blowing out mist. This diagram is the foundation of his Nine Zhang Divine Sea.

With the beginning of his vision, there was suddenly a strong force of attraction that naturally out from the Ancestor Dragon. At that moment, he can feel a stream of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi continuously flowing into the position of his navel. The Qi is being directly absorbed into his Divine Sea and immediately swallowed up by the Ancestor Dragon.

Moreover, the white wish bead placed in his mouth naturally scatters a mysterious breath. In the hall, there seemed to be a strange cyclone circulating around him as a silky white light was flowing around while shrouding his whole body, making the swallowing and absorption process of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi increase by tenfold.

The wisps of pure white wish power coming from the white bead are traveling quickly towards the mouth of the Ancestor Dragon in his Divine Sea, the speed of absorption of this pure wish power is quite amazing, even making the Ancestor Dragon display an expression of pleasure.



The Ancestor Dragon is exhaling in a mysterious way.

During the swallowing process, Heaven and Earth Origin Qi is first inhaled with the aid of pure wish force, and then True Dragon Qi is exhaled out by the Ancient Dragon into the Divine Sea.

The True Qi in the body is slowly increasing through the swallowing and exhaling process.

This feeling of growth in True Dragon Qi is very wonderful, each additional strand added made him feel the strength in his body grow by leaps and bounds, further enhancing his foundation. Before, it was like he had an empty Divine Sea, now it seemed to be filling up little by little. This is a wondrous feeling, with each additional strand of Qi, it gives him more of an inexplicable feeling of peace of mind.

The True Dragon Qi are like tiny dragons roaming through his Divine Sea, making his Nine Zhang-sized Divine Sea even more stable.

These tiny True Dragon Qi dragons are very high quality, even if they seem a bit illusory now. To even condense a strand of True Dragon Qi is ten times, or even a hundred times more difficult than ordinary True Qi.

However, under the effects from the wish bead, the speed of cohesion of the True Dragon Qi was not slow.

True Dragon Qi is constantly being condensed and falling into his Divine Sea.

The total number of True Dragon Qi strands are slowly increasing.

Unknowingly, the time quietly by.

Yi Tianxing"s apartment is safe at the top floor, his security doors are high quality, and the monsters outside have also been led away by the military.

Some people in the city began mustering up the courage to begin fighting against these monsters.

These people have even started to go out and hunt the monsters in small groups of three or five.

Now that they know that those monsters are not invincible, three to five people gather together to deal with some single monsters. As long as they are careful, dealing with these monsters is not too difficult, and these actions have also kept the situation from flipping upside down.

An added bonus is that these people can use the buildings as a defense while those monsters are slowed down from attacking people as well.

This allowed no monsters to appear outside of Yi Tianxing"s apartment in this short period of time.

Before anyone knows it, night has fallen.


All three women breathed out and woke up from their vision. There are looks of joy in some eyes, but also looks of disappointment.

“Sister Zitong, did you reach the introduction to the idea of Innate Qi sense?” Zhao Ziyan looked at Tang Zitong and asked.

“No, I seemed to have felt a little bit, but I fell a little short, I seem to be lacking a bit of something.” Tang Zitong said while shaking her head slightly.

“Me too, it seems that I can feel the Innate Qi, but can"t touch it. I felt that if I could seize it, my Qi Sense would be born and my Aura would be opened to me, allowing me to open up my Divine Sea.” Chen Xuerou nodded as well.

This feeling is very mysterious, unable to properly be described, although the path is unclear, but each person can really feel the Qi.

“Look at brother Yi, he seems to be refining Qi.” Tang Zitong blinked and her eyes fell on Yi Tianxing, showing a touch of curiosity.

Yi Tianxing sat with his eyes closed, but there was a strange trace of airflow around his body, which led to them feeling a breeze coming from around him. As the papers were fluttering, this was an obvious sign that he should be in the middle of Qi refining.

Moreover, it is certain that he has opened up his Divine Storage for his Aura and entered the first realm in the Divine Sea.

In this regard, the eyes of the three women could not help showing a touch of envy.

There is also a sense of joy, Yi Tianxing can become a cultivator, setting foot on path of cultivation, making his strength certain enhance, and as for facing the next difficult or dangerous situation, it will be of great help.

“My brother is still refining Qi, he should not wake up any time soon, I heard that disturbing a person while Qi refining is very taboo. As we were all a little lighter on our cultivation, and it being evening, let"s go cook some food. When he wakes up, he can eat a meal directly.” Zhao Ziyan suggested softly.

“Yes, let"s go cook together, we"re all hungry.” Tang Zitong nodded in agreement when she heard the suggestion.

After deciding what to do, the three women walked into the kitchen together.

Yi Tianxing had not forgotten to buy some fresh vegetables and meat when he was deciding how to fill his purchase order before. Moreover, the gas stove he used at home, even without electricity, he has no fear that he would not be able to cook without it.

There is also a reserve of fuel, rice, oil and salt, so there is no shortage of anything.

Although the three women are not very good at cooking, they can still make some home-cooked meals. One doesn"t need to be too fussy about how it tastes.

In a moment, there was a sound of oil frying in the kitchen.


Yi Tianxing"s doesn"t know how long it"s been since he felt the white wish bead in his mouth completely disappear. When his whole mind recovered from his vision, he slowly exhaled a turbid breath out from his mouth.

Opening his eyes, there is a touch of surprise, and a trace of shock.

“It is so amazing that the < heavenly="" dragon="" emperor="" sutra=""> can use such incredible wish force. A white wish bead can only be condensed by a believer who has prayed devoutly for a year. This bead contains incomparably pure wish force in it, according to this truth, it usually takes ten days to half a month or maybe even longer for other cultivators to refine it. While running the < heavenly="" dragon="" emperor="" sutra="">, it takes me less than one day to completely refine and absorb it, my cultivation speed far outstrips other cultivators.” Yi Tianxing whispered to himself.

There was also a strong excitement in his heart. This cultivation ability is supreme and an irreplaceable advantage for making him become a powerful person.

This means that his Qi refining speed is ten or even hundreds of times that of others, this is truly amazing.

There can be no doubt about the power from the < heavenly="" dragon="" emperor="" sutra="">.

When one really thinks about the Ancestor Dragon"s speed of swallowing Heaven and Earth Origin Qi coupled with the power of wish, it is simply unimaginable. At this time, he had really felt that the wish bead had brought tremendous help in him continuously absorbing and refining True Qi into strands of True Dragon Qi.

Looking at his Divine Sea, he can only see a lot of tiny True Dragon Qi dragons swimming around his Nine Zhang Divine Sea. It has been partly filled by the True Dragon Qi, but if he observes more closely, only a few thousandths of the area of his Divine Sea has been occupied by his True Dragon Qi.

The Divine Sea he had created was an amazing size. The size of his Nine Zhang Divine Sea is far from the norm.

One Zhang is more than three meters, and Nine Zhang is twenty or thirty meters in size.

This shows how absolutely amazing and difficult it will be to completely fill up the Divine Sea in his body.

Using only white wish beads alone may require as many as a thousand or may even require even more than that. To cohere True Dragon Qi, it requires a large amount of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi as well as a large amount of wish power, far more than required by ordinary True Qi. This is the shackle to his power. Conversely, the power of True Dragon Qi is more than several times that of other True Qi.

Looking at the hundreds of True Dragon Qi in his Divine Sea, Yi Tianxing secretly nodded at his progress.

He can feel that the additional True Dragon Qi can already be used in combat. It is just that he has not yet opened up his meridians yet, so he cannot send True Qi externally in order to perfuse it into a weapon, but at least he can still integrate it into his flesh and bones to make his physical strength explode. This has already been put into practice and showed a tremendous increase in combat effectiveness.

“Wish beads, I need a lot more wish beads, my monster hunting operations can not stop, I have to keep killing monsters to get more wish beads. I can also get a variety of refining treasures, even cultivation method combat skills, exotic treasures and so on from them as well. I must hunt more, the more I kill, the more benefits I can get.”

Yi Tianxing came into possession of a lot of wish beads by borrowing the Underworld Soldier"s blades, this windfall led him to harvest over a thousand wish beads. Nevertheless, it is not his character to sit back and enjoy his past exploits, with treasures like these, the more one can acc.u.mulate, the better.

Refining a white wish bead is equivalent to a year of normal cultivation. This is no joke, this is a practical benefit that lies before him.

“Brother, you finally woke up.”

Zhao Ziyan heard the noise, and came out with a meal. She saw a hint of joy on Yi Tianxing"s face when he had finished his Qi refining.

“Hey, what happened? Did you get a sense of Qi?” Yi Tianxing asked her with a smile.

“There was some sense, but I was a little short of capturing the essence of Innate Qi and opening my Aura Storage.” Zhao Ziyan said with some frustration.

“Some sense is a good thing. Even geniuses can"t open up their Aura Storage at once. As long as you keep visualizing and constantly pulling in Innate Qi, you can eventually open up your Aura Storage. With Qi refining, one must have perseverance. Now is the beginning of Heaven and Earth changing, so it is the best opportunity to get started with Qi refining, be sure to take hold of it.”

Yi Tianxing nodded when he heard her. It would be nice if she gained Qi sense. If one can"t even do that, there"s no need to visualize further about the Innate Qi Diagram. It just means that they are not suited for this cultivation method. If wants to Qi refine using the < sit="" and="" forget="" sutra="">. Viewing the diagram is the foundation of the < sit="" and="" forget="" sutra="">.

The most important part is visualizing, without that, Qi refining is as difficult as climbing the Heavens.

“Got it, brother.”

Zhao Ziyan smiled and nodded, put the food on the table and said, “Brother, you should have opened up your Aura Storage. Did you refine Qi before?”

“Yes, this brother had an adventure before, so my Aura Storage was opened before Heaven and Earth changed.” However, he made no mention of Qi refining the < heavenly="" dragon="" emperor="" sutra=""> as his own Qi refining method.

This is his secret, this cultivation method, even if it is a close relative, can not be disclosed easily.